《Don't Touch Me, You'll Die!》Chapter 12: She Realized and The Sage


After that, I was dragged by mother to the corner. When I was being dragged by mother, I could see that the others are looking at me with an awkward and stiff smile on their face.

But you know what, I don't even know what I'm saying back then…

My mind was clouded, my eyes were hazy and my heart is dead…

That was something I said out of desperation!

Like what the hell am I supposed to do in that situation?! What kind of things should a five year old kid say to flirt!?

Hey, hey. Can someone tell me what should I do in that situation?!

A social outcast like me was told to flirt with a kid… This is hard in a different kind of level!!

I can only think that I am a criminal…. Although... My appearance is that of a child myself, but my soul and my memory is that of an adult you know!!

My soul is that of a 24 years old young and healthy male. It's true that this is the first time I ever confessed to a woman in all of my life.

But… But… What is this sense of guilt and hard to describe feeling in my heart!?

Right now, mother's expression is very stiff, her usual cold and indifferent face is not present.

W-what kind of expression is this, this is the first time I see this kind of expression from her! And not to mention that I could hear the whisper of these people talking about me.

"As expected from that man's child…"

"This is a surprise, to think that the first prince inherited both the Emperor and the Empress trait…"

"Well this is something to be expected…" "Hmph… Another good for nothing…"

"Cough… Ris, tell the musician to play the music… And a bit louder… Cough Cough..."


All kind of talk could be heard in the silent and quiet big hall. Even though they were saying it rather quietly, but my ears is strangely sharp right now…

Not long after the sound of a music started to drown the whisper and break the awkward situation.

I don't know what kind of music it is, but it sounded really nice and pleasant to my bleeding ears…

The music is like a jazz from earth, probably someone came here earlier than me a long time ago? Well, I don't know and I don't care…

To tell the truth, I tried hard to think about something else other than my mother in front of me…

She has been staring at me with a stiff expression, her lips raised a little formed a small smile, but it looked quite scary to me…

J-just what kind of expression is this, and why are you looking at me and not saying anything!?

My finger were quite fidgety right now, as I can feel that my lips were dry due to how nervous I am, I licked my lips to moisten it up while peeking at mother's face.

She's not shocked into becoming an idiot, right!? She probably conflicted as to what to say in this kind of situation, right?!

Therefore, I don't have a choice but to keep silent and listen to the music, while playing with my fingers…

Not long after, mother let out a gentle sigh, it was as if she just let out something that bothering her and is now free from it.

"I just talked to your father, it looks like he approved of it, there's no problem. So you can bring her back with us and play with her to your heart content!"

"…. What?! What do you mean, mama?! And where is father right now?!"


I was left speechless by her words. Well I know that even in earth, an early engagement is considered as normal too by an old family. But still, man I'm just five years old… Nah, I'm not even five YET…

Well I know that is not the point but… still… is this all right?!

Is my conscience okay with this development?! Am I willing to be engaged to a child? No… well, I am a child too…

With my confusion I even said father rather than papa just now… Never mind that, mother is giving me a cold stare as if she just looked at an idiot, what is the meaning of this!?

I am just a five years old child right now!! I don't understand what you are thinking!!

"Julius is in another part of the world, far away from this continent… Well this is nothing new, he'll be back in a while, so let's just wait for him. And that is what it is, and as you said, this is final!"


I can only look at her with a wronged look…

And to think that he is in another part of the world. Just where did he go? What kind of magic is that random to transfer him to another part of the world…

"Alex, you will have nothing to worry after this, you have a smart and powerful wife now. Not to mention that Xiv and Ira is our loyal Vassal, this is just perfect!"

"What perfect… my ass…"

Crap - !! I said that unintentionally!!! My body has become stiff due to shock and worried that she will think I'm some kind of weird kid or something!

Even though I said it pretty lowly and on the border of whispering, with how close she is and how sharp her hearing is. I am sure that she definitely heard what I just said just now!

And sure enough, when I looked up to see her expression. She was grinning from ear to ear as if she just caught a little thieving cat.

"Are you surprised?! Why are you so tense, I already know that you are not an ordinary kid a long time ago, and you know what, the thing that you said and do is a complete mess. You are acting like a child so that you can hide the fact to that your mind is much more developed than normal, am i wrong?'

"Also, I'm sure Mira have told you that I have always been watching you all the time, right? Not only watching, I also understand what you are saying, and as I am a smart mother, I realized that your understanding and memorization is very high.'

"You are the same like that little wife of yours, she is blessed with a very special body and power. Her very existence defied common sense itself, so for her to be your wife is nothing but a matter of course! And you will awaken you magic latter, the Sage is waiting with little Xiv in the waiting room."

I could only opened my mouth as wide as it could be, and stared at her like an idiot. She got me… She really got me there… But I'm glad that she think I am just a born genius…. Phew~~

W-wait… Huh!? What did she just say?! Sage!? Awaken!? Seriously - !? Eeehhh~~

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