《LitRPG: The Rising Tale of an Undead Skeleton And His Master》Volume 1 Chapter 2: The Little Girl And The Undead Skeleton pt.2


Jack then landed a couple of feet away upon the smooth surface of the stone tiled floor, his toe bones lightly scraping against the surface of the stone tiled floor, thereby creating an irritating loud scratching noise.

His eye sockets which were usually empty like an ordinary normal Undead Skeleton, when exposed to strong fluctuations of emotions, spiritual flames would then appeared within the eye sockets. A clear indicator that the Undead Skeleton has a soul that resides within it.

The colours of the spiritual flame that burns withinside the Undead Skeleton's eye sockets would represent the individual's soul; white (Human), red (Demon), blue (Artificial), grey (Undead Lord).

Over time, the spiritual flames of the Undead Skeleton, which is its soul, would indeed slowly change with time, having become corrupted and integrated with a portion of the miasma of death. The individual's soul would then slowly become more greyish over time, and the faster the progress speeds up when the particular individual then evolves into a more higher ranking undead race.

His fiery light blue coloured eyes had noticeably become a lot more colder, as Jack instinctively gazes towards Alice and then at Alexias's direction who is standing neatly in the back, whilst watching the battle slowly unfold before her.

Alexias de Astrid III then gazes back intently at Jack's cold Undead Skeleton figure from the sideline, with the massive amounts of magical power that he is constantly releasing off from withinside his body.

She is beginning to show great interest in the particular individual that is the name, Jack. Her interest in him is then peaked to the highest ever before, as a devilish smile then appears upon her little petite girly face.

Alexias de Astrid III then thought so to herself, 'Things are starting to get a lot more interesting.' She lightly placed her fingers upon her pursed lips.

Alexias de Astrid III then communicated to her maid Alice, through her mental magic link, between the vampire master and his/her vampire servant connection.

She spoke nicely towards Alice, with her girlish high tone princess voice. "Alice. I want you to personally test out how strong this particular Undead Skeleton is. And if possible, I want you to possibly subdue this Undead Skeleton with as little damage done to its body as possible. Got it."

"Yes, my mistress!" Alice then immediately responded back to Alexias after she has gotten the message through the mental magic link that they shared with each other.


Analyzing his situation very closely. It would seem that Jack is trapped in a very particularly tight spot.

He is trapped within a small enclosed room, with very limited space to move around freely when compared to an open field.

Jack then panics a little, as he then thought to himself. 'I need to somehow get out of here, but the only path and the escape route is up ahead. However, it is blocked by the two strong individuals that lay before me.'

Jack was then forced into a corner, with no other option left but to constantly struggle with his immediate life on the line. As he constantly dodges light jabs of Alice's Blood Viper noble phantasm spear attacks.

It was then that serious thought had crossed his mind. 'That's right. I can still do magic. With my vast amounts of mana, I can easily overpower my opponents with magic. Though I can't instantly cast high levelled magic spells as I've used to. Simple low tier elemental magic spells should do so for now, as I'm too low levelled right now. And my Undead Skeleton race is too weak to put up with a proper fight.'

Hoping backwards and landing upon his toe bones, to necessary increase the pace of his running speed. Jack was then forced to evade the attack, or possible parried the blow head-on, or knock the spearhead aside with his hands whenever he has the chance.

[ You have learned the Brawler Class Skill [ Basic Hand to Hand Combat ] acquired.]

'Now's my chance to launch the decisive attack to end the fight.' Jack thought so to himself.

As he then knocks the spearhead of Alice's Blood Viper noble phantasm aside with his right hand. Jack then immediately jumps backwards within large strides towards the back of the room, as he then forms a finger gun stance with his right hand.

Jack then chanted a low tier elemental fire magic spell withinside his head. 'Elemental fire heed my call and gather around me, forming a ball of red hot fire. Fireball!'

A fireball then naturally began to start forming behind him. A small flickering flame then burses right into existence, as a small portion of Jack's mana was then taken from his large magical power reservoir in order to create the fireball.


With even more mana is being taken from Jack's large magical power reservoir in order to fuel and completely formed the large elemental fireball. It's like adding more oxygen or oil to the fire in order to increase the intensity and heat of the flames. So the small flickering flame then rapidly grew in size, as it takes in more mana from Jack's magical power reservoir, until it is the size of a giant beach volleyball.

[ You have learned the Tier 1 Elemental Fire Magic Spell Skill [ Fireball ] acquired.]

Alexias de Astrid III couldn't contain her awe any longer, as she lightly chuckles, and thought to herself. 'Not only does it have a large abundance of magical power, but it can also utilise and cast magic spells as well to a certain extent. Without actually having to evolve to an Undead Skeleton Mage first in order to use magic. How interesting.'

And once the elemental fireball, that Jack had cast with his magic, had reached a big enough size. Jack then pointed in the direction of the vampire maid Alice, as he then issues a verbal command 'Fire!'.

The large fireball, the size of a giant beach volley, then flew towards the vampire maid Alice's direction, like a cannonball.

If the fireball attack did manages to hit, square centre, then she would definitely not of this fireball attack unscathed. With the very likely chance that her clothes would be completely burnt and her body possibly experiences the worst third degrees of burns.

However, such measly attacks would do little damage to an actual vampire than further irritate the individual. As the Vampire race tends to have high regenerative capabilities, and as well are somewhat resistance to magic attack as well.

And just before the large fireball magic spell, that Jack had conjured up with his magic, had landed and made an imminent impact with the vampire maid Alice.

Jack then pointed his skeleton finger gun towards the elemental fireball magic spell that he conjured up and thrown at the vampire maid Alice. He then fires several shots of compressed mana bullets at the large fireball, from behind the large fireball that he conjured up.

[ You have learned the Attributeless Magic Spell Skill [ Mana Bullet ] acquired.]

On the other side; the vampire maid Alice and Alexias de Astrid III couldn't see what Jack was doing behind the large fireball exactly, as his figure is somewhat blocked by the large fireball that he conjured up with magic.

And the moment that he shot the numerous compressed mana bullets, Jack began charging forwards into the direction of the large fireball that he conjured up.

As the numerous mana bullets, that he shot off from the fingertip of his gun-shaped skeleton hand, having made contact with the large fireball that he had conjured up previously.

The numerous mana bullets that Jack fired with his skeleton finger gun had made contact and unknowingly entered the large fireball, thereby causing a large instability within the large fireball. As the large fireball then collapse in itself and imploded, thereby becoming a sea of flame, which strongly engulfs the majority of the space within the small enclosed room.

However, Jack had already expected this beforehand, as he had also included this part into his initial plans.

So he then immediately began casting the low tier elemental wind magic spell withinside his hand beforehand. 'Elemental wind heed my call and gather around me, condense and form a sickle made of air. Wind slash!'

A sharp sickle that is made from compressed air then forms around his skeletal, and Jack then waves his hand right down, thereby sending the sharp sickle made of compressed air that he conjured up into the sea of flames that was the result of the large fireball imploding upon itself.

The sharp sickle of compressed air then cuts a straight path into the sea of fire, thereby momentarily opening up a pathway for Jack to escape within the sea of fire in front of him, for him to escape.

Jack then runs straight through the clear straight pathway within the sea of fire, completely avoiding the confrontation with the vampire maid Alice, as she was momentarily trapped within the sea of fire and couldn't possibly escape in time and was then caught within the seas of fire.

[ You have learned the Tier 2 Elemental Wind Spell [ Wind Slash ] acquired.]

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