《The Golem Mancer》The Adventure of the Death Bringing Golems - Two
(A/N Like I said in the last chapter I am doing an important project and this chapter was made big so I could take some time to finish what I have to do...so next chapter will be late.Like always I will edit later, But this is the best I could do right now, apologies ! Now enjoy)
The Adventures of the Death Bringing Golems- Two
Revenge of the Evolved
Before the Incidents of Chapter Four
The day was bright, not a cloud in sight. The same breeze blew through the valley carrying the scent of iron and rot. It was strong, the scent was prudent and all over the place. This scent originally started many weeks back, but the scent never fully disappeared. It was refreshed once a day with a new soul joining the cycle of life.
Today was different though. The scent was stronger, but no life was lost; for the creatures creating this death. The Golems who were supposed to be hunting in the forest was replaced by three creatures. All the creatures had no ‘life’ in them, with no presence to give besides a slight change in the Mana levels in the resulting area; there was no telling where this creature was. The creatures didn’t hide their bodies in the forest though; they patrolled the forest and valley like their own domain. The job it was asked to accomplish was simple. ‘Cause chaos without killing unnecessarily.’ It need not ask why as they were pleased with the order.
Golems are commendable creatures created by having an artificial Monster core constantly coated in the Summoner’s Mana which is then contained within a body of Earth (Materials). The Mana Coating suppressed the ‘Golems’ consciousness or need to develop one. These Golems were to be fully under control if all procedures were taken. Once in a while that Mana coating will diminish if not refreshed and the Golem will start to absorb the surrounding Mana to replace that coating. This is when the corruption process starts; to change something from the normal way it acts to actions that are not normal; unintentional results developed. If these actions were closely looked at then the people would have realized the consciousness the Golems developed were not ‘evil’, but when a Golem is absorbing the Mana, people project with their inner ‘evil’ thoughts resulting in a negative responses in the Mana surrounding them which could be read by the Golem. These thoughts are projected onto the Golems newly made consciousness. In the end it is the evil in people that ‘create’ evil Golems.
These creatures were Golems thought its conscious was not suppressed one bit; it was free to develop its own identity. One of the most newly modified. It hasn’t been given a new name after the assimilation, but instead given a mission once it was made. The consciousness of the Golem was that of a deadly beast. Made in the figure of a giant wolf this Golem was known as ‘Alpha’, the Iron Mountain Fenrir. The Golem was a towering 3 meters high wolf with dark metal fur. Its piecing neon green eyes scouted the area with walked by with high accuracy and precision. What made the Golem different from a living creature was the fact that Golems looked to be living statues with solid crystal eyes, though in the Fenrir situation the wolf looked to be slightly more realistic due to the high rank of the Golem.
The valley’s fog followed the Golem, where the Fenrir walked; it moved with. After a while the valley turned into open grasslands with a settlement located close to the middle. The Fenrir stared from the forest, this settle was going to be its first target of it’s anger; rage filled its cores once the sight of the settlement meet with his eyes.
Another carcass was made. The body count of the kills the Golems made kept on rising, with no loses the Golems continued their journey through the forest. No animal could sense them, but certain monsters did. They feared the new creatures, an army consisting of eight un-named small lizards lead by giant one that towered over its peers; Dicey. Not only the unit had that, but three wolves of decreasing size guarded the sides of the unit Alpha, Beta, and Charlie respectively. Their keen crystal eyes kept scouting the area for enemies, mostly looking out for prey. The units were self-made in the area of a common goal; to kill and become powerful.
The army was only lead by the strongest of the Golems; Dicey the Alpha Lizard, even the ‘Alpha’ Iron Core Wolf couldn’t go against her. So they marched or skittered. Prey was waiting to be hunted and today was no exception. In front of the group movement of 7 individuals were felt. The Mana in the area is being disrupted. Living prey has appeared.
High alert signals were transmitter between the Golems. Like always they will try their best to get the job done; while enjoying the act. This fact was ingrained into them, perfection was the only option. Everything must be considered. Their owner had told them this and more so of the tactics and strategies they could use to achieve the optimum results.
Only the fastest and stealthier of the Wolves were sent in to investigate; Charlie, a name granted to him by his owner. The wolf was able to be more silent and was faster than the smaller lizards and transmitted information better than the rest mostly due to the small stature of the Golem. The wolf ‘saw’ the seven individuals huddled by a source of moderate heat. The heat source was not a problem for the Golems as they couldn’t ‘feel’ hot or cold.
The group they saw consisted of 4 low Mana sources with a larger build than the other 3 who inversely had a Higher Mana emanating from their smaller bodies. ‘Take down the targets that you can handle fast, regroup and plan to take down the rest who were left!’ the words their owner taught them resonated through the transmission.
The plan was made with all their minds attached to the briefing. The wolves went out, all three of them went around the group stealthily, as they could not be sensed and came from behind the 3 weaker bodied of the opposition. They attacked fast and quick only going for the vital areas on their target; the neck and thighs. ‘You may thing the thighs are not vital, but a lot of blood can be lost if a good attack lands, they won’t be able to run away giving you more time to attack ,this also hurts…A LOT’ again the information they were taught was used in the plan. Alpha and Beta went for the Necks of 2 of them and Charlie got to rip out chunks of the last High Mana Individual legs because he could not reach up to attack the neck of the individual.
