《Path》Chapter 9


A/N: Would you guys like it better if there's chapter titles or nah? if there is would you want it from the start or the end of the story? cause I personally think chapter titles are spoilers so please comment below, thanks.


The two kids rushes off to the Main House of the Despero Family. Despite the speed of the two kids, the Despero Villa was really big and the distance between the stone garden and the main house was quite far so it took some time for Vlad and Draenol to arrived there.

The Main House was humongous, it was like a mansion inside the Despero Villa. There was another set of walls and gate. Although, these walls and gate cannot be compared to the Despero Villa, it was still quite remarkable. In fact, Draenol was astonished when he saw this. For him, It was amazing to see something like this, a mansion inside a villa, how rich can the Despero Family can get. For him, a backwater village kid, this was something to boast about.

When Draenol met Vlad, he knew that Vlad was some noble kid from a prestigious house but in reality, he was like insulting Vlad in his imagination. What he saw now was like a castle like figure and in Draenol’s mind is running in whirlpool, he was trying to figure out what Vlad really is and what’s his family.

When they arrived at the front gate of the Despero Main House, there were gatekeepers, these gatekeepers had masks and pour out terrifying aura, scaring the surrounding. When Draenol and Vlad arrived they stopped pouring out this terrifying aura and then the gatekeepers kneeling and the said, “We greet the Young Master” with full of respects.

After the gatekeepers kneeled, Tian and Orya then arrived immediately and then said, “We congratulate Young Master for breaking through Master Realm” while kneeling

“You guys sure are fast, escort me to Father immediately, I have a request to make” said Vlad

“Understood sir” Tian and Orya said simultaneously with respect


Tian and Orya led the way through the Despero Main House. Although, they seemed like walking, they were astonishingly fast, Vlad and Draenol was running with all their speed but Tian and Orya looks like they were walking and gliding through the air. Tian and Orya looks like this kind of speed was like a walk in a park.

After a few breaths, they’ve arrive in the front door of Despero Main House. The Despero Main House was huge and looks like a work of art, everything was luxurious looking, the walls got intricate designs, carvings and such and there were ornaments everywhere making the Despero Main House a treasure trove. Person overflowing with greed would immediately drool if they see the Despero Main House. Draenol was astonished but not as the same as before because of what he saw from before and the size of the Villa, he knew that the riches of the Despero Family pierces through the heavens.

Tian and Orya opened the door side by side and gesturing that Vlad and Draenol proceeds without them. When Vlad and Draenol entered the Main House, they immediately heard a voice that shakes their heart. The voice said something in cryptic ancient language. This voice was scary and made Draenol in wary immediately, he prepared out for attacks to come and then Vlad said,

“No need to be wary of, its completely safe, its just my Father calling us to proceed immediately. “

“Oooh, that was scary, really scary Vlad, I thought it was some monster” said Draenol

“Yes it is, even though I heard it for like a thousand times already but it still makes my heart tremble and Ki spike up, making me feel like I’m in danger and my life is on the line” replied Vlad while scratching the back of his head.

The two then proceeds to the hall to meet Vlad’s Father, at the end of the hall there was a huge door with 2 lion head carvings with rings in their mouth, it looks more of a dungeon door, than a normal room door, it was creepy, for Draenol that is.


The then entered the room, in front of the door was huge throne, seated a huge guy, his face on his face, these huge guy has white hair too like Vlad with blue highlights on it, his eyes were deep blue and shaped like a sword that can pierce on what he gaze on.

This man was Drazhan Despero, the Head of Despero Villa

Then Vlad said immediately when they arrived in front of Drazhan Despero, “Father, I have a request, I wished that our family can take in my friend here, Draenol, as an ‘Honorary Despero’ member.”

“I knew already what you’re going to request, I’ve been observing you kids for a while now, but I can’t accept that request immediately, It needs the acceptance of the members of Despero family and he should pass the trial agreed by the members” said Drazhan in a serious manner

“But Father, I’m sure Draenol is already qualified to be a member, his speed is on par with me while I’m using the movement skill we were proud of.” Rebutted Vlad worrily

“Oh, is that so, but still we need the members of our family to take part in this decision and he should passed the trial. And also, did you already told him what our family is? What it means to be a Despero? It’s not easy to be a Despero, no matter if he has the skills, he should have the imposition of being a Despero. Being an ‘Honorary Despero’ is something that cannot be given to everyone, it’s a title that everyone sought to be bestowed upon.” Said Drazhan in a serious manner

Draenol was confused where the conversation between the father and son was going on, “Despero? What it means to be a Despero? Its more complicated than what I think it is?” Draenol thought to himself

“Vlad, what is this all about? I think your Father is right, I know so little about you” Draenol said to Vlad with a hint of confusion in it

“Well, you see, Despero Family, is not much of noble family I told you, we’re a family of mercenary, guns for hire, assassins, killing a king, destroy a city, we do these heinous jobs as long as you can pay us treasures equivalent to that of your request, and being an ‘Honorary Despero’ means that you’re acknowledged by the Despero Family to be one of them even if you’re not blood related and having this title would give you a life with exponential danger. Although we’re a neutral power, there’s a lot of blood feud and someone in relationship with our family usually gets into trouble more often.” Said Vlad worrily because Draenol might despise him because of this.

“Is that all? I thought it was graver than that” said Draenol bluntly

“Eeh! You’re not mad at me for keeping secret like this? You do know that me being a Despero is a criminal for hire if you have treasures to pay, right? I do EVIL ACTS for treasures” said Vlad in shocked

“I mean, although you do this acts, its your principle, I mean that after what happened that night, justice and evil for me became something trivial and its something that confuses me right now. I don’t care if you’re like that, you saved me and helped me, and because of that I’m really thankful to you.” Said Draenol sincerely

Draenol added,

“After that tragedy, what on my mind is revenge, nothing more, nothing less” while emitting terrifying killing intent and baleful aura

“Hoooh, What Elder Shamal really said about this kid being interesting is really true, with no prior training and no killing experience, and he can emit this terrifying killing intent and aura at this level already. Commendable, commendable indeed.” Drazhan thought to himself when he felt Draenol’s killing intent and baleful aura he’s emitting

Then 4 figures immediately appeared from the shadows in the room.

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