《Crystal High》Chapter 22: The Crossroad


▌│█║▌║▌║Chapter 22║▌║▌║█│▌

I guided my team through the streets when the bell screamed throughout the training building. I was leading the group to a very specific place, but we needed to find the entrance. Suddenly, my scanning eyes caught the sight of my goal, a sewer cap. I stayed outside and kept watch as every one of my teammates went down, except for Liza. I needed her to stay out to lead the other team to us in the sewers. I trusted her to get back in safely with her teleportation abilities. She can't do it for long, but she won't need to use it for long. I stayed back and made sure she knew exactly what to do, and then took my leave to the sewers. The others were down there waiting for me. Wayne started his complaining again saying, "This is disgusting, and I can barely see anything down here."

I calmly looked back to him as I started trudging through the sewer water and told him, "That's the point sparky."

He immediately went to shout back, but Mina knocked him over the head before he could and stared at him with her crimson eyes. We walked until we came upon a four way cross-roads in the sewer. It had plenty of water and sludge in the middle like we need. We all lined up behind Zen in one of the corridors. We could hear banging in splashes get closer throughout the corridors. Just then Liza came running into the sewer crossroad. She spotted us and immediately teleported behind Zen. I looked at her and asked how far was Via's team behind her. She looked up, with a face that looked out of breath, and told me, "Via was right behind me most of the time, but when I entered the crossroads I think she went back to her team for back up. I barely was able to keep teleporting ahead of her. I am exhausted."


I smiled at her and told her comfortingly, "It's fine your part is done. Knowing that team's personality they will come barging in here once they regroup."

Sure enough a couple of minutes later the sound of multiple people trudging through the sewer could be heard. As they get closer and closer, I can feel my heart beating faster and faster. The excitement of the battle is getting to me. This is the moment we can win this thing. Via led her team into the center of the crossroads with everyone else following close behind. Zen immediately froze the water, and they had ice all the way up to their thighs. I pulled out my twin pistols that I had set to stun earlier, and quickly started shooting the biggest threats to break out, Lee - the strength enhancer power on steroids - and Bume - the boy who can literally shake the ground within a certain radius. It took two shots of the stun shot to knock Lee out, but only 1 for Bume. Grease sent out a slow laser slash toward us, but Itsuki set up barriers of air, blocking off the exits. The slash hit the barrier and dissipated. Jack grabbed Wayne by the arm, and used his shadow powers to move them through the dark shadows of the sewers the Via's team in an instant. Jack dropped him off, and went back behind the air barrier. Wayne started using his palm shocks to knock everyone out with it. He started with Grease knocking him out. Then went to Trea and knocked her out next because of her ranged ability of using bubble gum to create explosive bubbles. With that they no longer had any range abilities so Itsuki let the barrier in front of us down, but kept the others up. This still relieved a lot of stress from her though. I went up to Via, who was struggling with the ice with all her might, and asked her, "Will you let me put this rope around you peacefully or do I have to stun you? Your uniform looks good by the way."


Flustered, but not deterred Via answered back, "You think I'll say yes just because you complimented me? I'll find a way out of this!"

I smiled. I expected no less from the strong willed girl I know. I pointed my gun to her, but before I fired I told her, "I wasn't complimenting you because I had an ulterior motive. I legitimately think it looks good."

With that I shot her with the stun. I walked up to her and put the roped around her hands. I took a look at her explosives too. Looks like the device controlling when they can be exploded can be taken off her wrist, and the explosives themselves are barely noticeable. They also seem to have a stun function like my pistols. Just when I thought it was over, and was waiting for Mr. Grey to end it, Wayne shouted, "Hey this guy didn't get caught in the ice trap!"

I was the closest one to him, and as I looked behind me he was fighting with Liza's boyfriend - Harry - the guy who can perceive events way faster than normal. He must have moved out of the sludge and water before Zen's ice got him. Damn I should have thought of that. I knew that Heather probably wouldn't be able to use her premonition power and that Thomas wouldn't be able to manipulate the ice Zen made or the large amount of water in here, but I didn't think that Harry's perception powers were powerful enough to perceive Zen's ice that goes so fast. How could I overlook this!?

▌│█║▌║▌║To be Continued║▌║▌║█│▌

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