Heavy Vibrations in the air were felt on the bodies of all the Golems. Screams of the victims fill the air for the four people petrified in shock. The four other targets took their stances against the three wolves, they knew their 3 friends were goners; they were too far to get good treatment. They watched at the 3 oddly coloured wolves devoured the last one. Soon enough each side was staring down/up at each other.
“------- --- ------ ---- ------ --- -- ------ ---- ----- ---!”
Vibrations came from the target closest to the left of the wolves. Scanning through the vibrations the words did not register. New information has transmitted through their links; this is not the same language as their owner. In the Golems transmission they began to decipher the new language .The next phase was in place for the Death bringers, and so the wolves started to back off dragging the bodies away from the main group.
The opposing group will not allow it. They slowly approached the wolves who still continued to move the bodies though slower than the approaching people. Orders were still being followed. Once the 4 got close enough to a fairly large tree a rain fall of eight Black Stone lizards fell on them with each opponent having a pairs each land on the heads of the 4.
They latched onto the faces of the four, clawing at them slowly chipping away at their health. As the four struggled to remove the solid lizards Unbenounced to them, silent from all the screams occurring the Alpha Stone Lizard came forward.
Using its massive jaws it clamped down onto one of the stronger individual’s legs. The Alpha Lizard’s serrated teeth sawed through the metal greaves finally the razor sharp teeth reached the intended area and the leg was removed. Blood was sprayed around the individual who has his leg amputated. The chilling conclusion came as the giant lizard went for his face when he fell down, many thoughts went into his mind; the main one being he was going to be dead. Right when the act was finished the Iron wolves sprang into action ending the life of the one missing a leg then helping the smaller lizards finish the two other weaker targets.
The Alpha lizard then faced the strongest one left in the group after draining the Mana out the other individual; the other two would be easy kills. His face bloodied and smeared with the red liquid disrupting his vision, the Golems had the advantage, soon enough the other Golems will be done with the other people. Things don’t always go as planned though. The leader of the group took out an object contained in a box, Mana signatures detected were zero. Nothing about this box like object seemed dangerous, but the object taken out was very dangerous. The object taken out was a spherical orb glowing with runes marked all around it. The Golems felt the object and retreated not before ending the life of the two other individuals.
The Golems ran separately in different directions. They could always find where each other was by tracing the Mana Link. The Leader of the seven now alone was perplexed; he had never seen such coordination, but this object was not to be trifled with. He quickly put away the object and ran to the east of their location, not stopping for the fear of the Golems being right behind him; which they were. ‘Know the Location of the target at all times, once you lose them you lost the battle. If they get away you give them more time to get stronger, they don’t need to get stronger; you do’ The Golems also couldn’t allow such a dangerous object be in the hands of someone who could use it to kill their owner. Once it was found out they were the ones killing the animals and now humans in the area they will soon be hunted by humans too.
So they followed to know where the enemy’s stronghold was. Where the man ran into was an open field with distant lights in the night. The man slowed down believing that he was safe, taking his first relaxed step, both his legs where clamped down in the jaws of the biggest wolves and dragged back into the forest. He used his arms to pull himself close to the town only to be dragged back just slower. He was so close to the protection of the Town, if he was closer the Guards would have heard him and come to help, but this did not happen; he was too far.
He kicked and screamed as he was soon to join the rest of his friends, but he wouldn’t go without a fight. Somehow taking out the spherical object the man got a hold of the Alpha wolves head and placing it in a head lock he used his other hand to activate the object pressing the object against the neck of the wolf. His strength was too strong for the Alpha and he couldn’t more his body away from the man. Even Dicey tried to attack the man to get Alpha out of his arm, but the man used Alpha as a shield; Alpha was heavy and the strain showed on his face. The man laughed as the object was going to be his last revenge, sadly again like all plans they fail. Ripping off the hand of the man Charlie then took the object in his mouth and dashed away to a location farther and farther from the group. As the Golems killed the man Charlie kept running.
[table=#2B1B17]An Event Has OccurredGolems have Leveled Up +[Level 9]Golems have received 10 stat points.Points have been preassigned.[/table]
Bright flashers of orange and gold streaked through the forest, this explosion could have probably be scene from the territory of the demons and soon enough a Link was gone. The object was powerful enough to send flames and debris into the Golems resulting in them trying to take cover. This moment also marked the passing of another soul if the wolf had one, but that moment could be cared about less as the remaining Wolves walked slowly to the detonation zone. In the carter that was formed a small dismantled figure of a wolf laid silent, the glow in its blue crystal eyes ceased to show.
[table=#2B1B17]An Event Has OccurredIron Core Wolf ‘Charlie’ has been DestroyedCore is unrecoverablehas decreased by one member.[/table]
The silent forest was interrupted with the heavy tremors of some humanoids coming to investigate. It was then Alpha was given an order by his owner frantically trying make sense of the situation. The order was to pick up Charlie and return. The Alpha wolf took the remains of the deceased wolf over his back and ran away from the scene with the other Golems.
