《Legacy of Ennea》Chapter 6 - Secret


"Have you heard about the story about Navroth the tyrant?" Zerotus asked us...

"Yes, she was trying to rule the world... but she was defeated by Epius Perius..." I said

Rueger told me the story when I was little...

"Yes... that is what all of us believe... I wasn't there so I couldn't warn them..." Zerotus said...

"W-What do you mean you weren't there?" Euclio asked...

"I mean, I lived for almost 200 years..." Zerotus said...

Hearing that, Euclio and I looked like an idiot...

B-But how?! Normal human couldn't live that long

After he said that... I asked...

"Are you a God Race?"

Both of us waited for his answers...

"What? Of course! No human could reach my age..." he said...

"Let me continue the story... so, Navroth was casting his magic right?" He asked both of us...

And both of us nodded...

"Do you know what magic is it?" He asked again...

And both of us shook our head...

"It's the Manipulation... God Tier Dark Magic..." He said...

Euclio seems to believe what Zerotus have said...

"How did you know?" I asked...

He pointed his eyes... then my eyes...

"The Maxwell eyes can't be deceived..." he said

"W-What do you mean deceived?" I asked again...

He stood up and move to his room...

He held a single book and throw it to us...

"Read the title..." he asked us

"Maxwell Family Timeline..." both of us said in unison...

"Open the first page and read it together..."

Euclio and I are confused... but we still did what he wants...

Both of us read together...

"The First Generation of Maxwell is..."

"Auxillium" I said

"Clement" Euclio said

And both of us looked at each other...

"What do you mean? Are we reading the same page?" I asked him

"It's this one right? It's written there Clement" Euclio said

"N-No... It's Auxillium..." I said

And both of us stop debating and looked at Zerotus...

"Now you understand right? Who won the Great War 2..." Zerotus said...

"Navroth manipulated her death so that she could live..." He continued

"D-Don't you think I should tell my Tousan?" I asked Zerotus...

"No! If you tell this to anyone... I swear I will kill you!" He said with his bloodlust...

I feel the room a bit shaking...

Euclio holds his swords already...

I activated my magic...

And I feel like want to shot my magic to him...

T-This is danger, he is strong...

I couldn't even stand up properly... it is heavy...

But then, I feel the bloodlust has gone...

And my hand and body feel lighter...

"J-Just what is that about!" Euclio complained...

But Zerotus laughed...

"It means, that if you tell anybody, you are dead... by my hand..." he said

He then looked at me...

"Including you..." he said

T-That is super scary!

I just met my grandpa and he won't hesitate to kill me?!

"O-Okay... but why are you telling me the story?" I asked...

And he thinks a bit...

"You are strong..." he said to me...

"What do you mean?" I asked...

"Fusion Magic... it took 50 years for me to be able to use it... and you can do it in a single try..." Zerotus said...

Euclio looked at me... and I looked at my hand...

"You control 5 elements... you can try more fusion beside this..." he said

"Create Water...Create Earth..." he activated his magic...

And two spherical light appeared behind him...


He then created wood around his body, from the ground... like protecting him...

"That is the combination of water earth, you can try combining it with light attribute as well..." Zerotus said...

"But you see, it will take a lot of mana... so you could passed out in an instance..." he continues..

"And if I am weak, will you tell me this story?" I asked him

But he laughed really hard...

"No one that possessed the Maxwell Eyes are weak! No one!" he said...

I was about to try another combination but stopped...

"Y-You don't want to destroy my room right?" he said

T-That's true...

"Now leave! And don't tell this to anyone! If you meet your Tousan, just assume this doesn't happened... but you know who is the real enemy?" He asked me

"Navroth?" I asked

And he nodded...

"He used a God Tier Magic... which is should be impossible for any living being..." Zerotus explained...

"Also... number 1 strongest person in this world..." he said

I gulped...

"Come back later, I have things to do... It's almost 4 PM here..." he said

"Okay..." I said

"Ummm Zerotus-sensei?" Euclio called Zerotus...

"Don't call me with that... call me with my official teacher name..." he said

"Ah, okay... Keito-sensei... can I borrow this book?" Euclio said

He took the book that we just read together...

"Hmmm, sure... just don't lost it..." he said

"T-Thanks sensei!" Euclio said

Then. both of us leave the room and close the door behind us...

"That is scary!" I said

"T-The room is shaking right? I will not ever make any trouble with him" Euclio said

"I never thought about meeting a person like that..." I said

"Your grandp-"

Before Euclio finished his word I close his mouth...

