《Crystal High》Chapter 20: Training Day


▌│█║▌║▌║Chapter 20║▌║▌║█│▌

The three days went by faster than I expected them to. I woke up on the morning of the third day pumped to get going. Their was a slight mist in the air today which made it perfect for my morning run. People were bustling about through the town as I ran. Trying to get to work, getting some breakfast, or checking the local newspaper. I could hear the local gossip about the terrorist attacks, and theories about who it is. There haven't been that many attacks recently. Maybe the terrorists are getting bored because they aren't getting any attention from the protectors? The other reason is that they could be planning something bigger, or they already got what they were trying to accomplish. I continued my early morning run, and near the end of it I could see Zen walking out of the local coffee shop right beside my apartment building. I wonder if she goes there often? She didn't notice me it looked like. Does she get up this early everyday? If she does I don't know why she doesn't show up to school when I do. Maybe she is a little nervous for today too. Who knew a person as strong and seemingly confident as Zen could get a little bit nervous? It makes me feel a bit better about myself for being nervous.

I quickly changed my clothes, and I got my backpack and headed to school. The atmosphere this morning seemed pretty peaceful. Like the calm before the storm. I walked into the classroom, and Zen and Mr. Grey were sitting there in silence. Mr. Grey was reading another book, while Zen satin silence looking at her phone. I have yet to get a phone because my parents don't make enough money to afford me one. Plus phone companies don't like to give them to people with levels below 2. I walked in, and sat down in my seat. Both Mr. Grey and Zen looked up from what they were doing, and Mr. Grey promptly looked back down uninterested while Zen asked me a question. She asked me, "Do you always get to school this early?"


I let out a sort of embarrassed laugh and responded, "Yeah, I have gotten used to waking up early and going running then going to school right after. What about you? Why are you here this early?"

She let a slight smile creep on her face as she replied, "I'm a bit excited for today, it being our first time putting on our costumes and doing training exercises, it makes me a bit nervous to be the best out there."

I chuckled a bit and told her, "You don't need to be that nervous. You are the best out of all of us. I already know you will do well, but I do know how you feel. I'm pretty nervous to prove my worth today to everyone. I want to prove I belong more than anything."

Zen told me as soon as I stopped talking that she knows I'll do well since I did so well on the physical exams. I told her thanks, but a thought crossed my mind. Did she see everything that happened near the end of the physical exams? That would explain why she helped at the last second there, but I don't know why she didn't jump into that mess. With her power level she could have easily gotten all those KOs that Via and I took. She is pretty mysterious.

Zen and I continued to talk as more of the students walked into the room. When everyone eventually was in the room Mr. Grey looked up from his book and stood up. He commanded the room with his monotone voice saying, "Everyone follow me now. We will be going to the Urban training center in Crystal High. Your uniforms are already there. You will be divided up into two teams for this exercise. I will also give everyone their results from the entrance exams, both written and physical. From that maybe your team can choose a leader. The goal of this exercise is to capture or incapacitate everyone on the enemy team. You will have special rope made by the Crystal High lab department that can't be broken by anyone in this classroom. It will also let off a signal on your uniforms that will let me know who has been incapacitated once everyone on your team has been incapacitated you have lost. I will tell you your team when we get there. Now let's get going. I wouldn't want you to be late for your very important English studies."


This should be good for me. I should excel in team activities. It means I will have protection from targeting people who want to eliminate me first because they think I'm a weak link. I only hope I have a good team.

▌│█║▌║▌║To be Continued║▌║▌║█│▌

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