《Path》Chapter 7 The Situation


Author's note:

I'm sorry, I might not be able to release the "bulk" I promised since I know for the next few days again I cant write because of debate training, so in order to cope with the insufficiency for the next few days, I decided to divide it so yeah.

I'm sorry again. RL responsibilities just kicks you in the face when you least expect it.


After Tian and Orya delivered Draenol to his own private room as Vlad commanded them. They have then assigned personnels as Draenol’s personal attendant and then called out for the Despero family’s personal doctor to look out for Draenol. They called out the family doctor because it was one of the command of their young master and it was commanded by Vlad just out of concern to Draenol.

The Despero family’s doctor is known to be one of the best doctors in Alexandria Continent, Shamal. When he arrived at Draenol’s room, he probed Draenol’s body with his Ki. He seems annoyed at first, why is he, one of the greatest doctor in the continent needs to attend to someone exhausted

“This is clearly annoying but I need to attend to the special guest of young master Vlad” he thought inside

But he found out that Draenol’s condition is a lot worst than what it seems. He feels grateful that he was called out immediately to tend to “exhausted” Draenol now.

Draenol’s condition was much more severe than what how it was. At first it seemed that Draenol has only collapsed because of Ki exhaustion but was a lot more dreadful in the inside. His profound veins were damaged, all of it. Every Ki in his veins were said to be purged out of everything, leaving nothing.

Although, profound veins drying up due to exhaustion of Ki is common but Draenol’s case was much deeper than that. He keeps drawing out every Ki in his body pushing his veins to the limit. Addition to that, it seems his life span got affected to drawing out power from his own life force.


Shamal was stupefied of what he’s seeing, profound veins like these, looks like a bunch of dried up roots, “How could this kid still be alive in this kind of condition? He should be dead but he’s clearly breathing fine. How could this be? This is clearly out of logic, there’s no case like this throughout the entire history of Alexandria continent able to live with this kind of body.”

“Its worsening by the second, I need to atleast prevent his profound veins to crumble like a castle of sand but I can’t do anything to his profound veins returning to its original state” Doctor Shamal thought

Doctor Shamal immediately punctured 108 profound meridians with profound needles condensed out of pure Ki. Then he immediately poured out Ki to Draenol’s body, this Ki he was excreting was calm and nourishing Draenol’s body constantly, to give extra help to Draenol’s worsening condition.

Then some attendants knocked to Draenol’s door,”Doctor, we’ve brought you tea” said the attendants that knocked

“Quiet! Leave me alone until I said I’m done and also don’t let anyone interrupt even the Despero family can’t enter the room until I said so” Doctor Shamal shouted

The attendants were shocked of how Doctor Shamal reacted, he was only like this if it’s a grave situation. They were clearly shocked because what they knew, the kid residing in this room has only exhausted his Ki and clearly do not need medical attention but the case now was like the kid inside is dying.

“Yes SIR!” the attendants replied immediately

They gave out the message of Doctor Shamal throughout the Despero Villa, the Despero Family were surprised of how Doctor Shamal acted. They were shocked because almost all ailments, even the gravest one can be tended by Doctor Shamal with ease but now it seems that the ailment/condition of that kid needs the most utmost attention.


Vlad was more shocked, he knows what happened, it was on that hill, when Draenol was drawing out unknown power that he deemed dangerous. He regretted that he didn’t stopped Draenol earlier, he could have prevented this problem from arising.

He runs to Draenol’s room immediately, he rushed through with care and concern in his eyes, “Damn it! Damn it! How much more would fate screw you up?!” he thought inside

He arrives there for only a few seconds, he stands infront of the door and just stare there blankly.

Doctor Shamal’s treatment lasted for whole 3days. After 3 days, he walked out of the room, then saw that Vlad immediately.

“How is he?” Vlad immediately said

Doctor Shamal ignored him. He proceeds going outside, closing the door, then put some kind of runes on the door then put a talisman on the center of the door then mutters some chant. He extended his arm to the talisman then shouted something while releasing in instant a large amount of Ki.

He then turns back to Vlad with dead-fish eye(Watch Gintama for reference in imagining it), “Oh yes, he’s fine” he said lazily

“What? Fine? How fine?” Vlad urgely said

“Well, fine, like uhm, you know, like normal child fine” Shamal lazily said

“Eehh?! Could you please elaborate it more, Elder Shamal?” Vlad respectfully said

“Oh! Youn Master showed some respect. Well, you see, your friend will live, I assure you that, but no one can still disturb him and furthermore, his profound veins are damaged, greatly damaged than what you can imagine. Although, he’s still got a chance to cultivate if he shows any sign of any Ki flow in his profound veins but the chances are really slim but who knows, he lived with that kind of body for hours but still lived. Oh, tell everyone that no one can enter the room until that talisman is present or else, then I’m gonna go now” Doctor Shamal said

As Shamal walk, Vlad standing there but Shamal then said, “Don’t bother waitin young master, he’s not going to wake up any sooner, I believe he’ll wake up after a year. So you might go do something more fun than that” then continued to walk.

Vlad then looks at Draenol’s room worriedly then walks out.

As Shamal was walking, he heard a voice inside his head

“Report to me immediately, explain what happened, it seems its more than that” The mysterious voice


Shamal also replied in his thoughts, “You were viewing all this time right? Why would I need to go to you? Its like exhausting, I worked for 3 days straight, can I just rest for a day?” with lazy voice

“Stop with the act, that kid seems more interesting than usual” said the mysterious voice

“OKAY! OKAY! Geez, can’t even get a rest, I’ll tell you the full details then” he sent through his thoughts

Then disappeared.

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