《Path》Chapter 6 The Cry


Reminder: The following chapters would be short, around 1k words but if you feel that it skips a lot of details please do tell

and also, I might not be able to release chapters for the next 2 days but after that, I will release in bulk


The Mysterious archer that showered the couple with arrows had the looked of disdain when he misses out to hit Draenol and Vlad.

“I let some rats get away” he thought, “I’ll be a shouted again, zzzzzzzz”

“If only Grogoh did his job properly, or even alive then it wouldn’t be so troublesome” he thought

The mysterious archer guy then shouted with Ki in it, “Protocol Clean-up”

A bunch of guys from the shadow then emerged, the current assassins shivered from fear. These assassins failed in their mission and knew that they were going to be dispose of now. Although failing a mission would only result in severe punishment but the magnitude of importance in this mission can’t be simply compared to those other missions.

After the pursuit, Cronea’s Park was the most devastated part, the forest that took 1/3 of Cronea’s Park was vanished. All the part of Cronea’s Park Forest was melted to the core, the land shows a swirling pool like formation of the land.

The dead bodies in Cronea’s park or anywhere around the city were taken care of. The experts staying in the city didn’t put their nose in this since they were not involved, why would they poke their noses in something that may endanger their life.


After a long time, the sun was starting to shine, overshadowing the purple twilight.

The place where Draenol and Vlad were in a hill enshrouded by a forest, they were alone, no signs of demonic beast everywhere.

Vlad was looking at Draenol kneeling with eyes wide open, white in shocked. Vlad didn’t try to say any words to console Draenol because he knew that his words would only be an empty husk towards Draenol.


Vlad can’t hold up anymore to see how this energetic guy he met that he vowed to be friend to was like this and finally said something to him.

“Draenol, I’m sorry for what happened” Vlad said solemnly

“Draenol, “ then he was about to hand the spatial ring Draenol’s Father threw at him but he thought that might give Draenol more of mental stress to him which could lead to him breaking down.

Suddenly, Draenol started to cry with tears gushing out from his eyes like a river

“WHY?! WHY?! WHY?! We WERE LIVING HAPPILY, WE DIDN’T HARM ANYONE?! WHY?!” he shouted with Ki in it

He didn’t stop his shouts and continued on and on

He was shouting with his life on it, he was spouting a large mouthful of blood but he still kept shouting

The hill trembled with his shouts; the trees were swayed with just the sounds that carries his ki

The shout was getting stronger and stronger

Then, “DRAENOL!!! STOP!” Vlad shouted

“WHY?! WHY?! HOW?! HOW CAN I STOP?!” Draenol shouted back

“It’s gonna be okay, you just need to cling on to life” He said trying to console Draenol

“How could it be okay?” he said with a deep sadness in it, tears gushing out from his eyes, and with great killing intent that devoured the whole hill

Vlad was shocked when he heard this, he could help but shiver through his bones.

“How deep is the sadness he’s feeling right now? And with the killing intent he’s releasing right now, its more or less the same level of me in the zone” Vlad thought inside

Suddenly, Draenol releases a large amount of Ki, that shocked Vlad greatly, “What?! Where are you getting this? I need to stopped him” he thought inside


Cracks were appearing on where Draenol was kneeling to, the air begun to feel heavy, the earth trembles as it goes over time. This sensation begun to get stronger as time passes by, Vlad feels danger when he felt this kind of sensation

He suddenly stepped up and then appears at the back of Draenol, “I’m sorry but you’re endangering yourself, please forgive me later” Vlad said quietly at his back

He then did a knife-chopped on Draenol’s neck then Draenol passes out.

“I guess I need to go back home earlier than expected

He looks at the huge mountain up ahead then runs towards it


After a day of running with Draenol on his shoulder

He arrived to the mountain

There was a huge beast lurking in the shadows, it was about 20meters behind the colossal trees.

It was moving too fast behind the trees, pouncing left and right to the trees with its momentum unfazed by the obstacles. The obstacles/trees/vines for the beast was like a booster to him, it even supports the beast

Vlad was unaware of the existence of the beast following him then the beast pounces at him with great speed

The demonic beast looks like a tiger with black fur and white stripes but with mare like lions and 2 sword like fangs outside his mouth

The demonic beast pinned down Vlad with his paws but with no weight behind it. The beasts roared with great volume

“What?! You’re way far from your where you’re supposed to be, Regis” Vlad said

“Well, you’re already here, give me a ride” Vlad said

The demonic beast was a pet of Vlad, named Regis. Regis smelled Draenol, who Vlad brought. Vlad slaps the snout of Regis and then said, “He’s my friend, now sit” and then Vlad jump on Regis back

Regis run through the forest made up of colossal trees with ease, running through the other demonic beast without fear

Then they arrive at the inner most part of the forest to see a huge villa with huge wall at 100 meters tall and thick steel gate that’s about 80 meters tall and 20 meters wide.

With the help of the trees nearby, Regis jump left to right at the top of the wall he jump to the other side. Regis lands with ease seems that 100 meters is too shallow for the beast

Then 2 persons appeared

A persons dressed like a butler and a maid. The butler was Tian and the maid was Orya.

“We greet young master Vlad in his arrival” said both of them kneeling on one knee

Vlad jumps to the ground while carrying Draenol on his shoulders

“Let’s please attend to him immediately with the greatest concerns, anything happened to him then I’ll kill you immediately without any hesitation” he said with his eyes blacked and then handed out Draenol to them.

“As you wish, young master” the young butler said

“Who could this be guy to make young master act like that?” Tian said to the maid

“It seems he’s someone the young master treasures” Orya replied

“But no matter what, if he’s treasured by the young master then it is our duty to give him the greatest service as it is in our powers” Orya added

The two stared at each other for a while with a smile then dashes forward. The two seems happy to see their young master like that, showing care to someone for the first time.

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