《LitRPG: The Rising Tale of an Undead Skeleton And His Master》Volume 1 Chapter 3: The Little Girl And The Undead Skeleton pt.3


Jack had managed to successfully escape and avoided a direct confrontation with the vampire maid, Alice, by directly diving into the sea of fire. And utilizing his Tier 2 Elemental Wind Magic Spell Wind Slash to thereby cut a straight line and path withinside the sea of fire so that he could safely escape.

As Jack had managed to successfully get past the vampire maid Alice in an easy manner. And now he is right in front of the Vampire Lordess Alexias de Astrid III, who is just standing there openly with a mischievously smile plastered upon her.

'Now I wonder how you would be able to get past me. I am not as weak and incompetent as my little maid over there.' Alexias de Astrid III thought so to herself, whilst gazing at the vastly approaching figure of Jack, that is quickly heading her way.

Alexias de Astrid III then brought her right hand out; with her fingers slightly retracted, except for her index finger, which somehow resembles the beckoning hand gesture.

Alexias de Astrid III then raises her right hand upwards, as if she was issuing a direct command to something. With the moment that she raises her right hand, droplets of blood began to slowly seep upwards from the ground, almost like it is defying the laws and concept of gravity itself. Everything is possible with magic. Even with the possibility of controlling life and death, you definitely possess strong enough magic to do so.

Blood began to slowly seep out from right underneath Alexias de Astrid III's feet as well. Eventually, forms a puddle of blood beneath her, that which she can freely control with her vampire powers.

'Blood manipulation.' Jack thought so to himself.

The vampire race possesses the rare racial ability to be able to manipulate blood itself. Only their own blood and the blood that has been imbued with their own magical energy.

It would be too overpowered of a broken gameplay mechanic if a vampire can freely control another individual's blood. Without there at least being natural boundaries within the skill's limit, or else it would be simply too unfair for the other races.

Vampires can also drain the blood from their victims, and utilizing the nutrients that are gained from drinking the blood from the victim's body to sustain their own.

Time quickly passed by for Jack, as he had a limited amount of time before he was quickly overwhelmed by Alexias de Astrid III's vampires. So if he really wanted to escape from this place, relatively unharmed. Now is the best time to escape whilst the number of guards is relatively low.


The blood puddle that is beneath Alexias de Astrid III's feet is beginning to change shape, like an actual slime monster. The blood puddle began to move as if it is actually alive and having a mind of its own, it slowly changes its own body shape, forming several pseudo tentacles like appendages that tried to wrap themselves around Jack's skeleton body.

'Tch!' Jack loudly clicked his nonexistent tongue from withinside his mind.

He then immediately comes up with an initial plan to counter the blood puddle's numerous tentacles like appendages. 'I certainly hope this actually works.' Jack thought so to himself, before actually putting the plant into action.

Jack then immediately chanted the incantation for a low tier elemental wind magic spell withinside his head. 'Elemental wind heed my call, gather around my palm and compress into a ball of air. Wind Sphere!'

The wind then rapidly gathers around Jack's right palm, slowly forming a ball of compressed air. The size of an actual legitimate beach volleyball.

[ You have successfully learned the Tier 1 Elemental Wind Magic Spell [Wind Sphere] acquired.]

Without a second of thought, Jack immediately points the ball of compressed air towards the incoming blood puddle tentacle-like appendages. So when the blood puddle tentacle-like appendages then touch the compressed air ball, the rotational force of the compressed airball and the velocity of the air currents that are travelling withinside the compressed air ball then pushes the blood puddle tentacle-like appendages aside.

'Huh.' Alexias de Astrid III then reveals a look of surprise, as she saw her blood puddle tentacle-like appendages being countered by Jack's Tier 1 Elemental Wind Magic Spell Wind Sphere.

'Hm... So let's see how long can your measly little wind sphere can last be being overpowered by my blood tentacle blood manipulation ability.' Alexias de Astrid III thought so to herself, as she then lightly smiles, smirking even. That is just how plainly confident within her own ability she is.

