《Crystal High》Chapter 23: Improvisation


▌│█║▌║▌║Chapter 23║▌║▌║█│▌

Wayne immediately reached out his palm toward Harry to shock him out. As he was about to touch Harry's shoulder, Harry dodged out of the way and grabbed Wayne's arm. Harry yanked Wayne's arm over his shoulder, and through him to the ground stunning Wayne. I immediately ran over when he had his back turned away from me since he was looking at the downed Wayne. I sprinted over to him, and outstretched my right arm, with my hand the shape of a fist. Harry turned around just as I did this though, and flipped me like he did Wayne. I had a softer landing though since I landed on Wayne. He then cut his eyes toward me and spit out the words, "Do you really think you, a sagaru, had chance when even Wayne couldn't take me down. You are pathetic."

Just then Liza, his girlfriend, came whirring around the mass of ice and knocked out people. When she saw Harry she pleaded to him saying, "Just give it up Harry. You are outnumbered and outmatched, there is no way you can win. I don't want us to hurt you, so just surrender."

He laughed, and shouted back, "Why should I take that advice when I already took down two of your team by myself. Those idiots on my team walked right into a trap, but when you don't have the element of a surprise it seems your team is weak. I'll finish this myself."

I couldn't help but have a smirk on my face and chuckle a bit. When Harry cut his eyes over to me once more and asked what with malice, I held up the trigger device for Via's bombs up. He looked confused and shouted back, "So you have a watch, what of it? I must have knocked you harder than I thought."


I looked back at him straight in the eyes, and told him confidently, "There were a couple of things you got wrong in your assessment of the situation. First of all you can't win this, in fact you already lost, and secondly you didn't beat me. I let you throw me because I wasn't trying to hit you, just get close to you. I knew I stood know chance against you in a fight since you can dodge anything I throw, so I did some little trickery."

When I finished this I pressed the trigger device, and an electric shock got sent throughout Harry's body, immobilizing him. When I was studying Via's explosive device, and heard Harry and Wayne going at it behind me, I quickly took off the trigger device and grabbed an explosive that was set to stun. I held the exploring in my right hand, and when he grabbed me I planted the virtually unnoticeable device on him. Since he thought so less of me, he never suspected it. It was a perfect plan. When I tied him up, Zen and the rest of the team member came whirring around the ice and asked what was going on. I told them it had been handled, but I think Wayne hit his head against the side of the pipes when he got thrown so he might be dazed for a bit. Mr. Grey then came on to the speakers and told everyone, "Now that the entirety of Team 2 has been incapacitated, I want everyone on Team 1 to go back to your lockers, and get undressed. There will be healers waiting there if you need them. After that, wait outside of the building where we were before this started. I will have special healers come and get Team 2 out of there, and we will meet you back at that spot to head back to the classroom the discuss the results."


Jack and I grabbed Wayne from the floor and put one of his arms around us, and carried him toward the lockers. As we all walked back, we talked about the results. Mina started it off by saying, "You were amazing Khan! How did you know that plan would work? I'm kind of jealous of the rest of you guys though because I didn't use my powers, but that was totally awesome! It was so exciting, and we totally rocked it!"

I smiled a bit and responded, "Thanks, but the truth is the plan didn't work perfectly because Harry got out of the trap. It's fine you didn't use your powers though, I know you would have if the time and situation needed it, but I'm just glad it didn't."

Liza spoke up telling me, "Sorry for not acting sooner on attacking Harry. I let my feelings get in the way, and I hesitated."

I smiled to her and tried to comfort her, "It's fine. I didn't expect you to attack him right away, so don't let it get to you. Everyone did amazing today. Itsuki your barriers stopped Harry from getting away, Zen your ice stopped everyone on Team 2 in their tracks like expected, Jack your instantaneous teleportation in the shadows was critical to get Wayne there in time to do some damage, and Liza you did amazing with your teleportation and getting team 2 in the sewer. Everyone has these amazing quirks, honestly I'm the one jealous haha."

Zen walked up beside me and looked at me with a slight smile and told me in her melancholic yet beautiful voice, "You shouldn't be though. You clearly led us to a near perfect victory. You don't need a power to be just as powerful as any of us, and honestly I think that that's amazing."

My chest tightened up a bit. That's one of the nicest things a person has ever told me that wasn't my parents. I told her through blushed cheeks thanks, and everyone continued their conversation about the events. Everything after that seemed like a blur to me though. I think it must be the adrenaline from the fights has finally caught up to me, and I'm on a high. We eventually got to the lockers and gave Wayne over to the healers and got changed. Wayne hot healed almost instantaneously and went back to his old energetic self, asking what happened, why I took so long to help him out with Harry, and why are we back in the lockers. I couldn't help but laugh a little bit. When we got finished we eventually walked out front and waited like Mr. Grey told us, so we can discuss the results.

▌│█║▌║▌║To be Continued║▌║▌║█│▌

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