《The Golem Mancer》Chapter Four | Part Two
(A/N I had to do something important so I did my best in editing the story line if you find an weird passages please Comment. Also some of the scenes might not be as good as some I will go through it later as I still am doing the important thing...
All in this chapter is conversation... but it give you some more insight onto how others think of Klos Abilities. enjoy)
Chapter Four | Part Two
The Start of a Hunt
-Lyle Riley- 3rd Person
The family of three walked down the lonely sunny street. Lyle Riley’s wife said nothing after the ‘incident’, she understood Klos’s pain the most; the loss of a friend hurts and to lose one at such a young age. She still believed in her husband he did it for the best of both parties.
“Hitch don’t look at me like that, I had to do that.” (Lyle)
“…I know dad…, but Hazard was always so nice…did you have to kill him in front of Klos? I think he will hate me now.” (Hitch)
“Yah, he most likely already hates you…but he knows it was me who did the action. Hitch, I know you may have played with ‘Hazard’ just the day before, but when I…removed…Hazard I looked at his core and saw it fully tainted. It was already too late for him to turn back. Klos must have taken him from the wild before we knew the forest contained tainted Mana, Hitch remember tainted Mana can turn a wild beast into a monster.” (Lyle)
“…yeah…even I felt sad when my first pet died…but to lose the friend you had ever since you were born…it must hurt a lot more.” (Hitch)
“He had Hazard ever since he was born? That can’t be right. That lizard was pretty tough too…That lizard must have been a pretty high level. How could a high level beast be with a child, more so one like Klos when he was young…if it lived for so long…it might have…”
“So you didn’t have to kill Hazard?” (Hitch)
“No,…more reason to do so. It could have been a Demonic Beast, they are able to force themselves to evolve their form making them stronger and harder to control because Klos’s Lizard was small it must have taken longer for the vile nature to come out.” (Lyle)
“Lyle Hun lets end this conversation. It reminds me of the past.” (Lyle’s Wife)
“Okay, Alta. Hitch lets go to the Village chief’s house.” (Lyle)
The family walked faster following the guard leading them closer and closer to the center of the village. They came up to the giant Mansion towering over the smaller houses in the area. Without knocking they pushed open the large doors and entered.
Going through the empty hallways listening to the patter of their feet on the wooden floor they finally meet with the last door on the first level. The guard knocks and once he heard the words ‘Come In’ from the other side, only then did he open the door and usher the family in.
Once the trio was seated they stared and waited for the Old Tiger-man to speak first. Adventurers of any level must respect the owners of towns or else they lose the support of the town when they might need it.
“Lyle I heard you killed a simple pet while at the outskirts of my town. Care to explain?” (Village Chief)
“Information sure travels fast, It is like you said I killed the pet Lizard. I had done this as I found Tainted Mana circulating through it. I did what I should have done.” (Lyle)
“hah…Lyle any adult who can live at the outskirts by the forest can take care of a little lizard like that. Even children could have killed it. You just had to cause trouble…”(Village Chief)
“I don’t think the adults there could have handled that lizard. It took most of my strength to break the neck of the creature. I also heard from my son that the lizard was with the boy since he was born. If that lizard was out in the wild it could have been a huge problem if I hadn’t handled it early and that lizard joined up with the Monsters that are
destroying the forest, we would have a very serious problem" (Lyle)
“…took most your strength? You’re a B- rank Warrior and your Wife is an accomplished mage. So when you say took most your strength?” (Village Chief)
“That lizard was weak when it attacked me, in the first place I on purpose clenched down hard on it. Seeing if a little blood might make it show its true colours, but it didn’t. And so, when I got ahold of the lizard I had to use my strength to break the platting protecting it. Only then would have been able to kill it. That platting the lizard had on it…it was strong then again my son told me the boy called it an armored lizard.” (Lyle)
“Hum…what type?” (Village Chief)
“What about types?...” (Lyle)
“What type of Armored Lizard was it?” (Village Chief)
“you call yourself an experienced adventurer and you don’t know animal species types…There are three types of armored lizards: The first being a Desert Type a durable type, second being the heavily armored one that doesn’t move much, and the third being a thinly platted one focusing on speed. Which One?” (Village Chief)