His first pact member was gone; revenge would be seen in his cores. The new ‘Alpha’ Wolf had assimilated with one Bronze Great Monster core, keeping his original core at the same time making him a creature that should not be trifled with. A double core monster was rarely scene. Only mystic or high leveled beasts could contain 2 or more cores in their bodies, but Alpha was a Golem as long as the material permits it then it can happen. One of his cores was a Bronze Great Monster Core, the other was special, it was just a regular standard Golem Core, but held much more value than the other one. If this core was to be destroyed, it would mark his death.
So, the Fenrir stalked his new prey. Even though he was told not to take a life he didn’t have to follow the order as he wasn’t [Commanded] to. The Fenrir came out of the forest, his figure like a Monster that came out of the stories. The day was bright, but the creature that came out of the forest was like a black hole sucking in all the light as a dark fog moved with it. The other two wolves had left to do their part.
It was time to bring chaos to the settlement and the Fenrir was the prefect one to do it.
-Capt. Vince Earnest-
“Captain! An unidentifiable creature has been spotted on the West-Gate.” (Soldier)
The man called Captain got up from his desk, where he previously was sleeping; it was a long time since something major has happened. He got up and donned his worn out armor. Covering his whole body the plated armor had saved him many times. Today will be a day to see if this armor can still save him. The Captain was a muscular human who had fought in many battles, ranking him up the command chain.
“What do we know?…has it started attacking?” (Vince)
‘It might be something small’ the Captain thought to himself, the soldiers here reported everything. A simple monster could easily be dealt with them, but they rather choose to report the incident first… Slowly the Captain continued his preparations.
“No Sir! The creature is waiting in front of the gates. It shows no signs of moving. The few hunters remaining have classified it at least an ‘A+’ Tier Monster. The ‘Seven Guardians’ group has been defeated and killed last night as you slept .The creature is a Giant Black Wolf, Sir Orders.” (Soldier)
The Captain grumbled. His speed increased by huge margins. ‘They tell me every little thing, but when seven Adventurers die they leave me in the dark…’.The worse thing has happened, this time there was a creature that had patience and it was a high ranked creature too. The creature was cautious about the settlement which was bad, but why did the wolf just wait? Did it want something?
“…Maximum security. Evacuate everyone to the other side of the town…Lockup everything. I am going out to bring in all the elite soldiers. You bring the mages” (Vince)
Even though a Monster is ranked G-SSS+ it is usually the monster that is more powerful due to the Adventurers in this case being human do not have naturel weapons or armor like the sharp teeth or the hardened metallic fur of the Fenrir. Adventures rank up the ladder by completing missions most likely are in a group, so by the end of it a single Monster was stronger than an Adventurer at the same rank.
Also when a big monster appears many smaller ones come with it, making it essential to bring a lot of soldiers to attack the small fry while the best fighters took on the strongest monster.
“Sir Yes Sir!” (Soldier)
‘I have a feeling like I am not going to like this.’ (Vince)
Squads of Soldiers lined the west gate. In front of them was their captain, Vince Earnest one of the best solider in the previous war against the Demons. Vince Earnest and his human colleges were facing the Fenrir who was still waiting silently in his fog.
“Allan…relay this: The creature looks to be very powerful, but he is alone no need for unnecessary casualties the 50 weaker soldiers we have should go back and protect the citizens. Tell everyone to prepare to strike at a moment’s notice, I am going to contact the beast it might have intelligence. Maybe an elder giant black Wolf or a beast-man in animal form, most likely the latter.” (Vince)
“We accept your order” (Allen)
The captain waived off his army and walked with caution to the wolf of course his sword was out and ready to make a strike against the beast. He analyzed the wolf but the fog surround it made it hard, the most distinct thing he could see was its glowing green eyes and a giant figure, but it might be the fog making it look bigger. He felt odd thinking to himself ‘When did wolves have green eyes?’ they were never green so why was this one’s green.
“Wolf… you are disturbing our town, why are you here and your demands?” (Vince)
The Captain spoke out to the wolf thinking that it was a beast man or able to understand him. Out of the fog the Fenrir walked forward, shocking all the personnel there. They thought fog was just amplifying its real height never would they have though it was a GIANT black wolf. Vince was not fazed he had seen worse things in his time…then again this wolf has made the list. The Fenrir walked right up to the Captain; the soldiers tense up ready to strike. The green eyes he had seen were not the only thing odd about this wolf; its whole look was ‘distorted’ as if it was an imitation of a real wolf. The Captain saw this, but thought nothing of it ‘why would a creature like this need to imitate a stronger one.’ This was one of the Captains thoughts.
The wolf looked down at the Captain its face right in front of his. The wolf then shook and beside it a small body fell to the ground with a load thump. The remain of Charlie were clearly displayed. Mangled metal scraps for everyone to see.
