《(First Draft Old Version) Ruins Of Isulia ~ Book 1 : Awakening of the Emarine》Chapter 9 : Unholy Plans


Part 1

General Brynd entered without hesitation and stopped at the foot of the steps. King Darius looked down at him, his cold stare made him want to shiver but he resisted the urge. In truth, Darius intimidated him greatly, which infuriated him to no measure. He lusted for power like that, able to stare at someone and make them cower. His ambitions had consumed him. Every fiber in his body wanted to see king Darius swing from a rope. His patience had paid off and his opportunity to rise in power and glory had finally come.

“As you know, Vulkira has fallen. Erik is hopefully dead and out of the way.” Darius pronounced. “My time has come to take Vulkira for myself and damn the consequences. Xerath will do nothing.”

“Xer is not weak my lord.” Brynd swallowed in disgust every time he called him lord.

“Of course not! He will be distracted by the thousands of refugees flocking to his wall, begging for entry.” Darius declared. “We will seize this time and invade Vulkira.”

“What of our borders to the south. Surly Kligira will not take our split forces lying down. It will weaken us to an attack from all sides.” Brynd reasoned.

In reality, he wanted to lead his own men into Vulkira and take the capital swiftly and break his oath to Darius and finally become his own man. Taking orders from no one. He had been planning for this very occasion.

“Perhaps, if I were to take my own men and take Vulkira in your name,” Brynd revealed his plan. “I will invade from Udra, where my men are stationed, and push straight to the heart, Vlakias.”

Darius squinted his eyes in suspicion for a moment but dropped the look a second later. “Hmm. You are confident in taking Vlakias with seven hundred men?” Darius questioned him.

Inwardly he cursed the king for doubting his strength but he held his tongue. “I am, sire.” he paused, unsure whether to continue or not. “It will be swift and decisive. Xer will be too late to act before I will have conquered Vulkira.”

“Then Tykin will become the most powerful kingdom in Isulia!” Darius half laughed. “Xer has been a thorn at my side for too long. Xerath will regret the day he crossed me.”

“To your victory!” Brynd raised a fist. “To Tykin! I will defeat the Vulkirian armies in your name.”

Darius grinned greedily. Absorbed in his own legacy, which would be his downfall. “To me!” he shouted, raising a glass of wine to himself.

Brynd nearly spit to the side, groveling at Darius’s feet was pure torture, in the morning he would finally be free on this man.

“I will make preparations my lord,” Brynd stated. “By your leave, I will set out in the morning for Udra.”

“Very well.” Darius giggled. “To me!” he laughed, clearly drunk.

Brynd turned on his heels and walked for the door. Happy to leave the drunk king to his pride.


Part 2

He would leave Akrov in the morning and head straight for his castle in Udra. All his planning and schemes were finally coming to fruition.

Walking down a dim hallway, Brynd made his way up to his chamber. Climbing several stairs, he arrived on his floor and continued stalking toward his room. Fewer torches left the stone in shadows and the walls seemed to creep inward slowly.

A strange and sinister feeling crept closer to him and Brynd whipped his head around to see what it was. He could feel eyes on him, like a dark presence lurking behind him.

Nothing was there. The empty hallway revealed nothing, only a shiver of shadows flickering off the stone. Brynd’s arms covered in goosebumps and fear shot up his back. Reaching his door, Brynd felt rushed to enter the safety of his room. He could have sworn he saw shadows moving along the walls behind him but each glance only made him more paranoid.

Unbolting the door and pulling up the latch Brynd slipped into his room, sweat dripping down his back. He slammed the door shut behind him and leaned on the door. Feeling stupid for jumping at nothing, he latched the door.

A dripping noise drew his attention. He turned around and saw it. One candle lit his room but was immediately snuffed out. Shadows came to life off the walls and began to take shape. He tried to open his door to leave but a shadow shot out and slammed the door shut.

Yelling in shock, Brynd pulled his sword from his scabbard and swung at the figure but only swiped through it like mist.

“Who are you!” he yelled into the darkness.

Pools of black liquid poured from the stone walls and made a pool at his feet. An instant later it began to rise from the floor, filling in the shadows that gave it a figure.

Piercing red eyes floated in front of him, it’s gaze fixed on him. It seemed to be smiling at him but Brynd couldn’t tell for sure. Whatever it was, it was terrifying.

Brynd was speechless and frozen in shock. Unable to move or do anything, he realized his body was paralyzed. Fear had set in, but Brynd was no stranger to fear, it was something else. It held him like a vise, holding in place.

He looked down, his body and felt cold black shadows loop around him like a rope.

The figure fully formed in front of his eyes. Darkness engulfed the room, removing the wall behind. An image formed, revealing stars and space. A throne sat behind the menacing figure. It stood on a black dusty planet. The surface looked bleak and dead, the horizon disappeared into the darkness.

It stood, it’s full height reached past the roof, which also disappeared and turned into the image of space. Standing over him, it bent its head down, menacing red eyes bore into his soul.

The demon’s figure cleared, coming out of its shadowy mask. It was tall and boney but muscular. Long sharp spikes protruded from dozens of points in his body. His face was narrow, protruding cheek and jawbones emphasizing his angular face. Two skeleton wings hung from his back, twitching, black leathery skin could be seen between each fold.


