《Quinn's Game: Leveling of the Outcast Alchemist》007 Sacred Forest Raid (Part 2)


Echoing explosion can be heard throughout the sacred forest indicating that there are wizards nearby.

Yuya is the first one to charge in the crowd of monsters rushing towards them. Yuya is a fighter-type that's why he can mow down the enemy easily in close combat using his very long katana.

"Crap, this is my first time in this place... I should've followed them instead of charging in first together with Yuya." Shun whimpered in annoyance after realizing that he was separated from the others.

Now he was alone and lost in the forest full of giant trees. "What the hell... there's so many trees in here!" Shun grumbled while stomping the tree roots.

"Nehehehhe" an annoying laugh can be heard near Shun. He looked for the annoying creature and saw it hiding behind the tree.



HP: 300

"What the... only one. Where's the others?" Shun disappointedly rubbed his head. "I see," he widely grinned before rushing towards the little creature.


"Shun we should– huh?...where did he.." Yuya muttered after noticing Shun's absence. He quickly turned his head in mid battle to look for him.

"We're almost finished clearing this area. I think we should move to the deepest part of the forest." Rein suggested.

"Oii, did somebody noticed Shun' before he left?" Yuya responded ignoring Rein's suggestion.

"Ehhh, he's gone?" Rai quickly responded after realizing it.

"We're all going to the dungeon. Shun must be going there too. So let's go!" Rein suggested.

"Nee-san(big sis) was right, Shun must be waiting for us." Yuya agreed and started walking towards the deepest part of the forest.

"If I was right, the forest was also remodeled. If that's the case then the Shrine must be the dungeon itself." Rai wondered.

"Here comes the next wave." Yuya shouted as he saw an army of orcs guarding the way.

"Be careful, they're different from earlier...those are E- rank beast, they're stronger than the unranked ones" Rai warned them before blasting a lightning spell into the sky.

"What was that for?" Yuya curiously asked.

"An emergency signal, just in case." Rai responded in a serious tone.

"That not necessary." Yuya replied, with a furious smile he rushed into the enmy without hesitation. That smile is simply telling his allies that it's fine as long as you'll help me.

"Is she a... Summoner?" Rai stared in surprised as he saw Rein holding a chess piece in her hand.

"Don't just stand there, we need to help Yuya"

"Come forth, white knight Azrael!"

A magic circle appeared in front of them indicating a summon. Rai stared in amazement as he saw a human figure with a horse's head appearing in the summoning circle.



184 Physical Attack

"Charge forward! " Rein yelled. The magic beast quickly jumped into battle without hesitation, holding a double edged axe in his hand.

"You two, keep healing Yuya!" Rein ordered. Rai turned his head and saw the two woman casting a magic circle in their palm.

"A support wizard..." Rai felt relieved after knowing that his comrades are strong.

"I shouldn't be worrying about little things." Rai mumbled as he stared at the orc's corpses blocking the way.

The summoned beast is strong enough to even lift a full sized orcs and even split them in half in one swing. Yuya and Azrael managed to kill all the E- rank monster. Unknown to them, killing the orcs will only give them more troubles. The king of orcs has awakened, a four star C -rank boss. His roar was heard throughout the whole forest.

Shun heard the deafening sound coming from the other side of the forest as he runs towards that direction.

"That sound... and that lighting earlier are they fighting something dangerous?" Shun felt uneasy about the situation.



+ 3% Agility

"I hope they're fine," Shun runs at the speed of a wild beast hunting for a prey. He slashes everything that blocking his way. "I wasted my time fighting those small fries! " Shun regretted his actions as he searched the deepest part of the forest to find the screaming beast.


Shun stopped in surprise after seeing a giant figure as he turned his head. He later finds himself getting blown away by a large explosion casted by one of the wizards. "What the hell... explosion magic?" His vision was doubling and started coughing after landing under the nearby tree. Shun started to regain his vision and took his time getting back on his feet.

"What was that... just now? A monster?" Shun grinned after taking a glace at the giant creature in front of him. He realized that he lost one of his weapon he was holding during the explosion. "You're strong.." He smiled after seeing the three stars above it's head with an hp bar.



HP: 8408/9000

"Shun get away!" A familiar voice shouted from a distance. Shun recognized the voice as Yuya's.

