《Crystal High》BONUS CHAPTER: Via's Uniform Creation Day


▌│█║▌║▌║Bonus Chapter║▌║▌║█│▌

~~~~~~~~~~chapter told in Via's POV during uniform creation~~~~~~~~~~

Khan had just left with Itsuki to go get his uniform created, and I immediately turned toward Zen and asked her, "You like him, don't you? Don't try to deny it!"

She just looked back at me with her annoying expressionless face like always. What is with this girl? Does she think she is above everybody else? She didn't even say anything in response. I continued on to try to provoke her saying, "Well don't get the wrong idea, I don't like him. I just feel like I owe him. I'm only here because he helped me during the exams, so don't think that I want to be with him other than to help him out. Do you got that?"

She was still silent and expressionless. What is with this girl? Am I too weak to be able to talk to her or something? I'll show her one day. She finally said something, and not even seemingly directed toward me, stating quietly, "Yeah, he is nice."

I looked back at her, and wondered wvhat she means. I mean yeah he helped me, but I it was beneficial for both of us. So it wasn't just out of the kindness if his heart right? He is pretty amazing though, fighting wise that is. Mr. Grey looked up from his book once again just then, and asked the class, "Has everyone got a partner? If you don't raise your hand and I'll pair you up."

Just then I realized that I didn't have a partner. I reluctantly raised my hand, and Zen and Thomas both had their hands raised. Great that means I have to be paired with one of those two. One of them is and idiot and the other is stuck up. Mr. Grey looked at us, face emotionless, and stated, "Zen and Via, you two will go get yours together. Thomas, you will go with me. I need to get some repairs and updates to mine anyway."


Great, this will be an awkward walk to the lab building. Just then Khan and Itsuki walked back into the room. Finally someone to talk to that will actually talk back. We talked about our uniforms again. He gave us a few more ideas to add to our uniform. I got to say Khan seems to be a combat genius and reliable. He suggested I add some explosive devices to my uniform that can be planted and explode using a device on my other wrist opposite of the heart monitor. I'll definitely use that on my uniform. It eventually was my time to go create my uniform and of course the whole way there and back was silent. When we got back and Mr. Grey and Thomas got back, Mr. Grey started to explain what would happen when we get our uniforms. Apparently we will be having real scenario battle training. I can't wait for that! I have to prove I'm better than Miss Ice Queen, and give her a slice of humble pie! These three days can't pass fast enough.

▌│█║▌║▌║End of Bonus Chapter║▌║▌║█│▌

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