《LitRPG: The Rising Tale of an Undead Skeleton And His Master》Volume 1 Chapter 7: In The Meantime, Preparation For A Dungeon Raid


With that said and done, after Jack had a quick look around the military barracks and the training ground. Jack and Sirius then immediately left the facility, without further causing much of a disruption.

Sirius then asks Jack a question. "Was it really that necessary to kick up that big of a storm to prove yourself, Jack?"

Jack nevertheless retorted back at Sirius, as he said this. "He was literally asking for it. He even insulted me right in front of my face, and you are expecting me to quietly stand back and accept that. Not a chance."

"I see." Sirius was being empathetic towards Jack's particular situation.

Sirius then thought so to himself. 'If it was a vampire noble or someone of a similar power ranking, then Albert would certainly be beaten to the brink of a near-death state and thereby sustaining some serious injuries. However, due to Albert being a high ranking vampire, his particular vampire regeneration ability would thereby allow him to quickly recover to a near peak enough state within a day or two.'

As the two were nicely conversing and getting to slowly know each other. The two had then immediately arrived in front of the servant's headquarters. A row of the bedroom that houses the maids, butler, and servants that works and maintains the integrity of the manor.

Sirius then manoeuvres his hand and pointed in the direction of the bedroom in which Jack will be staying. "This here will be your own personal bedroom and servant quarters. So here's your room key and..."

It was then that Jack suddenly tilted his head in confusion, as he said so towards Sirius. "I am a undead. I don't even need to eat nor sleep in order to recover my strength and magical power."

Sirius then immediately understood what Jack meant, as he then later clarifies on whatever he just previously said. "You would certainly need your own personal living quarters to go to, whenever you have the spare time or are out of work."

"Oh, I see what you are trying to say." Jack then takes his own personal room key off of Sirius's hand.

After handing Jack his own personal room key to his living quarters, Sirius then also said. "I've also asked one of the maids to go ahead and brought you over some proper clothes to wear. Even though, you are a legitimate walking bag of bones, an Undead Skeleton. You are still not expected to go around, walking around the Astrid III's estate completely nude, right?"


"That seems reasonable." Jack then nodded his head in compliance.

Sirius then relays the orders that were specifically given from his mistress Alexias to Jack. "And also, in about an hour or two. Mistress Alexias will be having her own dinner at the dining table. There she will specifically give out the rights of whatever dungeon that you wanted ownership of."

"Okay, then." Jack gave a short response, as he nodded his head.

With that said and done, after handling Jack his own personal room key, Sirius then leaves the facility, returning back to his workplace withinside the kitchen and re-enacting his duties as the butler of the household.

Jack was then left all alone to himself, within the servant headquarters hallway. As he then takes the room key within the palm of his hand and places it into the keyhole of his room door. And all it took was a simple turn of the room key to unlock the key lock mechanism hidden withinside his room door to his personal living quarters.

Jack lightly turns the doorknob clockwise, pulling on the doorknob towards himself, in order to open the door. In which he then steadily enters the bedroom and closing the room door as he enters.

'The room seems to be quite spacious.' It was Jack's first thought after taking a quick glance at his bedroom, that which he will be living in for quite some time.

Jack then immediately finds the pair of clothes, which was a simple white long shirt and black pants, that Sirius was talking about, neatly folded together and placed on top of the bed mattress. And just right below the wooden bed frame, there is a pair of fancy middle class black hard leather shoes.

Jack was someone who tends to not fiddle with whatever clothes that he would get, so long as the pair of clothes are wearable and doesn't make him a laughing stock, or a clown, then it's totally fine. Most of the time, Jack's real-life self would often stay indoors and away from the outside sun, whilst just wearing a simple pair of plain t-shirt and some shorts. That's it.

Anyways, with nothing else to do in the meantime, Jack then immediately decided to get dress, and put on the clothes that Sirius had the maids go and get him. Which was quite thoughtful of him on his part.


'Let's put the clothes on and see how good I look, whilst wearing the clothes that Sirius had the maids brought over.' Jack thought so to himself. If he were to have actual human skin, you would obviously see a smiling immature man smirking right now.

Jack then puts on the pair of clothes that were specifically given to him by the maids, under Sirius guidance and instructions.

And there is a large mirror that is standing right beside the empty wardrobe so that Jack could inspect how stylish he looks with his new clothes on.

Jack then thought so to himself. 'I don't really look that half bad in the clothes that the butler Sirius had prepared for me. Usually, I just wore my glorified bone armour or a large cloak that covers the vast majority of my body, rather than wearing actual fabric clothes, whilst within Yggdrassil Online.'

'Now I need something else to do to pass the time.' Jack thought so to himself, whilst scratching his chin off his lower jaw.

Jack then did a quick surveillance around his bedroom, as he found an empty unused and untouched diary standing above on top of the wooden desk table, right beside a closely sealed ink flask and feather quill. Apparently, most of the servants within the household would keep a constant detailed diary of whatever they did throughout the day. So that they won't miss and forget certain things.

A thought then curiously passed through his head. 'Maybe I can craft a spell talisman with Magecraft utilizing the papers from the diary.'

Without much further thought, Jack then immediately pulled the wooden chair that is provided with the desk table, from right underneath the covers of the desk table.

Jack then sat down on the wooden chair behind the desk table, as he then flips over the hard leather book cover of the diary, towards the fresh untouched front page of the book.

Jack then thought so to himself. 'Considering the size of the book's page, I can easily draw two tier-1 magic circle spell talismans on one piece of paper.'

With that said and done, Jack then proceeded to rip a single page off, out of the diary. Afterwards, Jack would then neatly folded the piece of ripped paper in half, thereby creating a deep creased withinside the paper. So that he would utilise the creased withinside the torn-off paper to split the piece of paper in half evenly, almost perfectly.

Afterwards, Jack then opens up the sealed closed ink flask, and then take out the feather quill from the quill holder on the desk table.

Jack then lightly dips the end of the feather quill into the opened ink flask, and then immediately started drawing the tier 1 magic circle for the low-level elemental fire magic spell fireball.

The construction of the tier 1 magic circle for the low-level elemental fire magic spell fireball was eventually completed in under a minute or two.

[ You have successfully crafted a Tier 1 Magic Circle Spell Talisman Fireball (Disposable).]

'Thank god. The tier 1 magic circle are not at all that complex and are very simple to draw, otherwise, I would repeatedly make many mistakes to utmost no mistakes.' Jack thought so to himself, sighing a relief of success, after finally completing the first tier 1 magic spell circle.

And withinside the world of Yggdrassil, there are three categories of magic in which people use; the first category is the traditional spellcasting in which the magic caster has to chant the necessary spell incantation in order to conjure up the magic spell.

The second category is magecraft in which the magic caster would have already drawn the magic spell circle upon a piece of paper or magic object, and all they would need to do is pour their magical power into the magic spell circle, in order to activate the constructed magic spell. And usually, magecraft users would usually store their drawn magic spell circles withinside books known as a magic grimoire or spell talismans drawn on a simple piece of paper.

And finally, the last category of magic is spirit magic in which the user would then make a magic contract with an elemental spirit, and then borrow their own powers to freely manipulate the elements that correspond with the elemental spirit's elemental nature.

[ You have learned the Basic Magecraft Skill [Basic Magic Inscription] acquired.]

[ You have learned the Basic Magecraft Skill [Basic Magic Circle Construction] acquired.]

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