《Crystal High》Chapter 21: Teams


▌│█║▌║▌║Chapter 21║▌║▌║█│▌

We followed Mr. Grey out of the Physical Training building, and went in the direction of the Power Understanding building. We went past that, and went up to what looked like a massive gymnasium. Mr. Grey turned around and faced us and told us, "This is the Urban Training Center. The two teams will start on opposite sides of the building, and start when the bell rings throughout the building. I will be watching from a control center overlooking the training area, outfitted with camera angles everywhere. The first team will go through the doors in front of us here, and I will take the second team and show them where to go in. The first team will be Zen, Khan, Itsuki, Jack, Mina, Liza, and Wayne. This team will have one less person than team two due to your exam scores being overall better than theirs. Now team one go through those doors and wait for the bell. You will find two doors for boys and girls. Inside of those doors are lockers you will find your uniforms. From there you just go out of the only other door into the training area, and wait there. You can discuss strategies or do nothing, I don't care just don't move from that spot. Those who I didn't call out follow me."

He also walked toward me and gave me the folder with all of our team's exam scores and powers. I don't know why he gave it to me, but it will help me out coming up with a plan to use all of our powers to the max. We walked through the doors and got our uniforms on, and waited outside. Wayne had a depressed face on the whole time. As we walked through the doors into the training area. Wayne started complaining, "Why do we have to be stuck with less people? I mean we already have one less person anyway without him giving them an extra because of ol' boy Khan here. This whole thing is fucked for us. Zen you will have to carry us."


Liza tried to tell him pretty unconvincingly, "Don't say that. He passed so he had to have done something."

Wayne unphased responded by telling her a matter of factly, "Naa. He just rode Via's coattails to get a passing grade. He's honestly probably worse than having one less person. He will just get in the way. Damn, I hate sagarus and low levels."

Everyone else was in silence. Jack getting his uniform fixed, Mina was just staring off into space, Itsuki had her head down in shyness, and Zen had her usual proud, stoic, and beautiful face one surveying the landscape. I was too wrapped up in reading the results and power lists we had to care to respond. I looked over at Zen, and realized that she took my advice and went with a less glamorous look and had the cool blue colored cloths with white wool lining. I didn't think she would do it to be honest. I personally didn't think my opinion would change her mind since she is the best one here. I nudged her shoulder with a smile, and teased, "You look good with the blue cloths."

I told her that thinking nothing of it. I was trying to help reaffirm her decision by telling her that she looks just as good with this, than if she would have went with the more elaborate uniform. I thought it was just a playful tease, but when the normal serious Zen blushed a bit and told me thank you, I realized it seemed it a bit more than that. I immediately backed away feeling awkward, and tried to explain myself and save it. I suddenly felt really hot, she looked even cuter when she had a blushed embarrassed face. Before I could really save it though, Wayne grabbed my arm and asked me, "Hey are you going to be the only one to hog the scores? At least let the people who are actually going to due something see it."


Liza piped up a hey in protest, but I waved her off and said it was fine. I gave him the papers and told him, "Zen has the highest score here with a near perfect score on the written exams, and 15 knockouts. I have the second highest here ironically with a perfect score on the written exam and 4 knockouts. Next is Jack with a 65 on the written and 6 knockouts. Then it is Liza with a 80 on the written exam and 3 knockouts. Then it's Itsuki with a 90 on the written exam and 2 knockouts. Then it's Mina with a 90 on the written and 1 knockout. Then last funny enough is you with a 40 on the written and 5 knockouts."

He grabbed my shirt and shouted at me, "Just because you made higher on the exam doesn't mean you are better than me! You just got with Via and got your knockouts that way, and of course you got a perfect score on the written exam! With you being a mistake you can't fight, so you put effort into studying fucking nerd."

This was a situation. Then the person who everyone least expected to speak up spoke up. Itsuki put a air barrier between us and talked in a normal voice (which is like shouting for her), "Stop that now. He is my friend, and if he made it this far I have confidence in his abilities. Please get along."

I couldn't help but have a slight smile on my face, while everyone else had a shocked look on theirs. I told everyone, "Now that that's settled. I think I have a good plan to give us a flawless win."

▌│█║▌║▌║To be Continued║▌║▌║█│▌

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