The Captain cursed, somehow the wolf had come to them with the death of one of its own kind, this wolf might want to get revenge and destroy their town; this is how most Monsters would handle it. The wolf that laid on the ground was most likely the one that attacked them the previous day. The bodies of the seven Adventurers were found dismantled last night with many markings showing a wolf attack.
‘Maybe the Adventurer’s tried hunting the same wolf on the ground and killed it resulting in the loss of his life against this…monster.’ (Vince)
This thought went through his head. Did one of their own Adventurer’s bring this disaster to them? The wolf still didn’t move forward but backed away into the fog with only its eyes being visible now. The captain didn’t know when to attack. This was the only time a beast that might have come for revenge did not attack them, but let them ponder why to as it came.
Just as the Captain pondered that exact thought screams resonated behind the army. They all looked away from the giant wolf even the Captain. Smoke was coming from the other side. The captain turned back to the Wolf only to see the forest.
‘We killed one of yours so you will kill my people until your satisfied...huh…To use yourself as a distraction to bring out our whole army…DAMN YOU!’ (Vince)
Realization hit the Captain hard. This was the first time that he couldn’t do anything to the enemy in front of him. A Metallic roar was sounded through the forest. This was going to become a bloodbath. Regret filled the Captain. It was most likely too late to save anyone.
“Soldiers Retreat now and go protect the citizens NOW!” (Vince)
They run. It was the only thing they could have done.
They saw many building destroyed or on fire and more screams as they ran through the town at maximum speed. How many more people became victims to the monster’s brethren? The Soldiers stood in front of the largest Building, the one they used as a garrison in case of a monster attack. More screams resonated inside the establishment; they sounded painful. Could they handle what was going on in this building? They did not know the answer, but the people need them; so they opened the door.
They check on the people…no one was hurt? Everyone was accounted for? The screams stopped right when they opened the door. They looked over the groups of people huddled together for comfort on one side of the building. No one said anything which the Captain found weird and the Question was asked.
“…why are you all quiet?...were are the soldiers that came here before…?” (Vince)
The people didn’t answer but looked towards the empty corner. No one was close to that corner; everyone would rather be cramped together than be near there. The Captain went to such corner and out of the shadows a wolf emerged, not the same height of the first wolf but it was still huge. It was over 2 meters high. It looked at the Captain, sent a metallic growl and started to walk away. Soldiers blocked it’s path but the Captain waved them away.
“That wolf could have killed everyone here. Let him go.” (Vince)
“Sir do you think it’s wise to do so, these wolves could come back and attack the citizens?” (Allen)
“They didn’t take one life…why?...they are some things we just shouldn’t mess with and that wolf might just be one of them. I don’t think if I was alone I would try and fight it. Something about it is odd, I can’t think of a reason why that I feel fighting such a creature would somehow end in my loss.” (Vince)
“…Sir you were an ‘S’ Rank Soldier in your time right? Why be scared of the wolf? Even then, what did they come to do, show us they can kill anyone anytime? If we all team up we can take down at least that wolf and it would be less hassle to deal with more if they did come back.”(Allen)
“It’s been a long time since I had to fight something strong. I must be only ‘A+’ Rank right about now…Anyways Those wolves might have known that it they took the lives of our citizens we would hunt them down…I feel it’s more than that…wait…where are the soldiers that came here, still no one has told me?” (Vince)
“They are checking the buildings now, sadly most of the Adventurers visiting have disappeared… presumed dead, most likely they attacked the Wolf. I think it only will attack if threatened…hold on, the soldiers who came here still haven’t returned to the base…they are dead” (Allen)
Allen was communicating through a crystal that relayed his voice a short distance to the command center of the town and vice versa. Conversation was stored in the Mana then transmitted to another crystal linked to the same one. Communications were slow, but it worked.
“Captain, Damage Report completed” (Soldier)
“Report your findings” (Vince)
“Seven Buildings totally destroyed one is recoverable, The Storage Warehouse, The Adventurers Guild, and the Armory were the most important. Losses of more than 100kg of our Magic Steel are missing too. We found the missing soldiers in the Blacksmiths house; they have been… attacked…, and killed…all 50 have been accounted for…their deaths we not that quick…all of them had their legs ripped off as…they...tried to crawl away.” (Soldier)
The soldier reporting the Damages to the town paled more and more as he read the report. This was too much for the soldier, he had never thought that being stationed in a small town would lead to such disasters. He was also glad he was stuck in the command center trying to contact the surrounding human towns for incidents related to this one.
“The Storage warehouse and the Armory we lost, huh. Those buildings can be remade easily. Magic Steel; was what the wolves took? Do you think the wolves forced the soldier to pack them the Steel? …hah…that stuff is so expensive…Damn, also the wolves took the Adventurers Guild we have to now use a make shift one. They might have known that the Adventurers Guild is used to submit subjugation's.” (Vince)
Again chills went through his spine. He felt something else, his intuition said so. He ran alone back to the west area, he needed to know something, he ran there within seconds and the Fenrir was waiting. With his other pact member present with the deceased wolf on his back. The Fenrir was also presently holding down a tough bag of Magic Steel ingots.
