《LitRPG: The Rising Tale of an Undead Skeleton And His Master》Volume 1 Chapter 6: A Tour Of The Estate And The Training Ground Incident


Jack is currently being given a tour around the surrounding area of the manor and Alexias de Astrid III's territory by none other than Sirius himself, which was kind of cool that within itself.

Sirius was one in the front leading, with his hands behind his back. Jack was seemingly following on from right behind him, whilst Sirius is leisurely giving Jack a tour of the Astrid III's territory and the surrounding building area that connects with the large manor.

Sirius then pointed at one of the large buildings up in the distance and then said so to Jack. "That building over there is the military barracks. It is where all of the trained guards, squires, and soldiers of the household are housed together, all in one place for easy convenience."

'The military barracks does somehow resembles a three to four-story building from the middle ages. As each occupant is thereby given an individual small room of their own, to which they can freely customise; with a single simple wooden bed frame and mattress, a medium-sized desk table, a wardrobe, and bookshelf. According to my knowledge.' Jack thought so to himself.

He then goes deeper into the explanation, 'There was a time when a story plot was then triggered by an unsuspecting player, in which the Alexias de Astrid III's territory would then waged war against a nearby enemy lord. So Alexias de Astrid III herself would then enlist people into her army and recruit/hired mercenaries that would fight for her cause, which was the players.'

'I wonder what was the cause for the enemy's lord to incite a war against Alexias. Was it for personal gains; more territory, riches, or possibly pieces of magical equipment, or treasures. The motive and agenda were never revealed even if the player has managed to complete the storyline of the story.' Jack thought.

Once a storyline quest has been completed, it can never be done over again. This is because the plotline of the story is continuously being written like in real lifetimes, so quest and mission boards are constantly being generated and then updated by the system a.i.

As Jack was so deep in thought, the two had finally arrived in front of the military barrack's front training ground. He was then immediately greeted with the sight of rows on rows of training squires, all spread out, as they repeatedly swing their wooden training swords all and about. And there were some squires off in the distance, sparring one on one session with another to get some battling experiences in actual combat.


And off to the side, there was a training sword instructor, who is currently preoccupied with overseeing the newbie squire's training from a distance. Training on how to properly swing a sword, by repeatedly swinging the wooden training sword horizontally, until it becomes second nature to them, like breathing.

The training sword instructor is a middle-aged man similarly to Sirius, except he looks a fair bit younger. With long strands of silvery-white hair that reaches well past his shoulders. And he is extremely well built, fairly slim and proportional, unlike Sirius who looks like a proper heavyweight bodybuilder. So that it won't obstruct his body movements and manoeuvrability whilst handling a sword within a sword fight.

The training sword instructor didn't notice Sirius and Jack's presence until they were literally a couple of feet away from him.

And the moment that the training sword instructor had spotted Sirius and Jack arriving from his side, and steadily walking towards him. He then reveals a bright smile upon his face, one that hasn't seen his best friend for a long time.

As he said so towards Sirius in a cheerful manner, with a smile. "It has definitely been a while, Sirius. What brings you here to the barrack's training ground? Did the mistress give you precise orders to follow, and you are supposed to relay those very same orders to me."

Sirius then immediately shakes his head and responded to the training sword instructor. "No, Albert. I'm just plainly giving the recently joined vassal a tour of the manor and my lady's own estate."

The training sword instructor who's named is then revealed to be Albert Van Hohenheim. Albert then reveals a shocked expression, as he loudly exclaimed. "This measly weak Undead Skeleton is my lady's new vassal servant. You gotta be kidding, Sirius. I bet a single punch of my fist could easily destroy this weak Undead Skeleton's body."

Albert Van Hohenheim had made some snarky and rebutting comments that Jack doesn't kindly like.

And if Jack were to have functional human eyes right now, he would coldly glare towards Albert Van Hohenheim's direction. Eyes so fierce that they could directly peer into another person's soul.

Sensing the growing animosity growing between the two, Sirius then tried his best to de-escalate the situation. As he later explains to Albert about Jack's particular special unique situation. "Well, Albert. Jack's a special Undead Skeleton as he is a Skeleton Mage holding untapped potential within magic."


Albert then immediately laughs it off, almost like Sirius was actually telling a funny joke, which seems to further infuriate Jack. "You gotta be joking, Sirius. This measly weak Undead Skeleton is a Skeleton Mage. You are lying..."

"Everyone knows that a Skeleton Mage would have a mana core embedded withinside its chest, in between their ribcages. This is because they don't have an actual body, muscles, and flesh to store and contain their magic power with." Albert Van Hohenheim said.

He then later further elaborate upon his explanation. "The mana core is a crystallisation of all the Skeleton Mage's vast amounts of magical power and mana. The number and size of a Skeleton Mage's mana core would dictate how powerful of a mage they are, similar to the number of magic circles formed upon a magician's heart. It acts like a valve and reservoir to contain all of their vast amounts of magical power."

In a sudden erupt burst of anger, Jack's astronomical amounts of magical power then began to rapidly leak out from withinside his so-called body, emanating from his very own soul instead of his weak Undead Skeleton body, which people mistakenly based their own judgement of from.

A wind vortex then steadily forms around Jack's own body, with himself being in the centre of it all. Due to the high concentration of mana being concentrated into the air that the mana which is usually invisible has somehow become visible to the naked eye.

There was absolute chaos amongst the barrack's training ground; due to the sudden burst of magical energy within the surrounding area, and Albert Van Hohenheim being at the absolute centre of it all, the very close proximity of Jack. He was then immediately sent flying backwards a couple of feet away. It was almost akin to being hit by a large battleaxe.

And Albert Van Hohenheim then struggles to regain his footing on the ground, and then stabilised his balance. His body was visibly shaken by the strong impact, as he then looks up and in Jack's particular direction.

He could instinctively feel fear and was slightly intimidated by Jack's vast astronomical amounts of magical power. Albert Van Hohenheim was certainly at a loss for words, unable to contain the feeling of awe for Jack's indescribable vast amounts of magical power.

Albert Van Hohenheim lightly uttered, it was pretty much inaudible, but Sirius and Jack could instinctively guess whatever words were coming out from Albert's mouth. "What the... impossible!"

At the same time, the whole barrack's training ground was in total chaos. The ground in which they stand is constantly shaking underneath the pressure of Jack's vast amount of magical power.

"What is going on here? Is this an earthquake!" One of the training squires shouted and exclaimed in total desperation and shock.

Another individual then immediately intervenes, suggesting a possible reason. "Is this possibly a monster beast wave. Are we being besieged by strong monsters at this minute?"

"No, that is not possible. Our territory does not have a monster beast that powerful enough to cause monster stampede/monster wave." One training squire said so to another.

It was then that one individual training squire had found out the root cause for the earthquake, and he then pointed within Jack's particular direction. It was there in plain sight, in front of everyone, within the barrack's training ground.

"Look over there! It is He that is the one that is causing this intense earthquake!" One of the training squires shouted, which he had managed to catch everyone's attention, as they all turned to look at Jack's impressive figure.

After showcasing the vast amount of magical power that he innately possessed, Jack is then finally satisfied after scaring off Albert for a bit.

Jack loudly projected his own voice throughout the entire barrack's training ground, with his own magic. "The reason that I am like this is that the magic summoning ritual was quite incomplete. My soul was thereby summoned to your world, but the vessel that which house my soul did not. So I have no choice but to make do with this one. You got that!"

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