《The Golem Mancer》Chapter Four | Part One
(A/N Sad things happen in this chapter. I want to add a tragedy tag but this will only happen very little in my story so I won’t. Hope you guys don’t enjoy the sadness…no one wants too, but the chapter you can enjoy. and i like op main characters)
Chapter Four- A Threshold Passed
The sky is turning dark and it looks like it’s time for me to go too, surprisingly I can see in the dark without any lamp posts or something along the lines of that. I walk beside Hitch who talks about how some minerals taste better than others. From the way he described [Ice Stone] it might taste like ice-cream! When I make some coins I am so going to buy Ice Stones as my first purchases. I let him talk as all I had is some basic mineral block, still it taste like chicken so all is good. As we walked a Burly shadow man as dark as the night, as big as the biggest tree in the forest, as…….-approached us, more like he approached Hitch.
“Hitch your Father and Mother are waiting for you by the Villages Chiefs House.”(Burly Man) I can't see his true figure as it is distorted behind the darkness.
“Okay…Good Bye Klos; Make sure to bring your lizard tomorrow! Don’t walk into a house on your way back!” (Hitch)
I wave him bye and re-think what I know about Hitch, it seems he has a good family to have a sent someone to get him, but that last comment…sad… By the looks of the burly man he looks to be armored and prepared to battle something. If this is anything like a light novel then that means his parent are some people who can hire an Adventurer/Mercenary and would do anything to protect their son. He did have an interest in one of my Black Stone Lizards ‘Hazard’. Well whatever happens, happens.
I return home and greet Dad who is cleaning up the house. I tell him about my day and the people I meet and he said that if I be careful I can go outside while he goes to work! He smiles when I excitedly show my agreement.
When all is good that is when things get bad…
An Event Has OccurredUser Has Leveled Up [Level 17] (9 levels)User has received 5 stat points.45 total stat points to assign, bonus stats awarded verses higher leveled individuals
An Event has OccurredIron Core Wolf ‘Charlie’ has sustain Massive Damage| Core has been destroy cannot be recovered |Some Experience will be shared between all Connected Allies. Owner will receive extra stats. Mana Circulation has been cut off. Since the core cannot conduct Mana Circulate throughout the body of 'Charlie'. 'Charlie' has lost all HP points. Core has been Disintegrated…All Mana has been lost. Core has been destroyed
I felt a connection lost.
…Charlie? How could Charlie Die? I look through the transmitted Information and Command my Golems to get Charlie and come back. I don’t care about the pain I feel right now in my chest I have to see this myself. Who DARES kill my friends will suffer. I see within the transmission an image of a Man holding an object in his hands. The information I find out is that the Golems felt the object was dangerous and had to remove the man or he might comeback with more people and kill them all.
‘They made a good choice’ I think to myself. If that man reported my Golems then I may have lost them forever. This Man is…Human? There are Humans so close by to us?!? Why did they attack me?!? They cannot do this…I will make them suffer…for a long time…
What they did to Charlie, I will do to them, Charlie doesn’t eat or have a destructive personality like a lizard I know, I look through the Information again…he saved his brothers and died in return. ‘Golems Come back’ I send the command ignoring the searing pain in my chest; it’s getting worse. I try to show my dad that nothing happened and continued to smile as I walk to my room; I have to wait for my Golems to come back before I could do anything.
It finally became night and my Wolf Golems were the first to return. I got to look at Charlie…he was a mess, the original metal wolf body he had was not the same as the one here right now. I could feel my tears continually stain my face. I never played with Charlie much, but family is still family. I take out his core. It was cracked fully in many places. At this moment I activate [Core Creator] on the core and fixed it back up better. I can’t do this for my other Golems as I have to remove their core to use Core Creator on it.
His Body looked like a huge pressure had built up and tried to burst out of him. My Golems don’t have arms so they couldn’t have chucked it away to save themselves; someone had to take away that object to save everyone else…Charlie…
Alpha and Beta stare at their brother just like me, with sadness in their crystal eyes. If Golems could cry I think they would be. They were a pact, I have more Iron Wolves but you cannot replace a brother who has been with you since the beginning. Alpha then nudged me and nuzzled the core. I was then transmitter a signal that seemed to say he wanted to upgrade his core. He knows what I did to the other Lizards making them into Alpha Lizards.