"I'm currently level 20, I think I can take this one." Shun thought. "I also gained a new passive that let's me sustain my HP in mid fight." he took a quick glance at the notification screen in front of him.




-Get 13% health recovery from enemies lost HP for every damage dealt by 'Dark Cloaked: Black Crescent Slash'.


Shun let go a wide grin and jumped towards the enemy. "Dark Cloak!" he chanted.



"Dark Cloaked: Crescent Slash!" Shun chanted and swinged his blade downward to send a black energy wave to the enemy in front of him.

"That idiot!" Rai mumbled as he watches the battle from the distance.

The monster evaded the attack by leaning to his right and swinged his weird shaped giant axe for counter attack. Shun dashes at his maximum speed to avoid the giant axe attempting to cut him. "Damn, this bastard is smart enough to learn how to dodge.." Shun turned his back from the king of orcs and started looking for his lost weapon.

"Where the hell did I dropped it? Heyy, you guys... did you happen to see a black dagger that has a diamond blade." Shun shouted.

The king of orcs felt pissed off from his action, lifted his gigantic axe and prepared to swing. After noticing the monster's sneaky action, Shun turned his head and gives him a furious gaze.

"I'm trying to act nice here by killing you using my precious weapon. You should be thankful, so just wait right there and be patient." Shun spoked in a mocking manner, keeping his angry glare glued into the monster.

The giant creature felt threatened and impulsively swinged his axe with all his might. Shun sensing the danger, lifted his hand and bare handedly catched the giant axe.



HP 3216/3500

"See, I told you to wait patiently." The orc tried pulling back his weapon but Shun squeezed it even harder to the point of breaking it into pieces.

"He... He broke it!" Yuya widened his eyes in surprise as he watched the furious battle.

"Ahh, It's over there." Shun spotted the lost weapon he was looking for. He then swiftly rushed to grab it. "I found it..." He grinned and he slowly pulled it from the nearby tree.

The giant green monster widened its eye as he felt humiliated by his actions. He was part of the game from the beginning and he didn't know that he will die in the hands of a human. "Your maybe strong but you're nothing like Reizgal." Shun furiously spoked to the monster. "Maybe because you're too big to move faster than me." Shun swiftly jumps and slashes the monsters arm. He underestimated the monster's skin as it's tougher than it looks. But he managed to wound it.


ENEMY'S HP: 7906/9000


Draining enemy's HP by 10 points every second.

"I think I'm getting the hang of it!" Shun furiously swinged his double dagger. "Here eat this. Dark Cloak: Double Crescent Slash!"

The monster tried to dodge the attack but the range is much larger than earlier, and the black wave is traveling much faster. The monster accepted his fate and got hit, deeply wounded from the attack.



Stealing 13% of enemies lost HP

HP 3467/3500

The monster is now on his knees and unable to move due to the attack that cuts almost all of his organs and bones. He's critically bleeding and his HP was almost hanging low.

[ENEMY'S HP: 304/9000]...

The orc's HP bar continuously dropped every second due to Shun's passive effect. "Still alive, huh? I bet you won't survive this one."

Shun grinned, "This attack will be a critical attack and will definitely kill you!" Shun mumbled as he dropped both of his weapon. He jumped clenching his fist and furiously punched the monster's fully exposed organs. The monster's flesh and bones went flying up to the sky as Shun landed on his feet.





• 1200 GOLDS








Shun curiously glanced at the items, he obtained from slaying the monster. One item caught his attention, the golden key he was wondering what is the use of that key.

"Yoo Shun, man you got us worried for nothing, I thought you're going to die." Yuya shouted as he approach Shun. Shun anchored his attention and saw Yuya was severely wounded from the battle against the giant beast.

"Now that I think about it, how did Yuya loose to that weak beast?" Shun looked around him and noticed that the two of their comrades were missing, including Rein.

"Yuya, what happened?" Shun has a bad feeling about the situation. He looked at Yuya with confused expression. Yuya has a frowned expression painted on his face.

"A group of player killers abducted my big sister and Mie to join them in fighting the dungeon boss." Yuya madly replied. "Or feed them to the boss to be exact."

"What did you..." Shun took a few glance in the surroundings. They can feel the rage inside Shun completely escalating. "How many are they?" Shun asked.

"Six," Rai responded.

"Let's go! We're going to hunt them first." Shun furiously spoked.

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