《Crystal High》Chapter 24: Results


▌│█║▌║▌║Chapter 24║▌║▌║█│▌

Mr. Grey finally walked up with the other half of our class, and the atmosphere surrounding them was not pleasant. They were either looking down, or giving us death stares as they walked. Mr. Grey looked over at as, put his hand up, and waved for us to come on slightly. It was an awkward walk back to the classroom, full of silence. Via had her head down the whole time with a look of defeat, Harry still had his furious eyes on even though Liza tried her best to cheer her up, and everyone else except for Thomas seemed to be down. Thomas had his usual pep in his step, just seemingly glad to be apart of everything. It was weird though, he should have been able to do something to help his team in the sewers now that i think about it. There was definitely enough moisture in there for him to control some water. Something is up with him. We finally made it back to the classroom after the long and gloomy walk. Mr. Greg entered the class first, and I was going to be close behind him. All of a sudden I got shoved out of the way, and I landed on my ass. I looked back up, and I couldn't tell who was the culprit. All I saw were people either ignoring me, looking at me angrily, or not paying attention. The only one that stopped was Zen, who looked at me with her warm eyes. I eventually got up on my own power, and nodded to Zen as a thanks for recognizing my fall. I walked into a room that was full of a dark pressure that was so stiff it was hard to breathe. I sat in my seat, and Mr. Grey was just sitting on his desk, swinging his legs. His eyes scanned over the room, and finally he spoke to us. "I hope this opens everyone's eyes. It doesn't matter how many people you have, or the powers you possess, if you don't know how to use them or plan. You don't have a chance in hell to be successful. Team 2, you were sloppy, emotional, too head strong, too confident, I'll prepared, and too slow. Team 1, good job for the most part, but your plan had holes in it. Don't think that plan will work against experienced opponents who know what they are doing, and most times you won't know the powers of your opponents to prepare. Don't rely solely on planning to solve all you problems. Now I want Team 1 to choose their MVP of this exercise. I want to see who you think did the best."


When he finished, there was a long pause of silence in the room. No one wanted to single out one person who did the best. I was wondering why he would force this on us. He was watching the whole thing, so he knows everything that happened. What's the purpose of this? Harry finally spoke up saying, "I think Zen was the MVP."

Not skipping a beat or looking different, Mr. Grey calmly asked back, "Why?"

"Without her ice we never would have captured them long enough to do anything," Harry said "and she was clearly the most powerful person their too."

Thomas spoke up next, "I second it. I think Zen was the MVP."

Mr. Grey looked around the room. He asked all of us, "Does anyone feel differently about Zen being the MVP, or all you all in agreement?"

I looked around the room of silence. No one spoke up or said a word of protest. After about a minute, Zen spoke up and said, "I think Khan was the MVP."

With what seemed like a little sparkle in his eye, Mr. Grey still calmly asked, "Why?"

I could feel everyone's eyes shoot toward my direction, both angry and confused. This was not a comfortable feeling. Why couldn't Zen just take the MVP? No one is going to like the fact that a sagaru got votes to be a MVP of anything. They are already pissed off that a team with a sagaru beat them. Zen looked up at everyone with her warm eyes, and spoke firmly as she said, "He was the one that came up with the plan. Everything we did was based off of what he told us. He encouraged us, and kept a cool mind the whole time. Even when one person escaped my ice, he kept his cool and ended eliminating the lone person. He did everything right. He deserves it."


Everyone was quiet. Mr. Grey looked around the room, and finally said, "Looks like Team 1 has a decision to make. Since everyone has heard the reasons why the person should be the MVP, I want the whole class to vote. Everyone who thinks Khan should be MVP, raise your hand."

Only Zen, Via, and Thomas surprisingly raised their hands. Via still had a grave look on her face, while Thomas was still as happy as ever. Once it was obvious those were the only three, Mr. Grey said, "Now for Zen."

Everyone else raised their hands. I can't blame them. If word gets out that they voted a sagaru MVP for anything, they will be ostracized from society totally. Only Zen and Via can get away with it because their power level is so high, I don't think Thomas has a social life to lose. Once it was clear Mr. Grey seemed indifferent and told everyone, "Congrats Zen, you get bonus points on a test of your choosing. The winning team gets to have extra lunch time."

You could hear Harry go yes across the room at this, and the depression intensify from the losing team. Mr. Grey continued, "Well I'll leave you guys to your English studies now. Oh and Khan the lab rats want to see you for some reason. Go ahead an head on over to the place where you got your uniform made."

Another reason for everyone to put their hateful eyes on me again. Why would the people in the power understanding department want to see me for?

▌│█║▌║▌║To be Continued║▌║▌║█│▌

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