“I bet you could have killed us all, was it this you really want in exchange for the loss of your…friend?” (Vince)
The other wolf left to the forest leaving only the Fenrir and the Captain. The Fenrir picked up the bag in his mouth and circled the Captain who then pulled out his Sword, he never could know for sure what the Wolf wanted, but the wolf circled too fast for him to see. Then the Wolf was gone.
The Captain let out a Sigh. Today was stressful. He sheathed his sword and began to walk away when a shine in the grass caught his eyes. Walking up to the shine he picked up a metal cloth, no a swatch of metallic fur. It had fallen off the remains and was left on the ground
‘This was the wolfs friend fur…this is actual metallic fur…if those wolves use the metal to make their fur stronger, then them gaining the Magic Steel was the greatest treasure for them. Ha, I better call the Adventures Guild on this incident.” (Vince)
Vince looked back into the forest straight into the green eyes of the wolf and quickly looked away and started walking.
‘Retirement sound good right now…The next time someone pisses off those wolves, this town is going to be demolished.
“Someone tell me what happened inside the garrison.” (Vince)
Lots of conversations happened at the same time giving the captain a headache on top of what transpired. Luckily for the captain the other soldiers had just arrived after taking care of the fires and took the accounts of the people in an orderly fashion. The soldiers then came back to report what happened to the citizens and the missing soldiers.
“Captain, the people all agree on these facts. The wolf that was seen inside the garrison communicated to them to be quite or they would die, they said the wolf sounded like you? It actually spoke LIKE YOU. I have never heard of this before…a wolf specking like a human…” (Soldier)
“What did it say?” (Vince)
“It had said ‘Weaker. Citizens. Creature. Strike at a moment’s notice. Unnecessary casualties.’ All in your voice, with a metallic ring to it. Now that I think about it you had previously said those things, was that wolf always listening in? maybe they are still in the town but in hiding?” (Soldier repeating Beta)
“A voice mimicking wolf? Also yes those are the same words I said during the day…Tell the other soldiers to be cautious and never be alone; make sure they are always reporting in…with the password we set in case of an emergency” (Vince)
“Yes Sir, after that the wolf repeated the screams of the people from its mouth. I do not thing they are joking as everyone had the same answer. Also another wolf came inside the garrison somehow and took the soldiers away from the citizens. They are the ones who were found dead and left in the Blacksmiths house…some of the soldiers tried to fight with in the garrison and they had their backs broken and dragged away…” (Soldier)
“The more I hear about those wolves the more I hate today. Why did the wolf kill my soldiers but not the people? Did they not come here to just kill, what else could be going on? They already have our supply of Magic Steel…” (Vince)
“Sir? Your commands… should we give chase to the wolves who attacked our people? Fight for our losses” (Soldier)
“If you want to die… Go right ahead. I am going to send a report to the adventures guild to see what they recommend. I don't want to lose more men who could be protecting the citizens. I will also contact the demon town on the other side of the forest where the wolves come from. “(Vince)
“You think it was the demons that sent the wolves to attack?” (Soldier)
“…please save your prejudice for latter. You know the war ended long ago, we are on good terms now. After all, the entire demon side had the most impact from the war. Their King was executed in the end… Don’t blame them until we know more information.” (Vince)
“Sir Yes Sir”(Soldier)
The captain went back to his office after removing his armor and placing it by window side of his office. Dropping down into his desk chair he took out one of the same communication crystals that Allen had. By sending his Mana through the crystal; responding to a certain Mana length it activates red meaning {Dangerous Situation}.
”Head branch this is Captain Vince Ernest speaking. A Major incident has occurred. We were…threatened and attacked by a pact of Black Wolves. Two of the pact members have an abnormal power or abilities to them. The first wolf is Giant easily reaching 3 meter in height, looks to be at least ‘A+’ Tier and the second wolf has the ability to mimic human voices…it has mimicked mine already, Do not trust my voice until you see me…No this is the real me. Captain Vince Earnest Class [Siege Paladin] you know I would never say that out loud. No citizen casualties found only the death of 50 lower troops, but the wolves were able to infiltrate into the garrison potentially killing all our citizens; they did not choose to do so though. I advise we take only precautions but do not hunt down the wolves. I have found out their intentions were to let us know that if we kill one of their pact members from now on they will attack us in retaliation and I would rather not get everyone killed. I am waiting on your response. Does the Demon side have any information onto what is happening in our area?” (Vince)
The Captain relaxed back into his chair. He did not know what the Main Guild in the capital would do. More than likely they would send a Hunting Squad to kill the wolves. The Captain grumbled again, they would make him fight the wolves too. This was the kind of people on top, people who didn’t care about the lives of other and just sent them out to deal with any problem that might hurt them in the future. After thinking about how the Guild would handle things the Captain used another crystal to establish communications with the Demons on the other side of the forest.
“{Demon Village Nortus} this is Captain Vince Earnest of The Eastern Fortress. We had just received an attack by 3 Black Wolves, one of the wolves was a Giant Elder Wolf most likely, second was a Black Wolf capable of mimicking my voice in short bursts, and the last one was normal we think. The wolves could have potentially killed every citizen here by having a very good infiltration skill. We warn you that only after a wolf of their pact was killed then they came after us, I say DO NOT kill a wolf unless needed. Contact back for more information.” (Vince)
Just as the Captain was getting absorbed into his thoughts the Crystal glowed showing a response was made and has been sent to him.