“…none. The boy’s lizard was a Dark grey Lizard that wasn’t too heavily platted on the side, the top of the Lizard from head to tail was covered in very tough plates, but was not focused on speed it look like an attack type if I had to say so. The teeth on that thing were pretty menacing. Hitch you said he was nice right?” (Lyle)
“Yah. His teeth may have been big but he was friendly…” (Hitch)
“I don’t know a species like that in this area…”(Village Chief)
“Must have been pushed here from the invasion of tainted beast in the SilverWood forest.” (Lyle)
“Ah yes, the SilverWoods. That being said are you going to investigate the forest, our hunter have been complaining of almost no animals and there are clearings where there are bodies of the lost animals. Will you check it out alone or do you want some of the mercenaries I hired to come with?” (Village Chief)
“Sure bring them along; you never know what creature you are facing. How did it look and what sort of presence did it have?” (Lyle)
“None of the hunters have seen the creature. One of the clues we have is from last night’s hunt. We found a clearing with deep impressions of multiple creatures mainly some deep claw marks, a lot of smaller claw markings, and what looks to be a small pack of [Silverback Wolves]. These tracks were all found circling a [Lion Mane Boar] which was killed with one slash of a sharp object.” (Village Chief)
“That’s weird for multiple species to work together,…but you said the bodies where left. Was any of the creatures consumed?.” (Lyle)
“No, from what our hunters said the Group of Monsters must have travel together and encircle groups of game and executes them in a clearing then leave without taking time to consume the kill.” (Village Chief)
“I think someone is controlling them, but who can control so many beasts…”(Lyle)
“It looks like this might be a [Rank S] monster group we are dealing with or someone with a high level Summoning Class.” (Village Chief)
Silence filled the room that now appeared smaller than it originally was. Both sides contemplated which of the two options it could have been. If Lyle was to go against a creature summoned from a person with a Summoner Class then it would mean nothing to kill the creature as after a while a Summoner can re-summon his creature that were killed in battle as long as he lived.
“I think that boy with the lizard might be related to this. I have a hunch. I will send someone to scout out the family. Can you tell me anything about them? Does the father have any relation to a Summoner” (Lyle)
“If you think they might be involved you have my permission, make sure no one dies. I have had my people talked with some of the citizens around the village and heard the boy is Klos, his father usually talks about him during work. As you might know Klos is different, he is a slow growing demon, I heard that he only started to walk at 5 mouths; born approx. 9 months ago from Seth the father and a now deceased mother Ursha. Their family is poor and barely survives every year. Well now I think they will make through the year as I hear Seth got back his job as a Miner. They seem like the average poor family.” Seth’s class is [Trapper] he used to be with our hunting group until he met his wife. Also this marked the start of them being poor. (Village Chief)
“Got it, I will send Scott out to see what he can find out in the surrounding areas.” (Lyle)
“Okay you do that, but Lyle...be very careful I have seen the situation in the forest and it doesn’t look nice.” (Village Chief)
“Like I said I have said I have seen mostly everything. I was alive when the humans did their last exploration into our lands. You don’t have to tell me to be careful. You take care now make sure no one goes into the forest.” (Lyle)
“Before you leave talk to Seth and his son, never let feelings of hatred hang too long in the young. You know they can do things that make it hard for everyone.” (Village Chief)
“I’m sure they would understand in the end. Good-bye” (Lyle)
Taking his son and wife Lyle left the mansion. After going to the general store in the town the family left for their lodging at the best inn at the village.
“Better meet up with everyone in here.” (Lyle)
In the Inn Lyle meet up with the mercenaries he was going to be surveying the forest with. After learning about the skills they held and the stats they each had he decided to discuss the results with his partner. Walking into the room Lyle was presented with a burly man sharpening his long sword. The man was covered in shadows that could not be seen through, but as Lyle came in the shadows dissipated reveling the Minotaur underneath.
-Dicey POV-3rd Person
The grass was compacted down as the creature moved, plowing through the brush. It had felt the sadness; it too had sadness in her Heart. More than sadness there was a rage that couldn’t be satisfied with just one kill. She was quite a distance away from Klos’s Village as she was hunting before the Command was given. This order would be followed and completed no matter what; this fact would be encoded into her core.
