《LitRPG: The Rising Tale of an Undead Skeleton And His Master》Volume 1 Chapter 8: Magic Circle Spell Talisman & Instantaneously Spellcasting


In the end, during the duration of an hour or two, Jack had successfully managed to create around twenty-four or so disposable tier 1 magic circle spell talisman that contains a low-level elemental fire magic spell fireball.

At the same time, the level of Jack's Basic Magic Inscription and Basic Magic Circle Construction then levels up a couple of times, due to his repeated crafting of the single-use disposable tier 1 magic circle spell talismans.

The disposable tier 1 magic circle spell talisman means as it says within the title of its name, it is a single-use disposable automatic spellcasting item. So once the magic circle is then activated with the user's own magical power. The magic effect would then be conjured up, the magic circle would then later immediately become inert shortly afterwards.

This is because the ink that is used to inscribe the magic circle spell upon a piece of parchment paper is not very conductive of magical power. And won't last to contain a second activation of the magic circle spell, thereby immediately destroying the used piece of parchment paper.

Jack then thought to himself, whilst admiring his wonderful creation. 'I've managed to successfully craft twenty-four single-use disposable tier 1 magic circle spell talismans, on my own.'

'And now to test out the tier 1 magic circle spell talismans fireball that I've crafted.' Jack thought.

With that train of thought in mind, Jack then immediately takes out a single disposable one-time use tier 1 magic circle spell talisman that contains the low-level elemental fire magic spell fireball, and clasp it in between his index and middle finger.

Jack then immediately began to pour his own magical power into the one-time-use disposable tier 1 magic circle spell talisman, as the inscribed magic circle upon the spell talisman begins to light up.

The piece of tier 1 magic circle spell talisman parchment paper then began to be ignited, set ablaze into a ball of fire. The size of the conjured up fireball is proportional to the amount of magical power that was once poured into the tier 1 magic circle spell talisman in the first place.

However, to an advanced and professional magecraft user, they can rapidly expand and adjust the size of the conjured up magic fireball, by adding magic circle modules to the magic circle spell talisman.


For instance, a secondary magic circle module is then added to the tier 1 magic circle spell talisman, which allows the user to store their own magical power into the spell talisman parchment beforehand, or one that would allow the magecraft user to conjured up three fireballs consecutively before the tier 1 magic circle spell talisman would then become inert.

The size of Jack's conjured up fireball utilizing the tier 1 magic circle spell talisman was slightly smaller than the time that he was fighting with Alexias de Astrid III and her vampire maid Alice. As there are limits to how much magical power a single one-time-use disposable tier 1 magic circle spell talisman could handle.

And lastly, the traditional way of spellcasting relies upon the user's control and mastery of magical power. So the stronger ones own source of magical power, the more powerful the spell that the user is casting will eventually become.

'Interesting!' Jack thought so to himself. 'It turns out that the little experiment of crafting single-use tier 1 magic circle spell talisman was quite a success. Though it lacks a sort of grand departure that which I cannot explain.'

And before the conjured up fireball, using a tier 1 magic circle spell talisman, could be fired off. A large invisible hand that is over three meters in length, and is made from Jack's vast reserves of magical power, then rapidly grabs the conjured up fireball and then immediately snuffs it out from existence.

[ You have learnt the Advance Mana Utilisation Skill [Mana Manifestion] acquired.]

[ You have learnt the Advance Mana Utilisation Skill [Basic Mana Construct] acquired.]

'I wonder how much magical power I actually have in the first place.' Jack thought so to himself.

'Status!' Jack then recited the keyword withinside his head to then opened up his own personal status screen.

