《The Golem Mancer》Chapter Five
(A/N I am truly disappointed in myself… so many tables…and I did say I need to take some time make the story good, but looking at what I typed I highly doubt its good…So this break I was talking about won’t ‘really’ happen. I am going to spend the time reworking the chapters and fixing errors that you guys found. Then…I don’t know…School arc will be fine…but what to write to finish up the childhood arc. Next time I update this and the last few chapter MIGHT not be the same just to say...) also this chapter is 12,000+ words in preparation for my break...
Chapter Five: Rock Demons can fly, Trust me
-A Few days after Dicey Incident-
My Golems have done their part and I am…doing basically nothing. My new wolves are in the area of the human town, patrolling and using their radar like Mana sensing to make sure there is no movement there. New wolves? Well when Alpha caused chaos in the town, he got the people there to give him some [Magic Steel] which was cool and all, but I wonder how he did it; he didn’t transmit the information,... well whatever.
Every so often they would chase a pack of monsters into the human area. We found another smaller town than the one Alpha was causing trouble for so we just target that one. Though we lose out in the experience we could have earned the repeated action has made them exhausted as the town’s army was only like a group of 1000 soldiers; most of them being weak. So my Golems are having fun toying with them.
I still ask myself ‘why does my pain diminish only by a little bit every time I do something like take the life of another person or send my Golems to wreak havoc onto others?’ I find it weird and comfortable at the same time…now that just sounds creepy.
The good thing about the havoc they are causing is that we (I) gain experience from the people who die from the monster attack, as we were the ones who did cause them to die. This is life in the other world. People and Golems alike can die at any time; I have seen this firsthand. I have read this in most Light novels the world people live in is one where Demons and Humans are at war, so I guess me being a demon and attacking humans shouldn’t be too much of a problem.
I also found out that Lyle has been gathering up a large amount of people and are doing a huge subjugation in the forest. I use my Black Stone Lizards to silently listen in to their conversation. They are moving through the forest and back to the village while clearing the area of potential living habitats for my Alpha lizards; basically blowing up caves. I thought about upgrading the Alpha Stone Lizard, but I remembered that they are territorial and will attack each other when they get close…so there really is no point. I wonder why I made so many., they are just sitting in my inventory.
Lyle’s group has been scouting out the forest. They won’t find my alpha lizards as I have them with me right now in my inventory and the Wolves always know where they are so they stay away. Last time I checked they had around 80+ people…even I won’t fight that.
Since I know that Lyle was coming after me because of listening to one of their conversations I decided to make some precautions. They were saying something like ‘I can’t believe Lyle is going to interrogate a kid’ and I could guess who he was talking about. In the mean time I recalled all the Alpha Stone lizards and only am going to use the Wolves as they can run faster making then harder to catch. The adventurers that Lyle has with him don’t look too fast, but it’s best not to judge a book by its cover then again people can’t help but judge someone like me because I have a title that makes me…judge-able…
Well anyways I have been spending the time I’ve had to prepare for when Lyle comes to get me. About Four days ago I sent Dicey to kill that shadowy guy thing and Dicey did the job perfectly! Not only did I gain a massive amount of experience bringing my level up to 25 from 17. That guy must have been a pretty high level. I also gained bonus stats, though I just pumped all my points into VIT and INT so I can live longer while summoning more Golems if a fight between me a Lyle is unavoidable. It makes no sense to add points to the little DEX and AGI I have; he is probably already faster than me.
Status KlostinLevel 25Age: 8M/15DRace: Rock DemonTitle(s):The One Who Laughed Through Pain, The UnderestimatedClass(s):Golem MancerDemon Horn Varient: Life CrystalHealth: 400Mana 210Stamina 35StatsSTR: 1VIT: 80DEX: 11AGI: 15END:100DEF: 150INT: 70LUK: 10...Locked StatsAbilities Summon Corrupt GolemTransfer Fatal DamageCore CreatorEquippedChild's ClothesGolems: Golems: Rocky + 14 BSL | Dicey | Alpha, Beta | Delta, Echo, Fay, Gale, Hardy, Indiana | Rexy, Romeo, RoyRoy | Sin
Like I have said I have been preparing for Lyle to come and get me, of course being the paranoid person I am I spammed all my abilities and named the Golems I summoned, nothing happens to me when I name my Golems; it is only beneficial. I also found out that once I upgrade my ability I lose the function to name the previous set of Golems. Meaning Rocky (where ever he is right now) is the last named Golem for the [Black Stone Lizards]. I would like to find him and give him a core, but his Mana link is the faintest and I have no clue as to where his is. I guess it is okay.
Onto the next thing, I have increased by INT by a lot and now I can summon 14 Stone Lizards, and 6 Wolves; but these wolves are different! [Magic Steel] Great Wolf, is the new type of wolves I can summon, but sadly Alpha and Beta cannot be upgraded like this as I need WAY more materials to upgrade them…You need enough material to remake their bodies…I do not know how many hundreds of Kilograms [A/N 1Kg = 2.2pounds] I need to reform them...so I upgraded the other wolves and now their Status looks like this.
Status [Magic Steel] Great WolfLevel 5Owner: KlostinRaceGreat Wolf (Guardian type) | Rank C GolemHealth: 200Mana Core Strength: 500Stamina: 1/0StatsSTR: 80VIT: 40DEX: 60AGI: 70END: 45DEF: 60INT: 45LUK: 10...Locked StatsSkillsSkill: Call of the Hunt| Rank One | Value: B |Active skill. Activated once per hunt, all pact members Sacrifice 300 Mana Core Strength points| Increases STR by 20 points for every 3 Wolf type Summon. All Targets being hunted are affected with ‘Fear of Death’ status.A New world Golem. New world Golems are a lost form of Golems, they could only be created by use of very expensive materials and a very high Mana cost ritual. Great Wolf Golems made by {Klostin} are the upgraded form of a [Iron core wolf]
Pretty cool right? I have 6 wolves summoned meaning when they are all in a pact together they gain 60 STR points…each. Now what would happen if you were to place one of the many cores I had into them? Oh, amazing things. Many of the cores failed, so I had to use them all on the wolves. Only 4 of the 25 cores I had worked out…sad…I think the cores have a harder chance of merging with a wolf because the Magic Steel ‘Alpha’ got me is, well magical. In the end I think it was that which kept making the cores fail. Like I said 4 cores did merge and I created ‘Rexy, Romeo, RoyRoy’ and something I named ‘Sin’ they all start with ‘R’ because…..I felt like it, except for Sin because he’s a sin. They are all different types of wolves and their statuses are amazing.
All the regular wolves I just named with no care, but continued with the trend I was doing with Alpha and Beta. They have nothing worth mentioning so all their statuses are the same.
If you are wondering how I was able to do all of this will stuck in my room while pretending to be sulking well, my dad took off work as he would rather stay with me, so I had to do all this secretly. The good think about being poor is that the broken wall that Hazard kept on destroying which couldn’t be repaired and it has a lot of holes in it. I can summon my wolves on the other side. Dad cannot see my Mana Link unless I send a command to a close by Golem. So I stay by that side of the wall doing things like wheedle a piece of wood into a sharp stick while summoning and naming my new Golems .And so this is what I created:
Status RexyLevel 15Owner: KlostinRaceGreat Saber Wolf (Ancient type) | Rank B GolemHealth: 600Mana Core Strength: 100Stamina: 1/0StatsSTR: 180VIT: 120DEX: 50AGI: 60END: 15DEF: 20INT: 45LUK: 10...Locked StatsSkillsSkill: Extreme Bite| Rank One | Value: C |Active skill. Activated after point sacrifice, Sacrifice XX Mana Core Strength points. Sacrificed points very on Material bitten on. Base point count: 20 |Allows the individual to increase bite strength by 250% (MAX 300 Damage)A New world Golem. New world Golems are a lost form of Golems, they could only be created by use of very expensive materials and a very high cost Mana ritual. Great Wolf Golems made by {Klostin} are the upgraded form of a [Iron core wolf]. Rexy has gained a personality: He likes to use his jaw for everything.
