《Don't Touch Me, You'll Die!》Chapter 11: Proposing To The Genius Princess


After my embarrassing moment a while ago, mother then look around her with a cold expression on her face.

"What are you guys looking at me for, this is the little princess birthday, why don't you guys go and greet her already?"

"Ah… Yes, yes. Congratulation Princess Lili. I have brought a present with me, but I leave it in your servant's hand, I'm sure you will like it…"

The one who moved first was a noble man with a thin moustache, he was talking in a flustered manner toward the cute and beautiful little princess.

"Congratulation…" "Hello Princess Lili…" "Happy birthday to you second princess…"

The other then started to congratulate the little cute princess, but her expression is looking more and more grim the more people come to greet her…

I can see that mother is looking pleased at herself and then moved toward the princess slowly.

She then moved her head closer to my ear, she was opening and closing her mouth as if she were about so say something but couldn't say it…

I have to say, Mother, I am happy about what you're doing right now, because your breath is tickling my ear, and it felt great!! But you know what!? If I were not a kid, I'm 100% sure that I will be horny right now…

But then she finally opened her mouth and spoke in a very low tone.

"Listen, Alex, this little princess is not ordinary, she has the mind of an adult, or so I heard, so go ahead and flirt with her all you like…"


What the fuck are you saying!!! I was wondering what kind of thing you are going to say but…

Are you crazy!! This beyond me, there is no sane parent who told their child to flirt!!

First, its father, and now it's you!! You two are really wrong in the head!!


"What are you daydreaming about, now hurry and go!!"


Oy, why did you put me down!? Hurry up and carry me again! I refused to budge and just let my arm up toward her, hinting that she should pick me up again!

Her expression is, for the first time, showed a displeased expression at me….

What the hell are you making that face foooorrr!!!

Which mother out there, urge her five years old son, to flirt with a five years old girl…

This is really a wonderful family I got here.

"What are you doing, hurry up and go. You have always fool around with Mira, and you can't even flirt with that princess?! Are you really my son!?"


Are you really my mother!? God how I want to tell her that!! Thank goodness that my will is strong enough to hold back.

"Are you going… Or not?!"

"…. I'll go…"

What choice do I have?! Her stern gaze is now filled with flower after I said I'll go…

But, what do I do?! What should I say to her? I don't even know how to flirt, oy! All I did with Mira is just skinship you know, skinship!

This challenge is too damn difficult… Eeiiyy – I just have to bite the bullet and bullshit…

So I hardened my thin skin while staring at the cute princess in front of me… I balled my hand into a fist, then walked toward her with a glaring eyes and stiff expression.

W-what kind of expression should I wear on my face?! I don't know why, but the muscle on my face seems to be dead at this moment…

Huh? Why is her complexion becoming pale? Is she not too good with party and crowded place like me?!

I keep walking toward her in a slow but graceful manner, and her expression is becoming more whiter and whiter as I got close to her….


She… She couldn't be scared of me, right? Right? RIGHT!? My heart… My heart took a major blow as of this moment. My step staggered as I gazed at her light blue eyes, I can feel my heart just shattered…

But I cannot stop here… The saying 'Wolf in the front and a tiger in the back.' Fit really well with my current circumstance…

I gritted my teeth and keep walking toward her, this time, I walked faster than before… The faster I got to her, the better.

The other people that is surrounding her started to dispers the moment I walked to her. We are now standing face to face, my dead like expression and glaring eyes is right in front of her now…

Even though my heart is hurt seeing her pale and wandering eyes, I keep looking at her with a firm gaze.

Her long black hair is flowing out like a waterfall until her waist, her cute small red lips is trembling a little as her light blue eyes keep wandering around, refusing to look at me…

She will become a beautiful woman in the future, enough to be standing shoulder to shoulder with my mother… That is how cute she is as of this moment.

I gripped my balled fist tighter as I keep thinking what i should say to her. This is the first time I ever hated my father for disappearing at this moment…

"Your eyes… Stop looking around like an idiot and look at me!"

"…. What?!"

"Good… Since you are this beautiful, I am sure that you'll be a beauty in the future like my mother."

"Uumm.. Thank you?"

WHAT"S WITH THIS CONFERSATION!! This is not a 5 years old kid should be saying!!!

Change… I request a change!! Someone please change place with me!! Anyone? OOOYY!!

Look at how troubled she is right now!! Mom, where are you!? I can't do this anymore~~ I tried to glance around trying to find mother's figure in the crowd…

When I found her, she is talking with the princess mother while looking at me, I can see that she is smiling so wide that I want to smack her right now!

Ugh.. I don't have a choice, let's just say some bullshit and be done with it…

"What is your name, princess? My name is Alexius Merga Zaxvius, my mood is a bit down right now, please do forgive my rudeness."

I wanna die.. I wanna die.. I wanna die… I wanna die… I wanna die… I wanna die… I wanna die… I wanna die… I keep chanting this word over and over again like a praying.

"Oh.. Umm.. My name is Lili Veron K Zaranex, I am the second princess of Zaranex Kingdom, and Umm.. I-it's all right, i don't mind."

"I see… What a beautiful name, just like you yourself… And since you don't mind my mood being bad, then let's cut to the case. We are still a child, yes?"

"Y-yes… We are still five years old after all, so of course we are still a child."

"Indeed, glad that you understand…"

"Uumm… S-so?"

I can see her bewildered expression, it clearly show on her face that she is saying 'So what? Hurry up and out with it!'

"So, do you want to marry me in the future?! I will not have a 'No' for an answer. You will be coming with me from today onward! This is final!"


Her shocked expression is really something to behold. I, a five years old kid, just proposed in a domineering manner, and told her that I, this tyrant, will not accept a 'No' as an answer…

With this… I am certain that my peaceful life that I enjoyed so much, is now coming to an end…

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