It only lasted for a brief moment, then its black mist obscured his body once again.

“What are you?” Brynd whispered in both shock and awe.

A deep demonic voice rumbled in his ears, making him cover the noise in fear of his head exploding.

“You lust for power.” the demonic voice said.

The shadowy black liquid flowed around the room, following his movement. His eyes left Brynd and instant relief smacked him like a bat to the head. He breathed heavily, gulping in air. He hadn’t realized he was holding his breath the entire time.

It turned, like a raven, shadows flowing like water and misty smoke shimmered before him. The demon sat on his throne, relaxing, and set its eyes on Brynd once more.

Two enormous horns protruded from his forehead, his wings flapped once, then folded behind him as he leaned back.

The throne he sat upon pulsed, revealing long vein-like streaks that disappeared into the dead earth below.

“I am Mulguran,” it said. “You, general, will be my puppet.” Brynd’s sword clattered to the grown upon hearing its voice for the first time.

“I-I… don’t… serve…” Brynd choked. “You.”

The throne pulsed red again, “You will.” he smiled, revealing large white teeth. “You will... soon you’ll be mine, to do my bidding.”

Brynd fell to one knee as if in response, the presence of the demon was overwhelming. He felt like he was being crushed just from looking at him.

Mulguran chuckled evilly, tilting his head back and showing more teeth. “Humans are so weak.” his eyes flared, intensifying. “I could kill you without raising a finger.”

“NO!” Brynd yelped.

Mulguran smirked again. “No?” he teased. “And why shouldn’t I?”

Brynd dropped to all fours and sweat drenching his body. His mind was foggy and he could feel his consciousness slipping. One thought came to his mind, only one. It was his thought from childhood but had become twisted over the years.

“I… will be king.” Brynd gasped.

“You?” Mulguran leaned forward. “You are weak!” he hissed in disgust. “You are nothing!”

“Noooo!” Brynd screamed with all his might. “I WILL BE KING!”

Mulguran stood to his feet, the throne dimmed to black. The earth beneath his feet pulsed red like before. His bright red eyes drew closer to Brynd and he bent down, face to face with the human.

Brynd was enraged but still couldn’t move, his body unresponsive but he met Mulguran’s gaze. His body shook from the effort and he thought he would go blind staring into the demonic eyes.

“Good,” Mulguran said plainly. “Swear your soul to me, and I will give you all the power that you desire.”

“My soul?” Brynd questioned. Fear shooting down his back again. Every instinct in his body screamed at him to run away, but he couldn’t. He only stared into Mulguran’s eyes.

“Yes. Your life is mine,” he whispered in Brynd’s ear.

“My life… is yours.” Brynd copied.

“Yes!” Mulguran hissed. “Your soul… is mine.”

“My soul… is yours.” Brynd obeyed.

“YES!” Mulguran’s body shook in demonic laughter. His body whipped up, his back arching backward, nearly touching the ground. Mulguran’s entire body, flashed red, pulsing veins engulfed him. Arms outstretched, his fingernails extended into claws, and his wings spread to their full length.

Mulguran’s eyes were so bright, Brynd couldn’t follow them clearly. The demon whipped his head back down to Brynd’s ear, red eyes, flowing like snakes.

“I’ll give you a taste.” the demon said.

Boney black shadowy arms stuck straight out, he stood once more and placed one finger on his forearm. The demon suddenly stabbed his wrist with his claw and black liquid trickled out. It stopped an instant later and pooled around the wound. Mulguran tilted his wrist downward, above Brynd and one tiny drop fell.

It was sticky and felt odd, but Brynd only looked in awe, still paralyzed. The black liquid hit his forehead and slowly slid between his eyes. Suddenly, it moved on its own and covered both eyes.

Brynd screamed in pain and clawed at his eyes. “Stop! No!” he screamed.

Black liquid slipped into his eyes and disappeared behind the eyelids. Brynd fell to the floor and started weeping.

“Don’t fail me… general,” Mulguran said menacingly.

“I will be king. I will be king. I will be king!” Brynd repeated over and over again.

Part 3

General Brynd jerked out of sleep and looked around his room. It was morning. He was drenched in sweat and his hands were trembling.

“It was only a dream,” he whispered aloud to himself.

His panic and fear quickly dissipated. Nightmares were common for him but nothing like that one. It felt so real. He slipped out of bed and walked over to his water bowl. He splashed water on his face and stared in his mirror. He looked pale and unwell.

A black sliver shot across his eye and he stumbled backward, knocking the bowl of water to the ground. His mind began to fog and he felt drowsy. He clutched his head and stood. Brynd quickly looked into the mirror again… but saw nothing. His mind was playing tricks on him. The nightmare still lingered in his memory.

A loud knock on the door broke him from his thoughts.

“General?” a man said, sounding worried.

“What!” Brynd yelled.

“Uh, um.” the man stuttered. “The men are waiting. Everything is prepared for our departure.”

“Leave me! I will be down shortly.” Brynd said frustrated.

Brynd stood and once again looked in the mirror and mumbled to himself, “I will be king.” then left the room.

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