《Don't Touch Me, You'll Die!》Chapter 10: Meeting and The Prince of Death (4)


Along the way, I have been looking around here and there from the carriage window.

From what I have seen so far, this world is in a mediaeval state. But with the existence of magic, I am sure that there are a lot of unusual mechanism and technology in here.

Well, it was much better than having pollution in the air. But still, having magic is really convenient, huh…

And the world is not going to be polluted like on earth… Such being the case, I still cannot use magic at all, so I am feeling a bit conflicted.

The kingdom of Zaranex is a bit different from our Empire, this place is a bit pale compared to how grand the Empire is.

I still could see a rundown buildings here and there, or maybe this is a slum area? Well I don't know…

But as we go on, the buildings got better and more like a mansion than a normal house.

So we are probably in the nobles and aristocrats area? Well I don't plan to ask about it, so I just keep glancing here and there.

Throughout the journey, I don't see any strange thing or something that I should take note of, so it was pretty boring…

It takes around 20 minutes from the Empire to this Kingdom, it's probably not too far away, right?

But it looks like I was being such a country bumpkin again… We have been teleported to the Zaranex border using something warp… and so that's how we arrived so fast…

Plus with time acceleration and distance shrinking magic, and wat not… I don't understand any of it!!

From my perspective as a person from a modern era, this kind of hocus bogus is just too FANTASY!!!

True that I have been interested in the so called Magic, as it was not something I see often in this world too, much less when I am on Earth.

Anyway, I have been side tracked, we have arrived and there is a servant that is guiding us to the party hall.


The castle is located in the center of the Kingdom, it looked quite domineering from my perspective, there are quite a lot of look out post and there are soldier here and there patrolling.

Well I was being carried by mother and father is looking as carefree as ever, so I don't feel too much pressure.

As we are walking and being guided toward a big and beautiful double door, I heard an angry shout from inside the room.

I don't know why but I feel a shudder just from hearing that angry shout.

Mother's and father's face became serious when they hear that angry shout. It probably came from some big shot, right?

I don't hear it clearly but, the man from inside the room said something about stopping invasion!?

Probably, it's about war and stuff that I don't have any interest.

"Heh, how bold of him to ask the queen to give him the little princess…"

"An animal is still animal after all!"

Their indifferent tone and mocking expression is still beautiful… As expected from a pair of a drop dead ikemen and bishoujo…

But still, so there's a pervert who want to take the 5 year old princess, huh?

What a heavy taste! Damn, even in this world, lolicon is still exist huh…

From the voice, he should be some kind of old man in his 50 or something. Talk about heavy taste, what a repulsive hobby he got…

Father then let out a smirk as he walked toward the door faster. He then pushed the door so hard that a loud bang could heard.

It was as though he was kicking the door rather than opening it.

Is he some kind of delinquent?? I hardly believe that this kind of person is an Emperor… The previous Emperor must be wrong in the head too...

"Iyaahh~~ I'm sorry that I'm late guys~~ Where's the cute little princess? Uncle is here with a gift~~"

"Mind your behavior bastard!!"

That's right mama, tell him more! This guy is too thick skinned and his expression is too loose!!


When I looked toward the front, I can see a burly and muscular old man in his 40? Standing before a 5 year old cute child with a domineering and deadly aura around him.

There is a big scar on his rough and aged face. This old dude is the one who want to take the little princess?!

Oh god, how could you let this wretched creature to live in this world!!

But then father with his loose expression, started to look around him as if he were clueless as to what is going on.

"Huuhh~~ Why are you guys so quiet, is there some kind of event going on right now??"

"Tsk… Can your dog eyes see that there is an animal in here?! It's no wonder the place is so silent. Oy, you gorilla over there, can you roll out and go back to whence you came from!? Your presence is not welcome here, ANIMAL!"

Mother's mouth is really hot as always… Her words can really cause one ears to bleed, and with her cold and disdainful expression on her beautiful face, made the one who listened to her to feel shame!!

I can see that the old man's face is turning red from anger. He really can hold his temper well, huh.

Even his body is starting to tremble as if he was about to rush ahead and cut my mother's into pieces!

Seeing that the old man Is about to act, father stepped forward and then greeted the old man with a bright smile on his face!

"If it isn't King Zaragus from Vasgran~~ Hahaha I wonder what happened here~~?? Don't tell me that you caused trouble in my domain, Zaragus?!"

"Hmph - !! So what!?"

Uwah!! This is the first time I see this man, my father, looking so scary. Although he was all cheery at first, but then he became serious as he glared at the old man with his glaring blood red eyes!

Hearing that the old man is not backing down and snorted at father's question. Father then raised his lips into a smirk, he was really cool right now, even mother is staring at him with a glittering eyes…

This bastard is really something else!! He was carefree a moment ago and then he was serious the next, is he the so called 'I am nice, but don't mess with me.' Guy?

I have to admit that he is cool though…

Damn! I wonder how I will looks like in the future, will I look just like him?! I'm not going to act like this bastard tho…

"Hehehehe~~~ Old Zara, you better get out now or I really will kill you this time. Since I am in a good mood and my son is here too, be grateful that I am not in a bad mood!"

"You think I'm scared, you sissy!"

Father's narrowed eyes, is becoming more dangerous as I felt his murderous aura coming from him.

Well damn, this is getting tense, even the other peoples are getting pale with fear. Are they going to fight?! In here?! You better not, you damned father!!


After saying that, father's figure then disappeared together with the old man's. Where did they go?! How did he do that?!! That was coooollll!!!

Is that some kind of magic too?!! How come I didn't notice about it?! I swear that he was standing and glaring at the old man, and he disappeared with a single words?!

'Good' Is that some magical word to make one disappear in this world!? Got it, let's try it!!

"Good…. I don't disappear…"

"Hahahaha~~ Of course you won't, Alex. He was using Chantless magic [Instant Warp], he's probably fighting that gorilla somewhere right now."

Damn… so embarrassing!! So he was using magic after all!!! I can feel my face is getting hot from shame and embarrassment!!

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