《Don't Touch Me, You'll Die!》Chapter 9: Meeting and The Prince of Death (3)


The sky is always blue no matter which world I am in, but today is just dark and gloomy for me.

Remembering my past life is just too much for me to bear…

Family… Friends… Will I be abandoned again in this world?

I don't want this warmth that I have experienced to disappear like a smoke… again!

For I have no intention to let it go!

Thinking like that, I peered toward the windows in the carriage, I keep gazing at the white cloud in the sky as if I was in a daze.

The inside of the carriage is big and luxurious, it was expected for a royal family, but I have to say it was awesome!

There is no shaking throughout the journey, it was as if we are not moving at all. Also, even though the carriage looked medium sized from the outside, the inside were as big as my room back the castle.

I was honestly surprised, to think that it was the so called 'Space Magic' of the legend!

Or not… Well uh, it seems it was a common thing in this world…

I'm sorry that I was such a country bumpkin!!

For heaven sake, it was the first time, I… this lord, experienced this kind of thing!

Although I saw many interesting magic being together with Mira and Mother all the time.

Space magic is still the best after all! Just imagining what kind of awesome thing I could do with it, make me droll with expectation.

When I was spacing out while staring at the sky, I was suddenly jolted by a gentle and caring voice from beside me.

"What are you looking at, my prince, Alex~~"

"Huh!? Oh… it's nothing, I was just remembering your scary face a while ago…."



I can hear a both my father and mother were trying hard to hold their laughter from bursting out.

They were avoiding gaze with Mira, but their shaking shoulders were proof enough that they were laughing.

Mira is blushing from embarrassment and is hiding her face with both of her hands.


It has been quite a while since they keep arguing back and forth like this now!

I've became really fed up seeing and listening this two stupid couples in front of me…

One is angry and the other one is listening with a delighted expression…

Look! Even my dear Alex is troubled by this two morons!!

"You bastard! Do you even realize how dire the situation is?! I have always told you not to buy shit stuff from those bitches!!"

"Huuuhh~~~It should not be a problem though?! I have checked it over and over again after all~~"


"YOU - !!"



With my furious heart, I unintentionally shouted at the two of them… I… I shouted… to the EMPEROR AND THE EMPRESS!!!

What have I done!!

I know that with me being friend with the two of them since way back, they're not going to mind. However, my conduct is nevertheless rude and it would cost me my life if I'm not that close to them…

Even Alex is opening his mouth so wide that an egg could fit in them.

His expression is that of shock, but the look of depression on his face was replaced by that of a curiosity.

When I saw that he started to feel better because of me, I don't care anymore what happened just now!

This cute little angel is my best friend child but, I am the one who have been staying by his side all the time.

So to me, he is no different than my own child.

My flesh and blood that I have raised since a baby. However, that curiosity lasted only but a moment.

It was as if he remembered something again and his mood became down again.

I keep wondering what happened, but I don't want to ask about it…

Even though they wouldn't mind me being a bit rude and act like I usually do before becoming a slave.

But me being a slave is my own mistake and, I need to mind my behavior and conduct as a slave should.

No matter what, I still have my pride and I don't want to cause trouble to this kind peoples that saved me!

Although I keep acting my part as a slave, they never treated me as one.

They have always treated me with kindness and care. I know that they have always been cold and a bit of a bastard to other servant…

But to me, they keep their attitude the same like that time when we were out adventuring together.

Honestly, I have always been a target of jealousy to the other servants in the castle.

But still, the scene in front of me is a bit disturbing, why are they looking at me as if I'm some kind of rare animal…

I cleared my throat with a cough and then make a serious expression with a sweet smile on my mouth.

"Can we get going already? My dear prince is impatient and looking a bit gloomy because of your stupid banter… Oh right, please forget what happened a moment ago, I seems to lose my cool for a moment there, my dear masters!"


"….. Alright, let's get going then, go and prepare the carriage Mira."

"Right right, we need to hurry on the way, the party should be starting now!"

"Right away."

Seeing them looking awkward and trying hard to hide their bashfulness made the corner of my lips raised up naturally.

