《Quinn's Game: Leveling of the Outcast Alchemist》008 Total Darkness


Shun together with Yuya, Rai and Hanna was heading to the dungeon to save the two of their comrades. Rein and Mei was taken away by the player killers according to Rai, they are players who kill other players for their own purpose.

"Why did they spared Yuya and the others if they're player killers? What are they planning?" A lot of questions filled Shun's mind. He was confused about the situation he's in and he knows that he needs to take responsibility for letting them tag along. Rai can't help but stare at Shun's level indicator above his head.



HP: 3990/4100

"Amazing, he's currently four levels above me." Rai turned his head to check Yuya and Hana's level.



HP: 3400/4200



HP: 1390/2100

"Ehh? Yuya, how did your HP surpass Shun's?" Rai curiously asked, Shun can't help but eavesdrop.

"Ahh, it must be because I'm a fighter-type and Shun is more like a assassin/wizard type. Assassin mostly rely on his speed and damage. Fighters mostly on HP, Physical and endurance." Yuya explained as they suddenly stopped running.

"We're here!" Shun spoked. Yuya and Rai stopped chatting and looked around them.

"Is this... the Meiji Jingu Shrine?" Rai mumbled confusingly.

"Seems like it.." Shun mumbled as they stared at a gigantic dome with the giant door. The door was slightly opened and screams can be heard inside.

Shun gently pushed the door and takes a peek inside. He widened his eyes after seeing what's inside, Shun forcefully opened the door and runned inside.

Yuya and Rai was confused at Shun's sudden actions. Even though they're hesitant, they followed Shun inside.

"He's fast" They lost sight of Shun in an instant. "Where did he go? And what the...hell is this place?"

Inside the dungeon was a gigantic throne room with an empty throne. The place that filled with screams was now full of sudden silence as they looked around and saw the dead bodies scattered everywhere.

"This is our allied units." Rai stared in surprise. "They're all dead."

Hana quickly covered her mouth, almost throwing up after taking glance to a corpse. She recognized the corpse as Mei's because of the school uniform she was wearing.

"Mei-nee, She's dead" Hana started crying over her corpse. While Yuya tried to find some survivors. The sad moment were interrupted when suddenly,a person came crashing into the nearby wall. It was Shun, he was bleeding.


HP: 1334/2100

Yuya attempted to help him but he's already worn out from the previous battle. "Run, Yuya" Shun shouted while holding the unconscious Rein in his arms.

"Something's wrong with Shun's HP." Rai wondered. "She's... dying." he panicked after glancing at Rein's Ho bar. He quickly told Hana to help. But Hana was too busy crying that she's not aware of her surroundings.



HP: 132/3700

"Tsk... Her HP is dropping she'll die at this rate" Shun mumbled. He lifted Rein and carried her to Yuya's location in a blink of an eye. "Carry her outside, all of you get out of here!" Shun spoked before putting her down. "Hana, you too... please get out of here" Shun pleads after seeing Hana crying beside him.

"Are you planning on taking the dungeon boss alone?" Rai questioned.

"We'll help you." Yuya insisted giving Shun a furious look.

"That's not something we should be messing with. Shun suddenly changes his tone. "Yuya, you can feel it too, right?" Yuya widened his eyes after realizing what's going on. "You can feel the difference between outside and in here, right?. The feeling of your stats being cut in half. It must be the boss's poqer." Shun seriously mumbled.


A sound of heavy footsteps echoing inside the dungeon, the floor was shaking from the shockwave it makes. "There's no time to chat he's here." Shun started panicking, he forcefully pushed Yuya and Rai near the door.

"Here take care of your big sis...please." Shun lifted the unconscious Rein and passed her to Yuya. "You too, Hana!" Shun grabbed Hana by her clothes the throw her to Rai. After seeing the serious look on Shun's face, Yuya was convinced to leave the place without him. Even though it's dangerous, they turned their backs and walked towards the door, leaving him behind.

"Well then, I don't have to worry about anyone but corpses!" Shun mumbled as he faced the gigantic humanoid creature wearing a black metal armor all over it's body. It's face was hidden by a helmet, only the glowing red eyes is visible from outside. Shun noticed the one red star below it's HP indicator. He already know that this opponent is completely different from those he fought before.



HP: 19981/20000



"As expected, cutting half of the all-over stats of it's opponent was it's power. Can I really fight this monster, using 50% of my power?" Shun grabbed one health potion from his inventory and gulped it down to restore some HP.




HP: 649/2100

Shun noticed the giant door behind him closing. He is now standing face to face with the 10 ft. monster. "He's not using any weapon, how strange" Shun mumbled as he closed the distance between them and took a closer look. Suddenly, a banging sound echoed in the throne room as the monsters fist hits the ground. The monster missed it's target as it stares at him.

"Did he just... intentionally missed, is he mocking me?" Shun felt irritated, he furiously swinged his dagger, attempting to cut the emperor's fully exposed arm. " Dark Cloaked: Crescent Slash!"

"Crap!" To his surprise, the attack didn't even leave a scratch on the monsters armor nor penetre it. The monster swiftly grabbed Shun with it's massive hands and giving him no time to react.

"Woaaaaaahh" Shun went screaming as the monster thown him in the nearby pillars that supports the whole dungeon. Shun went crushing on the three of them and landed on the ground.



HP: 165/2100

"A critical hit! I almost died you bastard." Shun was was severely injured and bleeding with broken bones. But Shun didn't feel anything as he is numb because of the adrenaline in his body.

He's soaked in blood and not aware that he is severely damaged from the attack until he saw the warning screen popped up in front of him.

"Crap, I'm dying!" Shun opened his inventory and grabbed another two health potion to recover his lost HP. But the second problem comes in, he's out of Heath runes.




