《Path》Chapter 8


Sitting in a meditative position, Vlad was training. Vlad was soaked up in beads of sweat all over his body.

After a while, “Phew, I finally broke through to Master Realm. After 6 months of pure meditation but still I’m rushing it too fast I guess, It’s too unstable and the quality is too impure.” Vlad said quietly by himself

What Vlad said is half true and false at the same time. Vlad’s training can be said “light speed” fast since he’s only 8 years old but already at Master Realm but what he said about his Ki being thin is being too humble. Although, he’s rushing his level in payment for a more impure and more unstable Ki, the pureness of his Ki and stability can still be considered normal in the cultivation world. Vlad’s standards for his training are just freaKishly high.

“I guess I need to start doing real training” he said to himself

Then a shout can be heard from the outside calling him, “Master Vlad! Master Vlad! Doctor Shamal calls for your presence” said the servants

“Oh” then Vlad rushes off to Doctor Shamal

“Well, that was still a bit slow of you Young Master Vlad, you’re way too rushing to level, you should not neglect your battle training and energy refining.” Said Doctor Shamal in a calm and lazy way

“Why have you summon me, Elder?” said Vlad in a respectful yet with a hint of irritation in his tone

“I just called you out to check your development” said Doctor Shamal in a calm and lazy way

“What?! That’s all?!” Vlad irritatingly replied

“Oh, I forgot, your friend’s been awake for 3 hours already” said Shamal with a dead eyed look(Gintama reference)

“Eh?! Why didn’t you report it to me immediately? Where is he now?” Vlad said with a hint of anger


“He’s in the stone garden, he seems to be quite sad, I must say that he got one lifeless eyes, its like his eyes just gonna suck all the light from all living things” said Shamal with a look to ponder

Vlad just ignored Doctor Shamal and just heads off to the stone garden to look for Draenol.

“He must have that moment in his memory crystal clear” Vlad thought to himself

The Despero Villa is huge place; it’s divided into many courtyards and gardens which could equal to a medium, approaching to huge-size hunt zones. So even Vlad was rushing off to the stone garden, it still took him for a few minutes to arrive there.

Vlad arrived at the stone garden. He saw Draenol sitting on a huge boulder, looking on the horizon. It was still morning at that time and the sky was azure blue and could feel that it was a great day. Then Vlad calls out to Draenol.

“Are you fine?” said Vlad worrily

“Yes” replied Draenol with a smile then jumps down to the boulder

“I’m sorry for what happened Drae” said Vlad with sincerity in it

Then tears immediately gushes out from Draenol’s eyes, it was like a great river rushing through without any hint of stopping. Draenol was crying with all his feelings, every tear were like a waterfall of feelings that seeps out to the atmosphere, which everyone in the surroundings could feel. It took some time for Draenol to settle down.

(A/N: Everyone = Vlad)

“Thank you for everything Vlad” said Draenol with a smile

“No need to thank me, we’re friends, right?” replied Vlad with a childish smile too which he rarely shows to anyone

“By the way, have you checked the things contained in the spatial ring? Said Vlad curiously


This spatial ring that Vlad was referring to is the one Manje thrown to Vlad, to be given to Draenol afterwards they’re safe. At that time, Draenol was in shocked, dazed, stupor, whatever you call it and then collapsed due to ‘exhaustion’. Vlad then gotten a silver necklace and tied the spatial ring on it and put it around on Draenol’s neck.

Vlad did this because Draenol was still out of consciousness and Vlad felt that this memento from his parents should be on his side all the time. He felt that a second of being away to Draenol , is a moment he’s stealing away from him.

“Yep” said Draenol

“Can I know what’s in it?” said Vlad curiously

“It’s mostly recording orbs and martial skills and cultivation techniques” said Draenol

“Oooh, so what are you going to do now?” Vlad said with curiosity

“Get stronger immediately and inflict upon revenge to those people, At the very least I need to get to Emperor Realm fast as possible” Draenol said this with killing intent and baleful aura so strong that Vlad shivered when he felt this.

“How could a normal kid before have this kind of killing intent?” Vlad thought to himself

“By the way, how much time did pass when I was unconscious?” said Draenol in a normal way( No killing intent and baleful aura)

“About 6 months, by the way, are you really okay? The Doctor who checked you said that your profound veins are damaged and you might be crippled from your cultivation.” Said Vlad worriedly

“What? I feel fine, even stronger if you ask me, it feels like I can bend the heaven and earth by just thinking of it.” Said Draenol without any idea

Before the tragedy happened, Draenol never checks his body(PROFOUND VEINS/PROFOUND OPENINGS AND SUCH) so Draenol was unaware of the huge changes in his body but Doctor Shamal definitely knows what these changes is after Draenol woke up.

“Oooh, so that annoying doctor said that stuff just to make me worry, hmm” Vlad said and then snorted

“I have a suggestion, if you want to get stronger then why not train here? It will be a lot faster with guidance from old masters and such. Your cultivation would be optimal, you’ll be train accordingly through your traits and you won’t be halted in the future through rushed cultivation.” Said Vlad merrily

“I can’t accept this anymore Vlad, you’ve done a lot already” said Draenol

“Aren’t we friends?” Vlad cheekily said

“But how ‘bout your parents?” said Draenol

“Don’t worry about them, they won’t mind, I’m sure of it” said Vlad

Draenol was still hesitant

“Let’s go to father immediately, I’ll introduced you to him so that your doubts will be cleared up” Vlad said

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