I look through my inventory and take out the {Bronze Great Monster Core} this looked to be my most powerful core. I had made it when I went there was a lightning storm outside, it took all my Mana like usually, but I couldn’t use anymore Mana for that whole day. My Mana usually recharges 3 times a day so I am able to create 3 cores a day if I don’t use any other skill, but most of the Core making fails. I guess that the Mana was heavy in the air making the perfect time to create a core and so I did. In return I got a Bronze core. Like always I do not know what it would do for my Golem, but if he wants to try might as well.
I grip the core hard in my left arm, my entire arm glowed blue and the core became a white orb which I then stabbed right into Alphas chest which contained his core. Alpha perseveres through the pain not letting out one sound, he changed into the nightmarish slime form and grew; grew huge.
An Event has OccurredCore was not absorbed | Core has been Assimilated with.Congratulations on creating a [Duo Core Iron Mountain Fenrir]Personality has been finalized (Honor the Pact) ‘Alpha’ will act as a pact leader and only protect those in his pact. Those Included in the Pact in hierarchy: Owner, Wolven members, Other Golems, Familiars, Owner’s Friends and Family, and Allies. Alpha has less trust in humanoid races due to trauma, not applied to Owner.
Status AlphaLevel 34Owner: KlostinRaceIron Mountain Fenrir (Duo Core) | Rank A+ GolemHealth: 500Mana Core Strength: 300Stamina: 1/0StatsSTR: 100VIT: 100DEX: 80AGI: 140END: 20DEF: 120INT: 75LUK: 1...Locked StatsSkillsSkill: Pact Hunter | Rank Three | Value: A |Passive skill. Activated once Three Pact Members are close by (20 meter radius from Alpha [title] wolf. | Increases STR by 15 for every 3 Members)A Mystic Rank wolf called a Fenrir. These wolves are the top of the Wolven Chain. Alpha Fenrir was created by assimilating with a Bronze Great Monster Core. Personality ingrained into the Golem: Protect the pact, Pacifist. Due to watching his pact member die terribly Alpha would prefer not to fight to not lose any member of the pact family but to only hurt the enemy if possible. There can only be one Fenrir in a Pact.
Standing in our yard was a giant 3 meter TALL wolf with black hard metallic fur. Alphas eyes had turned neon green from the original blue, there was also a fog being emanated from his body. He looked majestic…wait the STR stat is 100…if he wasn’t nice to me I could get wolfed to death.
Other than Alpha, Beta wanted a core upgrade too. I don’t want to lose him too so I install the Red Great Monster Core into him, it might be less powerful or might now who knows. I made this core at night before I went to sleep, all the other cores that day failed so I didn’t expect this one to work. I empowered the core and preformed the same process I did for Alpha, except Beta was not that strong as to not let out a sound; he whimpered. The same thing happened and he tuned into a [nightmare slime thingy] except when he was done transforming he looked the same as he previously was, just with a taller stature, and way less scary; more like a giant puppy wolf.
