《(First Draft Old Version) Ruins Of Isulia ~ Book 1 : Awakening of the Emarine》Chapter 10 : Reunion


Part 1

Calchester was gorgeous. It stood atop a large hill, the incline giving it a perfect strategic advantage. The surrounding area was grasslands, a strong eastern breeze flowed across the hilly landscape.

The city walls connected to the massive border walls, entry into Xer had a defensive section cut out of the city around the gate as a second safety measure. Massive steel gates barred entry for invaders but if somehow the enemy were to break through, there was a large wall with three more games surrounding the entrance like a semicircle. Calchester was one of seven cities with gates. Each city was well fortified and guarded at all times.

Xerath, Kyburn, and Henry had left Xerixes in a rush, arriving with minimal belongings. Cassius had stayed behind to manage the capital in Xerath’s absence. Along with fifty guards, the three men traveled on horse to Calchester, stopping only for essential needs.

Henry dreaded the ride through the country. His ass was always sore and he wanted to lie down for a rest, unfortunately, Xerath wouldn’t have it. He pushed everyone to move on. The ride was hard and grueling but Henry managed, as did they all. Henry didn’t want to be the only person complaining about a sore ass, so he kept his mouth shut and endured the pain.

After two weeks of hard riding, rain, mud, and wild animals, they stood atop a hill, looking at the grand city of Calchester. Only Xerixes outmatched it in size and beauty. Taking a brief moment of rest, Henry jumped from his saddle to solid ground and paced back and forth to walk the soreness out of his butt.

Henry stretched out his arms and yawned, then moaned from the pain. He looked over at Kyburn and Xerath snickering at his expense.

“You got a sore ass, Henry?” Kyburn shouted to him.

“More like sore everything, sir,” Henry admitted his pain.

Xerath chuckled at that, “You’ll get used to it boy.” he smirked.

“I hope so, sire, if not I pity my ass.” Henry laughed at himself, stretching again.

“Come. Let’s get moving. We’re almost there.” Xerath told them.

“Eager to see Cara, lord?” Kyburn raised an eyebrow.

If Xerath was shy, he didn’t show it. “Yes… I am.”

“How long has it been since you too have spoken?” Kyburn asked his friend.

Xerath looked over at Henry, who was listening, “We speak through letters of late.” Xerath admitted. “But it has been several months since I’ve seen her. It was Cara who informed me of the approaching Vulkirians.”


“Your wife is a good woman, sire. Not many have the strength she has.” Kyburn comforted his friend. “I’m sure she will be delighted to see you again.”

“I know of her strength, Kyburn.” Xerath looked a little annoyed. “We will see if she still welcomes my company.”

With that, Xerath rode ahead of them to be alone. He stayed within eyesight for he knew his guard would have a fit if he ran off too far.

“What happened between them?” Henry leaned closer to Kyburn.

“They lost something dear to them,” Kyburn said sadly.

Henry was taken aback. He was expecting Kyburn to berate him for asking, Henry was not expecting an answer like that. Completely oblivious to what Kyburn was talking about, Henry’s curiosity grew.

“Do they still love each other?” Henry frowned.

“I know Xerath does. Deeply.” Kyburn answered. “Queen Cara loves him too... but it is complicated Henry. Love is always complicated.”

“I like king Xerath.” Henry said. “I hope he can find the right words to say.”

“As do I.” Kyburn agreed. “Enough of that. Let’s go!” he urged his horse forward into a gallop.

Part 2

Reaching the city gates, Xerath had arrived first with two guards on his heels. He rode straight for the castle, hoping to see Cara waiting for him.

Xerath was met with disappointment. He rode up to the entrance and slid down his horse. A servant immediately rushed in and took the reins from him, leading the horse to the stables.

“Sire.” a woman greeted him, kneeling to the ground. “Welcome, lord. We have been expecting you.”

“Stand. Please.” Xerath told the woman, helping her to her feet.

“Oh, thank you,” she said, taken aback by his kindness.

“Where is my wife?” Xerath asked. “Is she not here to greet me?” he already knew the answer but wanted to know why.

“Uh, oh. King Xerath, she requested you meet her on the wall.” the lady said. “May I offer refreshments?”