"Ssstt" I said and Euclio understand...

"Also... about your Tousan..." Euclio then showed a sad face...

"D-Don't worry about it... but I am quite disappointed knowing the fact as well..." I said in sad face...

And Euclio hold my shoulder...

"Calm down... whoever you are, I believe your parents will still love you..." Euclio said

"And beside that! I am still your best friend!" Euclio said proudly...

Yeah, what Euclio just said is true...

"Thanks" I said to him...

And he return it with a smile...

"I think we have to attend something..." Euclio said while we are walking slowly downstair...

Then I started to run...

Euclio then catch me up...

"W-What happened? What did we forget?" he asked me..

"The duel!" I said...

Not even a minute, we arrived in front of the duel arena...

I opened the door and...

"W-What the heck..." Euclio said

"H-How can this have happened?" I asked...

There are hundreds of people already...

"HEY!!! YOU ARE LATE!!!" a girl shouted from the arena...

And every eyes are on both of us...

The room also become silence...

"A-Ahhh... you see, we have something to do... so..." I said...

"It's okay! Come here and be the judge!" Precilla said...

I come toward the arena battle and be the judge...

"Ehem..." I said

But I hear talks behind my back...

"Why are we waiting for the demon?"

"What's so special about him?"

"You know, he is the son of the archduke..."

"Cihh, using his Dad to enter the school..."

Then someone poked me...

I looked at my back...

"Don't mind them!" Euclio said and he smiled...

"Yeah thanks..." I said


And since then, I believe that Euclio is my true friend...

"So, the rule will be the normal duel rule... no killing, and one side will win if the other side surrender or can't fight anymore.... both of you agree and ready?" I announced the rule...

And both of them looked at me and nodded...

Precilla prepared her stance which is more defensive, while Roxane prepared her stance to attack immediately...

Precilla used her heavy armor... while Roxane used her light armor, which she uses for her daily activity...

"Then... it starts... NOW" I shouted

And the audiences make the arena loud...

Everyone supports their own team...

"Go for it Precilla! Show them the power of Mera!!"

"Roxane! You are the Regular Class hope!"

Roxane immediately jump toward Precilla with her sword above her...

"HIAAA!!" Roxane shouted


The impact sound of her sword and Precilla's shield...

After her attacked got parried... she kicked Precilla's shield and pushed Precilla backward...

And the sounds of the crowd are getting noisier...

"Who do you think will win?" Euclio asked me...

"I don't know... both of them are equal I guess..." I said

"Both are in advance level but one using Ares style and the other is using Valeon style... this is like showing which style is better..." Euclio said...

Then I direct my view toward the battle again...

After directing multiple of attack... Roxane looks a bit exhausted...

Not only Roxane... Precilla as well... I guess the sound and the vibration she held from the attacks tire her as well...

But then, I see Roxane start moving toward Precilla again... and she play fool on Precilla...

And Precilla's shield were thrown away...

"W-Wow... that is a good move..." Euclio praised her...

Not only him but everyone else praises Roxane...

Roxane just pretend to strike Precilla from above but she is actually not, but she move to Precilla's right side...

With reflect, Precilla swing her sword but then her hand was kicked by Roxane and Roxane's kicked Precilla's shield at the same time... she is doing a split on air...

With that, now both of them have a sword and a sword...

I guess now Precilla has thinner defense...

Roxane move forward and start her continuous attack once more... but every attack was parried by Precilla...

This battle took more than 15 minutes...

The atmosphere in this duel is now tense...

S-Should I stop the battle?

I looked at Euclio and he looks the battle without even winking his eyes...

Everyone is so serious about the result...

I guess I have to wait a bit...

Then both of them launched their final attack...

Roxane come forward and Precilla as well...

And when both sword touch each other... both cracked... and broke...

I then raised my hand... which make I am making the decision...

"T-There is no winner in the game... it's a draw!" I shouted...

And both Precilla and Roxane shake their hands...

Everybody give applauses to them...

But I know from the applause that they are not satisfied yet....

"That is a wise decision..." Euclio said...

"Both of them are strong... their skills are equal..." I said

While both of us analyzing the battle, Roxane and Precilla came...

"Hey!" Precilla come to me...

And Roxane waved her hand...

"Both of you are great!" I said complimenting them...

"Thanks!" Roxane said...

"H-Hey... Roxane! Teach me your Ares Style sword to me!" Euclio asked her...

"Sure... 6 AM tomorrow morning okay?" She said

"O-Okay!" Euclio agreed and he looks so happy...

