《Crystal High》Chapter 26: Interrogation


▌│█║▌║▌║Chapter 26║▌║▌║█│▌

The leader put his hand down as the red light slowly dissipated. He walked slowly and determinedly through the room and looked down at Dr. Ray. "This is that Doctor that knows where the vials of DNA are at here, right Scarlett?"

One of the girls moved away from the shadow of the dust from the explosion. She had red hair, green eyes, pale skin, and was dressed in a sweatshirt and sweatpants. She seemed like she was no older than me. She looked right at the doctor, as if she was looking into his soul. Suddenly she looked back at the leader and said, "Yeah that's him Claudius."

So the leader's name is Claudius? A creepy smile crept onto his face as he said, "Good... Wayno, do what you do."

One of the slender men stepped to the doctor. He wasn't physically intimidating, but with his straight green hair, red eyes, and scarily lanky body. He had a very creepy aura about him. "You got it boss."

He said as he put his arms toward the doctor. With the other doctors huddled in another corner, and with me sitting on my ass watching everything happen. I could feel that something bad was going to happen. I had to do something. If I don't do anything right now, do I have any right to call myself a protector later on. I tried to think of something, anything to try and get out of this safely. Nothing came to mind, except cause a big enough distraction to bide time for help to come. I mustered up some resolve to make the move. I started to run toward the fallen Doctor to knock his attacker away when I was snatched out of the air by arms. As I was dangling off the ground, I looked up to see the hulking figure of a man looking down at me. He asked me in a raspy voice, "Just where do you think you're going?"


"I was er... Just getting a closer look?"

Claudius turned around to look at me, still having that creepy smile on his face, he said, "By all mean Bruno, bring the lad closer to enjoy the show."

"That's really not necessary... "

"Oh, but I insist. Come on. Get the show started Wayno."

As Bruno brought me closer to the scene, I could see Doctor Ray quivering as Wayno lowered his hands toward him. Wayno put his hands over the Doctor's temples, and a white glow started eminating from it. I watched in horror as the Doctor grew whiter and whiter. When Wayno finally pulled away from him, the doctor was drooling and as white as a ghost. I asked in horror, "What did you do to him you bastard?"

Claudius chuckling a bit answered, "Oh we just needed his memories, that's all. Wayno where is the DNA safe?"

"Three more rooms to the right, the safe is hidden behind a wall of machine parts. The password for the safe is 12173."

"I'll head there myself. Everyone else watch over the kid and doctors, and give me some time to look over the vials in case any help comes before I get done."

I don't get it. I know Crystal High has DNA research for powers and the technology here is more advanced than anywhere else, but surely the government buildings they hit had a wider range of DNA than Crystal High. I had to ask, "Why are you guys looking for DNA here. Surely the places you hit had a wider variety of DNA than here right?"

Scarlett turned to me with a puzzled look, and asked, "What do you mean? They get everyone's DNA when you enroll here. They send a vial for you to pee in with your acceptance letter. Do you think we're idiots? Crystal High probably has the widest range of the most powerful powers."


What!? I didn't know they did that. I guess they didn't bother to send me one because I was a sagaru. They must have seen my puzzled expression. The second the girl with short blonde hair, glasses, and a tanktop looked at me strangely. She was probably in her twenties. She kept staring at me as she told Scarlett, "I don't think he knew about that."

"What do you mean? They do that to everybody."

"What's your power kid?"

I didn't know what to do. Should I tell them I'm a sagaru or should I fake a power. Either way I don't think they'll believe me. The bald headed hulk that was grabbing me said, "I don't think he has one. He probably would have used it by now."

Scarlett looking even more confused exclaimed, "What!? You're saying he got into this school as a sagaru?"

Everyone's faces now, except for Scarlett's with a look of shock, had a smile creep on their face. Scarlett still dumbfounded asked, "Doesn't he know what we are doing will help him then?"

Wayno responded saying, "Well, we don't exactly make our purpose known."

Before I could ask what they were talking about, a bolt of lightning popped right in front of the hole in the wall. Out of that bolt of lightning stood... Mr. Grey?!

▌│█║▌║▌║To be Continued║▌║▌║█│▌

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