Yes I made a monster, but he can’t participate in ‘[Call of the Hunt]. Yes this thing can mostly kill everyone I know. Yes he likes to bite…yes it hurts….yes he did bite me…and YES HE LIKES TO BITE ME! Even though he was on the other side of the wall he tried to break through to get a taste of my face, I am so lucky that’s how he shows his ‘love’ quote end quote and he doesn’t clamp down or else I would have died. The wall wasn’t the same after that…let’s just say Dad though Hazard came back to life. I had to lie like ‘I guess the wall finally gave out. Hahaha…’ the look on his face…
Rexy is a [Great Saber Wolf]. If you know what a saber tooth tiger is then just take a metallic wolf’s body and on his head add like 20 saber tooth’s to where the regular teeth would be. All my new wolves are a silvery white colour with blue eyes except Alpha and Beta of course. The wolves that gained a core have a grey strip along their backs and have a lighter blue shade for eyes (crystal). Sadly Rexy’s mouth was also the first sight I saw when he tried to eat me*Shiver* urg…I have more nightmares… Anyways that is the only difference for him. As you might have guess this is why I named him Rexy, he has the teeth of a Tyrannosaurus Rex. He can also open his mouth 180⁰ again it’s scary.
I named the next wolf RoyRoy as a memento of my previous name, but somehow this wolf could tell that I named him after myself and became so much attached to me that it scares me more than Rexy. Imagine a wolf (Who I ‘see through the link’ is a Guy) making strange pant-like metallic sounds on the other side of a wall while looking straight into your eyes…*Shivers* why is it that all my new Golems are weird; then again I shouldn’t be the one saying that.
Status RoyRoyLevel 22Owner: KlostinRaceGreat Soul Wolf (Ancient type) | Rank A GolemHealth: 400Mana Core Strength: 100Stamina: 1/0StatsSTR: 40VIT: 80DEX: 50AGI: 200END: 15DEF: 20INT: 45LUK: 10...Locked StatsSkillsSkill: Fearful Stare| Rank Five | Value: A| Passive Skill. Can only be activated if the Individual focuses on a target. Always Active | Allows the individual to inflict dreadful fear of the individual for as long as they can remember the eyes of the User.A New world Golem. New world Golems are a lost form of Golems, they could only be created by use of very expensive materials and a very high Mana ritual. Great Wolf Golems made by {Klostin} are the upgraded form of a [Iron core wolf]. A Wolf who has the personality to become deeply curious in everything and likes to have stare-downs.
…I lost the last five rounds of the stare down…I could only make him stop challenging me by returning him to my inventory. I could only make the new wolves return by making physical contact with them, probably due to the Magic Steel distorting the Mana Link.
Next up on the list was Romeo. Please remember that I named them after I got rid of all my cores.
Status RomeoLevel 10Owner: KlostinRaceGreat Dusk Wolf (Speed type) | Rank B GolemHealth: 200Mana Core Strength: 500Stamina: 1/0StatsSTR: 70VIT: 40DEX: 120AGI: 160END: 25DEF: 40INT: 45LUK: -100...Locked StatsSkillsSkill: Mirage| Rank One | Value: D |Active skill. Activated after point sacrifice, sacrifice 10/min Mana Core Strength points. Sacrificed points very on Skill usage| Individual creates a illusion of Him/Her/Itself. Illusion acts like the Individual and is controllable by the Skill user, but can only travel 10meters from the userAn New world Golem. New world Golems are a lost form of Golems, they could only be created by use of very expensive materials and a very high Mana ritual. Great Wolf Golems made by {Klostin} are the upgraded form of a [Iron core wolf]. This Golem has been granted ‘Deadly Bad Luck’
I couldn’t think of a name for Romeo at the time he was summoned so I just never answered the blue screen that popped up in front of me, it was at this time I realized that you could move the screen anywhere in your line of sight; I placed it to the top right of my vision.
Onto the next one…Sin…
Status SinLevel 10Owner: KlostinRaceDemon Wolf (Magic Type)| Rank B+ GolemHealth: 100Mana Core Strength: 600Stamina: 1/0StatsSTR: 10VIT: 25DEX: 10AGI: 100END: 10DEF: 10INT: 260LUK: 10...Locked StatsSkillsSkill: Shadow Bind| Rank Four | Value: A |Active skill. Activated after point sacrifice, sacrifice 50/min Mana Core Strength points.| Individual transforms into a shadow wolf and can enter the targets shadow fully binding them| Targetable range: 30m. While transformed no physical attacks can hurt User. Only magical attacks can hurt the User while in this formAn New world Golem. New world Golems are a lost form of Golems, they could only be created by use of very expensive materials and a very high Mana ritual. ‘Sin’ has gained the personality of a Mad joker. He will try to do ‘Funny’ things no matter the situation.
I call him Sin because he looks very…Sinful? I can’t explain it, but whenever I see him I want to punch him across the face. His jokes are not even funny. One time I was with him and he caught a bunny in his shadow form and made that bunny stay still in that one spot while the other wolves came in very close and bared their teeth…the small thing was shaking so much it foamed in its mouth…and made a mess…okay slightly funny.
*Cough* Back to the relevant. Just yesterday dad had to go back to work as we were getting low on coins. I could have given him the gold and silver coins in my inventory, but what would he think when he sees me pull out more money that he made during his entire life. He tried to make our days as normal as possible before I lost Hazard and so he had to leave to start back going to work. This gave me time to summon all 10 of my new wolves (the six I could regular summon + the new core ones)Alpha and Beta were on patrol duty so I had some time…to, well do some…thinking. After about ten minutes of thinking to myself about what was I going to do and looking around for something I had the idea to finally name the last upgraded core wolf.
After looking at what he was doing, which to me looked like he was trying to get a girlfriend with one of the two wolves who I named with female names; I ‘saw through the link’ that they were girls…I want a girlfriend too…I’m so lonely….
*Cough* He did this by finding shiny rocks and ‘tried’ to show the other female wolves only when he was bring the rock to them in his mouth a tree suddenly fell down and struck him. He was a Magic Steel Golem so he only lost like a few points of Health, so after getting out from under the tree…another one hit him…this one landed right on his back and this tree was like a meter in diameter, I heard something snap; he was okay as he was a Magic Steel Golem…hopefully. Can Golems even have families?
Right when he finally reach the other wolf and placed the rock down by her he got shut down; literally. Somehow those trees were able to send some shock to his core and his charge got depleted…this is why I called him Romeo because you try to get the girl, but then the world wants you dead; this is what you get with -100 LUK.
So onto the next topic, since dad is going to be gone at work it gives me time to USE all my abilities. I do not want to repeat the same mistake with Hazard (Rest in peace) and not neglect to upgrade him just because I wanted to have a friend that didn’t need to be powerful.
I need to make my Golems strong and when they’re strong then I will finally be happy with myself. No one is going to mess this up for me, this also include Lyle. I use the [Core Creator] Ability to create a surplus of cores just in case, most the new cores are the same old red, blue, clear, and yellow cores. I tried to train [Zombie’s Regeneration] but having the wolves try to rip off my arm and having it heal doesn’t rank it up no matter how many times you try. Trust me, I tried many times…
I also found out that you can only put stronger cores into Golems you have already placed a core into, but the Golem would only gain a power up with the strongest core. This meaning if I placed a red core in my wolf then a Bronze core like Alpha, I would only have another Alpha; not something more powerful.