So whenever the blood puddle tentacle-like appendages spread out and separate thanks to the momentum in which the wind sphere is carrying in all directions. With the control over her blood manipulation ability, Alexias de Astrid III can force the separated pieces to be forcefully rejoined back with the blood puddle tentacle-like appendages main body.

In a repeated cycle, the blood puddle tentacle-like appendage tried to wrap themselves around Jack's skeleton body but was then immediately destroyed and separated into numerous splatters of blood, which is then rapidly absorbed right back into the blood puddle. Thereby continuously regenerating the blood puddle tentacle-like appendage.


The momentum of the Tier 1 Elemental Wind Magic Spell Wind Sphere that Jack had previously conjured up with his magic is beginning to gradually slow down. At the same time, the stability of which the wind sphere is keeping its solid shape is rapidly deteriorating.

The Tier 1 Elemental Wind Magic Spell Wind Sphere could no longer contain its solid shape, as it then immediately collapses on itself and imploded, thereby bursting open in a big gust of wind.

The strong air currents that are produced when the wind sphere had collapsed upon itself, thereby producing strong winds that had unexpectedly managed to push Jack's lightweight skeleton body back, as much of the sea of fire is then cleared away by the strong gust of wind.

Jack then suddenly had a great epiphany, as he thought to himself. 'I can use the propulsion force of when the wind sphere had imploded upon itself to steadily pushed my body forwards, for fast instantaneous manoeuvrability.'

Without a second of thought, Jack then immediately puts his plans into action, as there is no time to test and verified the possibility of the experiment succeeding or not.

Jack then repeatedly cast the Tier 1 Elemental Wind Magic Spell Wind Sphere in rapid succession. Each being held within the palm of each of his hands.

Jack then immediately chanted the incantation for the tier 1 elemental wind magic spell wind sphere withinside his head. 'Elemental wind heed my call, gather around my palm and compress into a ball of air. Wind Sphere!'

As the moment that Jack had regained a solid footing upon the ground, he began charging forwards heading straight towards Alexias de Astrid III's direction. And Alexias de Astrid III then retaliated back by commanding the numerous blood puddle tentacle-like appendages to block Jack's path and slowly corner him.

However, Jack has already expected this beforehand, after having gone through it in his first attempt. And he has already prepared a proper measure to counter this ensuing situation.

He then charges straight into Alexias de Astrid III's blood puddle tentacle-like appendages' encirclement.

And before the blood puddle, tentacle-like appendages could even touch Jack's skeletal bone body. He then immediately reacted upon the spot, as Jack then pointed his left hand that was still holding onto the tier 1 elemental wind magic spell wind sphere towards the ground and forces it to detonate upon itself, under his control.

The solid wind sphere that is made from compressed air currents that are constantly rotating at a high velocity. Jack had forced the tier 1 elemental wind magic spell wind sphere to completely collapse upon itself.

The resulting after-effect is that a strong gust of wind is thereby produced from the epic centre of the wind sphere's detonation. It thereby pushes Jack's lightweight skeletal bone body upwards into the air, which somehow manages to help assist Jack to escape from Alexias de Astrid III's blood puddle tentacle-like appendage's grasp.

The first wind sphere detonation had managed to help Jack instantaneously avoid the blood puddle tentacle-like appendage's grasp, and thereby pushes his body upwards towards the ceiling of the room that he was in.

And Jack then utilises the second wind sphere that he had conjured up, forcing the wind sphere to detonate upon itself to create a strong enough air current to push his lightweight skeletal body forwards. As he was then immediately flung forwards by the force of the wind sphere's detonation, completely flying over Alexias de Astrid III and her blood puddle tentacle-like appendages.

As Jack had managed to successfully get past Alexias de Astrid III and her vampire maid Alice. He was now right in front of the only door that leads outside of this room.

'Finally, the door to escape from this place is right in front of me.' Jack thought, feeling slightly delighted, at the outcome that he is heading.

And the moment that Jack places his right hand upon the door handle, and then twists the doorknob sideways, eventually pulling the door backwards.

The figure of a large burly man, with a pretty strong body, built, who had long still passed his prime years. With plenty enough of silver-white facial hairs to further exemplified his senior years.

The first thing that comes to Jack's mind was 'Oh shit!'

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