This boy...

"Hey! What's that book?" Precilla asked

She pointed the book Euclio holds...

"Ah, t-this book is.... my friends book! Yeah! We were late because of borrowing this book from a friend...!" Euclio said nervously

I know the book, which is actually the Family Tree of mine...

"C-Can I borrow the keys?" Euclio asked me...

"W-What for?" I asked...

"J-Just gimme..." he forced me...

I give the keys and...

"I'll be back in a minute!" Euclio said while running...

He left the three of us...

"Your friend is weird..." Precilla said

"He is..." I said while sighing...

"B-But he is kind!" Roxane defended him...

"Yep! Of course! He is actually my first friend!" I tell them my story...

"W-Wow... that's great! That explain why both of you are close!" Precilla said...

I nodded...

"Hmmm I think I have to visit the store this weekend..." Roxane said... changing the topic

Precilla and I looked at Roxane's hand...

The broken sword...

"Y-Yeah... I have to buy one too..." Precilla said...

"Hmmm tomorrow is saturday right? We can visit the town!" Roxane said...

"T-That's a great idea! Let's go! Wanna join?" Precilla asked me...

"Uhmm... I guess that won't be a problem... and I will be with Euclio too..." I said

"Be with me what?" Euclio asked

"WOAH!!" I shocked...

He asked that beside my ear....

"W-What are you doing!" I asked

"What are you talking about when I am away?" Euclio asked...

"Let's head for the Mess Hall! I will treat the three of you dinner!" Roxane said...

"Wow! Thanks!" Euclio said happily...

"That will be great! I am starving now!" I said

"R-Really?" Precilla asked

"Of course! C'mon! Look at Nico! He can eat you if we stay here longer!" Roxane tells her joke...

"Run!!" Euclio said and he run


But no one here anymore... everyone is actually running away from me?! T-That is childish!!

I know that we are 10 but...

While me? I am 16+10... I am mentally 26 years old...

Nevermind! This is a new life now! With a new friend!

Then I run to catch them up...

After I arrived at the Mess Hall... as usual, I found it really crowd... I am not used to it... but okay...

"Nico! Here!" Euclio shouted...

Oh, they found a place for us to sit...

I come toward them and sit...

"Let me and Euclio buy the food... both of you wait here okay?" Roxane said

"Yeah, that's a good idea..." Precilla said

Then both of them went for the food...

To be honest... both of them make a good couple already...

I stayed behind with Precilla...

"You see, since I know you guys... I almost never buy my own food..." she said

"Hahaha, don't mind, you see, we are lucky that our parents have a lot of money..." I said

"Yeah, but next time, let me treat you guys okay?" She said with serious eyes...

I don't know what to answer...

"Y-Yeah... sure..." I said without knowing my answer is right or no...

"By the way... can I ask you something?" I asked her...

"What is it?" she asked...

"How do you manage to survive last year without holding any money?" I asked...

And her face looked shy...

"You see... I still have the money that I have taken with me after running from the temple..." she said

"But now?" I asked...

"Nothing left..." she said with sad face...

T-That's too bad... I can't just give her money, right? Or she will be offended...

She is kind... she even want to teach us barrier magic daily...

H-Hey! That's a good idea!

"H-Hey! How about this!" I said energetically...

"W-What?!" She listened to me carefully...

"H-How about you teach Euclio and I barrier magic daily, and we will pay your breakfast, lunch and dinner as the fee!" I said

"T-That's a great idea! But is it okay for you?" she asked...

"No problem! And I guess Euclio has no problem as well... he is the prince of the biggest kingdom in this world..." I said

"If you have no problem, I guess I don't need to worry about food anymore!" she said...

She is now crying... but a happy cry? I guess?

"A-Are you okay?" I asked...

She wipe her tears...

"I'm okay..." she said and then she take a deep breath...

"You see... the sect truly misjudged you... I know right, that you are a good guy..." she said

And somehow that makes me happy...

"That's okay... at least you realize right! Never judge person from the outside!" I said proudly...

After I said that, Euclio and Roxane come with 4 plates...

"Let's eat guys! Before Nico eat us!" Euclio said

"Okay!!" Roxane and Precilla said...

"I-I won't eat you guys!!" I said

And they laughed...

After dinner... Roxane left, she said she has to do something...

I don't know what, since she didn't tell us...

The three of us trained our new magic... Barrier Magic...

"Is it okay for us to learn this?" I asked Precilla...

"It's not... but I guess that's okay?" She said...