“No, thank you.” Xerath brushed past her and headed for the stairs that led to the wall.

He was rushing, so it only took ten minutes to reach the wall and start the climb. Xerath could tell there were dozens of men atop the wall and chatter could be heard from the ground. He was slightly out of breath when he reached the top and looked around for his wife.


Not everyone noticed their king at once. Only those in front kneeled immediately. Moments later everyone noticed and bowed before their king.

“All hail king Xerath!” a captain yelled.

With everyone kneeling, Xerath saw Cara. His gaze stopped on her and he couldn’t look away.

Awkwardly the men knew they weren’t wanted and in single file left the king and queen alone.

Cara didn’t look at him till everyone left, leaving them the only ones on the wall.

She looked as stunning as the day they married. Her dark hair flowed off her shoulders in the wind, her purple eyes pierced his. Hair clips with flowers on the end brought out her eyes even more. Seventeen years hadn’t diminished her beauty, she looked more beautiful now than when they had met.

A long beautiful blue dress flopped in the wind. Her outfit complemented her female form, and Xerath momentarily lost himself in her beauty. She was short and small, her head barely reached his shoulders but she was fierce when she needed to be.

“It is good to see you husband,” she said formally. A sadness in her eyes betrayed her feelings.

That sadness hadn’t left her eyes for the past year, and he understood why. Xerath only wished he could make her happy again. He too had felt enormous sorrow but had coped with it better than she had, understandably.

“I hope you are doing well?” Xerath asked carefully. “I’ve missed you in Xerixes.”

“I’m as well as I can be.” Cara looked away from him and gazed over the wall into Vulkira.

Xerath had the urge to throw his arms around her and tell her how much he loved her, but resisted, knowing she wasn’t ready for that. Instead, he stood there awkwardly, searching for the right words to say.

“I wished our reunion was under less… troublesome circumstances.” Xerath offered, trying to get her to speak to him. “I had almost forgotten how beautiful Calchester is. Our ride here was a welcome sight.”

“Yes,” she replied dryly.

Xerath’s heart sunk inside, he hated not being able to make her feel better. He only wanted to see her smile again. On the verge of giving up in conversation with his wife, she turned her head to him with a half-smile.

“You mentioned Kyburn was coming with you.” Cara forced a smile. Xerath could tell she was trying to appease him, not wanting him to feel at fault for her mood. “I know how close you two were. I hope you two have caught up and are as close friends as ever?”

“Y-yes,” Xerath responded with a smile. “Kyburn is a true friend and he brought…” he trailed off.

“What did he bring?” Cara asked, turning to him.

She walked toward him and reached for his hands. “Is something wrong?”

He grabbed her hands in his and Xerath savored the moment. He hadn’t held her hands in months, he missed her touch, her laugh, and her company.

“It’s nothing,” he said. “Best not bring up the past. We can speak of it later.” Xerath brought her hands to his lips and kissed them lightly.

“Come. I’m tired and hungry.” Xerath said. “Join me for lunch?”

“Of course,” Cara said.

They both hesitated and stared into each other’s eyes once more. Xerath leaned forward and Cara melted into his arms. They stood atop the wall, holding each other tight.

Part 3

Henry handed his reins to a stablehand awkwardly then followed Kyburn into the castle.

“Refreshments are prepared and food will be ready shortly.” an elderly lady said while leading them to their rooms.

“The queen wasn’t expecting an extra room for you… uhh.” she forgot his name.

“Henry,” he repeated his name to her for the third time.

Kyburn smirked in amusement. “Thank you. We can handle it from here.”

They walked into the room that had been prepared for Kyburn and paused once inside. There was only one bed.

“You’re taking the floor,” Kyburn said quickly.

“What? But I’m so sore. My ass is killing me!” Henry complained.

“I’m joking Henry. That lady will have a room ready for you soon.” Kyburn laughed at him. “In the meantime, you can leave your stuff here. Let’s go eat.”

“Sounds wonderful to me.” Henry’s eyes widened at the mention of food. “I wonder where Xerath is.”

Kyburn didn’t reply, which meant he either did know or he wasn’t going to tell him. Henry frowned then followed Kyburn to the kitchen.

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