Status BetaLevel 27Owner: KlostinRaceIron Great Dire Wolf (Sound type) | Rank A+ GolemHealth: 200Mana Core Strength: 500Stamina: 1/0StatsSTR: 120VIT: 40DEX: 140AGI: 100END: 70DEF: 20INT: 65LUK: 10...Locked StatsSkillsSkill: Resonate | Rank One | Value: B |Active skill. To activate Skill sacrifice 20 Mana Core strength points. Send out a powerful sound wave that disrupts and damages enemies. An Individual is able to mimic previously heard sounds perfectly at an amplified volumeA High Rank Wolf that was created by infusing a Red Great Monster Core into the original core. A Dire Wolf is many times stronger than a regular wolf usually making one of the prime targets for Hunters balancing an ecosystem.[td3]
…a puppy that can maul your family to death…It seems now my Golems have become WAY stronger than me…as an Owner I feel bad. O’well at least they can protect themselves much better. I better get my day over with. Before I send out my last command of the day I summon another [Iron Core Wolf] out of my Inventory and named it Delta and I took a look at my own stats after I added the points to it. I wonder how I leveled up so much…
Status KlostinLevel 17Age: 8M/11DRace: Rock DemonTitle(s):[td3]The One Who Laughed Through Pain, The UnderestimatedClass(s):Golem MancerDemon Horn Variant: Life CrystalHealth: 250Mana 120Stamina: 28StatsSTR: 1VIT: 50Dex: 7AGI: 13END:80DEF: 135INT: 40LUK: 10...Locked StatsAbilities Summon Corrupt GolemTransfer Fatal DamageCore CreatorEquippedChild's ClothesGolems: Hazard, Rocky | Dicey | Alpha, Beta, Delta
You might think that I could block my Golems attacks with my high DEF, but even with putting all my points into DEF and END if a Monster with sharp claws attacked me they could kill me.
‘Alpha can you go out and satisfy your revenge for Charlie by going to cause chaos in that town you guys saw. Take all the materials you guys can carry I have summoned Delta to help you guys out, make sure to teach him the ropes. Try not to kill anyone, I would hate for them to want revenge and send out an exhibition to hunt you guys down. You can destroy 4 buildings and…their armory.’
This time no pain happened in my chest? The way I phased the command was like I was asking if my Wolf wanted to. So if I Command them my chest hurts but I can just ask if they want to and they might or might not follow…cool no more pain, but if the order is not too their personality then what would happen…
-Next Day-
I woke up and absorbed my mineral block like always, breakfast, lunch, and dinner, it’s the same not that I am complaining...chicken.... Dad is gone out doing what he does to put…Bed rock on the table…, hey that’s funny. I then put on a clean set of clothes: A Vest, a pair of shorts, plus my cloak, I discovered my inventory auto-cleans clothes too, super helpful.
I go back to where I meet my friends previously with Hazard. I reach the open area I met them at and what you would will know, Hitch with two people who look like the embodiment of an Adventurer and Ensmor and Dory look to be amazed by the grand scale of their equipment. By the situation they are in it looks like the adventurers are some good people! Other than that Hitch looks like he’s gaining the most pride of all of them.
I walk up to them showing my golden smile. I call out to them since it’s better to be known that to just appear. The two people behind Hitch look like regular Demons, Sharp details on the face with horns sticking straight out of their head and wings…I want wings…I can guess that this means you don’t have to be a rock demon to get the benefits of the Horn type, you just get more benefits from being a rock demon.
“Hey Hitch, Ensmor, and Dory how’s the weather.” (Klos)
Before any nice greetings are given one of the two people behind Hitch, a man turned serious at the sight of Hazard. Don’t they know that hurts my feelings?...is no one going to say how the weather is… He also seems to be eying at Hazard a lot. He doesn’t look like he hates me, but if I were to not have Hazard he wouldn’t bat an eye to me. O’ I soooooo love [The Underestimated] Title so muuuuuch.
“Hey Klos! These are my parents. They are the most powerful adventures EVER!” (Hitch)
He seems to very enthusiastic about his parent. I wonder if he goes with his parents on adventures. That must be fun.
“Hello Hitch’s Parent nice to meet you.” (Klos)
“Hitch is this is the same Lizard you saw?”(Hitch’s Father)
“Yeah! The one on Klos’s shoulder is called Hazard. Father, why did you ask me to show you?” (Hitch)
“Son. When you become an adventurer too you will know why I do the things I do. (Evil Family Man)
The evil man walks toward me and stares me down. I know where this going.