“Captain Vince Ernest, Due to the danger of this situation the Main Guild has decided to send their personal identifier to figure out the Status of the wolves in your area, so you may decide on how to process with that information. You are to go with our personnel, keep him safe and let him record his findings. A Rank ‘A’ Adventurers Group will also be assigned to kill the wolves if possible. Please stay safe. No information has been sent to use about Wolves from the Demon side.” (Guild)
Like always the Guild is going to send someone to analyses the situations so they won’t ‘waste’ resources by sending a bigger team. While complaining about his Guild the crystal used to contact the Demons glowed showing another response.
“This is the Village Chief of the Nortus Village. We do have some information that might be valuable we have reported on a community of [Stalkers Basilisks] in their area. One reported death of an ‘A’ Rank person killed in his sleep and one ‘B+’ Rank Injured. We are also dealing with a group of Monsters with tainted Mana. This might be the same creatures and we give a warning that it might not be only wolves we may be dealing with… We have found both their tracks in the same area with no bodies; this could mean they somehow are together. Be careful we have already deployed some Adventurers to protect us, think about your town from now on. ” (Village Chief)
‘Not only…wolves?...’ (Vince)
As the thought was being processed in the head of Captain Vince Earnest, the screams started once again and this time it was not mimicked. The smell of iron has been brought to this area too. Today would mark the day of the biggest battle the town has faced.
More loses have become undesirable.
At the same time another message was sent out to all communication crystals in the Human Towns surrounding the Forest from a Human hunter:
Sadly this group has already reached the eastern settlement and began their destruction. The Captain finally got his wish of having more things happen in his sleepy town, more bodies feel to his blade. Even if you are a powerful person against an massive army of a thousand monsters you would still face a great hardship.
Of course this message will also bring more adventurers to the smaller settlement around the forest. Try as they might to make a name for themselves by hunting down these Monsters, they should be prepared to lose their life in return. The bloodshed begins. As the next day came, the personal identifier and a group of Adventurers came to what was left of the town and it’s people.
-Leonor Devore- 1 day Later after Message -
The identifier came from the capital away from the harsh life of world. He was tended as a noble since birth and did his best as a child to receive the most amount of attention from his parents. Once it was learned at the age of five years old he had the [Identify] skill he was taken as an apprentice under the Adventurer’s Guild head identifier. There he trained his skill surpassing his master by having a [Identify] skill Rank of 8. He was young probably the youngest identifier in the human territories at the age of 25 years old. He may have surpassed his master in Rank but in the terms of Quality of the Identification he was out done. If he was to identify the same Dragons his master had identified before, he would find out he was lacking a grossly huge amount; Feeding habits, weak spots, temperament, likeliness to attack, and many more types of information. His high skill rank could only mean he could identify very strong beast and was only better than his master if he identified beast his master could not.
His Master recently passed away making his the new head, in charge of intelligence gathering and communications. On his first day as the head he was given the task to identify the creature that had attack a settlement near the SilverWood Forest. A simple job when you have a task force of ‘A’ Rank Adventurers protecting you at all cost. The travel would be very fast as they were going to use the teleportation circle inscribed onto the [Mythril] platform. The teleportation circle would only teleport them close to the town, leaving a same walking distance to the area.
After making his preparations and gathering his Guards, Leonor activated the portal to bring them to the shrine located in a secluded area near the town where he needs to get his job done. After making sure no one got Mana sickness from the teleportation Leonor proceeded to lead the walk (Surround by Guards) to the town. They walked for only a few minute before the smell of blood and smoke filled their noses.
He was overcome with the new smell and took out a handkerchief to cover his mouth and nose. They still proceeded this time with weapons drawn. Three of the five Adventurers were Warriors or Knights with the last of the five being Mana users of some sort.
Finally out the forest they got their first look of what they think is a town. Plumes of thick black smoke was elevated high in the sky. The wall protecting the town looked to be damaged in many places with the main gate missing from its hinges.
They walked cautiously through the gates into the town. The buildings on both sides look like they went through a war zone. So far they haven’t seen any life, but they heard the distorted sounds resonating through the wind. It might be people or monsters they didn’t know. Leonor took out his communication crystal and powered it just in case he needed to make an emergency call.
They moved through the town, the noise getting louder and slightly clearer; they still couldn’t make out what the noise meant. Finally coming around the corner they saw the mangled bodies covered in blood soaked bandages and people who looked like the undead sitting down by the curb.
This wasn’t what surprised them. It was the fact that even though these people were bloodied and missing limbs, they were cheering and laughing about the whole situations. ‘Madness’ though Leonor, ‘this not how people should act after being almost killed, but what exactly happened here…’ thoughts raced around Leonor’s mind. He thought about the Job and how it now might be related to what happened. Leonor sent both his mages to go and heal the wounded when he spotted the Captain of the town. He had seen Captain Vince Earnest before; he was a powerful warrior in his time facing against the demon onslaught. Vince didn’t look any different besides the fact that his armor was stained with blood. The Captain was sitting down too happily chatting whit his bloody friends drinking fresh Ale.
