《LitRPG: The Rising Tale of an Undead Skeleton And His Master》Volume 1 Chapter 1: The Little Girl And The Undead Skeleton pt.1


A gorgeous girl with blonde hair then steps forwards. She appeared out from the comforts of darkness, slowly unfolding the curtains of shadows that surrounded her.

Her body was extremely petite, reaching to at most 1.4 metres in height, just below Jack's shoulder length. Though she may be small and short in stature. It didn't discount her of the mysteriously dark cute charms of a lolita girl that strongly emanates from her.

She has a fancy deep red gothic-like dress, adorned with noblesse ornaments and the noble crest of her household, which seems to exemplified and showcased her upper-class status within society.

As she walks around, her expensive-looking shoes are lightly tapping on the smooth stone tiled floor that she is currently walking on, whilst flaunting her luscious gold locks of hair around.

The girl's pair of eyes were noticeably beautiful; they were like precious jewels, a depth of redness, that contains a tinge of pink, just like the ruby rose colour. Dark and alluring. Whilst, at the same time, enchanting. As Jack can't stand from looking away at those particular pair of enchanted eyes.

"Hmm..." She muttered softly under her cute child-like voice, showcasing her great distaste and dissatisfaction for Jack's weak presence. "So this is the strongest creature that you could summon with all of our remaining magic stones in storage? How pathetic." She said so straight towards Jack's own face. How insulting.

'Isn't she...' Jack reacted, with a 'look' of surprise. As he immediately recognises who the blonde hair girl was.

She was none other than the seventh daughter of the Demon Marquis Raiou-ijin, and the Southern Vampire Lordess Aeryn De Astrid. A mixed breed, born between a Noble Vampire and a High Ranking Demon. Alexias De Astrid III.

Alexias de Astrid III was one of Jack's many favourite characters within the Virtual Reality Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game, Yggdrasil Online.

Although, she was amongst the weaker factions of the Demon Kingdom, within Middle Earth. This is due to her being the youngest, out of her bunch of siblings, and there was not enough time for her to gather any potentially strong suitors, servants, and minions under her name.

And she makes up for it, with her vast intellect and quite cunning tactics to be able to get a hold of important information upon her enemies and targets.

Due to her cold kuudere-like personality and being a blonde-haired vampire lolita girl, she had managed to gather a major following of her Otaku fanbase, which was certainly impressive at the time of the game being released.


Lost deep within his very own thoughts, Jack only came back to his senses right after the Alexias de Astrid III, the vampire loli had called out to one of her maids who was standing right beside her in front of him.

She asked her maid, feeling slightly disappointed at the end result. "Alice! How is it even possible to use twenty or so magic stones, and only be able to summon such a low tier feasibly weak skeleton?"

The maid who was called Alice then bows her head down, disheartened and apologetic, as she has personally disappointed her mistress.

She said so somewhat apologetic, "My apologies, mistress. This servant does not know the reason as to why the summoning failed, resulted in summoning such a weak undead creature."

Jack then paused for a sec, as he then recalled upon what the maid that was named Alice had just said so about him. 'Feasibly weak. In what way am I weak? I've built this character from the bottom up, starting off from the beginning of the game in which it starts. I've spent many total hours levelling up this in-game character to what it is now. I even instinctively know its many strength and weaknesses, down by heart. So calling it weak is definitely a great insult to my pride as a gamer. But still where the hell am I?'

Jack tried to move the bone joints within his arms and hand but instinctively finds it quite noticeably difficult to move and manoeuvre, due to its stiff and weak joints being not flexible. 'It's quite slow and hard to manoeuvre than my usual self. Something is quite wrong.' Jack thought to himself.

It was then that Jack realized something was definitely amiss. His current undead skeleton body definitely felt a lot different when being compared to the high levelled Undead Skeleton Matriarch's body that he had within Yggdrasil online.

Looking down at his body and inspecting it quite closely. It had immediately confirmed his suspicion. And to his utter horror and absolute astonishment, he had now been reverted back into his race primary starting form.

