《LitRPG: The Rising Tale of an Undead Skeleton And His Master》Volume 1 Chapter 5: Convincing Offer And Possible Negotiations pt.2


"Now let us move to the backyard. There is where I will discuss the terms and conditions of our contract, whilst I enjoy my tea time." Alexias de Astrid III said so pamperedly, leaving Jack with very few little rooms to reject her offer.

"Now, wait just a minute!" Jack then communicated with his magic voice ability, vibrating the molecules within the air to produce a proper sound that resembles nouns and syllables, which eventually adds up to make a sentence. "I just have a few things to do at this minute. So can you please wait a bit?"

Alexias de Astrid III then receded a bit, "Alright then," curious upon what Jack is about to do next.

Jack then squatted his pair of skeleton legs down, as he then reaches out with his right hand to grab ahold of the three broken bone pieces that Sirius had previously cut off of Jack's left outer arm bone.

Although Alexias de Astrid III doesn't necessarily care for the well-being of others, she can't allow for a potentially new servant of her household to be hurt under her watch, unless the sort of harm is directly being caused by herself. The actual master of this manor herself.

"Do you need some actual help with the repair of your damage bones, Mr Skeleton?" Alexias de Astrid III spoke so with a look of concern, intending to get Jack to own favour from her.

However, Jack then immediately rebutted her offer, without a second of thought. He said so calmly towards Alexias with his magic voice ability. "No, thanks. I don't need your help nor assistance to fix my slightly broken arm bone."

Afterwards, Jack then lightly places his left arm on the ground, against the cold stone tiled floor. As he then neatly places the three broken bone pieces of his left arm outer bone within their relative spot.

Jack then hovered his right hand over the area that which he had broken bones within his left outer arm bone, and then recited the invocated incantations for a low tier light elemental magic spell. 'Elemental light heed my call and gather before me, heal the target that stands before me. Light heal!'

It was then that orbs of yellowish-white light then gradually gather around Jack's skeleton figure, and slowly lights up Jack's right hand, as it is covered within yellowish-white light.

Alexias de Astrid III then reveals a shocked expression upon her face, similarly to her two other servants. She instinctively thought, 'An undead should not be capable of utilizing light elemental magic spells, as it goes against the nature of their death element attribute that they are innately born with.'


The yellowish-white orbs that floated above his right hand then gradually enter his own skeleton bone body, where the broken pieces of his left outer arm bone are located.

And right before everyone's own eyes, Jack's broken left outer arm bone then gradually heals, recovered as if it is actually brand new. The missing bits and pieces of Jack's left outer arm bone were then replaced with new ones. The old bone cartilages within Jack's left outer arm bone then reconnects with the new bone cartilages that were just created to replace the missing parts within the arm bone.

"If you guys are wondering why can I use light elemental magic, then answer your question is that everyone can use light elemental magic. It is just that the Undead race has a strong difficulty to control the light elemental magic as it is their own weakness and goes the innate death attribute, but it is not an impossibility." Jack then explains to the three individuals how he can utilise light elemental magic.

He then goes in-depth within his magic studies, and then readily explains it like a scholar. "Just like how there are some Merfolks that can use fire elemental magic that strongly goes against their natural water elemental constitution. Some Undead individuals can utilise all elemental magic to a certain extent."

"There is the chaos elemental attributes. A fusion of two opposing elements that usually clash with each other. Fire and Ice. Holy and Death." Jack suggested an idea and concept that completely goes the sense of norm that originates within this world.

"Holy and Death elemental attribute. That is not possible." Alexias de Astrid III was certainly at a loss for words, as she could not explain what is happening in front of her.

It wasn't until Sirius had suddenly intervened in the conversation. "It is impossible to fuse two opposing elements, as they would undoubtedly clash and produce conflict with each other. And the result is the magic caster's death."

"It is just that you low levelled magic casters are not capable enough to find the balance and harmony between the two opposing magic elements. And only someone who has fully reached the peak of magic mastery is capable of fusing two opposing elements at the same time." Jack said so in confidence, as he looked down upon those that once called him weak.

After the issue with Jack's broken left outer arm bone was safely resolved. They then steadily moved towards the manor's back garden.


It was a plentifully nice manor back garden; with a neatly arranged flower garden, trimmed grass hedges, fancy marble sculptured statues, and so on. Anything that you would typically see within a noble's back garden.

Alexias de Astrid III was busily seating within her chair, drinking a sip of her tea, under the cool shade and warmth comforts of her pagoda.

She said so towards Jack, whilst taking a sip from her teacup. "Since I'm the literal summoner that had summoned you here from your world. I should be the one to initiate the terms and conditions of our contract. Am I right, Mr Skeleton. So why don't you serve me and become one of my loyal subjects."

"So what benefits will I have for swearing my undying fealty towards you, Alexias de Astrid III?" Jack asked Alexias.

"Hmmm..." Alexias de Astrid III uttered, whilst taking a small sip out of her teacup. She then contemplated to herself and stated the following, "So what do you want as reciprocation forswearing your undying fealty towards me?"

If Jack were to actually have human lips, you could see that his mouth would then curved into a steady devilish smile. 'It's time to bargain.' Jack thought so to himself, as he then stated what he wants from Alexias de Astrid III forswearing his undying fealty towards her.

Having a strong and capable undead swearing their undying fealty towards you is an extremely big thing. Considering to have a large army of the dead at your beck and call is an extremely big power move; as the army of the dead is made up of undead monsters, therefore they would never be tired out, or simply need to sleep, replenishing their stamina, and consuming food.

Jack then stated to Alexias de Astrid III, without holding much back upon his end of the deal. "Considering the state of my current Undead Skeleton body. I would need plentiful amounts of resources and materials in order to rebuild my body and possibly strengthened it. And I would need a pile of fresh corpses in order to build a legion of my undead army."

"So the best option that you have right now would be is to hand me control over a dungeon, which would fulfil all three categories of my agreement to a certain extent," Jack stated, whilst communicating through his artificially projected voice, made from magic.

"Is that all?" Alexias de Astrid III said, as she then stops taking a sip from her teacup. She then places her teacup down upon its complementary matching tea plate.

Alexias de Astrid III then thought to herself, seriously contemplating upon something. 'I would seriously have expected for the Undead Skeleton to be a lot more greedier with whatever it wants on the other end of our contract agreement, but simply wanting to have ownership over a dungeon is simply far too little...'

'The Astrid territory in which I governed possesses quite a few low tiered dungeons, in which we would regularly raid the dungeons inside to obtain rare rock minerals, materials, and other resources. At the same time, obtained quite a fair bit of few rare magical pieces of equipment.' Alexias de Astrid III thought so to herself.

"Is that all that you want?" Alexias de Astrid III stated to Jack, with a straight and mature look plastered upon her face.

Jack then responded, "Yes," with his voice being projected with magic.

"If that is so, then I agree to the little changes within our contract and agreement." Alexias de Astrid III said so, with a little smile upon her face, having thereby reached a closed agreement with Jack.

The conversation then ended not so long after the agreement between the two is settled.

Jack then bends down onto one of his knees, as he then places his right hand over his chest, where the area in which the heart is usually located on a human being.

Jack then made up a knight speech upon the spot. "My name is Jack The Ripper, and I hereby swear my undying fealty towards Alexias de Astrid III as my master. My blade will only point at those who you have deemed as your enemy, and I swear to protect you my entire life."

[ You have sworn your undying fealty towards Alexias de Astrid III. Your affiliation status has thereby been changed to Astrid III faction.]

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