Running up to the Captain, Leonor greeted him and asked the burning question.
“Captain Vince Earnest I am Leonor Devore the head Identifier sent by the Guild…What happened to the town, was it the wolves did they come back?” (Leonor)
“The Identifier? Oh, yah forgot about you…as you can see we had a little problem-“(Vince)
“LITTLE! Everyone her looks like they came straight out of HELL! What is wrong with you?!? Tell me NOW what happened.” (Leonor)
“Don’t be impatient. We just had the fight for our life. Lasted about a day’s time, before you came a message was sent meaning something has come and that something was a monster horde. I too thought it was the wolves, but I was wrong. This happens every few years or so and this time was the ‘best’ time. The results were better than anyone would ever hope for.” (Vince)
“Have you gone mad? THIS is the best results, all I see is a bunch of people laughing as they approach deaths door.” (Leonor)
“Didn’t you notice the lack of people? Well they are in the garrison; one of the few standing building. Though I am strong I cannot protect everyone in this town, but I didn’t need to. Since we were all prepared for the wolves we didn’t need to rush to equip our weapons and armor that wasn’t all we had help by an unexpected…Guest... What you see now is only the soldiers all the citizens are safe, so let me ask you if ALL my citizens are safe then why wouldn’t it be the best results when all the other time we had more than a quarter percent every time dies?” (Vince)
“Yes it is all good if the people are safe…, but guest? I must thank them on behalf of the guild”(Leonor)
Leonor showed his arrogant attitude as he thought he was one of the most important people in the Adventurers Guild. He flaunted his smile and the air around him became more like that of a King to these people.
“…Follow me. Don’t make me lose face to them though.” (Vince)
“Of course, lead the way would you?” (Leonor)
The Captain got up and placed down his ale down and ushered Leonor to follow him to the west gate. They passed by many soldiers who congratulated their brothers in arms for their newly acquired battle scars and people who were helping repair the broken Wall or buildings in the area.
Finally reaching the west gate Leonor was taken to the side of the roadway to a group of soldiers chatting and with soldiers was a small group of demons battered to the same extent as the other soldiers… Leonor was startled; being from the capital and an accomplished scholar he had known of the many wars ‘caused’ by the demons and held some animosity to them.
Captain Vince saw the expression Leonor was making and sighed to him. ‘Can’t anyone let go…’ Vince flashed backed to when he told his soldier the same thing. This situation was fortunately solved as Leonor said nothing and just stared.
“…Leonor…These are the people who came to our HELP so please so them so respect.” (Vince)
“…Thank you for helping my fellow humans, but can I ask you what are you doing here...Demon? Last time I checked you were in hiding from us?”(Leonor)
“I am here because we have a common enemy, Now you tell me exactly why are you here? It’s not like you could be important, I can’t possibly think you are.”(Lyle)
“I AM! I could identify any beast. Especially ones that would kill your sorry ass. Now don’t talk to me like that.” (Leonor)
“…I guess you weren’t important after all. I know you Humans identify things by the Mana emanated by the thing. Did you know that some creatures in that forest do not even emit their Mana and some emit tainted Mana and if you were to ‘read’ that you would get poisoned?” (Lyle)
“…I…can still help, no need from you small group of demons!” (Leonor)
“Small Group? Okay since ‘you’ don’t need us now we will go, LETS GO BOYS!” (Lyle)
Out of the alleyways and broken houses a large group of varying demons came out. All of them comparable to the towns elite soldiers. They all said their goodbye’s to the human soldiers around them and gathered by Lyle and the now petrified Leonor. Over a hundred demons had gathered.
“We will go now…you could say your apologies later. See you in time Captain.” (Lyle)
“Yeah…that’s if this idiot accepts it.” (Vince)
The group left to the forest and left Leonor to realize his fault, to insult a massive group like this who saved them was the most stupid thing he did. He couldn’t lose himself to this and put back on his arrogant attitude and pretended like everything was alright.
“Shall we identify the wolves?” (Leonor)
Who is this common enemy, who knows (I DO)…I write as I go… what could Klos do against a hundred Demons wait and see!