This also starts my [Anti-Lyle] Plan. By going into the forest and………now that I think about it, I can’t do anything…My STR stat is 1, I can’t use my right arm in combat, and well I’m slow…compared to my Golems; how could I even catch up…sad…..everything has to be left to my Golems. I also have to put stat points into END and DEF because I thought in the beginning that my Golems would be doing the work and I would just sit back and…wow, I suck…
After drawing circles in the soil on the ground while kneeling down I had the idea to create Skills and/or make a weapon that a Person with 1 STR can deal some damage. The weapon can’t be like a sword or a spear as again I haven 1 STR, can’t be heavy because I have 1 STR, and can only be used with my left arm because system doesn’t like me. The first idea that came to my head was a bomb……………………………………….
OKAY! Think about an object that I don’t have to have STR for, can deal a lot of Damage, and can be used with one arm; by throwing the object at the person. How was I going to create this ‘Bomb’ well I had seen a spherical object used as an explosive beforehand with Charlie (Resty in Peacey) SO, I why the hell not!?!
To make these bombs I thought of using my [Create Core] ability. Whenever I use this ability right now I use it to the Max, as I intend to create the Great Monster Core. So if I was try and control the size of the Core and make it small but fill it more than it can handle with Mana; I should get a nice blast. Thinking about activating my ability I picture myself slowly forming a small golf ball sized monster core, as I picture the core I could feel my Mana drain considerably slower than if I just thought of creating a core.
When I opened my eyes and looked at my hand I see the small clear spherical core. So I create a core, but now to make it into a weapon. I had about 90% of my Mana left so I tried filling the core about 10% more, but once I reached 2% it glowed and ‘exploded’.
…am I flying?...wow this is pretty cool…ah the wind through my hair…
An Event Has OccuredUser has been attackedDamaged Negated Due to DEF and ENDEND value will negates the Pain
I fall right onto my back and I stare at the sky for a while thinking ‘what an anticlimactic bomb…’ you expect a bomb to be like a huge blast with fire and debris everywhere. What I got was a force that pushed me away very fast. I just stare thinking how the hell am I going to use this. Sighing to myself I get up only to be shock, there was a crater 1 meter in depth about 30metres away from me. Wow this thing really pushed me far, but why wasn’t I injured the slightest; I know my DEF and END is high, but the indicator came when I hit the ground not when I should have been hit by the explosion.
The last time I asked the system a question was so long ago in the past; a few weeks ago. So to ask now feels like meeting a person you never saw in a few years…What the hell am I thinking about, it is a system it shouldn’t be sentient.
‘System why didn’t I take any Damage’ (Klos)
Question can be answer due to User being affected by ‘weapon’. Since the monster core created by User was made with the User’s Mana when the core had a sudden expansion due to the overload of Mana in it the core projected its Mana outwards. The Mana projected was the User’s so the User cannot be hurt by his/her own Mana only pushed or pulled
Good thing the system doesn’t hold any hard feelings and so to perfect the ‘bomb’ until I gain a skill…it’s going to be a long day…
-Many hours later-
New Skill Gained. Core Creator (Sub Skill)Explosive Crafter Rank One | Value Varies| Active Skill | Cost Any amount of ManaPower depends on Core and Mana Placed insideRank One Level OneCrafts a bomb out of a monster core, higher the rank of monster core the better the explosiveAt Rank TwoPower Increase
New Skill Gained. Basic Skill setThrowRank One | G| Passive | Always AcitveThrow can be affected by outside conditions.Rank One Level OneUser can throw any object that can be held with a +10% Accuracy and Precision.At Rank TwoIncrease Accuracy and Percision
Finally….after….so……long. For the past five hours I have been crafting mini core and exploding them, my stamina has reached the bare minimum of 6 before I almost passed out of exhaustion. After resting for a little bit I would resume doing the same thing. I had to go deep into the forest and have my Golems guard the surrounding area in case someone was there. Outside is dark and my [Zombie’s Regeneration] skill is healing most of my injuries.
Even though the Mana from the bomb doesn’t hurt me initially, the force I keep getting pushed away at made me hit trees, rocks, and the occasional impalement from a exposed rock structure…thank the gods for [Transfer Fatal Damage] or else I would have killed myself 4 times. Four Black Stone Lizards lost their lives in the process, a moment of silence for them…….
It is well past my bed time, so I think now is a good time to go home. I follow my new White/silver coloured wolves through the forest back to my house. We play fetch and the rare spare against each other. I always get pinned down first…
Anyways I return home and I see my dad, he did not mind me going outside as he might have thought that I am recovering from the trauma of losing Hazard. He gives me my dinner of a basic Mineral block; it still tastes like chicken...mmmmmhhh…
“Klos, how are you doing now? Feeling any better?” (Dad)
“Yup…I think I will go into the market tomorrow! I was going to go with Hazard before…..” (Klos)
My dad seeing my fake distress fully allows me to go into the market; nothing like a guilt trip in the night. I hug my dad after he said that and went off to bed, todays been a long day. While I try to get some sleep I review over my Anti Lyle plan. Tomorrow I would go into the market to see if there is anything that could help me in the plan and see if I might need any supplies. My Golems have looted many different Monster parts and somehow got a lot of gold from somewhere. I did wonder where they got it, but they looked happy to help so I didn’t really care. My inventory was full of many ‘rewards’ from my Golems hunting.
Klostin's Inventory| Black Stone Lizards: 25 || Child Outfits: 2 || Magic Steel Wolf: 2 ||Silver Bear Hide: 7 || Unstable Crystal Lizard 1 || Alpha Stone Lizard 30 ||Silver Horn Rabbit Corpse: 64 || Spotted Tortoise shells: 11 || Death Spider Corpse: 15 || Death Spider Silk: 25(m) || Demon Cat Fangs: 32 || Demon Cat fur: 20(Hides) || Goblin Corpse: 45 || Make Shift Weapons: 22 || Make Shift Armor: 3 || Silver Back Wolf Hide: 24 || Silver Wolf Fangs: 57 || Lion Mane Boar Meat: 8(kg)|| Hazard Golem Corpse: 1 || Hazard Core( Broken) :1 || Small Explosive Core: 24 || Medium Explosive Core: 12 || Large Explosive Core: 5 || Great Monster Core Explosive: 1 || Gold Coin: 47 || Silver Coin: 163 |[ Space = END/3 ]
(A/N Most the stuff here is just for show, no point in remembering it)
Another cool thing about my inventory is that you can fully convert money into higher value coins! Also it seems I can stack the usually 99 items. There was way more stuff my Golems brought during their trips, but this was all they could carry on their backs, of course not all at once; this was over many trips. I think I can call myself rich now, but I cannot tell my dad or else he might think of me as a thief. So what better way to spend money you can’t give than to spend it all on yourself!
After looking through my inventory for a while I drifted to a pleasant sleep.
-Next Day-
Waking up on the right side of the rock I go and eat the Mineral Block left out for me; dad’s gone to work. I get dressed in my best rags and go out to the Market place…I didn’t ask dad where it was…Well whatever I would just stay within the village, he’s sure to find me if I get lost.
I go outside in my usual clothes that are clean of course, they just look very ‘old’. I walk and say hello to most of the people I pass by, need to appear as normal as possible; they return gentle greetings. After walking for an hour I finally panic. The ‘village’ is freckling huge that’s it’s more like a city. I have been walking in a straight line ever since and still haven’t meet with any end. Where I am is a market no doubt, but everyone shopping looks like their goddamn rich. Well since I am here might as well shop; I’m rich too!
The first shop I see is one of the stalls selling a variety of monster eggs. They have different skits of monster eggs with varying colour and shape, before I meet with the store clerk I take out one of my own monster eggs. I need to appear that I belong, rather than be treated as a beggar. Once I open my inventory and click onto the box with ‘Small Monster Egg’ I am greeted with another screen this one displaying all the eggs like it was professional photographed and displayed in a 360 rotation. I choose one of the eggs that look more valuable and take it out.
