《The OverGod》Chapter 3 – Jungle Law and Success


Hello guys...SOOO, thank you for commenting the last chapter and after reading the comments, I was sooo motivated to write, that I ended staying all night writing and I finally finished the chapter... and thanks to those who rated, followed and put this novel in favorites...

( Again...sorry about the grammar and spelling errors... English is not my native language, and I am writing this novel to get better...sooo please correct me...)

Thanks for reading


Chapter 3 – Jungle Law and Success

*Number 7 POV*

Facing the Great Wolf I didn’t feel fear, after so many life and death battles I started to grow accustomed to the bloodlust and killing, so I didn’t panic when the Wolf bounced at me just a cold feeling embracing me.

Facing the White wolf that was standing a few feet away from me, I took a fight stance since I had no weapon besides my fists, seeing it the wolf dropped to the ground growling viciously taking position to jump immediately, we stood there eyeing each other till the wolf resolved to attack.

Putting strength in its rear leg he leaped towards me, its claws stretched aimed onto my neck wanting to finish me in one strike, seeing its action I charged forward, when the paw was nearing me I rolled on the ground evading the attack and counterattacking with a punch in its head.

‘haha… I am stronger and faster than before, but seriously this wolf is tough, I couldn’t penetrate its head.’

After delivering the punch I kicked the ground backing away from the wolf that was dizzy from the punch, shaking the head the wolf seemed to recover and looked at me angrily with its icy cold eyes, I could feel the killing intent permeate the air.

‘Oppss…It seems like I hurt his pride’


The wolf eyes were getting blood red, his fur and ears were fully erected, it was aggressively growling and crouching down ready to pounce, after seconds of facing each other the wolf started to circle me as if trying to find any weakness, suddenly the wolf ran towards me with its mouth wide open, but this time I stayed put and waited for the wolf to get in my range of attack. When it was a few feet away It suddenly jumped and I couldn’t evade, it was getting closer too fast everything I could do try to jump backwards, but the wolf was too cunning and precise it aimed at my hand and bit.

Feeling the pain in my hand and looking at it inside the wolf mouth I tried to shake it off but to no avail, the wolf pulled me closer and extended its pawn towards my neck. Seeing the danger my body unconsciously moved, there was no more time to think…

Extending two fingers and aiming at its eyes my fingers drilled inside and blood painted my fingers, sensing the pain the wolf released my hand.

Pulling back my hand I looked at the wolf, it was laying down whimpering in a corner of the room with its tail tucked between the legs. Looking at it I remembered the times when I was a kid being tortured and crying for help, to someone save me…but in the end no one came.

‘He is a victim…like me’

Looking at it I felt pity… but I didn’t change my mind. I have to kill it; it tried to kill me so it’s natural…it’s the Jungle Law. Since young these experiments induced me to kill, I had to kill other Test Subjects like me, I had to kill guards, I had to kill animals, I had to kill soldiers. So since the beginning I learned the Jungle Law… do everything to survive.


I started to walk towards the blind wolf who kept whimpering, as if imploring me not to kill it… but to no avail, as I got near my hands were lifting slowly and when the wolf was in my range, the hand descended like a hammer striking the wolf’s skull. Feeling pain in my other hand I looked at it, a bloody sight greeted me; blood flowed thickly down my fingers, my wrist was slashed and in the back of my hand the tendons were exposed and you could see that the bones were pretty much destroyed

‘Luckily, at least my fingers are here’

Tired of all the fight, I lay down on the ground while the particles were being drawn in my body and healing my injures at an impressive pace.

‘Damn…this was funny though’


*Dr. Rivera POV*

After leaving Number 7 in the elevator we returned to the monitoring room, where we could see the battle. We had captured a Great Wolf near our installations some years ago, we had studied it for years trying to understand what enabled this animal to survive the radiation from UPs… but to no avail, we didn’t found anything, so the wolf lost its value, since we couldn’t find nothing useful.

‘But at least…the wolf has a use for us’

We put the wolf to fight against the boy; I need to discover if the boy is hiding something from us.

After thirty minutes the battle was finally over, and I have to say God’s Blood is a success, the body of the boy enhanced at a incredibly rate….he Is the perfect killing machine, and he adapted to the UPs, as a prove he had stayed in that room for thirty minutes without no special equipments or clothes, this discovery is simply amazing.

‘We need him…or at least his body. We need to dissect him to see what changed and collect some blood samples’

I never felt so happy in my entire life, with this discovery we can finally see the blue sky, the gold sun, the white clouds and even the real rain.

“Go get him”

I said to the two guards who kept looking at the screen, their mouths wide opened, when they heard me saying it fear emerged on their face.

“Yes, Dr. Rivera…but can we take at least a gun or a weapon? Did you see what he just did? He killed the Great Wolf…we had to sacrifice thirteen soldiers just to capture that damn animal” – Guard 1

Hearing their reason, I gave some thought and finally consented; the Guards saluted and exited the room, going to the armory room to take the weapons.

‘Finally….I finally succeeded’

Tears were streaming down my face as I remembered the difficult days, where everything for me was the research, where they doubted me, where they judged me…but I finally succeeded.

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