W-What does it mean...

We learn it quite fast... since both Euclio and I could use Elemental Magic...

It takes only an hour and both of us has mastered the basic magic barrier...

After we finished practicing, we permit ourselves and leave... since both of us know that she is tired already... she just finished her duel...

I arrive in front of my door and search for the keys...

But then Euclio opened my door...

Ah, I just remember I gave him the key...

After he opened my door... he enters the room first before me...

T-This boy...

"Hey can you read the book for me?" he asked me while taking off his shoes...

"Sure... but I want to take a shower first okay?" I said and he nodded...

After I clean myself... Euclio cleaned himself

Both of us is now on the chair... and I read the book...

"So, the first generation of Maxwell is Auxillium Maxwell..." I said

"You see... Auxillium is one of the king of the three ancient kingdom..." Euclio said

"I-Is it?" I asked and he nodded...

S-So.. I am the descendant of the legendary king... wow....

"Then he has a son... Moore Maxwell... which married Maximia Euron..." I said

"Euron?! Then she is the daughter of Sparax Euron! The king of Euron Kingdom! One of the three ancient kingdom as well..." Euclio said

"T-That's cool isn't it?" I said

"I really wanted that eyes now Nico..." Euclio said...

N-Now I am afraid of him...

"So... this Moore Maxwell is the second generation, and the only son... after he married Maximia Euron, they have 3 children... Maxim Maxwell... the oldest one... Alice Maxwell... the second one... and Ares Maxwell... the youngest one..." I said

And I looked at Euclio... so, he notice as well...

"Hey! Don't you realize?" he asked me...

"Y-Yes..." I said

Maxim and Ares... are two of the three sword style... While Alice, is one of the three spear style

I continue my reading...

"Maxim has one son... Maximus Maxwell" I said...

"M-Maximus? The hero of the alliance?!?" Euclio said

"W-What? Hero?!" I asked

"Y-Yes! He protected Perius Kingdom from extinction... that's all I know... maybe the book was manipulated too... so that we won't know a lot..." he said

Euclio then shake my shoulder...

"Y-Your family are all great people!" Euclio said...

"H-Hey let me continue!" I said and Euclio return to his seat...

"T-Then... Maximus has two sons... Megarus Maxwell and Beratus Maxwell..." I said...

"Megarus Maxwell have two sons... Zerotus Maxwell and Erich Maxwell..." I continue...

"Zerotus Maxwell has two sons... Jeremiel Maxwell and Clement Maxwell..." I continue...

"Jeremiel Maxwell has two sons?!?" I said in panic voice...

"J-Jeremiel is you real Tousan right?" Euclio asked... and I nodded...

"Edward Maxwell and Edmund Maxwell..." I said

"Ah,... all I see here is Clement Maxwell has 3 child, Nicolas Maxwell, Nate Maxwell and Nathalia Maxwell..." Euclio said...

"T-This book is really something... but there is no my name here!" I said

"T-That should be a mistake..." I said

"Cause your real name is Edward!" A voice behind me...

"K-Keito -sensei!!" both of us said in surprise...

"H-Hey! Lower your voice!" he said...

"My name is Edward?" I asked and he nodded...

"Then who is Edmund?" I asked him

And he looks sad...

"He is your brother..."

"W-Why you looked sad?" I asked...

"Because he went missing!" Zerotus said in loud voice...

I looked at him and see his sad face...

I stand up and let him sit...

"You see... you are the only Maxwell I can contact..." he said... while sitting down...

"W-Why? How about Tousan?" I asked... I mean Clement...

"Yes, I can... but he is currently being manipulated too right?" he said and I nodded...

"He doesn't even know if I am alive..." he continues....

"What about Kasan?" I asked...

"It's just the same... everyone in this world were manipulated... except me, Jeremiel, and you..." Zerotus said...

T-That's true...

After we finish talking...

"Then... I should leave..." Zerotus said...

"W-What?! That's fast..." Euclio said...

And Zerotus looked at Euclio...

"When you meet your Father... asked him whether he still remember me or not..." Zerotus said to Euclio...

"D-Did you guys know each other?" Euclio asked...

"Hahaha! Save the fun for later!" he said and left the room...

Then silence rule the room...

Both of us remain silent...

"You see... I swear that I have locked the door... just how could he entered here..." I said

I move to the door and try to locked it... but it can't...

"T-The door never been open!" Euclio said while holding the door key...

T-That is a mystery as well...

After learning such thing... both of us went to bed...

