《The OverGod》Chapter 1 – Twelve Lords and Increasing


Chapter 1 – Twelve Lords and Increasing

In a dark empty room Dr. Rivera sat alone surrounded by twelve lit screens. She nervously glanced up at each monitor which displayed twelve dark hooded figures resembling the Grim Reaper.

“Dr. Rivera, What are the results of the experiment? Did it work?”

A cold and merciless voice resonated through the dark room, making Dr. Rivera’s body jump from fright, recovering her composure almost immediately she got up and took numerous paper sheets, after a short look she opened her mouth.

“Apologies Seventh Lord, we couldn’t confirm it yet…We need that the Test Subject recovers consciousness so that we could run some tests to confirm our hypotheses and check if the God’s Blood fused completely” – Dr. Rivera

A lengthy silence took over the room; the dark hooded figures seemed to be thinking about something, suddenly a toneless voice sounded through the room, scaring Dr. Rivera who was concentrated with the paper in hand

“Dr. Rivera…We are losing our confidence in you, it has been twelve years since you started this experiment, we are giving you one more year…if you can’t complete it we will find someone who can”

Dr. Rivera’s body trembled, cold sweat dripped from her forehead as fear assaulted her being, losing all strength, her fat body kneeled on the ground, silence spread through the room, After seconds of silence Dr. Rivera with a tremulous voice spoke

“As you wish… First Lord”- Dr. Rivera

After hearing the answer of Dr. Rivera all the screens disconnected, Dr. Rivera who was kneeled on the floor had sweat all over her body, clenching her teeth she stormed out of the room

Passing through white hallways filled with queued metal doors, entering one of the metal doors, she came across a room filled with computers and papers attached all over the white walls, numerous white lab coats scientist were sitting in front of the computers, others were analyzing the papers glued on the wall, Seeing all the scientists Dr. Rivera screamed


The scientist looked at Dr. Rivera, fear evident in their faces; some started to run to their computers in despair, looking at all of it, a hopeless smile appeared in Dr. Rivera mouth. Looking at a computer screen that showed a boy sleeping on the ground she asked one of the responsible for monitoring of the Test Subject


“Did the Test Subject recover consciousness?” – Dr. Rivera

“He did wake up…but right after he slept again, it seems like God’s Blood was too much for his body to resist” – Guard

“Fuck… we are going in, we need to question him, we need to know if something changed”


*Number 7 POV*

Hearing a creaking sound I opened my eyes and looked towards the door, the fat old woman scientist entered the room followed by two other people, I think that they are Guards, there was a time these two took me to the Chair Room

Trying to get up I felt the pain coursing through my body, forcing my body I trembling got up, looking at the face of that damn old woman and the scar in her eye... *tch* she got lucky that I left just a scar, I should have killed her…damn guards they protected her in the last moment

“HEH…Number 7 I am glad that you survived, this way we can have more fun, don’t you think?”- Dr. Rivera

I could feel the cruel intent behind her words, but who cares? I have no way out of this hell… yet. I need to wait the right time; I will follow the rules for the time being

“Now let’s go, the Chair Room await us there are SO many toys that I want to test today… Let’s go” – Dr. Rivera

Feeling sore all over I took one step at a time towards her, with each step it was like my flesh was being torn apart and my muscles burning, when I was getting near her she took out a black baton and swung it towards my face. After hundreds of life and death trials my body was already used to instinctively react to any form of threat, but my body full of wounds couldn’t even move, the baton hit me in the cheeks and trembling I fell on the ground

“Take him” – Dr. Rivera

The two guards took me by the arms and legs carrying me towards the Chair Room where my worst nightmares always come true, ‘*tch* I hate that room’. After passing through several white hallways we stopped in front of a black door, the fat old woman pressed her thumb on a fingerprint reader that was in the middle of the door.


“Welcome Dr. Rivera”

A strange computed voice sounded from the door and it opened automatically, after passing through the door I finally saw my worst nightmare, a metal chair in the middle of a white room, the chair had leather straps to contain the movements of arms and legs, next to the metal chair there were numerous iron chains.

“Tie him” - Dr. Rivera

The two guards put me on the chair and tied me, the leather straps were quite tight, It was hurting my wrists and ankles, but I didn’t protested since it was what they wanted and I wouldn’t give them the pleasure, the fat woman looked at me and cruelly grinned.

“You two can go out”- Dr. Rivera

The two guards saluted and exited the room, leaving alone me and the fat old woman who was grinning from ear to ear like a madman.

“Sweet Number 7…Should we begin?”- Dr. Rivera

Seeing a hideous smile sprung in her face I got disgusted but it didn’t disturb her to continue talking….’seriously, I should have killed her’

“So…Number 7 was there any change in your body after we injected in you God’s Blood?” – Dr. Rivera

‘hoho…it seems like they need to confirm if their technology works, but they have no way to confirm without me speaking, in other words she brought me here to force me to speak, HAHAH, seriously this is going to be fun’

Innocently smiling I looked at her and slowly spoke

“No… I didn’t notice anything abnormal; it’s just that my body is all sore I can’t even stand up”

She looked at me with hate evident in her eyes, but I didn’t fail to notice deep fear hiding inside her eyes, she anxiously looked at

me, her voice getting colder and colder.

‘ HAHA… Revenge is SOOO GOOD. She fears something; I can see it in her eyes, I can even smell it… and it’s disgusting’

“Is that so?”- Dr. Rivera

‘I knew about what she referred to… It seems to be connected to those particles I saw, but I won’t give in, ha-ha, it’s so good seeing her afraid…after everything he did to me, If I escape from here, I’ll be sure to torture this old hag’- ( Number 7 thoughts)

As she was saying she took another needle with a container filled with a deep black liquid, looking at the liquid fear assaulted me, I still remember the pain I felt, it was excruciating, I could barely withstand it, if not the numerous trials I passed, I would have died.

In some trials that I participated, I had to go through torture, the first time I peed in my pants, cried and screamed, but they didn’t stop they continued till I couldn’t endure anymore and passed out, the next day I woke up in my room, blood was all over the floor, as if they dragged me there by my feet, the second time was the same…but the third time I didn’t care anymore since I knew it was going to continue for a long time

But looking at the Black liquid fear spread over my body, I madly writhed on the chair trying to get free but to no avail as I was too weak, and the leather straps were too tight. ‘Damn’

“So if it’s not working, we need to increase the amount injected…Right? This way you will have great quantity of God’s Blood in your body…Increasing our prospects”

Hideously smiling she approached me and sunk the needle in my skin, when God’s Blood entered in contact with my Blood, it seemed to meld together, purifying my blood and boiling it to an unbearable temperature, burning everywhere my Blood passed. The pain was much more intense than before…I couldn’t withstand it. Closing my eyes and letting the darkness slowly embrace me

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