《The Golem Mancer》Chapter Three
This is a smaller sized chapter (content wise) but I found it a good point to end as I want to go in detail next chapter of the events. This one was like 4,200 words with a lot of tables, but I want the chapters to be 4,000+ in content....
Also I have reworked Chapter one and Two so the story makes more sense
Chapter One -Reworked
Chapter Two -Reworked
Chapter Three – To the Real World
An Event Has OccuredUser Has Leveled Up [Level 7]User has received 5 stat points.35 total stat points to assign
Status KlostinLevel 7Age: 8M/9DRace: Rock DemonTitle(s):The One Who Laughed Through Pain, The UnderestimatedClass(s):Golem MancerDemon Horn Varient: Life CrystalHealth: 125Mana 75Stamina: 28StatsSTR: 1VIT: 25Dex: 1AGI: 2END:47DEF: 80INT: 29LUK: 1...Locked StatsAbilities Summon Corrupt GolemTransfer Fatal DamageCore CreatorEquippedChild's ClothesGolems: Hazard | Rocky | Dicey | Alpha
First of all how did I level up? I have no clue beside the fact Hazard, Alpha (Name for the biggest Iron Core Wolf) and more so Rocky gave me the levels. Whenever I see them comes back they’re bloodied. I found Rocky Basking in the most blood and guts by his favorite spot, which is a big rock close to the forest behind our house. Dicey is still the same old Alpha Stone Lizard nothing really changed with her besides higher stats.
I panicked the first time seeing them, What if he got a disease from the blood until I realized Golems don’t bleed or can get diseases. Even though they were covered in blood I didn’t want to command them to clean themselves because now whenever I send a command the pain is my chest happens, but now it’s more serious. So some blood on them is okay as long as they’re okay.
That doesn’t sound very human now that I think about it; ah I’m not human anymore. Also it’s another reason their stats are so high too. If they can get more experience and give me some too I won’t mind.
I put 15 points into VIT because I want to be healthy; I also placed 8 points into AGI, now it looks even! 3 Points to DEX and then the finial 9 into LUK, I can finally stop tripping over my feet and I might be able to find Rocky now.
I also name the other wolves Beta, Charlie, and so on respective to their size.
Status KlostinLevel 7Age: 8M/9DRace: Rock DemonTitle(s):The One Who Laughed Through Pain, The UnderestimatedClass(s):Golem MancerDemon Horn Varient: Life CrystalHealth: 200Mana 94Stamina: 28StatsSTR: 1VIT: 40Dex: 4AGI: 10END:50DEF: 80INT: 29LUK: 10...Locked StatsAbilities Summon Corrupt GolemTransfer Fatal DamageCore CreatorEquippedChild's ClothesGolems: Hazard,Rocky | Dicey | Alpha,Beta,Charlie
The coolest thing I got was that I am now a Variant with [Life Crystal Horns] .I got to know I am variant because one of the days during the 4 months. It was raining pretty hard and due to being poor our house’s roof allowed some water to fall in. This water pooled on my stone bed this was also the first time I cried in the longest while and this was when I had the idea to see what I looked like in this pool of water.
What I saw was the face of an average human child. Shaggy black hair like my father, storm grey pupils, sharp shark like teeth, deadly pale grey sandpaper skin, and a set of small ‘clear’ horns that slightly tilt to the back of my head. They were so clear in the water I thought I had holes in my head…dodged a bullet there.
Time to ask the system.
‘System: What does the material of Horns mean? Are there other types?’