After making sure the egg was clean (Thanks Inventory!) I proceeded to walk up to the stall owner. When you see a kid walking towards you wearing crappy clothes you wonder what he is doing in one of the most expensive stalls at the market. See the Shop clerks suspicion to me I try to greet her nicely and hope that I might be able to see the many different types of eggs for sale.
“Hello Mam, may I look through the monster eggs you have here?” (Klos) shining my golden smile hoping for them to say yes, instead I get a defeated sigh.
“I rather you not look around. You don’t look like you have money and I am suspicious that you may be a thief. So leave or I’ll call the guards.” (Stall Clerk)
“I’m sorry I was just going to ask you if you know what monster is in this egg? But since you want me to go awa-“ (Klos)
“WAIT!” (Stall Clerk)
I was slowly walking away from her when she stopped me by putting her hand on my shoulder. She had her eyes fixated on the egg I was holding in my hand. The egg was small and a light blue; it had tribal tattoo markings all over its shell and felt a little fuzzy. I though it looked cool enough to sell so I took it out; I think it might have been more valuable than I thought.
“Boy do you know what this is?” (Clerk)
“No that is what I was going to ask you…” (Klos)
“Well what you have is a [River Wyrm] very rare to find, much more rare to find an egg of the species. Their scales and saliva make great alchemy products. They are usually found very deep into the SilverWood Forest, where did you find one?” (Clerk)
“…I found it in some shallow pond…it looked cool so I picked it up.” (Klos)Lying is hard, like I know where these things lay their eggs.
“What…luck…I spent a year in that forest and I still haven’t found one…how about selling it to me? You won’t be able to take care of it anyways, they are expensive to care for and luckily from what I can see you didn’t damage the egg as yet…how about 54silver and any common egg I have? More than Fair deal.” (Clerk)
“How about you give me 20 silver and one uncommon eggs?” (Klos) From what I can read these eggs are pretty expensive…40 coins just for a common one…
“Hmmmm…Deal.” (Clerk)
I hand the egg over to the clerk who gives me 20 silver coins in return, I put it in my ‘pocket’ and she brings me into the stall to see all the eggs. There is a larger variety than what I have in my inventory and I swear there are over a hundred small and medium eggs. The eggs are stored within glass cases and displayed very prominent.
I have no clue as to what egg to choose and I can’t identify the eggs as the system says I have a lack of knowledge. I think I should just ask what kind of egg would be good for me. Any egg would do as I got this sale by luck and the fact I have like 20 other eggs that look just as expensive and many that look like they are encrusted with gems. Plus the monster that I would get is just for show, by having a weak monster ‘protecting me’ no one would suspect that I would be the person with over 5 deadly monsters hiding in the forest.
“Excuse me what egg is good as a pet?” (Klos)
“Pet? No these eggs are for use as a Familiar. See the Magic Seal on each of the eggs once someone places their blood onto the seal then it becomes their familiar. You could only have two familiars if you try to have more than two familiar, your soul will collapse. If you have a Summoner class then you could handle more powerful familiars. I could understand how you didn’t know this.” (Clerk)
Oh, so they are Familiar eggs. Cool. I wonder what kind of Familiar I should get? I think since I gave a Wyrm to the clerk I should get one in return, but not as rare though. It’s like I would use the River Wyrm for what it’s meant for anyways.
“…then do you have any familiar related to Wyrm’s, since I gave you one I think having something related should be good?” (Klos)
“Yes I have small collection of Wyrm species. They are right here.” (Clerk)
I was taken to a small box holding pretty sizable eggs about the size of a tennis ball. They ranged in coloration, but all were generally the same. They had a presence unlike my Golems mostly because Wyrm’s are a draconic species that has no legs like a snake but has wings and can use magical spells, though they are pretty weak ones . They don’t grow too much maybe staying around 4 meters in length and a girth of 40 cm; the clerk tells me this.
“Can I have the Grey egg… actually do you have any [Wisp]?” (Klos)
“I could actually give you ‘rare’ Wisp since no one buys them anyways? Also Wisps don’t come in eggs they separate themselves and merge into a suitable material and then the clone matures in that material. I have one ingrained into Elderwood, here have this. You cannot know what species of Wisp you have as they all have the same markings; this is rare because Wisp don’t usually clone themselves into Elderwood. There is a possibility it is just a regular Wisp; you take the risk.” (Clerk)
The Clerk hand me a block of wood that has the wood grain pulsing a white glow. So this is a Wisp…baby? There is the same seal on the wood that is on the eggs. I choose a Wisp because they are even more so weak and people would suspect me even less! Plus being an underdog is cool as when you absolutely crush your opponent they feel so bad losing to someone with a Wisp. The creature known as a Wisp should be invincible to all physical damage like in any RPG. So why the hell not have one.
“Sure that sounds great. So how do I make it my familiar?” (Klos)
“Just let me stab you with this.” (Clerk)
“…” (Klos)
She took out a massive needle that looks like a spine of a giant porcupine, and points it at me. I was really in shock here, why the hell does this person carry such a large needle. I wasn’t really threatened as I carried with me over 20 Alpha Stone Lizards that would kill her if she did anything.
“…I was just kidding sheesh can’t you take a joke, just prick your finger with something and place your blood on the seal, let me just activate the seal.” (Clerk)
“…Okay.” (Klos)
I kind of expected that. I prick my right arm (Human looking one) with one of the jagged rocks protruding out my left; I had to use all my STR (1 point) to make some blood appear on my finger. It took some time but I did it. Then the shop clerk did some magic chant and the seal started to shine. I placed a small amount of blood on the wood block, it started to glow excitedly. Once the seal was touched the wood glowed a soft yellow aura and sparkles were being created around it,
The clerk left me in wonder to the process the fact of getting a familiar. My Familiar continued to glow illuminating the whole stall with a bright yellow light. It disappeared soon after revealing a flying white….urg…. fiery orb thingy. The Wisp was pretty big, around 20cm in diameter and emitting a faint blue smoke that traveled up into the sky. The wisp looked to accept me. Then it glowed and disappeared into white particles that flowed into my chest.
An Event Has OccuredUser has Gain 1 Familiar.User has unlocked [Life crystal horns] ability.Ability Has been ActivatedLife Crystal Horns: Any creature that is connected to the life of the individual, share the same life pool. +10 VIT Every Level from now on for User and Familiar
“Can Familiars Die?” (Klos)
“Yes of course they can, but since they are connected to your soul once a familiar ‘dies’ they return to your soul and take some time to recover. Just wait for your familiars to integrate with your soul before you summon them. Don’t neglect your familiars they can on purpose destroy your soul from the inside.” (Clerk)
That last sentence is frightening. Whatever this means I just expanded by health by whatever is the Health of my Familiar. I fist pumped the air when I suddenly notice that I have two tattoos around my wrist. They look to me like the same tribal markings as the egg I had given to the shop owner.
An Event Has OccuredFamiliar has finished Integrating with the Users Soul.Since Summoning familiars is closely related to the Class: Golem Mancer your familiar have been Golemnized.This effect can only happen to your first familiar. Wisps could not become Golemnized, but due to the User, a new category has been created. Category: Soul Metal Wisp as long as the Owner’s core it is connected to is not harmed, the Wisp will not die. Another Core is has been made to external as to not interfere with the Wisp bodily functions. Core has been placed in User’s Inventory. The sub core would be considered the Wisps body. Wisp Intangable Skill disabled on external Core.
That’s a good thing right? I just created an Invincible Wisp since no one can attack my inventory. Well time to check out their statuses. Before that I name the Wisp: Wispy. Sadly it doesn’t transform in anyway.
*Conditions Completed. | Rank A [Gaia Wisp] Contracted | Due to Contracting the Spirit type familiar being related to the Class: Golem Mancer User has gained a class skill.