“This lizard that you made your ‘pet’ contain tainted Mana, Things like this has been happening in the forest for some time now. Animals have been killed and it is usually creature with tainted Mana in their body that causes these problems. Klos hand me the lizard you call ‘Hazard’. Your lizard might kill you in your sleep so let me deal with it” (Embodiment of Evil, Man)
“You want to take away Hazard, NO WAY mister!”(Klos) I say in the most serious way and using my left hand pick up Hazard from my right shoulder and clench him in my chest. ‘No one’s getting Hazard’ I will make sure of that fact. No matter whom it is
The man grabs my lizard out my Hands and turns and walks away towards Hitch…so you want to do this {‘Hazard can you attack the person holding you and return to me…make sure it hurts’} but before he reaches Hitch Hazard spikes up and punctures Hitch’s father’s hand. Ewwwww his blood is as black as his soul. Hazard comes running back to me and climbs back up to my shoulder. Having a huge lizard climb up onto you is a sight to see. Even through Hitch’s father was attacked and bleed slightly he let out no cries of pain or changed his expression.
“Like I said the creature has tainted Mana in it…he might not hurt you first, but others around you will be danger.” (Hitch’s Father)
I guess Hitch was right about having an amazing adventurer father, to be unfazed when you hand was slit…was slit open. I see him flex his hand while showing no scar. So Hazard is not competition for him, which sucks.
“You’re still not getting Hazard he is my best friend.” (Klos)
“Kid…I will give you 5 silver coins for him, with that you will be able to buy a new pet, deal?” (Hitch’s Father)
“NO! Never.” (Klos) This guys is getting on my nerves, just leave us alone.
“THINK ABOUT OTHERS! You are putting everyone in harm, it’s just a lizard.-” (Evil)
I rip off the cloak that covers my right arm, the people crowding around our conversation showed a hint of disdain. They understood what I meant in the end, who wants to be with someone who looks like this…Even Ensmor and Dory look like they care slightly less about what happens now. Wow this arm is worse than I thought; even kids look like they don’t like me.
I feel the tear on my face and the urge to cry right now. Must be because this is the first time someone wants to take away something I love. Though Charlie died he was not with me all the time like Hazard. The feeling of hurt, I feel it in my bones, my blood, and in my mind. SOMEONE wants to take away my friend. They cannot do this and I will make sure they won’t get him.
“…I am sorry if that’s the way you feel…, but as an adventurer I must not look away from a situation involving a monster that could injure someone. If you want to hate me go ahead, but remember that I did this for the good of everyone. I have to kill that monster” (Hitch's Father)
“…Dad do you have to kill Hazard, he was nice and didn’t attack me?” (Hitch)
Hitch’s father didn’t respond and began to walk towards me. I drop to my knees and slightly curl up he cannot get Hazard, the pain of losing someone so close hurts. He said kill…he wants to kill Hazard…I clench my empty arms to my chest to protect Hazard even if…my empty arms? I look up to see Hazard shake while in his hands. He held his body and head in a vice grip and began to bend Hazard at an inhumane angle.
“…” (Klos)
I look at the body of Hazard in his hands. The murdered gets on his Knee and gentle places Hazard in my arms and apologizes once again.
Another Connection lost.
An Event has OccurredBlack Stone Liard ‘Hazard’ has sustain Massive Damage| Core has been destroy cannot be recovered |Some Experience will be shared between all Connected Allies. Owner will receive extra stats. Mana Circulation has been cut off. Since the core cannot conduct Mana Circulate throughout the body of Hazard. Hazard has lost all HP points. Core has been Cracked…All Mana has been lost. Core has been destroyed
An Event Has Occured Title: [The One who laughed through the Pain] has been deactivatedThreshold has been passed
It hurts…’Why?...did Hazard do something to you?…I will make him say he’s sorry…he won’t do whatever he did again…please don’t take him away from me…’
“Mister Lyle I would highly appreciate if you come with me to the village chief” (Guard)
The murder and his offspring leaves with the Guard. The people who were watching left at the same moment.
Suddenly feeling a hand on my shoulder I turn around with tearful eyes and see my father. Going down to hug me tightly he create a heartwarming scene. This is not the right time to care about the scene we create…Hazard…
“It’s Okay Klos. It’s okay…Come let’s go home.” (Father)
I let my Dad take my right hand into his left as he picks up the remains of Hazard with the other hand and we leave the scene.
‘…please don’t take him away from me…’
‘If you want to take away my friend…I…I will take AWAY YOURS!’
