《Don't Touch Me, You'll Die!》Side Story 1


"Ragria Plains… Huh!? This place sure is wide enough for us to rampage a little, don't you think so?"

"Well~~ Actually~~ I don't even know to what place we'll be transported to… I think, I just got lucky~~?"

I stuck out my tongue while placing my right hand on my head. I honestly don't know where we'll be going after that warp, but whatever, it went well, so who cares…

Uh… Oh… His complexion turned green… Is he going to transform or something?

"Hey, hey Zaragus~~ Your face is green, are you going to become a goblin~~?"


Zaragus kicked his left leg and then charged at me with a lightning like speed. But too bad, this kind of speed is just like a snail for me.

He swung his sword aiming toward my head, but I grabbed it with my bare left hand. I don't even need to do anything, he should have used sword technique just now if he want to injure me.

When I see his red face and glaring eyes, I just shake my head with a helpless smile on my face.

"Your body is so disgustingly hard, sissy!!"

"…. Well~~ I just have this strong body, y'know! And women are attracted to this strong body, they loved it so much that I can't sleep at night! Even though I'm a sissy~~ Hahaha~~"

"But too bad, you should've not grabbed the sword! [Nine Art: Blood Sacrifice]"

There is a blood red like liquid around the blade of the sword. I can feel the slimy and strong stench of blood from it.

It was as if the sword were covered with blood. This kind of Sword Technique is quite a risky one, by sacrificing their blood for absolute sharpness of the blade is just foolish!

"Sigh… You know that even with this, my body will not be har - !"

I felt panic for the first time as I let go the sword and jumped 5 meter to the back. Something is strange… I can feel an unknown aura coming from inside Zaragus body.


"Hahahaha!! What!? Are you scared!? Bwahahaha!!"

Seeing my fleeting figure, Zaragus laughed at me with a mocking expression.

"….. I see… Zeltora! That demonic dragon is still alive after all…"

With a dark and grim expression, I let out a sigh while whispering under my breath. Zeltora is a dragon that died 300 years ago. That dragon was killed by someone from Aulavite household from the heaven realm.

This kind of dragon is not something I could handle with my current condition. My internal injury is still not recovered yet.

Zaragus didn't let me catch my breath and rushed with a great momentum.

"Eat this! [Nine Art: Blood Burn]"

His body now looked like he's drenched in blood, This Nine Art of Devil is too disgusting… What kind of crazy bastard want to use their blood as a source of power?!

It greatly increased his speed, defense and power to the limit. And with the aura from Zeltora, I can only dodge and evade his attack.

Demonic dragon Zeltora aura can erode flesh and damage the soul if one were to be in contact with it. By Coating his body and the sword with that aura, it would a fatal danger for me to be cut or get in contact with him.

I can choose to fight in a distance but… My pride will not allow it!!

"Zaragus, did you made a contract with Zeltora?"

"That's right!! I made a contract with him, he is now sleeping in my body."

Hearing his words, i narrowed my eyes.

"Brave… I fear that you will be devoured, Zaragus!"

"So what!? You should be happy if I die, right!?"

Hearing his word, i denied it with all of my might.

"Nonsense! It would increase my workload, you damned fool!! I have my hands full with just my own place, and you want me to take care of yours!? No thank you!!"


I am angry! How could this bastard be so selfish?! Just how big is Vasgran Kingdom, even though it has a 500 years of history, that place is big enough to fight with my Empire!


And he wants me to be the ruler of that place?! Damn fucking hell… I'll rather destroy it and be done with it than to govern it!

I can see his face turning dark as rage slowly building up inside him. I don't understand! Why is he like this? But then it returned to normal when he closed his eyes for a moment.

"You really are an idiot, huh!? Sigh… Listen, Julius! The people from the Heaven Realm is going to invade us the Imperial Realm. I am old, and my power is decreasing by each passing days. So I was desperate to nurture a power house that could destroy the balance of this world!

"I'm so desperate that I'm willing to do anything! Even you are injured by those pricks from the Heaven Realm right?! I know that if you were at you peak, a Demonic Dragon Aura is nothing but fart to you!"

His expression turned serious as he stared at me without blinking his eyes. I could only sigh when seeing this old bastard like this.

I understand that our realm is weaker than those people, but he should at least be prudent to conduct himself!

"You have to think again Zaragus, don't be reckless! We are indeed weak, but I, Julius, is still alive and kicking! They won't dare to mess in here as long as I am alive…"

"But you are just one man in the end!! What can you alone do in the end? While they have a bunch of peoples like you up there!!"

Zaragus figure then disappeared and appeared behind me. I can hear the wind being cut by a sharp object, feeling the danger, I ducked and then rolled to the side, not daring to be in contact with the old man.

"Look at you! Even I can force you to roll around on the ground like a dog!!"

Swallowing my discomfort and rage, i looked at him with a sad expression.

"…. I know that we are weak, but why do you have to act like this?! What is the meaning of this fight!? And beside, I don't even want your Kingdom!!! Stop pestering me and my family to have that place of yours!! [Blood Freeze]."

I waved my hand and casted a forbidden level magic, it freeze the blood of my opponent, if the old man were to be an ordinary plebian, he would've died already right now!!

However, this cockroach like bastard is alive and kicking!! His blood should be frozen right now, but look, he still can move albeit a bit stiff…

"Old man, your heart stopped beating…. Looks like Zeltora really like you a lot, huh…"

"Hmph! Your magic is just too lousy!!"

Well, indeed, even I can do what he is doing right now, for people like us, a beating heart is nothing but a temporary thing. I just don't want to kill this old bugger… The trouble of killing him is just too much for me to handle alone…

With no other choice, i decide to go with a plan B. With a smirk on my lips i looked at the old man with a foxy expression.

"All right then old man, since I can't do anything to you, and it would be a waste of time if I keep playing with you… Goodbye old man…"

Without waiting for his reply, I activated my teleportation magic while locking the dimension in that place under 10 kilometer away from there…

I can imagine his furious expression and could not help but to raise the corner of my lips into a smirk.

However, i do have another problem i must face right now....

"Now then… Where am i!?"

While looking around me, i muttered that under my breath.

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