Golemnization: Rank A | Active Skill. Cost: equivalent Volume Material, and a Monster Core.
Level One: Turn a living creature (Contracted) into a Golem, Benefits: No fatigue, Growth Correction, Able to alter stats with better materials, and the creature gains the Golem Evolution Tree.*
Status WispyLevel 5Owner: KlostinRaceGaia Wisp | Rank A Golemnized Spirit (Soul Metal)Health: 200(600)Mana Core Strength: 700Stamina: 1/0StatsSTR: 0VIT: 40DEX: 1AGI: 1END: --(1)DEF: --(50)INT: 170LUK: 0...Locked StatsSkillsSkill: Intangible | Rank One | Value S | Passive skill Always Active | User cannot be targeted by the physical.
Skill: Nature’s Heal | Rank One | Value: E| Active skill. To activate Skill sacrifice 100 Mana Core strength points. The Individual targeted heals for 10% their max health. Heals over 1min. Skill is boosted while in dense foliageA Wisp that has become Golemnized [td3]
“…What…Luck…a Gaia Wisp…I never had ones of those….” (Clerk)
The more the clerk looks at me the mort depressed she gets.
A new Golem skill, cool. This skill though has no benefits right now to use…my wisp was already [Golemnized] and I can only have one more familiar so…I better wait until I have a really good familiar then use the Skill…
I say my good byes and prepared to leave when I get pushed down by someone blocking the entrance. It was another girl. She had the punk demeanor about her outfit, which was only amplified with her dark red short cut hair, two gigantic blood red horns, they put my horns to shame and some more red reptilian features. She was glaring at me with yellow slitted eyes. she was wearing a normal villagers, her arms were crossed and she gave out an aura that said she was pissed off. I say that fuming attitude looks pretty beautiful…I never had a girl like me… I make sure my hair is in place and I am not messed up that much. I also wonder what she mad about…is she made at me?
“Bella, stop glaring at our customer.” (Clerk)
Such a nice name, Bella. She looks to be the same age as me though I can’t really tell with a demons growth. I wonder if she likes Golems…damn I need something to show her. How do you even impress a girl in this world?!? Jewelry? Money? Maybe defeat a giant monster? Scratch the last one, It would be a downer to have your Golems kill the beast instead of you…sh*t Klos think, what to do…what to do.
“Mom why are you selling our stuff to a prick like this…” (Bella)
“I know honey, but because of the boy I was able to get a [River Wyrm] so this one would replace the one I gave.” (Clerk)
“…” (Bella)
Her stare changes from daggers to full out long swords. We both stare at each other; I am not going to lose another staring contest plus more time to look at her! RoyRoy will be my only opponent! We stare for over a minute before she looks away to her mom. My Win! Yeah! The girl nods he head and then resumes the staring contest.
“Fight me.” (Bella)
Wait…what? Before I could respond she grabs my leg (I realized I never got up when she pushed me down) in her hand and starts walking with me in tow. My face gets dragged against the rocky ground, but my DEF negates it. The clerk apologizes and closes shop. I keep trying to tell her to stop, but the dirt fills my mouth. I get looks of sympathy and pity by the surrounding people. How many times has she done this?!?!
Her grip on my leg is too strong for me and I can’t get up, DAMN YOU STRENGTH STAT. I can’t look like I am weak in front of her!...Nope I am already too weak. I decided to keep my mouth shut as rock demons do not eat dirt; it still tastes like dirt. My Ragged clothes turn more raggedy by the time she finally stops and let’s go of my leg. I get up and dust off all the dirt that stuck to my clothes.
We are in an arena with many people sparing each other. She did say ‘Fight me’, but how could I hit her…she is like a beautiful…devil? My sense of love must have been destroyed by becoming a demon. O’ well as long as I can feel it, right. I wonder what she thinks of me. I shouldn’t let this be a disappointing match. I need to show her my STRENGTH…or defense in my case.
Now that I look at her again she was now dressed in some kind of leather battle gear and wearing gauntlets with spikes on the knuckles…are she wearing that because I have spikes on my knuckles too? When did she have the time to switch gear? It really looks good on her!
“My name is Bella, the one that’s going to make you taste defeat-” (Bella)
“-Hi I am Klos!…and if defeat tastes like dirt then I have had enough…,but I must say you loo-” (Klos)
Before I could finished my sentence she moved way to fast to see and tackled me down to the ground then let my face meet her fist. She presses he knee against my chest to keep me down, then again having 1 STR won’t allow me to go against this monster. There goes my chance to look cool…
[td3]An Event Has OccuredUser has been attackedDamaged Negated Due to DEF and ENDEND value will negates the Pain
I kept on getting the negation notification nonstop. Her fist moved like a Gatling gun making my head twist side to side, but I felt nothing so I could help but laugh at how cute her attacks was. I was taking no damage and she looked to be trying as best as she could.
“Don’t *Smack* Laugh *Smack* At *Smack* ME! *Smack*.” (Enraged Bella)
“Its-. Just-.That-. You-. Look-. Cute-. While-. Punching-. Me-.” (Klos)
“ *Smack* *Smack*…Really? *Smack* *Smack*” (Bella that won’t stop punching me)
“Yah-. Could-. We-. End-. This-. And-. Like-. Talk!-.” (Klos)
“This *Smack* is a FIGHT!” (Bella)
After approx. 10 minutes of getting hammed into the ground she finally gets exhausted to the point her punches feel like slaps and I gentle push her off me. I get back up and dust myself off once again. She slowly gets up shakily while trying to catch her breath.
“Why…Hah…Didn’t…you…hah……..die?” (Bella)
Wait…was she really trying to kill me? I look at her gauntlets and see how worn out they have become, the spikes are now nubs.
“I am just that Strong!” (Klos)
I need to try and look cool right now or else I might never get the chance! I puff out my chest and appear to have a look of pride. Now time to think of some way to confesses and then like any Light novel, we become Childhood friends and secretly lover because our families won’t agree with us. While day dreaming I was awoken from my daze with a punch across the face.
“You good now? You were out of it for a while now.” (Bella)
“*Cough* *Cough* Bella, I was wondering… Ever since I saw you I felt that I like yo-” (Klos)
Before my confession could be complete to her I was push away and watched my surrounds blur. I was flying through the air once again this time much, much, faster. WHAT THE HELL! DOES SHE HATE ME THAT MUCH SO SOON!?!?!?!?!
I turn into a ragdoll as I was pushed away very fast just like the time I used one of my bombs against myself. I could feel the pain of tumbling at a great velocity and finally crashing into a wall.
An Event Has OccuredUser has been attackedDamage Received 147 Points.END value will negates some PainInternal Bleeding status inflicted, Right Bottom Ribs are broken, Left Arm is Broken and Face has been smashed in (-1HP/Sec for 3minutes) | recovery time: 1 week with Zombie’s Regeneration periodically activating.
Blood flows out my mouth. Her attacks could not do this much damage, what happened? I look up from my position, which is imbedded into a wall on the other side of the arena. In front of my flight path is LYLE! The bane of my existence is right in front of me…I…must…get…rid…of…him, NOW! I scream at him; thought I am too far for him to hear me.
“LYLE I am so going to kill YOU!!” (Klos)
I take out my [Large Explosive Core] I do not know how much damage this will cause, but if it could kill that jerk…ah wait he’s too close to Bella…
While thinking about what to do the core activates and starts to glow…Sh*t this is going to hurt…….