‘[Dicey kill the Burly Man...he is a friend of the Man who killed Hazard…you felt it too…please….]’
The pain of commanding my Golems doesn’t hurt as much as the pain caused by losing Hazard…, but I will make them hurt more…
Uhhh.....I kinda messed up what ever happens after the end of this chapter so I split it into two parts....
....so maybe tomorrow at the same time as this I will post the rest...sorry...,But hey! I got my Laptop all fixed up and stuff...so more chapters..yeah! The real chapter length was suppose to be 7,000, this one is 3,200 so I will have to rework the rest and later post it. I have written a rough copy of chapter five and an unedited copy of the next Adventure of the whatever...so yah....
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Pawns of God
Five Lines PitchJoin Mark in his fight against a God and change the game's destiny! Delve into a slow-paced story focused on the progression of the main party and the development of the world. Mark himself will be narrating his life inside the game, and to a much lesser extend outside. Guild building, economy, and strategy are the central pieces of the novel. Mark is not overpowered, he will have to build his own power through action-packed battles, trials, traumas, love, and death. Accompany him, the healer and the strategist, an agent of chaos, in the adventure of his life. Without further preamble, I will let Mark take the mic. SynopsisHi! My name is Mark. This is my story, my life as I live it day after day. I’m in my thirties, and there’s nothing I love more than playing online games. I’ve just joined the action on the newest VRMMO game, Pawns of God. An immersive experience you can play while sleeping. Of course, as a game that takes pride in its long development and technological advances, everything inside seems and feels real. Beware, this is not a game-turns-real story. I love my own world and I would detest being summoned into another one. If that ever happens, I’ll just quickly take my life and be done with it. I play with my friends, in a party of 5. We have taken several roles, but lately, I've come to love being a healer. It's my secret ambition to someday be the shotcaller. I am not overpowered. If there is any bug or exploit in the game, they are yet to be discovered. Anyhow, for a game of this scale, the company is pouring all of its resources into test servers, QA, and beta tests. I don’t expect to find any, so I’ll be playing the game just like any other person. I must say, though, I am easily distracted, as you will immediately notice once you start. I'm working on it, I promise to improve! I am no hero. Being in my 30s, my heart is too old for this shit. I wouldn’t mind being one, of course. Who hasn’t dreamt of it? Either way, I’m not doing any grand quest to save the world. Whatever the game throws to their users, I’ll be there to experience it. Most of my life, at least the interesting parts that I’ll be narrating, happen inside the game itself. Rarely, there will be some IRL (In Real Life) chapters. You’ll understand, however, that as a freelance software developer, there is not much I can entertain you with when outside the game. Did I say I love games? Well, I’m also a fan of LitRPG literature. You know, journeys of magic, relationships, personal development, items, skills, discovery… In the spirit of not overwhelming my public, I’ll condense each chapter into circa 1500 words. You might have noticed some tags over this story, let me elaborate. I like to swear. I’m not shy when it comes to cursing my enemies, friends, or even myself. When there’s blood, I tell it as I see it. And… it hurts to admit it, but I’m not a casanova. Of course, this doesn’t mean that I won’t ever find love. So, in case I do end up finding it, let’s keep my sexual options open. As for traumas, none yet, but the future is vast and unknown. Release Schedule The schedule is subject to change, particularly if enough readers end up loving it. All chapters are already written, thus there is enough freedom to modify them. Arc 1 * Chapters 1-14: Each released one day and an hour later than the previous. Starting with chapter 2 at 09:20 UTC+2 on day 1, and finishing at 21:20 UTC+2 on day 13. Elapsed: 2 weeks Total: 2 weeks * Chapters 15-30: Releases every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday at 11:30 UTC+2. Elapsed: 5½ weeks Total: 7 weeks (1 month, 3½ weeks) * Chapters 31-49: Releases every Wednesday and Saturday at 11:30 UTC+2 Elapsed: 9½ weeks Total: 17 weeks (4 months, 1 week) All subsequent arcs will follow the same release schedule, 2/week. No hiatus will be done between arcs 1 and 2.
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im fine
just to warn you guys this fanfic is sad and has some trigger warnings in
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