'I am now an ordinary tier 1 Undead Skeleton. One of the three starting options for the Undead race. Skeleton. Zombie. Ghost.' Jack thought, as he then looked a bit ghastly.

He screamed internally inside, at the top of his nonexistent lungs, 'How depressing...All my gears. The level I've put into this character. Gone without a trace...'


But to the unveiling onlooker's perspective, Jack was just strangely rattling his jaws about, violently, and then falling weakly onto his knees. With his arms lightly slamming against the ground repeatedly. From a glance, he looks kind of a bit sad and depressing to look at.

Alexias de Astrid III was feeling a bit irritated from merely looking at the poor sight of little old Jack.

She had spent quite a large sum of magic stones from her storage, but all she got was a weak basic ordinary Undead Skeleton that which any starting Necromancer could basically conjure up with a corpse.

Alexias de Astrid III then said so to Alice, with a cold look of indifference. She waved her hand about, whilst commanding her maid Alice, to showcase how greatly annoyed she is of the end result of her summon. "Dispose of this weak Undead Skeleton for me, Alice. I don't want to have another look at this lousy low level summon anymore. I spend so much to only get so little in return..."

She then sighs indifferently.

Alice who is standing right beside her, then readily bows her head after having received precise instructions from her mistress.

She then readies herself, before she goes and accomplished her given task, without asking questions. She lightly uttered, "Yes, mistress! Right away! I shall now eliminate the Undead Vermin that now stands before you!"

Heeding her mistress's orders, like an obedient vampire slave, Alice then readies her battle stance. Whilst, calling out to her noble phantasm, "Blood Viper!".

Upon heeding to her call, a large volume of blood then started to ooze out from the palm of her right hand. As the large volume of coagulated blood had then started taking on the shape of a red spear made from her own blood. Which was certainly cool for cinematic effect.

Alice then immediately charges straight towards Jack's particular direction, whilst lunging her Blood Viper spear towards him.

Jack then reacted almost instantly towards the danger, as his natural basic instinct as a trained professional Yggdrasill Online player then got the better of him.

Falling out from the dazed state that which he was previously in. Jack then hurriedly jumps backwards, having become highly alerted, thereby cautious of his surroundings. He jumped outside of Alice's Blood Viper spear's attack range with utmost to no great difficulty.

As a safety precaution, Jack then instinctively utilises his plentiful reservoir of mana that which he kept after transmigrating into the game. He then strengthens his bare-bones body to the utmost physical limit.

'Thankfully! I've kept my large mana pool, but only my in-game avatar's body has been reverted back to its most primary form.' Jack thought, feeling slightly relieved at the outcome.

[ You have learned the Basic Mana Utilisation Skill [ Basic Mana Manipulation ] acquired. ]

Jack thought so to himself, slightly clearing away of his many worries at this current predicament. 'It seems that I have a lot of mana at my disposal, but my physical body is too weak to handle the full extent of the mana strengthening process. Got to think of a way to overcome my shortcoming and then survive this disaster.'

A large abundance of concentrated mana then rapidly gushes out from Jack's Undead Skeleton's body.

As a violent blue intangible flame, which is concentrated mana so dense that it has become visible to the naked eye, engulfing his whole entire body, with himself being the centre of it all.

The sudden explosiveness of Jack's large abundance of mana had greatly surprised both Alexias and Alice. This is Jack's own magical power that he has accumulated and gathered all of these years after playing Yggdrassil online for almost a full decade.

As well as he had prepared a secondary safety measure to protect his own body, Jack had created numerous fibre like threads made of pure mana, and then steadily coaxing it around all over his body.

This forms the second layer of body armour, akin to iron silk mesh, which distributes evenly the blunt force of impact and spreading it all out around his entire body.

For a mere Undead Skeleton like him, this move can sometimes be a lifesaver in order to minimize the amount of damage and harm to the important parts of his skeletal body.

[ You have learned the Advanced Mana Utilisation Skill [ Basic Mana Threads ] acquired.]

[ You have learned the Advanced Mana Utilisation Skill [ Basic Mana Coaxing ] acquired.]

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