Status Screen Full Name: Jack The Ripper Age: ??? Gender/Sex: Male Race: Undead Skeleton Race Classification: Ordinary Undead Skeleton Class/Profession: None Race Level: 001 Guild/Legion: None Affiliation: Astrid III's Faction Place of Birth: Earth Origins: Yggdrassil Online Rank Evaluation: F+ Main Stats Health Points: 20/20 Magical Points: 104,345/104,345 Stamina Points: 3/3 Hunger Satiety: 3/3 Physical Offensive Ability: 24 Magical Offensive Ability: 1563 Physical Defensive Ability: 16 Magical Defensive Ability: 1372 Stats/Attributes Strength: 3 Wisdom: 7 Agility: 4 Intelligence: 10 Defence: 2 Willpower: 11 Dexterity: 5 Spirit: 14 Endurance: 2 Charisma/Charm: 1 Vitality: 1 Luck: 1 Perception: 3 Fate/Karma: 0 0 Unallocated Stats Points


'Impressive!' Jack thought. 'It would seem that the only good point that I have going for me at this moment in time is that I've managed to keep the large mana pool that I've accumulated over the years from playing Yggdrassil Online.'

Afterwards, Jack then immediately dismisses his own personal status screen panel by simply swiping it to the side, like a typical sci-fi advanced technology holographic projection the blue screen panel then immediately disperses into millions of white particles once Jack has swiped it to the side.

With that said and done, Jack then takes the pile of twenty-four tier 1 magic circle spell talisman that he had made, minus the one that he just had used. Jack had then placed all the tier 1 magic circle spell talismans that he made, into his left pant's pocket.

It was then that Jack had suddenly heard a light knock upon his door. Jack then projected his voice, utilizing his magic, and said. "Who is it?"

The person on the other side of the door then answers. "My name is Angelica. I am a maid of the Astrid III's household. I was steadily ordered by the head butler of the household Sirius to come and collect, thereby to bring you to the dining table to meet the mistress of this manor."

"Alright, then." Jack neatly replied with his magically projected voice, as he then went over towards the door to his living quarters.

Jack then grasp the doorknob with his right skeleton hand, as he then twists the doorknob to the side, and pulled on the doorknob to open the room door to his living quarters.

He was then immediately greeted with the sight of the maid that is named Angelic. She is a head shorter than Jack, reaching utmost to his shoulder length. With noticeably cerulean blue like eyes, and long silky ginger-like hair that just about reaches up to her waistline.

Jack then thought so to himself. 'It is pretty nice to have a cute and charming to serve you. It is not like I would know everything since it would occur to me, whilst in real life when I was still back on Earth.'

Afterwards, Jack then immediately closes the room door to his living quarters, from right behind him.

Jack then spoke to the maid Angelica, with his magically projected voice. "Now then, Angelica. Please show me the way to the dining table so that I could meet the mistress of this household." Jack then proceeded to follow right behind Angelica's figure.

Angelica then immediately responded with proper elegance, like how a trained professional housemaid should act. "Why of course, Mr Jack. I would naturally show you the way towards the dining table like I was actually instructed to."

The housemaid Angelica then nodded her head in accordance, as she then proceeded to lead Jack through the manor towards the large dining hall and dining table, where mistress Alexias currently is.

"Angelica. Your given task is now done. You may now return to your duties as a housemaid, Angelica." Alexias de Astrid III casually said as she continues to finish the foods upon the plates of her scrumptious meal.

Angelica then lightly bows her head and then said. "As you wish, my mistress."

After her given task was done, which was to lead Jack towards the large dining hall to meet Alexias de Astrid III, Angelica then immediately leaves the dining hall. Whilst, leaving Jack and Alexias alone by themselves, surrounded by two other maids that stand upon her side.

"Hmmm..." Jack lightly uttered, making some slight inaudible sounds with his magically projected voice.

Alexias de Astrid III then said so towards Jack. "Why don't you have a seat anywhere besides the dining table. You are not expecting me to speak casually, whilst having a meal, and you are standing up. Do ya. It would make me seem a lot more improper if you don't sit down."

"Then don't mind me," Jack responded with his magically projected voice ability.

As he then proceeded to take out a dining chair from right underneath the dining table by himself. He then immediately sat down upon the dining table chair, without much further thought, like he was instructed to. But, he casually sat on the chair that is located upon the opposite end of the dining table, that which Alexias de Astrid III is currently seating.

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