*User has been knocked Unconscious from the Mana Force of the [Large Explosive core] Time remaining: 35 Minutes*
-Bella’s POV a few moments before-
“Uncle? WHY DID YOU DO THAT? I didn’t get to hear what he was going to say!” (Bella)
“Huh? I felt that boy was going to say something to you…I felt I needed to hit him as hard as I could so…I just acted…wait was that Klos…I think I just killed him…” (Lyle)
“yah he did say his name was Klos, but anyways, he said I was cute while we were fighting…you killed him?” (Bella)
“I kind of hit him full force…Wait he called you cute??? YOU Cute! Damn I have to make sure he doesn’t get up.” (Lyle)
“Hey DON’T! He’s the first to call me cute…and survive in a fight with me.” (Bella)
“I wish you would choose someone that doesn’t look like he’s frail as a twig.” (Lyle)
“He SURVIVED fighting with me and looks like he’s still alive after you hit him. That counts right? (Bella)
Fine…Fine. I hope he’s alright I did hit him pretty hard…” (Lyle)
“He should be, he took my fist to his face for 10 minutes straight and then one of your Kicks! Also I think he’s cu-” (Bella)
“-ute…too……..Never mind he should be dead now.” (Bella)
“…Half the area just disappeared…The Adventurers Guild is so going to Kill me for this…” (Lyle)
“…I think we should go help him…and run away” (Bella)
I wake up in an unfamiliar room. There was a window to the right of me and when I looked out I could see that is was still day time and pretty bright outside. I am all bandaged up.
I sit up, but feel a little groggy. After a few moments the door literally flies off it’s hinges. Bella was standing in the door way with a cheerful smile on her face…cute…then HE comes in. Lyle, the target of all my hatred! I show him a distasteful look and he accepts it.
“Hey Klos…sorry about…breaking your arm…and ribs…and face……and about the bump on your head…” (Lyle)
“Yeah, he dropped you on the way here.” (Bella)
“Hey! You said you wouldn’t tell him it was me.” (Lyle)
“…” (Klos) breathe Klos, A breath in and a breath out.
“You’re the one that almost killed him, so why not?” (Bella)
“…” (Lyle)
I really have to kill Lyle…
“This is Uncle Lyle! The Adventurer.” (Bella)
“…so I can’t kill him?” (Klos)
Ah, said that one out loud.
“No silly, it’s like you can in the first place.” (Bella)
“How about we change the topic to a lighter note, Klos Since you’re here at my house already how about I ask you some questions?” (Lyle)
Let’s just get it over with…
“…sure.” (Klos)
“First off where did you get Hazard?”
“I don’t know he was just there.”
“Just there?”
“Yah he’s in my longest memory I don’t remember when he wasn’t”
“Okay, Second question. Where is the lizard you call Rocky?”
Smug smile.
“I don’t know”
“Are you sure? When I asked your dad he said if you want to find Rocky talk to you?”
“Well after you killed Hazard he left, so I don’t know where he is”
“Last question for now…You dad said you have a Mana link with your lizard. Care to explain?”
“LYLE! I have news for you!” (Messenger)
Before I could lie to Lyle the entrance swung open once again and other generic demon was in the entrance. He asked to see Lyle. They both stay by the entrance and talk about something; I was too far to understand.
Damn my whole anti-Lyle plan…I can’t kill the uncle to someone like Bella. At least I might get a friend by the end of this; ONE THAT’S A GIRL TOO!
“Anyways, you’re alright Klos. To fight me and not be halfway to death is an accomplishment itself! Plus you called me cu-” (Bella)
She then proceeds to ‘gently’ nudge my shoulder while blushing and trying to complete her sentence…and I went flying for the 26th time today…I was propelled right through the window of the 2 story building landing flat on my back. There goes Lyle’s wall.
“-ute…my strength is too much…” (Bella)
‘…She looks way to lovely to get mad at her; I’ll just blame Lyle…’ (Klos)
All the people around me were confused, they saw a boy in bandages being hit out a building and they think ‘what the hell?’ Also Bella was looking at her hand wondering how she put so much strength into it. Once the people saw Bella they understood what happened and resumed their daily chores.
“Sorry Klos! I have over 154 Strength points! It’s hard to control.” (Bella)
The first girl who I thought was cute has an insane amount of strength (for a ‘teenage’ demon) while on the ground I call out for Lyle…
“LYLE! YOU OWE ME SO~ MUCH!” (Klos) I said it loud enough for him to hear.
“…fu*k…” (Lyle)
Lyle ended up buying me a full set of new clothes, Me and Bella Lunch (Can I count this as a first date?); I just had a higher quality mineral block, Some weird material called Stydinium; it is made from the rock that is only available in mountains, they said it was a good shock absorber, and a book about Wisps. Lyle ran out of money by the end of the day. He only did the things after lunch because I blackmailed him saying that I would tell the Guild here in the Village that he kicked me into a wall almost ‘killing’ me. Since Adventurers value their reputation, he was force to do all these things. It turned out better than killing him plus he is Bella’s uncle…why does the cute ones family members cause so much trouble…
Afterwards Lyle kept on apologizing for causing my pre-mature death so much that it became annoying. Also it seems that I became friends with Bella, the teenager part of me wants her to be my girlfriend…so I still cannot kill Lyle…also she is the only girl I know that is my age as she told me that she beat up all the other boys my age. I found out that she has no other friends too because she beat the hell out of them ‘accidently’ due to her insane strength; turn out I am the first person durable enough to handle her punches/nudges…less competition I guess!
Once I said that I WILL be her first friend she got overly excited and hit me through a wall again…yup this is going to be hard on Lyle as he lost another wall. She is better than Hazard at destroying things. After checking that I wasn’t death she placed an iron grip on my arm and dragged me away as Lyle laughed at me. I sent him an evil smile and he looked at his wallet depressed again; I am so going to blackmail him again.
Wearing my new clothes was a big mistake as Bella never let me go, though this may sound like a good thing it was very bad as she ran faster than my feet could carry me; resulting in me being lugged around like an old doll…
Turns out the ‘Goddamn rich’ people were actually commoners…we are really poor…
Is this the dreaded shopping spree I was warned about many times as a human child…I think it is. We have been in only two stalls within four hours. This is a jewelry store and many people who own these stalls know of Bella and her ‘tendencies’ to become destructive; I think we were made for each other! And So, the Store owner lets her try on most of the less expensive jewelry.
Bella has gone through half the store so far and for each piece she would ask ‘How do I look’ which is then the point I go into a daze after responding my thought….thinking about her…she looks so beautiful in the pink quartz earrings… ANYWAYS I fully expressed my opinions and I think I have furthered our relationship as she blushed every time! PROGRESS! Though she still call’s me her friend. No worries, as love has been called the hardest battle in a man’s life; I shall persevere!
Now after another hour or so of shopping for nothing we end up at a food stall that sells meat on a stick, they call it that not me; I am secretly paying of course. Good thing Bella doesn’t know I could have bought all the jewelry she saw today… Back on track it was at this moment I decided to try REAL food, no more Mineral blocks for me! I bought Bella 6 and me one for a total of 7 bronze coins. She finished hers right away while I tried to think of what could happen if I ate this meat on a stick.
Finally going for it I take a bite of the red succulent meat. The grease flowed of it non-stop and the smell was intoxicating, taking my first bite. I vomit blood……
An Event Has OccuredUser has been attackedUser has sustained 116 points of DamageEND value will negates some PainInjuries sustained: Internal Bleeding (3HP/Min for 10 Min)
HOLY Fu*k that was the most disgusting piece of SH*T I have ever eaten in my Fu*King life! It was like having roasted dog Sh*t sautéed with cat urine; not that I know how that taste, but it was bad.
Bella was having the best time as she was laughing her head off. The amount of blood spill in this very moment rivaled the amount I spew when Lyle kicked me…food is dangerous.