HP: 1167/2100


"I'm gonna die at this rate, I need to avoid getting hit by his attacks" Shun grabbed any useful items he has from his inventory, preparing to use them.


Consuming this stone will increase your physical attack by 10%. The effect last for 10 minutes.

Shun quickly opened his mouth and swallowed the blood stone without hesitation. As soon as the blood stone reaches his throat, the blood stone desolves into a pop of red smoke, covering his body with the red aura.





"That's not even close to my original physical stats he just divided."

"I'm thankful for your patience! But I think you looking down on me" Shun spoked, thanking the monster who patiently waited until he was finished applying buff equipment and skills. Shun grinned and unhesitatingly dashed below the monster, aiming for it's feet. But the monsters armor was really tough that it even snapped the "Roaring Beast" blade into pieces.

The emperor quickly reacted by lifting it's feet, ready to crush him. Shun quickly reacted by jumping to avoid getting crushed. Upon landing, he swinged his blade towards the emperor creating an opening, using his powerful skill Black crescent slash.

Before the black crescent wave reached its target, Shun swiftly moved to a different position. Using the first attack as a diversion, Shun furiously swinged two times in a row to send a double hitting skill to his enemy.

"Double Crescent Slash!"


HP: 19304/20000

"Wha...that's the best I can do, yet...I didn't even managed to decrease it's HP" Shun mumbled as he stares at his enemy who's just standing still as if nothing happened, It didn't even flinch.

"Yuya and the others are already safe, should I run? But how?" Shun trembled in fear as he glanced at the locked door behind him. He was caught off guard by his thoughts as the monster slammed it's fist on the ground, cushing Shun's upper body and head.



HP: 18/2100


He felt himself suddenly teleported somewhere as he felt light headed.

"Am I dead?..."

"Where am I?..."

"Is this the afterlife?..."

"It's so gloomy and dark in here..."

Shun can hear his thoughts speaking, yet he couldn't spoke using his mouth. He stares at the total darkness as he fell into the deeper into it.

"You're not dead yet!" A mysterious man spoked, his voice was echoing in the all around him.

"Who are you?"

"Show yourself!"

Shun looked around him and cannot find the person speaking, he can't see anything but darkness.

"Show myself? Hahaha, you're actually staring at me." The voice answered in echoing voice. "I am the darkness beyond the darkness itself. You look pathetic." The voice answered.

"You know me well huh." Shun responded.

"I know every single thing about you." The voice gets louder.

"Then why are you here? Am I dead? Is this... hell?" Shun screamed inside his thought.

"I already told you, you're not dead yet but you'll die if you don't hurry. I'm here to grant you a wish, it's your choice whether you'll accept it or not!"

"And what is that wish?" Shun humbly replied.

"Do you want to live?" The voice answered, that surprised Shun.

"You can do that, are you the system, speaking to me?" Shun curiously asked.

"I don't need your complaints, I need your answer. Yes or No?" The voice angrily responded.

"I see, if you really know me that well then you already know my answer" Shun replied with full resolve.

"I see, so that's you answer!"

Meanwhile, Yuya and the others outside the dungeon was seriously worried about Shun.

"Is he will be alright?" Rai glanced to Yuya, as he rubs the back of Hana, who's still crying.

"I don't really know, that monster is an S-Rank. To kill it you need to be atleast level 30 or higher. " Yuya spoked, soundly worried about Shun. "He's gonna die for sure."

"Ehh, You're still alive!" A mysterious person spoked behind him. Rai and Yuya turned their head to face the person speaking.

"Bastard! What are you doing here?" Rai angrily responded after seeing the person behind him alongside with other 5 people.

"Touma... Lee, you bastard. You're the reason, one of our comrades die" Yuya angrily spoked as he holds the unconscious Rein in his hand, tightly.

"Whaaat? They died because they're weak, don't blame me for it." Touma arrogantly replied, looking down at Yuya.



HP: 6000/6000

Touma Lee was a famous actor and celebrity in Japan. But aside from his good looks, he has a wicked and bad personality.

"I thought you all died! I was planning on using you as baits to the dungeon boss inside" Touma stated, giving them a pitying look.

Yuya clenched his fist after hearing his words.

"Ohh, do you happen to have a comrade stuck inside the dungeon...hahaha" Touma arrogantly spoked and laughed. "Well don't hope that he's still alive." Touma grinned, mocking Yuya.

All of them was startled when they head the banging sound coming from the dungeon's door. As if the door is forcefully being opened. The shockwaves was sending shivers down their spine.

"That sound, it must be the boss. Prepare yourself we're taking the boss down." Touma ordered the five of his allies.

The sound of a heavy metal banging the door can be heard throughout the forest.

"Yuya what should we do? At this rate we'll die." Rai cowered, exchanging glance with Yuya. "Should we run?"

The door started making a creaking sound as it started to worn out. In one final bang, the giant door was blown away into the forest.

"What the hell?!"

"Who the– Impossible!"

They were all surprised when they saw the person standing in the giant door way. Yuya quickly recognized who the person is, it was Shun carrying Mei's corpse in his arms. He has a blank expression on his face as he walk outside the door. He approached Yuya and put down the corpse near them. Yuya already know that the person in front of him is no longer the Shun he knows.

"Heyyy bastard! Tell me, are you the one who bring Rein and Mei inside the dungeon!" Shun slightly turned his head, giving Touma a cold glare.

"Huh, what if we a–" One of Touma's underlinings tried to spoke. But Shun silenced him by slashing his neck in a blink of an eye. "I'm not talking to you!" Shun whispered at the headless corpse on the ground. Touma was felt threatened as he saw one of his ally's head rolling on the ground. "Well then, who's speaking next." Shun grinned and stared at Touma with cold glare.

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