《LitRPG: The Rising Tale of an Undead Skeleton And His Master》Volume 1 Chapter 4: Convincing Offer And Possible Negotiations pt.1


'I should have known. He would also be here. Who else but none other than Alexias de Astrid III's own personal loyal dog... Sirius.' Jack thought so to himself, as he was being looked down upon by the individual that is standing right in front of him, on the opposite end of the door.

Sirius is a halfbreed, similar to Alexias de Astrid III's case. He is born as the maternal offspring between a strong Lycan Werewolf and a full-blooded Vampire. Whilst, inheriting a strong physical body and the physical body strength of an adult Lycan Werewolf. And, at the same time, gaining the natural blood manipulation ability of a full-blooded Vampire.

Sirius's stoic amber coloured beast eyes then stare down coldly at Jack's weak Undead Skeleton figure. Upon seeing Jack's skeleton figure, Sirius then immediately reacted with hostility, seeing Jack as a potential outside intruder.

Jack did not have that much time to react, as he then immediately braced for impact. Sirius which had already raised his right arm into the air, with his right hand already partially transformed into a Lycan Wolf's hand; five long realistic wolf claws, covered in silver-white fur.

'Dammit! Shit!' Jack loudly curses withinside his head, his non-expressive skeleton face then darkens, as he then braced for impact from Sirius's wolf claws attack.

It was like the fall of a descending blacksmith hammer. Sirius's massive gorilla-like arms then descend from the air, his five long realistic wolf-like claws then struct Jack's skeleton outer arm bone, which he had used to block Sirius's wolf claw attack.

Sirius's wolf claw attack had managed to do significant damage and harm to Jack's weak skeleton-like body. Overall, because of the mana strengthening and mana coaxing, at the same time, Jack's defences were considerably buff more than usual, comparable to metal-plated steel armour.

However, that is not enough to withstand Sirius's gorilla-like strength and Lycan Wolf claws which can easily tear through a 1cm thick sheet of metal, like it was actually a sheet of paper.

The strengths of the inhabitants within this world are not bounded by the laws and physics that slowly govern the real world. As the inhabitants of this world can gather enough experience points to level up and break the threshold, which increases their bodily physique, average lifespan, and mana pool.

There are thousands of races that lived particularly within the world that was previously named Yggdrassil Online. And the Lycan Wolf is one of the most famous kinds of best folks, extremely gifted for their quality of pack hunting skills, and being skilled forest hunters at that. So, so long as the individual does not die of old age or through a complicated situation, like poison or dying within a fight. Their strengths and abilities can continue to grow without limits.


And Sirius being an extremely old fogey, who has lived through several centuries like it was nothing. Vampires tend to have regenerative abilities, so they have an extremely long average lifespan, comparable to that of the typical forest elves that are depicted in many works of art and fiction as well.

Sirius's wolf claw attack had managed to successfully break through Jack's buffed up a defence that he had set up with his magic abilities.

The coaxing of mana fibres that had previously wrapped around the arm bone of Jack's left arm was utterly destroyed. Obliterated, like a fortified wet sandcastle being stomp all over by some unlikely haters.

Not only that but Sirius wolf claws had managed to successfully cut through Jack's left outer arm bone. Whilst, still leaving a relatively deep scratch mark upon the other left-arm bone. As three bone pieces of a relatively different size then fall of Jack's left outer arm bone, where Sirius's wolf claw had previously slashed, and hitting the ground stone floor consecutively.

Jack then felt the pain of having his arm bone being slashed apart by Sirius's wolf claw attack. The all so familiar pain that he felt having his own physical body destroyed, and respawning back again within Yggdrassil Online, even though he had no pain receptors to interpret the physical pain that he is currently feeling.

Although, the pain that Jack felt was quite short and instantaneously. It did never the less cause some level of discomfort and inconvenience for him, as Jack then unconsciously wraps his other hand around the area of his left outer arm bone that was currently missing.

