《The OverGod》Chapter 2 - Universe Particles


Hello guys... So, I didn't have time to reread it, I was quite busy and it took me 2 hours to write this so... sorry, and please comment I love to read it.

(Sorry about the grammar errors...I will try to get better.)


Chapter 2 – Universe Particles.

*Rivera’s POV*

It’s been three weeks since we started injecting God’s Blood in the Test Subject Number 7, the subject showed some changes like fast healing, and strength increase… This technology was supposed to enables us to see and use the Universe Particles or UP, changing our bodies to adapt to the radiation of UP.

The Universe Particles appeared 600 years ago on Earth, at first due to the radiation, people started to get sick and die, the leaders of the time thought it was a pandemic outbreak of some sort and for years they tried to contain it but the numbers of deaths increased till 60% of the human population died, in the end they had to seek shelter underground where the UP were less, and we had been here since then.

Seeing the changes in Number 7, I can speculate that God’s Blood really works but we can’t confirm if he can see or use the UP, or even survive in an ambient with great amounts of UPs. Damn I need to find a solution fast otherwise the Lords will get angry.The Twelve Lords, some people says that they are immortals and their bodies adapted to the UPs radiation. They have been leading us since the beginning of the Apocalypse…

‘Fuck...I need to rush’

Looking around at the dozens of scientists who were occupied searching for errors in God’s Blood, glancing at one of the screens showing a boy sitting cross legged eyes closed in deep meditation.


“What is he doing?”

“He has been that way since he woke up” – Monitoring Guard

‘It seems like I need to research more’


*Number 7 POV*

‘It seems like the concentration of God’s Blood in my blood increased and my ability to control these particles increased too’

At the moment I am sitting cross legged and trying to feel the particles in the air, after the tenth injection of God’s Blood, I have been able to feel the particles more clearly and it seems like my body is absorbing more particles than before. I can feel the particles entering my muscles, my flesh, my organs, it’s enhancing my body…even my vision and my hearing are becoming better

‘My body is becoming stronger, I can feel It…It seems like God’s Blood is enhancing my body to adapt to these particles.’

My senses were all focusing in the hundreds of blue and red particles floating in the room; they seemed to be alive as they danced through the air coiling around each other, some of these particles were being drawn by my body, and were being absorbed at a quick pace.

‘That fat old woman will be here shortly…it’s better if I absorb more of these particles’

The particles that my body absorbed and have no use were being kept in a little ball that was formed somewhere in my belly, I have a feeling that I can release all of these particles at once…but I can’t try, these damn cameras are filming me, and I can’t risk being discovered. After some time once again I closed my eyes and entered the state of nothingness, I discovered that when I entered this condition, the particles are attracted faster.

After of what seemed hours in the state of nothingness I heard a creaking sound, opening my eyes I saw the old hag entering with the two guards.


‘It seems like..it’s time for the torture. *tch*’-

The old hag looked at me and faint smiled, and opened her mouth.

“Hello Number 7… How are you feeling today? Did you notice any change?”- Dr. Rivera

She asked with a hideous smile plastered on her face


Her smile widened even more, as if this was the answer she needed.

“Oh…Is that so? Than we need to do something don’t you think?”

She said as she commanded the guards to handcuff me, the guards neared me and I just stood there motionless to smooth the process

“Where are we going this time? Same place?”

“No, sweet 7…this time we are going to a trial prepared just for you, I am sure you will like it” – Dr. Rivera

Madly laughing she exited the room with me and the guards escorting me from behind.

‘What is the trial this time?’

We have been walking though these white hallways for minutes and finally we arrived at a wide glass elevator. I walked in but strangely the other three people stayed put and didn’t made any move to enter in the elevator

“So we stop here…good look Number 7, Try not to die”- Dr. Rivera

I didn’t have time to say anything the elevator started to descend, but one think I was that the old hag gave me a cold smile that I knew better than anyone… this trial is going to be dangerous.

The elevator finally stopped, the glass door opened and in front of me was a dark room, so dark that I couldn’t even see my own hand, but I could feel that something was waiting for me in the dark, my enhanced sense was warning me that something

dangerous was there and it had already set its eyes on me.

‘*tch* I can’t go back…damn, I’ll kill all of you…just you wait I get out of here’

Since I couldn’t get out, I took a step out of the elevator and walked forward, my sense of hearing and smell fully activated, trying to sense the room. Finally I heard a growl behind me and my sense of danger screamed, jumping backwards and trying to see

what attacked me, attempting moving particles to my eyes I finally could see.

‘Lucky… I made some experiments with these particles in my room and discovered that I could enhance my vision directing particles to my eyes’

In front of me stood a Great Wolf, the wolf had at least four meters high, it had white fur; its icy cold blue eyes looked at me as if I was a little sheep waiting to be slaughtered, with mouth opened showing its sharp fangs and growling at me.


It was everything I could say as the Wolf jumped towards me.

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