Skittering through the forest that it was in, the Alpha Stone Lizard was not dissuaded from potential prey; she had a job; to kill. She ran, A Golem has no reason to feel exhausted, but after constant use of Mana to move, the integrity of her Mana Core would drop thus reducing her Charge time to stay summoned.
Dicey had paid no attention to such. The job must be done. Running through the forest without care had led her to create a trail of destruction. The Village was up ahead, her Core was quarter Charged; she didn’t have much time.
It was night and not that many people where outside even though Demons can see in the night. Dicey had revived information concerning the target, the ‘burly man’ as seen through Klos’s eyes. The highest probability was that he was staying at the same Inn as the murderer, so she had to be very cautious when dealing with him. She would use the fact that she would disappear back to Klos’s Inventory to recharge as an advantage to run away, but after at least one person’s blood has been spilled.
She went through the Village in the darkest places, though demons can see in the dark there might be some beast-people walking around who had less vision in the night. After a few minute of running through the shadows Dicey had made it to the Inn. She had a Long body, but it was sleek so she should be able to sneak in through a window or slightly open door without a sound.
The Inn was a one floor long house with many rooms. Each room had a window. If you were to look through one of these windows you would see the simple set up of an Inn with the bed a little offset from where you can see. Dicey went around the long house checking through every room’s window for the burly man, using her body to prop up against the wall and tilting her head towards the window.
She had found him at last after searching through most of the windows. Looking through the information one more time she compared the two Mana signatures of the targets with the one Klos’s had seen. Even though Klos didn’t detect the Mana there were telltale signs of a Mana Signature. Dicey had used the fact that the Burly man was armored and emanated at strong Mana screen, blocking Klos from looking at him fully. Even when he slept he kept his screen on easily marking him as the target.
The window was slightly ajar due to the hot weather during the day. She used her stout to push the window up and silently slither in. She took a look at the man once more. She went to the foot of the bed and slowly stood up on her hind legs, she decided to brutally crush her target with her weight, while at the same time knocking the wind right out of him then begin to mutilate the target.
Once at an appropriate height she let herself drop. She fell right onto to the body of the man knocking the air out his chest, as he gasped for a under her immerse weight as she clamped down onto his neck. The man was not a low level he was strong, but having Dicey crush him with her weight was like a giant stone of more than a ton fall and sit on your chest; it would still hurt. Dicey had her sharp jaw that had sawed through the toughest creature of the forest now with burly man’s neck inside her jagged teeth ripping at his throat.
The Burly Man quickly took what little action he had; he had to fight back or die faster. He was a high leveled being, but he was weakened in an instant because he because he had lost his breath before being strangled by these jaws of the lizard he had lost most of his strength. Clenching his fist and with a fast and strong punch to the face of the creature on top of him.
He was a man known for his strength enough to hug a Demon Bear to death, but when he swung and hit this Lizard right on her face she didn’t ease up on her jaw; it actually tightened. Most freighting was the fact that his punch was supposed to cave in skulls, were if this was a living Lizard her head would have become mush, but she was a Golem the scary thing was all he saw was a slight crack form from her eye down her face.
‘What a monster’ was the burly man’s last thought. The lack of oxygen had made his pass out, but the lizard didn’t stop her bite. She continued until all the Mana drained out of the man, blood poured out the wound and his mouth; after a sufficient amount of time and blood he was dead. She was now satisfied with what she had done to this one man, but she needed more souls to join the cycle of life to let them know who they harmed.
She had very little charge left on her core enough time to destroy the room and let people know something had happened at least bringing more people to her. She trashed her tail against the walls and furniture, breaking them and the sounds of the crashed were echoed through the whole Inn. She heard frantic footsteps (Vibrations) from the room opposite this one.
-Lyle Riley-
While in a light sleep as he just came from scouting the forest he suddenly heard loud crashes coming from the room opposite his. This room belonged to one of his friends who had started adventuring with him before this town: Thaddeus Mullion. Lyle quickly got out of his bed and went out into the hallway in his armors under layers to see exactly what was happening. No way was this normal, those sounds were way too loud and in a panic to be considered normal.