Even though, the pain may not necessarily show up on Jack's face, as he has no facial muscles or any particular skin around the frontal part of the skull. Alexias de Astrid III could easily identify that Jack was currently feeling pain for having partially damaged.

Sirius then reveals a small glint of surprise, thereby within his eyes. Normally, whenever he strikes a normal person. With his normal body strength and partially transformed wolf arm, it was enough to rip an entire arm off, and seeing Jack's relatively unharmed and intact left arm bone was plentiful of a surprise for him.

However, Sirius was not having it, like a typical guard dog, so whenever he had detected an intruder within the household or home that he was ordered to protect by his master. Sirius would then automatically attack and harmed that said person without a second of thought. So Sirius then raises his right arm, partially transformed into a wolf claw, and was about to attack Jack with his own wolf claws once again.


However, upon seeing that Sirius was just about to land another hit upon Jack again, Alexias de Astrid III then immediately ordered Sirius to stop. As another hit like that to Jack right now could potentially do some serious permanent harm to him.

"That is enough now, Sirius. Any more damage to the weak Undead Skeleton could potentially destroy. And I've already invested so much magic crystal into summoning this particular undead monster to then let it all go to waste." Alexias spoke, gracefully, whilst showcasing her pandering and selfish side, in front of everyone within the room.

Sirius then immediately stops his ongoing attack, without much further thought. Like a loyal butler, Sirus then place one hand upon his chest and the behind him, as he then lowers his front upper body forwards and said. "As you wish, my mistress."

"Just give up Undead Skeleton and surrender yourself to me. We have the entire manor surrounded, so there is no way that you can escape from us." Alexias de Astrid III spoke in a grand enough voice, directing her speech at none other than Jack, her intended target audience.

As she gave her personal speech, Alexias de Astrid III then brought her left hand out. With the backhand facing downwards. It's almost like she is giving out a treat to her pet dog, insinuating that Alexias de Astrid III sees then Jack as nothing more than a mere minion. A pet to be raised and fostered by its master for a sole purpose, which greatly displeases Jack.

'Even if you have managed to escape from this room. Numerous other guards would immediately besiege you the moment that I've issued the order, as this mansion's master.' Alexias de Astrid III thought so to herself, as she hid her mocking smile behind the covers of her hand.

Jack then sighs internally, whilst looking a bit down. He then contemplated for a couple of seconds, before deciding to speak freely whatever was lingering upon his mind.

Jack then folded his right hand into a fist, as he then moved them closer towards his own head, just above the lower jaw. The position and posture of where he had placed his hand had resembled a coughing person.

Jack then lightly coughs twice, despite possessing no actual lungs or any vocal cords to speak off. There was some weird and deep incomprehensible noise that was produced by Jack's coughing. Jack is in fact utilising his own magical power to definitely vibrate the molecules within the air to produce sounds and frequency notes that are almost similar to a functional voice, with numerous syllables.

This hidden mechanism of utilizing magic to project their own voice was discovered much later down within the gameplay of Yggdrassil Online version 1.1 update by a handful of non-communicable race enthusiasts.

"I am not a mere mindless Undead Skeleton that you would commonly find wandering around a graveyard, but rather a sentient one." Jack's voice was extremely cold and monotone, lacking any sort of emotions like it was artificial. But the message that he was trying to convey, was quite easy to get across.

[ You have successfully learned the Advanced Mana Utilisation Skill [Magic Voice] acquired.]

Everyone within the room was quite surprised and startled at the fact that Jack is capable of speaking. Though not fluently enough, it was still easy to discern whatever that he was saying.

"You can talk." Alexias de Astrid III uttered, with an absolute shocked expression plastered upon her face.

Alexias de Astrid III then decided to change the subject. She asked. "Sirius! What time is it currently?"

Sirius then in return take out his gold-brass covered pocket watch from the inner laying of his pocket and checked the current time.

He then answered, "Almost half-past twelve. Approaching towards tea time."

"Good! Then we will discuss the logistics of our agreement and contract, whilst I have my tea time." Alexias de Astrid III responded with confidence.

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