《Don't Touch Me, You'll Die!》Chapter 8: Meeting and The Prince of Death (2)


We finally arrived in a spacious and grand place that was supported by a few pillars. It looked so luxurious that all of it reminds me that I was in another world....

There's a unique statue that has a head of a dragon but the body look likes that of an eagle on each pillars. There are a total of 9 pillar in this big hall, so it must be some kind of formation right?

As expected of another world! After seeing the statue of a strange creature, I could see that there is a lot of painting that have a strange magic circle in it.

But I was more surprised at the painting at the very end corner of the hall, it was a painting of a nude woman that was holding a severed Pe***… It was a bloody scene….

My gloomy and dark mood was blown away after looking at it… This kind of thing is just too shocking for my brain to process…

However, I can't move my gaze away from it no matter what I do! This is strange, not only I can't move my sight away from it, I can feel a heavy and dense killing intent sprouted from deep inside me…

It was as though the deep resentment and hatred from my past life was awakened again. The feeling keep getting stronger and stronger and my breathing became rough and heavy.

But I tried to endure it and hide my chaotic breathing with an expressionless face. This kind of thing, I have experienced bursting my lung before, so this is nothing compared to that.

"Haa… it hurt…"

Even though I can endure it, the thing that hurt is still hurt, moreover the suffocating feeling is not only on my body, even my soul feel a bit sluggish and it was as if I'm going to be brought to that white and empty room again…


However, I cannot show it on my face, so I only let out a sigh and mumbled under my breath.

But suddenly, there is a cold and soft hand closed my eyes, and then I could hear a cold and yet calming voice of mother coming from the front.

"What are you looking at, little pervert! And JULIUS!! How many times do I have to tell you to burn that damnable shit!!??"

"…. Why me… you are the one who put it there… but you are really beautiful, my wife~~"

Although mother sounded calm when she was addressing me, but her tone suddenly changed into that of a furious tigress having her cub killed!

What is it father, I could not hear what you are saying… Don't just mumble and say it with dignity!

Anyway, what happened just know?! Can someone please explain to this prince what the hell is going on!?

"Mama, what happened?"

"Aaahh… It's nothing… Mira take him to Julius, and cover his eyes! I'm going to burn that damned painting."

"Ah… Yes, master please be careful, I heard that it was painted by Witch Irevas? It should not be something simple but -!"

"First thing first, don't call me master! And who do you think I am?! I'm not that weak of a woman to lose to that bitch!!"

Uwaahh, it was the first time I heard mother and Mira talking outside of my room but… It looks like I was right, Mira have to be formal when she speak with mother.

But man, I heard about witch this and witch that all the time! Is a witch really that dangerous and common in this world?

If it's true then I'm going to train like crazy and make all the witch my woman… I wonder how mother and father would react if I do that… will they faint?


While thinking about that, I was brought to father by Mira, mother's figure was nowhere to be seen, she must be burning that dirty painting somewhere.

I was placed in father's lap while looking around the place. It was a bit lonely because there is no one in here except for father and Mira, I wonder why though?

Is it because of me coming, or is there other reason? I read in a lot of novels that there are at least two or three servant around.

But isn't this too empty?!

when i was looking around while avoiding where mother is, father asked me with a sad expression on his face.

"Are you done looking around Alex? I heard that you are not looking good? I wonder what happened? You are always smiling, so seeing you not smiling like this make father a bit sad~"

"Uumm… where are we going papa? I don't feel like going, I want to sleepppp and then play with Mira all day…"

I answered him with a lazy tone, seeing that his sad expression were replaced by a gentle expression, i know that he must be very concerned about me.

"Nope, you have to go with us today no matter what! And beside it is time for you to get out of that tiny room and see the world. Your birthday is next month anyway, so making you get used to it first is necessary."

"… Okay."

I replied while looking down, I know that it was time for me to quit being a hikikomori, but you know what, I just don't feel hyped at all!!

And that painting just made me more depressed!!

Can you say something Miraaaa, tell this father of mine to let me play with you all day damn it!!

"What's wrong Alex?! Why are you so gloomy, you have finally able to go outside you know, you always told me that you want to go outside to play…. Don't tell me, are you sick?! Are you hurt anywhere?! Come to mother, let me see you closely!"

A sudden worried voice came like a machine gun without stopping, her gentle words were in contrast with her cold and expressionless face.

I can see that on Mira's and father's forehead, there is a bead of cold sweat flowed out from their body…

"It must be that painting right!? Come, come, let mother check your body, this kind of thing must be checked immediately or -!"

"Calm down Theresa, I have checked it, he is fine…"

Father then interrupt her with a gentle smile on his face, he looked at mother like he was falling in love with all over again...

Knowing that it was hopeless for him, i just stayed silent and watch in the sideline... i guess i should say in the middle? well whatever...

"What fine, you bastard! If there is some bug that stick to our precious child what am I going to do, huh!? You have to check it again to be sure, look at him, he is looking so depressed!!"


Well, this is nothing new to me… Father is waving both of his hand upward… he gave up, he's so damn easy to give up…

And your face! Stop grinning like you just got praised, you bastard!! Even I, your child, want to bash that face of yours!!

Lucky for me that I still have a gentle and angel like Mira on my side. I glanced toward my right where Mira is standing, to my surprise, Mira is smiling, but the cold sweat and the twitch on her mouth indicated that she is annoyed…

I let out a sigh under my breath with a wry smile on my face...

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