Official Demon Horn RankingsHigh Type #754Demonic Dragon Crystal Horns. Quality: 100 Occurrences: Bloodline
Near Infinite Mana supply, +100 to every stat per level up, Access to Forbidden SpellsHigh Type #753Demonic Soul Crystal Horns. Quality 100 Occurrences: 1/1,000,000,000,000
An Individual with Demonic Soul Mana Crystal Horns is able to gain a percentage chance
of absorbing the soul of defeated creatures, adding a percentage of the defeated creature stats to it....Medium Type#304Mana Devouring Horns-Mana Negation variety- Quality 68 Occurrences: 1/1,487,456
Once a creature is in contact (stabbed) with Mana Devouring Horns –MDH – the creature will have their Mana disrupted and exhausted. if they try to use Mana they would find it depleted.Medium Type#303Keratin Horns- Quality 68 Occurrences: 1/486
A horn type that gives the Individual +25 STR per year of life. Most common Horn type.Low Type (High Type) #2:Holy Quartz Horns Quality 25 Occurrences: 1/1,985,487,121,457
One of the most rare and Unknown Horn types. In replace of the quality of processing mineral and metals and the acceptance of a brittle horn, Quartz Horn individual are able to store light element in their horns. If the individual would release the store light elements they would be able to release a beam attack.Low Type #1Gypsum Horns Quality 10 Occurrences: Demons in Poverty (1/398)
One of the most common mineral found in the mines of Rock Demons. Usually Rock demons that absorb Gypsum in high abundance would have these horns. Horns can only absorb 11% of Metals 3% of Minerals consumed. Life expectancy 3years. No bonusUnknown Type #0Glass Horns Quality Varies Occurrences: 1/Unknown
also known as Glass Cannon Horns named by an Outworlder. Only Individual to have Glass Horns was the 64th Demon general. Individual can convert all stats into STR at the cost of one of the individual’s horn limited duration....
AHHH! TOO MUCH INFORMATION! A list that stretches to the heavens appear before me…and I have to read it all….
-Long Time later-
Why the hell are their over 1000 Unknown Horn Types and Why didn’t I see my horns in the list? Please don’t tell me I missed it....I can't go through this any more...
‘Whatever. System: what is a Life Crystal?’
Question can be Answered due to material being a part of the Users bodyA Life Crystal is a forbidden type of mineral. A Treaty has been sign by all countries of Terra to never speck of the mineral and not to mine for it. A life crystal can be used to store a soul, but the life crystal itself is very hard to mine for. The crystal is constantly absorbing Mana and only uses it to protect itself when the Mana around it is disturbed. If the Mana in a life crystal is almost depleted the crystal will absorb the closest life force. It runs off a separate Mana Storage .In the end the User is the only known Life Crystal Horn Rock Demon*
‘So…System what does my Variant mean’
Question can be Answered | Due to User Being the VarientUsers Variant is the Unknown Type but can at least be classified as a Medium type horn. Information cannot be displayed until horns are fully developed at 10 years of age. Due to the looks of [Life Crystal] which look the same as Crack Gypsum horns (even lower than regular Gypsum horns) you have been granted a new title [The Underestimated].
Title: The Underestimated Whenever anyone looks at you, The User would appear to be very much weaker than he seems. Title is disabled towards a Mate
I’m so going to get bullied because of my ‘Horns’. At least I am not going to school anymore so I can stay away from evil children. I should ask Father if I can go outside too.
Conditions CompletedUser has discovered information about Rock Demon Culture+2 INTIn the Past Rock demons had a high mortality rate with children because of the dangers of the world. The elders of the Rock Demons decided that on a certain date of the year children who have reach the age of 3 years of age; the same time when children get to look at their Status and gain their first Skills, would be sent to “School” to train. Of course the elders found it more beneficial to send their children with other demon and beast kind. There are two schools the first is mandatory from ages 3-7 years the Second being 9-15 is optional for normal people, but mandatory for adept Demons.
Skills are first gained at three years old? Little kids running around throwing fireballs doesn’t sound good.
My life is going to get so much harder once I go to school. At least I can ask Father to go outside. I think Rock Demons Mature faster than humans. I can see that this is true because One my height and growth is insanely fast; Two, my ability to speck fluently is already developed (still haven’t talked to father besides nodding and kuu,kuu’s); Finally Three, I now have to go to school at the age of three…THREE YEAR OLDS GO TO SCHOOL!...Sh*t only 2 years 3 months 21days left I should train to be the best.
Naw, Screw it I rather play with my Lizard; Lizard(s) if I can find Rocky.
Since father always leave early in the morning to whatever he does during this time, I have to wait for him to come home in the afternoon. I wonder if Dicey can be in the house. Sure why the hell not!