The door was locked and he had to break it down. He smashed his shoulder into the door making it fly open; he caught sight of what was happening. A giant lizard was in the middle of the room, its plates reflecting against the moonlight and its White eyes a blaze in the night. A monster.
He was shocked, ‘How did it get inside and was this one of the monsters that was causing all the problems in the forest?’ Lyle had this though, but it was replaced with another after he saw the blood pooling by the bedside of his now deceased friend. A metallic Growl emanated from the creature.
Madness soared within Lyle. He ran out to strike the creature with strength that match Thaddeus mightiest punch. His punch connected sending the Lizard into the wall, but the lizard was not out for the count as it flashed before him and latched onto his arm clearly puncturing it. The lizard pulled intending to sever the arm off the body of Lyle. He reacted faster to remove his arm out of her jaws by forcing open her jaws. With his arm out bloodied by the lizard, like always Lyle was unfazed by the wound. The Lizard didn’t approach back for she had seen the strength of the man before her. Lyle wouldn’t let this lizard just go like that. Lyle quickly went towards the bedside wall where his partner kept his equipment; taking out a long sword he faced the Lizard and her to him.
The Lizard finally lashed out going for his legs so that she could get him down to end his life just like the other man only to hit nothing. Lyle had gotten behind her and sent a powerful slash against her back. The plates on her back could only protect so much after the quick slash of Lyle the plates were destroyed which should have revel normal lizard skin, but that was not the case as Lyle saw that the Lizard had a more rocky layer of protection underneath. In his surprise the lizard who should have been at least dazed a little was still going strong.
Dicey had finally gotten her jaws around Lyle’s legs dropping him to the floor. Repeating the same motions as before the Lizard climbed on top of Lyle crushing him under the weight of solid rock. Just like how his friend had died he was facing the same way. Dicey then struck out with her jaws this time at his face. Dicey wanting Lyle to suffer being crushed within her maw, had finally gotten her wish as she started to kill Lyle.
Lyle was at his last stand facing the lizard. He had given it the upper hand and now he was going to die. He kept trying to get the heavy lizard off him, but the more he fought the more tired he felt. His health was dropping fast and with no way of stopping he lizard his mind drifted into thinking about his family and only son. ‘What If I disappeared right now’ was the thought going through Lyle's mind.
Before he could face his inner demons while in the mouth of the lizard multiple bricks of earth were heard smashing against the Lizards head. Each brick held a huge force in them knocking Dicey off Lyle. His life was saved for the time being. His wife had come from the same room as Lyle after hearing the altercation. Lyle was bleeding profusely from his head, if not healed he will die.
Lyles wife was a small enough distance that Dicey once again went out to attack him, appearing right in front of Lyle with an open mouth resembling a black hole into nothingness. Lyle though being a demon couldn’t see what was inside only the teeth that would end him. Right as the lizard was about to snap her jaw and before his wife could cast another spell Dicey collapsed and disintegrated into sand.
Lyle was lucky her Mana Core Charge was depleted and she had returned to Klos’s inventory. After the lizard disappeared Alta (Lyle’s Wife) went to tend to his wounds. She castes multiple healing spells slowly helping Lyle recover. Once he was healed enough to stand with the help of Alta, Lyle couldn’t help but think about the whole incident.
Lyle thought back to the same Lizard he kill just this day and compared it to the one he had seen this night. They looked very similar; no they looked to be the same. Aside from the fact the one this morning had a spiked look and this one a sleek look they both were exactly the same. Tears didn’t form on Lyle's face when he thought about everything happened; he was an Adventurer. He had killed a small Lizard that might had been a child to a larger Lizard, this lizard then went to show Lyle the same pain it had felt.
A powerful monster that protected its young was a dangerous one. Even though Lyle was filled with pain and stress he thought about how to solve this once and for all. A person came to his mind ‘Klos’ the boy who had the small Lizard, how could he had the small lizard as a pet for 9 months and not have the same larger lizard come after him? Lyle had to know this question. His hunch should be right. Klos, the name of the boy he was going to talk to once and for all; he WILL get the information he needed.
Inside the Inn people had finally reach the room of the commotion and saw a scene of a bloody grown man looking over the body of another covered in blood. Soon a child came up to him to comfort him and they left. The body of Thaddeus was taken to the Adventurers Guild to identify the monster’s full potential to harm the Village.