“You know Klos; this was the best day of my LIFE, better than when I hit some kid through two houses!” (Bella)
“Urg…Yah…mine too, but did you have to make me have another bite of the meat…I think I am dying right now” (Klos)
“Hahaha. You know you looked funny when you made a waterfall of blood. Ha-ha” (Bella)
…good to know I am funny…Hahaha…
Being this low on health (Below 50%) feels too dangerous for me so I guess this is the time I can finally summon Wispy my Wisp. I call out in my head [Summon Gaia Wisp] White particles flow out my chest gathering to a point in front of me, but the pain in my chest came back again this time much worse. I fell off my seat clenching onto the pain in my chest. Bella came to my side asking what was wrong, but the pain was too much and I could respond…
An Event Has OccuredUser has learned about his condition: Cracked Soul Core.| +10INT |Demons alike all have a soul core in their chestPeople who have their cores damaged will suffer varying conditions. Due to the User having a Cracked Soul Core he would receive excruciating pain whenever he uses Mana; Pain varies from usage. Using Abilities granted from the Gods and passive skills are excluded
…After a short while the pain subsided and the crowd that gathered around me realized this and dispersed. Bella was worried, but she looked…so angelic…I mean she looked Demonic! Damn my demon brain. I slowly get up and view the Wisp in my sight. Right away I ask it to heal my wounds. Since it was a Familiar I could converse with it telepathically and this is not the same as talking to someone else it’s much harder. I mean just think of something and you automatically send it, it you think of the wrong thing and accidently send it…..
An Event Has OccuredUser has been [Healed]User has been Healed for 50% Maximum Health[Gaia Wisp] Sacrificed 500Mana Core pointsMana Core point recover is set at 100MCP/Hour for ‘Wispy’ the [Gaia Wisp]
After thanking the Wispy I ask it to follow and that I won’t be unsummoning it as I feel that would make me feel the pain again. Wispy seemed happy with the decision to stay outside, though it did not speak. It showed this ‘happiness’ by bobbing up and down slightly faster than it moved regularly.
“Klos are you okay? You gave me a scare… I thought I would have to pay for the next round of Meat sticks, Hahaha…” (Bella)
Though Bella said something that could be considered insensitive, I knew she was trying to make me feel better.
“No worries, I am strong like I said!” (Klos)
Now that I know what will happen I just won’t use my Soul core to do any Familiar summoning as I will keep my Wisp always out. But there was one question concerning me the most.
“Bella, how is Lyle related to you? I know he is your uncle and all…” (Klos)
“That was random…He’s my Moms brother! You know my mom she was the one you gave the Wisp.” (Bella)
“Ah, I see” (Klos) Nope can’t kill him still, but I wonder what my Golems are doing…I kind of forgot about them.
-Before Klos’s Blackout-
The Golem Wolves moved as a pack, they surveyed the area again repeating the same motions like they have done every day. They had nothing else to do besides explore new areas in search of monsters to kill and send to the Human settlements on the other side of the forest. Today the wolves decided to travel north-east into a more lush forest, Visibility was decreased to the bare minimum as the tall grasses and plants made it hard to see for the shorter wolves; such didn’t happen for Alpha and somewhat Beta.
Before they came to this area they had scene two settlements, different from the Eastern Garrison they had visited once before. They took notes of the new area like scholars researching new findings. It was only noon when the message came to the Golems.
[table=#2B1B17]An Event Has OccuredUser has been placed in Comatose due to battleGolems will be placed in| instinct modeAutomatic CommandGolems will be placed in Instinnt mode with the intent to reduce possible harm to the Owner in their area. Instinct Mode cannot be ignored in Owner made Golems.[/table]
(A/N I will change the previous red text ones to orange)
Once the message was finished the Wolven Golems were not the same. All of their crystalline eyes changed into a murky ruby. The ten wolves gathered together and the 8 of them activated [Call of the Hunt] gaining an increases of 60 STR points. They then went into a mad dash. ‘Reduce potential Harmful entities’ was the order and it will be done.
The wolves sprinted through the brush, their Mana sense becoming sharper and sharper as they siphoned the surrounding Mana, the act placing their cores into Overdrive. The all gained a faster move speed.
The wolves bursted through the forest into the expansive grasslands. They spent no time getting to the gate of the random settlement close by. They were like white blurs racing through the Iron Gate. No one was not a target, they were all harmful. Each and every one must be eliminated; this information was taken from the Owners mind. ‘A Demon’s enemy is the Humans, A Humans enemy is the Demons’ therefore the wolves viewed Humans as something that can cause harm to their Owner.
Blood was splashed around profusely. The guards didn’t survive the initial onslaught of wolves. Even Alpha the Fenrir was present to make the flesh of the ‘enemy’ into mash. Beta was using his skill to destroy the eardrums of the opposition. The attack blasted through the town damaging each and every one the sound waves touch no matter child or women; the attack was indiscriminate.
The Great Wolves didn’t need to use its ears, as Golems felt the vibrations in the air to figure out what is being said. Thus they were not harmed by Beta’s attack. The sound wave went into the middle of the town without dissipating; though the attack was powerful it came with a cost. That cost was Beta’s Mana Core, by using the attack to the fullest and Overdriving his core he got unsummon that instant.
More and more guards and adventures came to stop the wolves, but due to [Call of the Hunt] most of them who couldn’t resist the mental attack didn’t bear stay in the town. They were not spared either. Rory was there to look at each one of them in the eyes memorizing them in a deadly glare, fainting was the lightest injury. While on the ground spasming and/or foaming by the moth Rexy came by and bite off each of their heads.
Citizens ran, again they were not spared. The other wolves broke through the ring of Guards to end the lives of the people running away. ‘If someone escapes and warns them of the wolves their owner could be in more harm’ they remembered this information from when they were hunting down the 7 Guardians group in the forest previously.
Over a hundred souls were brought to the cycle of life and more was to come. The Fenrir was stopped by a Giant man in heavy armor plating; he was [Heavy Defender] class personnel who specialized in stopping enemies. He issued one of his skills [Defenders Taunt] by activating this skill he was able to gain the attention of four of the wolves, though this was his downfall. The Defender was about to attack Alpha when he stopped in his tracks, he was paralyzed. In the man’s shadow was Sin, he had used his Shadow wolf form to force the man to a standstill.
This man then meet with the jaw of the Alpha who ripped out his head, blood was spewed around the area. Entrails scattered on the roadways. This was definitely a bloodbath. A thousand souls have entered the same cycle the previous hundred went though.
The Humans all gathered their strongest for a last stand against the wolves. The mages were useless these wolves had the protection of {Magic Steel} the material has the ability to nullify the effects of processed Mana. The Humans knew of this as they lost most of their mages to get this information.
They all felt a chill down their spines as the wolves approach. The wolves who had once had Black fur, and White fur were now dyed in a vibrate red. They contrasted with the red eyes of the wolves. Many of the people behind the brave were praying for a god to help them, fortunately a miracle occurred in front of all of them.
All the wolves’ appendages were sealed in glowing chains. A [Beast Master] was the class of one of the adventures in the last stand. He used his skill to seal the movement of the wolves, but it wouldn’t hold for too long against these ‘beasts’.
“EVERY ONE ATTACK!” (Beast Master)
And so everyone did, they ran at the petrified Golems. They stopped. Behind them screams of the people they were meant to protect sounded. When they looked back they saw four more wolves attacking the people. They were in a bind ‘to attack the wolves that are sealed or help the people behind them dying?’ sadly this decision took too long to make and the Wolves in front of them were freed once more.
What really shocked them was that the four wolves that should have been behind them disappeared into smoke only showing one lone wolf that attacked them; Romeo with his [mirage] skill.
The group of remaining Humans thought everything was over, but it wasn’t.
[table=#2B1B17]An Event Has OccuredOwner has awaken and Battle has been finishedWolves are now returned to Manuel ModeAutomatic CommandDue to the Owner being unaware of the Instinct mode all information regarding the switch has been withheld until Owner realizes what has happened.*[/table]
The eyes of all the wolves returned to their previous colour: Blue for the great wolves and Green for the Fenrir. The wolves’ demeanor changed fully from frenzied attacker to calm dogs. The Humans all saw the change and were puzzled with the sudden change, but they didn’t let down their guards. The wolves shook off the mental status and proceeded to run away; they didn’t have the energy to continue fighting.