-Late Afternoon-
My Dad like always painfully and slowly opens our “Door” walking in with the same tired look on his face, But I can’t find any better time to talk to him about going outside than now, I have to break my plan of not specking in order to learn of the world. It hurts so much…*Cries
I shouldn’t tell him Dicey broke his bed…should I. ‘It’s time to Fo-Klos’ My puns are so good!
I walk up to him, straighten my back and look up straight into his eye.
“Klos Why are you crying?”(Father)
“I want to go outside” (Klos)
“…” (Father)
The tired look disappears and is replaced by the now stunned to the point of being a statue father. Then to the look of determination.
“There are bad monsters outside, NO” (Father)
“I have my Guardians. They will protect me!” (Klos)
“…You will get hurt-”
“-I will tell my Lizard to break the wall again”
“…please…you can’t this, it is the 64th time so far…“
Now I and my father are crying. It’s good to be bonding like this.
“So I can go outside?”(Klos)
I can see concern on my dad’s face. I can feel that he cares about me. He shifts his gaze towards my right crippled arm.
“Because of this you can’t. I’m sorry son but there are things you don’t know” (father)
He kneels down and gently lifts my right arm with his clawed hand. I can plainly see the difference between them, but I didn’t know that discrimination exist within Rock Demon culture…Okay so I knew it’s like every light novel where the main character has some problem and everyone around him exploits it.
Conditions CompletedUser has discovered his place in Rock Demon Society+ 1 INTBorn with an arm that slightly resembles a human; a sworn enemy of Rock Demons. Due to the past history of Humans enslaving rock demons in their mines. User would become an outcast and/or bullied by most Rock Demons if this fact is known. Rocky will brutally kill anything that harms its Owner [Affection: 100%]
Damn I guess I know more than I should now… My dad really is trying to look out for me and Rocky…too. So I went back to my and dads room and pulled out a damaged cloth half cloak, half because half is missing. It is ripped in many places and the hood is missing but I found this in my Dads bad clothes pile (They are all bad but these are the worst).I put it on so it cover only the right side of my body and walk back to him.
He is still kneeling down waiting wondering why I left. He is stunned once again to see, or not to see as my right side including the arm. I can see that he has given up in his eye.
“ *Sign*You are too smart for me……just like your mother…” (father)
I couldn’t catch what he said in the end, probably cursing my amazing persuading skills! Anyways FREEDOM! I hug my father with a smile on my face. I finally get to see the outside world. Once I departed from the father’s hug I run straight into my (our) room to pick up my lizards, I always leave Hazard and Rocky outside and my bigger summons are in the forest. I place Hazard on my right side as his spikes keep the cloak from flapping in the wind and Rocky (after I found him) is on my head so that his head is being held up by my horns and rush to the front door.
If you are wondering about the blood placing my lizards into my inventory auto-cleans them. Pretty handy. Also this is one of the reasons Dad still might allow me to go outside, he doesn’t know he is sending out a child who has relatively high stats with two Death bringing lizards. Somehow calling them death bringing seems to fit them. I wonder why?
Dad was standing in my way.
“Be careful, you feel weak or in danger you better come home as fast as possible. Stay around the village Okay.” (Father)
My Dad says with his arms crossed. He moves out the way once I nod excitedly to him and opens the door for me. I walk through and looked at the yellowish-orange sky.
Once outside I see what every fantasy anime, light novel, and European medieval age village looks like. We are very far from the base of a volcano in an area surrounded by dense forest, exposed bedrock is everywhere. Our house from the outside looks like a large outhouse with an uncountable number of patchworks on one of the side of the house was Hazard likes to play.
Around our house there are many better build lodges. The look like those houses that people who live off the grid build, made of many planks of wood stacked up to form the basic house shape, but the roof is made of some black fiber.
As you go to the volcano you can visually see the housing quality go up exponentially as you can see from the edge of our village a faraway city stretching up the volcano which is about 200+ km away. From these wooden houses (I think ours is the only one made out of rotten wood) I can guess that our village is doing pretty well no one looks ‘dead’ and the older folk I can see have a look of calm on their face.
