《Path》Chapter 10


Vlad and Draenol was terrified, they were terrified to the point they felt that they were falling through the swirling depth of the abyss. They felt that their life is ending. Even Vlad whose Father is in front of him should feel the utmost safety from threats and such but that wasn’t the case, there were no feelings of assurance and safety at all in this moment for him, how much more for Draenol.

The 4 people were still in the shadows, and their silhouettes are the only thing distinguishable. The 4 emitted auras, these auras were so thick and so terrifying, it was like these 4 was almighty gods looking upon on filthy bugs, and just a small step and they’d be crushed without any powers.

Vlad and Draenol were sweating with beads of sweat, the sweat soaked up their clothes and looks like they were drenched in a heavy rain. After a few breaths, Vlad gave up and fell in a kneeling position. The pressure that was pushing Vlad to his limits was then lifted off.

“What the hell’s Father thinking!!!” Vlad thought to himself while gasping for a large mouthful of air

Draenol on the other hand was still persevering. The huge amount of Ki pressed against him were bombarding his very body, it was breaking something inside him, changing him from the inside. Draenol against this feeling of despair, the feeling of no hope, leaves him on the edge.

“I can’t die yet, not yet, not until I destroy them” Draenol thought to himself

Draenol subconsciously emitted his Ki in maximum output and was releasing killing intent towards the 4 in the shadow, this killing intent of he was releasing reached a new level, it was terrifying to the point it was like a birth of a new god of death. The 4 people in the shadows felt this tremendous change happening to Draenol, he was like a beast ready to devour them for stepping in his territory. The 4 felt threatened for a moment in the situation.

“Hoooh, seems like you were right, Sham” one of the people in the shadows said quietly

“Hohohoho, what an astonishing change, he’s even adapting to the pressure rather fast”one of the 4 said

The 4 in the shadows increases the pressure against Draenol. Draenol felt like he was carrying a mountain, his body felt like it was going to explode and be turned into mush with the strength of the pressure against his body now.


“I…can’t…die…yet. I .. will… kill everyone…who stops me… from my goal. I’ll.. DESTROY… YOU ALL… I’LL DESTROY YOU ALL!!!” said Draenol with eyes akin to a savage beast that will destroy the heavens for the sake of quenching his thirst. His killing intent towards the 4 was even more terrifying now, much more terrifying than before, the 4 people in the shadows felt this was impressed even more. “How can a kid whose only 8-9 years of age can emit this kind of killing intent? Even Vlad who’s training and killed hundreds or even thousands can’t be on par with the killing intent his emitting” thought the 4 people.

Draenol’s Ki that he emitted changed, before, he was pouring it all over the place to counteract the Ki pressured against him by the 4 people but now he was enshrouding it on his body, wearing it like armor. The Ki become thicker, it looks like armor with a serpent revolving on his body. Then the color of the Ki he’s emitting changed, before it was like a white-blue colored, showing pureness, but now it changed into black and red complementing each other, the feeling from this Ki became sinister, looks like the descent of the God of Death is in front of them. The 4 people in the shadow was even more astonished compared to how they were before, “How many more surprises does this kid is hiding?” the 4 people in the shadow thought to themselves.

The pressure still continued to increase, Draenol was able to hold on but he still ended up like Vlad. He fell down in kneeling position. The time he falls down the pressure and the world of despair that covered up Draenol’s perception was gone. He felt like there’s still chance in life.

Even though it took time to explain, it only happened for a moment. The difference between Vlad and Draenol falling down in a kneeling position was only a few breaths of time but the magnitude they were pressed against was completely different. The 4 people in the shadow was impressed by this, the difference in the breadth of power was insignificant but the depth of power was clear as day and night.

Draenol was confused, “What just happened? How did I do that?” he thought to himself. He didn’t know what happened, where that power came from, or why did he feel like he was falling in the abyss and was on the verge of life and death.


Draenol was soaked in beads of sweat and was gasping for a large mouthful of air. He felt like the air in the room was not enough for him to breath and was on the verge of suffocating.

The 4 people in the shadows then emerged. One of the 4 people was Doctor Shamal, with a messy black hair and was dressed in some kind of lab coat, and was having a huge smile on his face. The other one was a girl, with blonde hair with curls at the ends, and has brilliant large light-blue eyes, she looked like a living doll because the hair and eyes and her porcelain like skin complemented each other bringing out the beauty to the utmost limit. The other one besides her was a boy, with white hair in pompadour, with deep blue eyes that’s akin to the deepest depth of the ocean. The two kids were like dolls in couples. The last one was a beauty that can turn a continent upside-down, and her black hair, every strand was like a priceless silk, it look so smooth and has a shine that would be envied by all the women in the world. Her eyes, were like unobtainable rubies, they were like rubies that has sparkle akin to stars and her skin was on par with the girl and her sizes were perfect, it wasn’t too big or too small, just the perfect size. A man who saw a beauty like her would drool immediately.

Drazhan who was observing all the event s being unfolded then stands up from the throne then said,“I thought you couldn’t come, my wife” he then approached the millennial beauty. The millennial beauty was her wife, Valla Despero.

“You said that I’m going to see surprises Dear, so I decided to come. Indeed, the surprises weren’t just baseless words” Valla said elegantly with a charming light laugh

Then Drazhan proceeded to the 2 kids and Doctor Shamal, he then bowed and cupped his hands, “Greetings to the Ancestors and Elder Shamal and thank you for heeding my call, your presence here is an honor.” Drazhan said respectfully

“No need to be that respectful and formal with just us, my son” said the boy calmly

“Right, dear, no need to be so formal, it makes your barbaric looks like a wimp” said the girl teasingly

These kids were the Despero ancestors and Drazhan’s Parents. The boy who looks a lot younger was Vlad’s grandfather and Drazhan’s Father,Drakneil Despero. The girl was Vlad’s grandmother and Drazhan’s mother, Laila.

Drakneil then said, “Stand up kids” with an ordering voice

Drakneil then approached Draenol which is much taller than he is, “Do you really want to take part in our family?” said Drakneil with voice that can overpower thousand beast with a word

Vlad was gesturing Draenol to kneel to pay respect not to look directly in his eyes.

“Yes sir, I think that with the guidance of the Despero family, I can achieve my goal much faster” said Draenol while kneeling and within his words were full of respect

“Hoooh, you’re saying that the Despero family is only a stepping stone for you?” said Drakneil with an overpowering imposition in it

Drazhan,Valla and Shamal were smiling in the back, they knew that Drakneil was teasing the kid and was testing the kid if he got the guts to answer him. Testing him whether his heart can be swayed or not if someone threaten him. This is a test of principles, to know whether Draenol got the heart to pursue the end even if his life is on the line.

“Yes sir, I’m pursuing much greater sir, but for now, I’m willing to do anything to avenge my parents. But also, I value Vlad as a friend and our friendship would be much stronger if I become a part of your family, I’ve already sworn in my that Vlad would be my brother and being an ‘Honorary Despero’ would I qualify a bit for him to recognize me as a brother.” Said Draenol with conviction in every word, his eyes were firm while saying this.

“Hahahaha, you amused me once again kid. Vlad, both of you rest now, we’ll noticed you tomorrow for our verdict” said Drakneil

“Yes, Grandpa!”said Vlad respectfully then bowed while cupping his hands then left the room with Draenol

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