The next day... at 6 am... I woke Euclio... which is next to me...

And we go trained with Roxane...

After that we met Precilla in the Mess Hall... as I promise... I paid the food for Precilla in exchange of her teaching us Barrier Magic...

The four of us then prepared ourselves for going to town...

When weekend comes... we are allowed to go to town... and I just knew it yesterday...

We visited one of the blacksmith there with Roxane as our tour guide...

She knows everything in this city...

"Wow... you know this city more than the owner..." Euclio teased me...

"H-Hey... I just barely went outside my house..." I said...

We arrived in front of the shop... and Roxane open the door...

I saw a dwarf... and he looks old...

"Ah Roxane... So... it's broken again?" the dwarf asked Roxane...

And Roxane let a sigh...

"Yep... I guess I need the stronger one...." Roxane said... while giving the broken sword back to the dwarf....

"Just with whom do you fight! It looks pretty heavy!" the dwarf said while examining the broken sword...

"This girl..." Roxane said while pointing Precilla...

And Precilla waved her hand toward the dwarf...

"Ah... a new customer! So what do you need?" the dwarf asked her...

Precilla moved forward...

"Hmmm I need the strong one... doesn't have to be sharp but sturdy..." she explained her type of sword...

"So... a sword which is sharp and a sword which is strong...and how you sir...." he asked me...

But then...

"H-HAHHHH?!" he sounds surprised...

"A-Ah... no, I just accompanied them..." I said while smiling...

"N-Nicolas-sama! S-Sorry for not noticing you!" he said

"N-No problem! I just want to accompanied my friend! That's all!" I said

"I-I see! Then! Let me give you both a discount!" the dwarf said...

At the end... they bought what they want... and even receive a discount...

"T-This is super cheap!" Precilla said...

"Yeah! With good quality! Thanks to Nicolas-sama!" Roxane said... she teased me...

"H-Hey just call me Nicolas okay... that's weird when you call me with –sama..." I said and they laughed...

We returned to school after eating our lunch in the city... and of course with Roxane's guide...

The owner gives me a discount as well after knowing I am the son of the Archduke....

The four of us are always together in school... in class, we are close with Daigo as well... But he always busy with the student council stuff...

And without realizing, the time flew so fast... it was near the end of the semester...

We are going to the assembly room for some closing ceremony...

I guess Dad will be here again

"Hoammm" Euclio yawned at the assembly room...

"Don't missed me okay Eu" I said to Euclio...

"Miss you? Of course I will!" he said while hugging me...

"T-That tickles!!" I said while pushing him away...

"Hoah... both of you are so close! I'm so jealous!" Roxane said...

"Yeah... I hope I found a friendship like they have..." Precilla said with sad face...

"Here you go! Please take Euclio away from me!" I said while giving Euclio's hand toward Roxane...

And Euclio's face turned red...

"W-What are you doing!" he said while pulling his hand...

The three of us laughed....

"You see... next year you should not rent a room..." I said...

"W-Why?" He asked

"Y-You asked me why?!?! Do you ever touch your room this whole year?!" I asked but he laughed...

This whole year, Euclio always sleep next to me... on my bed... or sometimes on my sofa or even in the dining table...

Then I see both Lex and Gina passed through us...

That brings memory...

"Remember your first day?" Euclio asked and I guess we thought the same thing...

"The duel?" I asked while laughing...

"Yeah... you really are strong!" Euclio praised me...

"Compared to you? I guess I have a long way to go!" I said...

Until the end of my first year, I never see Euclio practicing seriously...

"Ahh it begins!" Precilla said...

Also... the doors are now closed...

Student are sitting in the front row... while parents sit behind us...

But then...

"Onisann!!!" I hear a very familiar voice...

The four of us turned our head back... not us.... but everyone was looking a girl and a boy running toward me...

"N-Nate! Nathalia!!" I stand up but both of them pushed me to the floor...

"A-Ahhh..." I said in pain...

Both of them hugged me...

"Awww" The three of them give me an Awww face...

I looked at them with an annoyed face and they laughed....

"H-Hey both of you shouldn't be here! It's for the student!" I said

"Kasan said that it is okay!" Nate said

"B-But there is no more seat here..." I said while showing the full seat...

"You can seat on my lap if you want..." Roxane offer Nathalia...

"Really?!" she asked me...

I let a sigh...

"Fine... just be quite okay?" I said

And both of them said in unison... "Okay!"

"Come here Nate!" I said while give him a lap...

"Awww I am jealous now!" Euclio said

"W-What do you mean?" I asked...