The next adventure thingy would tell you what will happen with Leonor and Lyle that’s if Lyle doesn’t kill that arrogant son of…noble
Huge Chapter for all you guys as thanks for supporting me with support…..And because I am going to take more than a week to really write a good Chapter 5. My English mark also went up to 75% and I think it was because of me typing this fiction and most importantly Speel Cheek.
boy/girl and also the fathers POV (Hopefully a mega chapter like this one. This would include his life story in it. I might be late on this one though because I haven’t started typing or planning as yet…)...so yah
- In Serial41 Chapters
Millisecond: Superspeed is a curse
In a world of superheroes, Milly awakens her power as a speedster but finds herself slowly drifting away from everyone due to her new perception of time when it turns out that her super speed doesn’t come with an off-switch. Updates every two weeks. At the start of middle school, Milly is excited to finally gain some much-wanted independence by enrolling at Arkwright Academy, an all-girls boarding school far away from her childhood home. Once there, she'll have to deal with new friends, feelings, superheroes/villains, mysteries, and most of all her own power threatening to alienate her from everything else. What to expect:After a brief flashforward to get a feel for Milly's power once she awakens it, we'll start the story at the beginning of the school year.The story will involve: Poorly supervised teens, exploration of superpowers, cute lesbian/yuri romance, superheroics, and struggle. Cover Art by: Skyheartz (@Skyhe_arts on Twitter)
8 196 - In Serial44 Chapters
The Realm Beneath: A Dungeon Story
This is the story of a dungeon, not a reincarnated soul or a human trapped in a soul gem, but a dungeon. Born as a dungeon, it lives as a dungeon, and kills like a dungeon. Guided only by its experiences, vague ideas and knowledge from somewhere else and the mysterious system that greets it upon awakening it strives to build and live and learn. Immerse yourself in the tale as you read about the dungeon and the adventurers that challenge its depths, puzzles, traps and creatures. Read about the realm beneath as a world comes to life within a mountain in the centre of the land. Forests, swamps, deserts, tundra and more can all be found in the cavernous chambers that blossom with life. Author's note. There is an overarching plot that is more than just the dungeon getting bigger. I will be uploading at least one chapter a week until furthur updates on my schedule get posted and hopefully more once I finish off the other book i'm working on. You can expect me to try and craft unique challenges and floors, stuff you most likely haven't seen before in dungeon books whilst still having a hopefully decent plot. I can't promise much about it but I will certainly read all the comments, respond where appropriate and take on board suggestions. I promise to keep you updated and not drop away without saying anything. I would consider this to be part of the writers pledge but if circumstances force my hand I may have to drop it. (no plans) A Note on tags: Profanity: Not excessive but where i find appropriate. Gore: Well that depends how well I do my job doesn't it. If I can paint a vivid picture that has the potential to be gory, then my writing may be to an acceptable quality. Traumatising content: Again, this depends on my skill as a writer, I guess I hope you find it traumatising - no that’s not right. Well you know what I mean anyway. Hopefully I can paint a vivid picture in your mind that makes the book all the more special.
8 197 - In Serial6 Chapters
Necromancy Domination
"I hope I wake up in another world." Leon hoped as he stared at his blank ceiling. His eyes got heavier and heavier and everything became dark. [WELCOME NEW PLAYER!] ... This is the story about a man who never belonged in his world and wished to be where he belonged. Wishing to fulfill his dreams of acquiring FAME, MONEY, AND WOMAN! with his class being [Necromancer] that normally humans shouldn't possess. With his army of his own summoning; he will conquer (and probably fuck) every beautiful woman he sees, acquire every money he gets reward, and be famous amongst the lands!
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The Legacy of a Pirate
In a universe where magic is the driving force of every planet. One would think that being able to use magic was up to luck, but in reality, it is all calculated. A new power was born from the people unable to use magic, but they would not know until later that the consequences were fatal. A fierce pirate traveled the boundless universe in search of his reason of being. He lived like a king with countless people under him in his crew. People everywhere feared the mere mention of his name, but no one would know that he also wasn't able to use magic until a particular incident. To the ones he loved, he was a saint. And to the ones he hated he was cruelest of demons. However, he would, unfortunately, breathe his last breath under the combined efforts of unknown powers. His reincarnation will inherit his power, and his countless enemies spread across the cosmos! Will he discover the truth about his unique gift?! This is my first story I ever made public, and criticism would be much appreciated as I am not so good with grammar!
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Absolute Power
A story about a teenager named Aarav trying to find his place in the world, while trying to make it a better place to live. NOTE: Please remember the word 'TRYING'. Guys I have edited the prologue and uploaded it after I uploaded the fourth chapter. Although the story hasn't changed much, I have tried to make it flow smoother. Added a few more details to the life of Aarav and stuff like that. Might wanna take a look at it. P.S. - Guys this is my first story. I am trying to learn English better but since I don't have enough money for books, courses or tutors, so your criticism and support will have to do. This is my first time, so please be gentle. P.P.S. - I selected harem in tags because generally people who like it tend to be more chill. Right now I have a rough sketch till the second volume and there are only two female leads.
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Mr. Professor [A Jeon Jungkook FF]
This story revolves around a normal university student who's pretty good at academics but in practical life, she's a failure. She often gets caught in an unpleasant situation with her newly appointed History Professor. The Professor is usually a kind guy but exceptionally weird towards her. He's had a gray past that made him numb to every emotion.Both of them were not bothered by each other unless their lives took a drastic turn and now, their fates Kare entangled with each other.What's going to happen? Do heavens have ulterior motives? Are their lives going to be shattered or, are they going to heal each other?WARNING- CONTAINS SMUT (18+)YOU CAN GIVE A TRY TO MY STORIES. I'LL TRY NOT TO SHOW YOU REPEATED CONTENTS!
8 216