I wanted to add more a piece of my mind but, I need to make haste or my beloved prince is going to be late to his first party. So I hurriedly run out to prepare the carriage with haste.


"…. It's crowded…"

The words that I uttered is nothing but a complain, indeed, I am complaining that there is a lot of people in here!!

I know that it was a party, so it should be normal for peoples to be here.

But no, I don't like this at all!! Just look how they are looking at me!!

The information about my heaven defying constitution must've been spread to these peoples!!

Hmph! Do you think I'm an ordinary child!? Dream on! I will never let you bastard control me!

"Oh my~~ Is this the second princess? How cute she is, her name is Lili Veron I presume?"

An old man with graceful appearance greeted me and my mother with a calm and gentle expression.

What are you looking at, you old pervert?! Haven't seen a beauty before?! You damn lolicon!!

"Yes indeed, she is my proud second daughter, Lili Veron K Zaranex, she is our most precious child! Come here Lili, greet this GRANDPA over here."

"Ah… Hello…"

"Hahaha… Do forgive me young child, I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Odepile Rugrus Jilian, I am nothing but a mere merchant~~"

Wh-what a cheerful old man!! And Odepile? Why not name yourself Pedophile you bastard!!

Although his expression looked gentle and friendly, but his eyes told otherwise.

His eyes keep checking me out every now and then. Is this old man sane?! A mere merchant dare to do this!? And in front of mother nonetheless, he must be some big shot with a sick hobbies!!

"Mind your eyes Ode! My fingers might slip and gouge that eyes of yours!"

"Bwahahaha!! How scary~~"

L-look!! Even with mother's threat, he just dish it as if it was fart!! And the other just looking this way with a 'I am listening look' how awful!!

Is this how the outside world truly looks like!?

So disgusting?! So repulsive?! Or maybe, this is how an aristocrats lives is? Haha… This must be some kind of a joke right?!

"This little toy sure is interesting!! Oy Iralia, give this little toy to me! I'll stop the Barges Invasion if you give her to me, how's that?!"


Mo-mother?! She look a bit pale when she saw this old man with a scar on his face. He looked so fierce with his fit and burly body.

He wear a black noble clothing with a sword on his hip! Although his attire is not that grand, but his bearing and the sword on his hip made him quite scary!

The sword on his hip is quite long and looked like a sword for decoration. But I can feel a deadly and deathly aura coming from it!

"Huuhh!! Why are you silent!!? Can you speak, huh!?"

When he shouted, the place was drowned with a complete silent. The other nobles and aristocrats keep glancing our ways with a worried looks on their face.

Some of them even gave the scarred old man a resentful look.

"Now now, why don't we drink and chat over there Zaraguz? It has been a long time since we last saw each other. Hahaha~~"

"SHUT UP!! Don't interrupt me when I'm talking Old Fox, I'll kill you!!"

The gentle looking old man tried to smooth things over but, this bastard gorilla is just so damn overbearing!

Even the gentle looking old man expression now turned sour and dark. It was as though he's going to spit venom anytime…


"Iyaahh~~ I'm sorry that I'm late guys~~ Where's the cute little princess? Uncle is here with a gift~~"

"Mind your behavior bastard!!"

A loud bang of a door being slammed open and a playful and cold voice of a man and women resounded in the quiet hall.

"Huuhh~~ Why are you guys so quiet, is there some kind of event going on right now??"

"Tsk… Can your dog eyes see that there is an animal in here?! It's no wonder the place is so silent. Oy, you gorilla over there, can you roll out and go back to whence you came from!? Your presence is not welcome here, ANIMAL!"

The handsome blue haired man's playful and loose face is so carefree that he looked at ease in the awkward atmosphere.

While the cold and indifferent woman was looking at the burly old man with displeasure. It was as if she were looking at a garbage on the street.

Her silver hair and ruby eyes made her really look like a goddess that has descended upon the world.

She was embracing a child with a silver hair with a hint of blue in it.

He was around my age, although he seemed a bit gloomy, he was still handsome and his cold blood red eyes were looking at the scarred old man with contempt.

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