《Crystal High》Chapter 25: Attack!


▌│█║▌║▌║Chapter 25║▌║▌║█│▌

I walked out of the classroom like prison I was in, and waddled outside in the open air. The air seemed to be different than it was this morning during our training. The mist had disappeared from the air, it had gotten much hotter than before, and there is a strange atmosphere in the air now. Something feels... Off. I realized finally that the birds stopped chirping and the bugs were silent. As I uncomfortably made my way to the lab, I felt a steady uneasiness rise up in me. Maybe it was just my nerves acting up from the training exercise. Yeah, that is probably what it is. I made my way through the beating sun, and eventually got to the lab building's front doors. I think walked through the doors, and was again greeted by the same young woman that I met when I got my uniform done. "Hello! It's nice to see you again." She greeted, "Now I'm sure you are wondering what this is all about, but no need to worry. Follow me and you will understand all of this."

"Uhhh, okay?"

She walked back through the array of machines, steam, and lab equipment, as I followed behind closely, hoping not to get lost in the madness. We walked back to the rooms where we had our uniform creations in. As she opened the door; however, instead of a one man and a table, it was multiple men and a dentist like chair. All of the men had surgical masks and plastic gloves on. All of this freaked me the hell out. One of the men walked toward me, with his hands up in a defensive position, as if to say to me not to be afraid. He told me, "Hi, I'm doctor Cole Ray. I am the power understanding specialist at Crystal High. There is no need to be afraid, me and the other doctors are only here to examine your body today. I have a unique power that gives me the ability to see powers inside the human body, how they flow in the body, how powerful they are, what basic type it is, and if it is dormant or active. You had an interesting result at the entrance exam, where you had a dormant power at your age. This is unheard of. Did your parents have this problem?"


"No they were normal," I responded, "at least as far as I know. I am the one that's different. I have been told I am a sagaru my whole life."

Doctor Ray's brows furrowed, as he went into though. Finally he looked at me and asked me if I could sit down in the chair in front of me. I hesitantly sat down on the fateful chair, worried about the masked men around me. Doctor Ray activated is power, and a camera in his eyes projected what he saw on a screen on the wall for the other men. They all gasped at once. What was so exciting over there? I tried to get a look, but the screen was blocked for me by the wall of men. I looked at Doctor Ray, and his eyes began to get wider and wider. I looked at him with questioning eyes, and he finally stammered out, "This... This is amazing. I have never seen anything like this before in all my years!"

Puzzled I asked him, "Have you ever looked at a sagaru with your powers before?"

"Well, no. Not exactly." he responded, "But I don't think they all are like THIS though, with just dormant wondrous powers."

"What IS my powers?" I asked, "Is there a way to activate my dormant power?"

Before he could respond; however, there was a massive explosion. It knocked me forward on the ground, and there was smoke going everywhere. I looked up, and there was a group of about five people walking through the room. Their silhouettes looking more intimidating than almost anything I have ever seen. There are three guys, one looked massive with his oversized muscles, and the other two were scrawny. The other two were women with very good builds, and were definitely in shape. Are these the terrorists attacking power understanding and health clinics in the country? Why would they ever dare to attack Crystal High of all places? Yeah it's the most advanced site out there, but also the most dangerous with all the protectors, and protectors in training here. Are they getting desperate? The leader stepped forward as the one in front of the others. He was wearing a black trenchcoat, a light grey shirt, black cargo pants, and had a huge scar across his face covered by mat, black hair. He raised his hand, and as he did a red light began to illuminate from it. "Everyone stay calm! We just want some DNA! HahAhaHa!"


▌│█║▌║▌║To be Continued║▌║▌║█│▌

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