《The OverGod》Prologue - God's Blood


Prologue: God’s Blood

In a white room a little boy was tied on a metal chair, he had silk black hair that almost touched the ground, his intelligent black eyes looking around analyzing every centimeter of the room, and finally focusing on the three figures wearing white lab coats standing in front of him, a blond haired man, a dark haired man and a fat old woman with a deep scar in her left eye.

“Test subject number 7… I am really surprised you survived through all the 776 trials” – Old Woman

The little boy indifferently looked at the old woman; his eyes held no emotion as if he was a living corpse without a soul, the old woman took out a long needle with a small container filled with a Black liquid

“Now this is your last trial... I will enjoy every moment” – Old Woman

The old woman maliciously smiled, her eyes held profound hatred while looking at the boy; she unconsciously touched her left eye, after moments of reminiscence the woman walked towards the boy.

“Dr.Michael, Dr. Syens…Please hold the test subject” – Old woman

“As you wish…Dr. Rivera” – 2 man

The two men took out a remote control from their pockets and pressed some buttons, seconds later the little boy was wrapped by hundreds of iron chains that constrained his every movements.

“Good…Now my little test subject, we are going to start the last trial, we will shot you with our newest technology, we call it…God’s Blood. We had experimented in the others subjects but unfortunately they didn’t survive, they couldn’t withstand the pain… You can right, my sweet little 7?”- Dr. Rivera

The boy’s eyes indifferent as ever looked at River’s eyes, and a cold chill ran through her spin. Getting behind the boy, the woman positioned the needle on the nape of the boy and grinned, the needle sank in his flesh and the black liquid was injected in his bloodstream.


When the Black liquid entered in his bloodstream, it started to spread through his body, invading every corner and every cell of his body, everywhere it went pain followed, the boy’s face contorted, but he kept his mouth shut much to the displeasure of the old woman, who wanted to see the boy scream…wishing to die.

The pain was getting stronger and stronger, inside the body of the boy; changes were happening every moment, every second. His body was being remodeled from head to toe, his organs shattered and healed, his hair fell and grew, his Black eyes turned blue like the clear sky, cracks appeared in his skin and it started falling, reveling a milk-white skin, but during this process the pain was unimaginable, after some minutes the process was finally over, the boy couldn’t endure any longer and passed out

Dr. Rivera looked at the unconscious boy and checked for vital signs, feeling a weak pulse she commanded the two other doctors to take the boy to his cell, clearly disappointed the woman sighed


*(Number 7) POV*

“Damn my body hurts”

After some minutes of pain I looked around, confirming that I was lying in my cell after spotting the metal door and the white walls that confuse your sense of time and space, the room was full of cameras following every movement in the room, there was no bed just the cold floor.

‘This room again…I am really tired of this and those trials. When can I leave?’ I thought

Feeling sore all over, I closed my eyes trying to analyze the injures that I suffered during the experiment, an image of a body filled with red dots

appeared in my mind, the internal organs were badly injured and bleeding, but they were healing faster than I remember.


Trying to discover why my injures were healing faster, I focused all my attention in one organ and discovered that an unknown particle was entering my body and helping me heal faster than before, every time it entered my body this particle was making my body stronger

‘Interesting…this particle is extraordinary, let’s see if I can suck more of these particles inside my body’

With eyes closed I tried to feel the particles on in the air, these particles were floating, there were blue and red particles coiling around each other and pulsing, like inseparable lovers, focusing in these particles I tried to suck them faster but to no avail, they didn’t even move.

After hours attempting to suck the particles I gave up, deducing that I needed experience or something to help me guide these particles inside my body. Anyway unconsciously I am sucking them; it won’t take long till I learn how to do it.

Everything has its own course…whatever I need to rest I am too tired to continue, closing my eyes I let the darkness embrace me and fall in the dreams world.

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