Once the wolves were past the horizon the Humans finally wept for the many that died today. So the call was made to the capital.
-Capital | Kingdom of Rothia.-
“ My Liege! This massager graces you with his presence!” (Messenger)
“Speck my friend” (King)
“The Northern Garrison near the SilverWood forest has been attack. The loses are uncountable…all the guards have been killed in the incident.” (Messenger)
“A pack of silver wolves attacked.” (Messenger)
“That’s…all? Can’t be, any adventurer can hunt those.” (King)
“My King this may be the same wolves that attacked the Eastern Garrison, but when we asked Captain Vince he told us that those wolves didn’t attack them with the intent to kill everyone. He believes since the wolves eyes had turned red someone must have possessed them. Please, your orders!” (Messenger)
“…We must be dealing with a person in the [Black arts]. Bring me to the Oracle” (King)
“O’ Great Oracle I beseech you once again for advice and look to seek your premonitions. Was there someone in control of the wolves who attack my people in the north?” (King)
The Oracle swirled her Mana around the blue fire while chanting incomprehensible words. Soon enough the fire started to move forming into distorted shapes from the kings point of view.
“Oracle what do you see.” (King)
“I…see a single man… a demon with red horns…he is a man who can’t be killed! But he does not fight, Monsters are coming out from behind him…I foresee a battle… not a battle with this man, no a battle against the monsters he brings with him! My king…I have not seen such a man since the last demon king.” (Oracle)
“Do you see the Demons leading this attack?” (King)
“I see something else…Demons…and Humans together! We are both going to fight this monster… AH a hero, YES A HERO! I see a Hero fighting with the Man… The man…won’t die?!? …..!!!there is another man.... The hero…will be the only one to defeat the Man in God’s blinding light! We have a chance against this monster! The Hero has the mark of the Gods with him!” (Oracle)
“Thank you Oracle…tell me if you see anymore.” (King)
“WAIT! There is one more detail…it is…you? Yes…I see it now…” (Oracle)
“Oracle? What is it? Speak now.” (King)
“I see you holding a child in your arms. The Hero is your own son. He has been blessed by the Gods!” (Oracle)
“My own Son? He is only 8 months old. I guess we have time to prepare to fight since you saw my son as a man. Thank you great oracle, your services are very much appreciated” (King)
The king walks away in thought while the oracle tends to put out the fire.
‘why isn’t the fire going out’ (Oracle)
Another scene is played in front of the Oracle.
“No…it can’t be…why are the scenes repeating again?...No they are different. Why is it the Monster Man this time…human?” (Oracle)
Burr… Why do I feel a chill? Is someone talking about me? I hope its Bella.
Romance is hard to type… Whatever enjoy the fact that Klos Love interest kind of likes him (First friend way) and that she is violent to others (cause they weak).
This about a “Golem Mancer” so how will I include Golems into this well, he can Golemnize things and this would get him to create his own Golems. Don’t worry this chapter he might have not used them much, but they are still very much ‘alive’ and fighting. Lol if you get that.
If anyone can think of a way to improve the Romance part please go ahead and tell me. Other than that enjoy…hopefully.
Also my friends all said no they won’t edit…sad… they are like
“[Word Omitted] you want me to edit your novel? Errrrr No can’t, (Censored) it. I have to (Censor) my projects. Hey what are you (Censored) right now? HEY are you really (Censored) our conversation. WTF what’s with all the “Censoring”. HEY STOP, YOUR NOT (Censored) TO POST THAT! Your making me sound lik-”
he became un-conversable at that moment and I had to put him down….my dog on the ground of course because I was holding him while talking.
I really need to end the Childhood arc…it’s too hard to write…I will try and end it in the next two chapters.
If you guys remember the other people who reincarnated you will see where I am going with this. Except for the last thing the oracle said, you guys will never get that Muhahahaha~
Take care
- In Serial16 Chapters
Rogun: Companion One in the Orak'Thune Series
Under the White Palace, lies the Dark. For thousands of years, Darkness awaited its chance. Long enough for the world to forget. Coltair, Emperor of Rogun, had only to wait for his father to die. Uniquely gifted to hear the dead, it has taken his lifetime to enact the plan he gleaned from the ancestors. Now, immortality is within his grasp, a prize so irresistible to a man born to fear his successor, he will stop at nothing–not even dark magic and serial murder–to be emperor forever. But when he entraps the necromancer to enact his diabolical plans, not even the ancestors could have predicted the outcome. It is the dawn of horror, ambition and pain. Coltair will stop at nothing, ruining families and hope, one life at a time. Rogun is the first of nine companion novellas to the larger epic fantasy series: Orak’Thune. It is companion to the origin three novels, set as prequel to books one and two. Divik is the second companion and out now for a limited time IN ITS ENTIRETY on Royal Roads right now, but only for a limited time. But did you know you can have the ebook version for free? Check out the website to find it as the current promo! Get it while it lasts! Rogun is now up on Kindle Unlimited (which limits how much I can give free access) If you would like to finish the book, please follow the link: https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B09V3B7LN1 Please feel free to check out the website for more details about what's going on, the reading lists and what's to come. Sign up to my newsletter for news on release dates, freebies and promos. https://www.genevieveginn.com Or visit us on Facebook page or join the Fan Group: https://www.facebook.com/GenevieveGinnAuthor/ Instagram.https://www.instagram.com/genevieveginnauthor/ Thank you readers!
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The Immortal Cultivator Is An Otaku
The age of cultivation has finally descended unto the world. It was a bloody era, brutal for everyone; one to revere for the weak, one to oppress for the strong.In this new era, the forsaken scrap for food while the talentless put their hopes in the next generation.In this new era, the dauntless awaken through countless tortures while the gifted ascend through sheer enlightenment.In this new era, the rich eat medicinal pills like candy and repress those who possess solid foundations...Bloodlines, classes, skills, perks, and mana pool:Those were the five determinants for assessing the potential of young cultivators.Hibari, who was born in a prominent clan of exorcists, didn't show attunement for any of those.For seven years, he who was recognized as "trash" by his contemporaries, has lived the path of a recluse, spending his days watching anime or playing video games.Like any hot-blooded kid, the young man had dreamed of a golden finger.But a prayer he made on his fifteenth birthday would compromise the majesty of the heavens for eternity.The second: "I must have heard you wrong."Heaven's Dao:"The first Immortal Emperor was an Otaku..."The third: "..."The fourth: "..."
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The Stories They Tell (Shuli Go Vol. 3)
Zhao Lian is a sheriff without a county. A member of an old magical order called the Shuli Go, she was raised to uphold the law and protect her fellow citizens. But after her order was disassembled, she was left with no choice but to wander in search of work for someone with her very particular set of skills. Reunited with two good friends in the ancient city of Liangyong, Lian is skeptical about the rumor of an ancient magical book with the power to grant eternal youth and beauty. Convinced by her friends and a prominent local gangster, she agrees to go on the hunt for the book, but retrieving it will be no easy task. An imposing dungeon, hundreds of guards, and one of the most powerful men in the Central Empire stand in the way of Lian sorting rumor from reality. The third story about Zhao Lian and her exploits in the Central Empire, this story is set in the years after Lian's successful mediation described in Volume One. A richer, more successful woman, she is struggling to adapt to the life she leads versus those of her close friends.
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Vinnie Hacker Imagines
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I do not want hurt anybody's religious sentiments. This story is purely my imagination, what if karna in search of his guru after rejected by several guru was taken as disciple of lord mahadev himself? what would happen in mahabharat if karna was in dharam paksh.
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