-Conversation In the Guild-
“I looked through the records on hand for all the Monster’s that exist in this area…Lyle there is none that matches what you said…in this area…” (Chief)
“THERE HAS TO BE! I just saw it…LOOK at my fu*king face!” (Lyle)
“Lyle I am truly sorry for your loss, there is one creature that it could be, but they were hunted down to extinction in the past from the northern forest by the joint effort of Humans and Demons 500 years ago. They are called [Stalker Basilisks] they had the same ability to be very stealthy when found and were immensely powerful…to think one lived or a community was hidden for 500 years is a stretch… I heard stories of the people of the past stopping everything for a whole year to hunt down these creatures.”
(A/N Hahaha extreme misconceptions of the Golem that almost killed him)
“So a rare beast that remained in hiding came out of hiding just to kill Thaddeus?!?”
“Like you said ‘rare’ there might not be many of them left…this species of Monster might have developed to take care of their young due to the depleting number and since you so killed one of their young it went after you…Lyle watch your family…”
“I know, I just hired a S Rank. I know to watch them. I also called in a squad to hunt down the [Stalker Basilisks]. How did they do it last time?”
“…they burned down the forest to get them out of hiding then killed anything that moved afterwards…do not burn down my forest…Even so records of the Monster say they only breed once every ten years with only one egg being made. Since you killed this one we have about 7-8 years till the next time.”
“I will not burn down your forest but I am going to need a map of all the cave systems and the records of the [Stalker Basilisks]. This is personal…NOW!”
“You made it personal, do not get this Village involved, This one was intelligent enough to know that you were the one who killed it’s young. Wait…the child lizard was the pet to Seth’s son why did it not attack him…”
“I will ask him in the morning and get answers from him no matter what...”
“You will not harm the boy Lyle.”
“He needs to tell me what he know!”
“Like I said you brought this upon yourself. That tainted Mana you found in its young might just have been a defense mechanism so other Monster do not consume because they don’t want to become tainted themselves. Did you sense any tainted Mana from the adult one?”
“No I felt absolutely nothing from it not even a breath.”
“That is why it is called a [Stalker Basilisk] Just make up with the boy, he’s young so if you can get onto his good side he might tell you or Hitch something.”
“Fine, but if I don’t find out anything soon I will use my ways. Don’t stop me”
“Okay, Lyle just to say there should only be 20 of the [Stalker Basilisks] left if my math is correct with some loses included. That is the maximum that could have lived and breed until now. They a not pact hunters so you should be fine…,but things can change in the time they were give.”
“I got let me do what I think is right.”
“Hope you don’t get yourself killed”
(A/N Huge misconceptions about Dicey…I wonder how this will turn out? )
Guys does the name Lavon Devore sound like a good one? He would be one of the next introduced character…again no romance as yet…
AND NOOOOOOO! Just because I give Dicey a part in my story does not mean she will become a person and a love interest for the romance part of my story…maybe…98% sure she won’t be on this.
The Dicey part was taken from the previous unedited main chapter and placed here before I updated too late and you guys forget about the ….uhhhhhh…………………the…………………….burly man…
I have scrapped my entire prewritten chapters due to them not making sense anymore and some story line problems. After the next main chapter I am going to take a full week and a half break to see where I am going to go with the story and maybe type up like three chapters and do a triple one day each release. Here are the ARC’s of my story if you want to know
Beginning of a New Life – 7-8 chapters
Some other ARC….unknown amount of chapter
intermission 3-4 chapters (getting accepted at school and stuff like traveling and packing…)
School Life- 10+ chapter
intermission 2-3 chapters (graduating and stuff like….)
Adventurer ARC – 5 10+ Chapter depends on what I could think of for an adventure….
….I have planned more but this good for now. Just to say those are approx. chapter lengths, it could be more but not less…maybe.
RIP HAZARD and CHARLIE. You might not be forgotten.
If you think I am one of those writers who brings back a loved one then you are wrong. This is life in the other world. Death Happens, better for the main character to face it now.
I scrapped all the other chapters (previous written not the new chapters I have typed out) after this so….if you guys want to see something done in the Child ARC or school life arc feel free to PM or comment below…so yah….enjoy.
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