I got to get rich soon. I want better clothes. Did you know how hard it is to put on a shirt when your left arm has jagged spikes coming out of it…it’s so hard that I basically only wear vests. Then again why do we even have t-shirts in this part of the world, when from what I can see everyone wears vests?
Achievement unlockedUser Has come out into the real world {The Starting Point}User has unlocked the final Blessing Skill of [Methodical Randomness] and have gain a choice as to what your First Skill category would be. Please choose between:| Utility || Attack || Defensive || Sustain |
WOW, a Skill what’s the difference between skills and abilities.
Question can be Answered | Due to the user attaining a ability and gaining a skillAn ability is an ingrained skill that the User can use without prior knowledge or experience resulting in the gain of the skill. Abilities are part of their own Ranking system and are usually stronger than skills of the same rank. Skills are actions that needed to be learned and/or trained to receive a skill
Damn god really would have given me a head start if I just waited… [Create Core] is looking better every day…well as long as no one knows, I shouldn’t use it now.
But to choose this time which category it goes under’ Hmmmmm’. I have enough HP and DEF so a defensive skill is not a priority. My attack is already god-awful so having attack skills would be great but if the ability relies on STR I am screwed forever. Then there is Utility, abilities in this category can only help. I think I know which to go for.
‘System I Chose the Sustain Category’
…what I need to survive in this world. It’s not just about hitting hard and blocking arrows.
System has acknowledged the User’s choice. Please stand by while Random Skill is being created
...........COME ON YOU FU-
Sustain Skill Created: Zombie’s RegenerationRank One | Value B| Passive | Always ActiveWhen in low light levels {Shade}Rank One Level OneThe User is able to gain the Health regeneration of a Zombie (+10/min +150% HP regeneration) current regeneration : 1HP/minAt Rank TwoIncrease regeneration
‘You were supposed to be useful! AND YOU ARE!!’ This skill is so easy to train in, all I need to do is sustain damage at a dark place and let the ability activate!...my DEF is pretty high I don’t think this is going to work as good as I thought it would.
After thinking of way to make people fight me I realize the gaze of my father on my back, I have been just standing here for a while now haven’t I. I turn around and wave at him, father waves back a little too slow with a weird look on his face.
‘Hey I’m not Weird father don’t look at me like that’ (Klos)
Behind our house is the foggy and dark dense forest that I can usually see from our only window, I really hope it’s only dark because of the lack of sunlight. Hazard and Rocky have said they have explored the first few kilometers into the forest. How do I understand them? I don’t really know it’s just that information comes into my head and I guess it’s them. Who else could tell me what’s in the forest besides my father and lizards. The wolves don’t care about me that much…
The soil on the ground is a mix of volcanic ash, rock and regular dirt making a combination that farmer would go crazy for, but rock demons don’t farm because we don’t eat ‘food’. In the village there is many people going about their daily lives and the main difference between people is mainly the Horns. ‘Is my father the only gargoyle in the village’ I think about my father as everyone else looks to be human with some demon feature, full beast-people, half Beast-people, or elf. Maybe he is different.
User has gain some information+1 INT
I notice that there are some other Demons roaming around in the same plain medieval like clothes (shirts because they don’t have jagged rocks stopping them) that light novels portray them to wear. I also see a group of children that look to be the same age as me. I wonder if they want to play with me!
I walk up to them and when I get close enough they notice me, I put on my best smile and introduced myself as any child would have.
“Hello, I am Klostin but my dad calls me Klos” (Klos)
But they just stare. Don’t tell me that we can’t speak at this age. NO! My plan I shouldn’t have broken it. O’ wait they are staring at Hazard.
“The one on my right shoulder is Hazard, he has 5 spikes on his tail and the one on my…Hazard is lighter than he look!” (Klos)
The group seems interested in my Golem(s). They consist on 2 boys and 1 girls, boys have larger horns and shorter hair than the girls from what I can tell and of course boys look like boys and girls look like girls. One of the boys and the girl are wearing normal village clothes, better quality than me and the last boy looks to have some nice clothes the best I can describe it is that he looks very “clean”. He is the tallest of the three and is the first to talk.