"Look at his face! So cute!" Euclio said while pinching Nate's face...

"awawaww" Nate said...

Then someone enter the stage...

It is Santa!

"Okay everyone! Do you enjoy your entire year?" He asked everyone

And all of us give a positive answer...



"This is my best year!"

Something like that...

And Nate asked me...

"Is it fun?" He asked me...

"Yeah it is!" I said...

"Hey... Next year, you will enter the school this year, right?" I asked Nate and he nodded...

"Wow... we will have another friend!" Euclio said beside me...

"My name is Nate Maxwell!" Nate introduce himself...

"And my name is Euclio Qiteron! Your brother best friend!" he said

I can't argue anymore... we literally spend our time together for a year... even sleep in the same room... eat in the same time and same menu... I guess our face will be similar by now...

"That's great!" Nate said...

"Oh, how's your Spear practice?" I asked him

Since he is the hardest worker between the three of us... I guess he should be in a greater rank..."

"Great! I reached Expert Level!" he said

"W-Wow! You defeated me again..." I said

"But you could use 5 elements!" He said

Euclio, Precilla and Roxane looked speechless

Then both of us looked at those three...

"W-What happened?" I asked Euclio, Precilla, and Roxane...

"Y-You never thought any of us that your brother is a genius as well!" Roxane said

"Yeah! I thought we share everything!" Euclio said, and he sounds betrayed...

"T-That's insane! Expert Level? And what style do you play?" Precilla asked Nate...

"Maxim Style!" Nate answered cheerfully...

"MAXIM?!" the three of them in unison...

Maxim Style in spear style played by dodging most of the attack, and using one hand only to hold the spear... and keep the enemy really close, not thrusting with the edge of spear but with the body of the spear

"T-The Maxwells always make our heart almost stop beating!" Roxane said...

"H-How about you Nathalia? Do you play swordsmanship?" Roxane asked...

"M-Me? I reached Expert Level in Maxim Sword Style..." she said

And this time I dropped my jaw as well with the other three...

"T-That's insane! Do you even practice?" I asked her

"Of course! Since you went to school.... I am much more determine! And I will soon catch you up!" Nathalia said with a smile...

"Yeah! I will catch up with you soon!" Nate said...

T-They both admired me this much?

But.. The problem is...

"You know! I only reached Advance Level in Swords! Both of you had surpassed me long ago you know!" I said

And they all laughed...

Without realizing.... my Dad was in stage and is staring at me...

Everyone now is doing the same... staring at me... and my brother above my lap...

"Nisan... does everyone staring at us?" Nate asked innocently, breaking the silence...

"Nico!!!" Dad shouted...

"C-Continue your speech!!" I said whisperingly but a bit loud...

"Ah... Ahem..." he clears his throat...

"Fiuhhh... I am saved..." I said...

And five of them laughed...

After the speech... we says farewell to each other...

"Hmmm you see... I will defeat your brother and sister one day!" Precilla said..

"Yeah! All of us will be stronger when we will meet next 2 months..." I said

"I will visit the mansion one day... is it okay?" Roxane asked me...

"Of course! You are more than welcome!" I said...

"Hey buddy! Don't miss me okay!" Euclio said to me...

And I have the feeling that he will miss me...

"Hey! We will meet in 2 months! And spent another 10 months together... so, we have a plenty of time!" I said

"T-That's true!" He said sadly...

"W-Why you looked so sad?" I asked him

"H-Hey! I need almost a week journey to return to my Kingdom!!" Euclio said with sad face...

"Oh... I guess I need 10 minutes..." I said with big smile...

"T-That's cheating! I guess I will buy a house here somewhere..." he said seriously...

"N-No please don't!" I said and Roxane and Precilla laughed...

"Then! I will be off first! Bye guys!" Euclio said his farewell...

"Oh! And don't forget to ask your Tousan about 'that' question" I reminded Euclio...

"Ah! Sure! Bye everyone!!" Euclio said from his carriage...

He needs to go to the port which takes almost an hour from school... and then use the carriage from Ocean Kingdom to enter Qiteron Kingdom... and it takes almost a week... but I will pray for his butt... good luck on the journey

"Then! I will be off!" Roxane said...

"Are you going to the city?" Precilla asked...

"Yes I am... wanna join?" Roxane offered Precilla...

"Okay! I have something to do as well... Bye Nicolas!" Precilla said her farewelll

"Bye Precilla! Roxane!" I said my farewell...

Now, we are back to the mansion!

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