“Hi… I am Hitch. What kind of…creature is it?” (Hitch)
“He is a…Armored Lizards I tamed them” (Klos) I say in the most prideful look…Sh*t I said them…’please don’t notice, please don’t notice, please don’t notice.
“Wow don’t those live more towards the west how did you get him, by the way I am Ensmor this is my sister Dory. (Ensmor)
(A/N *Enz-More and Door-Ree* something like that. My friends gave me the names. Don’t blame me)
“I…found them…by my house; I live next to the forest! And we became friends from there” (Klos) Lying is very hard.
“Don’t be shy Dory say something” (Ensmor) as he nudges his sister.
“…why are your horns weird?...and why a cloak, it’s so hot outside”(Dory)
When Dory finished everyone was looking at my horns, at least not my arm. I notice that Ensmor and Dory had horns with a dark brown like colour with theirs curving to the side of their heads while Hitch had a shiny rough grey horn that pointed toward the back of his head. I was a little offended, First my father must think I’m weird and now a little girl especially one so observant.
“I think of my horns as cool!” (Klos)
‘System help me out what is the difference between “Gypsum” horns and theirs’
Question can be Answered | Due to [The Underestimated] titleGypsum Horns are ranked last of the horns types, part of the uncommon-low quality set. Dory and Ensmor horns are part of the Low-medium types- A Quality of 42 made of Hardened rock. Hitch’s horns are medium tier-moderate high quality of 68 and made of Condensed High-Grade Iron. User has been projected to have an uncommon type and the title [underestimated] has activated making the group of three rock demons feel superior over you.
“They look like they would snap in two if you hit them” (Hitch)
“Hey Hitch don’t say that, like he said don’t they look cool, besides the cracks you can see the sky behind them” (Ensmor)
It feels good to have someone on your side, but even he looks like he think he better than me…
“Whatever about my horns, anyone want to pet Hazard; he super cute!”(Klos)
Of course they would want too. Using only my left arm I pick up Hazard and rub my cheeks against him.
“He likes to cuddle too!” (Klos) I cuddle with Hazard and he hugs me back too! We get along too well.
They backed away for little bit, I guess Hazards cuteness was too much for them. We chatted a little more about Armored Lizards like what do they eat, are they strong, do you have to clean up their you-know-what; when one adults came out of their houses.
“Ensmor, Dory, it’s time to come in.” (Adult)
“Looks like we have to go, Later Klos” (Ensmor)
What a good day…I think they will pet Hazard tomorrow.
An Event Has OccuredUser Has Leveled Up[Level 8]User has received 5 stat points.5 total stat points to assign
Wow great. 1 in DEX and 4 into DEF.
Status KlostinLevel 8Age: 8M/10DRace: Rock DemonTitle(s):The One Who Laughed Through Pain, The UnderestimatedClass(s):Golem MancerDemon Horn Varient: Life CrystalHealth: 200Mana 93Stamina: 28StatsSTR: 1VIT: 25Dex: 5AGI: 10END:50DEF: 84INT: 31LUK: 1...Locked StatsAbilities Summon Corrupt GolemTransfer Fatal DamageCore Creator-SkillsZombie's Regeneration---EquippedChild's ClothesGolems: Hazard, Rocky | Dicey{Charging} | Alpha,Beta,Charlie
Klostin's Inventory| Black Stone Lizards: 30 || Child Outfits: 2 || Iron Core Wolves: 12 || Unstable Crystal Lizard 1 || Alpha Stone Lizard 22 || Blue Great Monster Core: 4 || Yellow Great Monster Core: 7|| Red Great Monster Core: 3 || Bronze Great Monster Core: 1 |......[ Space = END/3 ]
Now what to do with all these cores………
Thank you everyone for reading
So about the mature tag…sorry I think my chapter might be getting...gory. Also you may have noticed I reworked the first two chapters, please reread if you want to understand what I did if you don’t then here is the overview.
Changed Ability [Mutate Life is Core Creator]
New Summons Dicey the Alpha Stone Lizard
...I think thats it...
Took me like 3 seconds of Google searching, don’t worry all the art there is Royalty free and yah. I think it looks nice and simple. Hope you guys enjoy it.
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