《LitRPG: The Rising Tale of an Undead Skeleton And His Master》Volume 1 Chapter 9: Necromancy And The Undead Skeleton Chicken


It only took Jack a single glance for him to notice all the untouched dinner plates laid out before him.

A curious thought then passes through his head while observing Alexias de Astrid III eating food alone. 'I wonder if she is planning to eat all of that food by herself. It is quite impossible. Especially, for someone who approximately weighs less than 70 kilos.'

Jack couldn't help but directly asked the lady, Alexias de Astrid III herself a question to satisfy his curiosity. "Are you planning to eat all of this food by yourself?"

Alexias de Astrid III then immediately stops whatever she was doing, thereby pausing the motion of cutting her piece of chicken meat with her knife, and then steadily raising her head upwards and looking at Jack's particular direction with her ruby-rose coloured eyes.

She then said to Jack. "Of course not. There is no way that I would be able to fit all of this food withinside my stomach. Whatever that I don't eat at this moment will then be given towards my servant for later snacking."

'Hmmm...' Jack thought. 'It sort of make sense. There is no way that she would then considered wasting all of this food, and letting it go to waste, as she hasn't even touched some of the other dishes. And sharing her leftover food with her servants doesn't seem so bad.'

"I see," Jack uttered. He then responded backwards towards Alexias de Astrid III, whilst utilising his magically projected voice.

Alexias de Astrid III then decided to change the subject. "And now then. Erica would you kindly go and get the things that I asked you previously beforehand to bring." She then called out to one of the two maids that are currently accompanying her to bring her something that is of importance.

The one maid that is named Erica then immediately steps forwards. She then lightly bows her head in accordance and responded to her mistress. "Yes, mistress Alexias."

The maid Erica then immediately left the dining hall through the side door. As not shortly afterwards, the maid Erica then came back through the side door, as she brought a lot of stuff alongside her towards the dining hall.

"Now give the stuff that I've told you to bring over towards Mr Jack over there." Alexias de Astrid III then immediately instructed the maid Erica to hand the stuff that she brought on over from another room, towards Jack.

"As you wish, my mistress." The maid Erica then responded, as she then steadily made her way on over towards Jack, and then gave him the stuff that she had brought on over from another room.


From what he could obviously see with his own 'eyes', Jack could then immediately tell from a single glance upon whatever he is being given.

And what he was given was an old hand-drawn cartography map of the territories and forest area that surround the Astrid III's estate, and a metal token that has the Astrid III household crest etched upon it; which was a rose-quartz flower with a vampire maiden in the centre surrounded by bats, whilst holding rapier within her hands.

Alexias de Astrid III then spoke up. "What I've given you is a map of the Astrid's III estate, with the locations of all known dungeons that we have found, drawn upon the old cartography map. And the second object is a metal token that contains our house crest, which would serve as an identification for you being a servant or vassal of our household."

'Well neat.' Jack thought so to himself, whilst giggling up withinside him.

Jack was also given a vintage leather satchel for him to carry around all of his stuff in, which was kind of nice and thoughtful of her.

"By the way, can I ask something you, master?" Jack then decided to speak up whatever was lingering on his mind.

"What is it?" Alexias de Astrid III then responded with a look of curiosity.

Jack then said so with a straight face, whilst finger-tenting on the dining table. "Do you mind if I have the chicken that you are eating?"

Alexias de Astrid III was completely puzzled and even perplexed about whatever Jack just recently said, similar to her two maids that are currently standing right beside her.

She then said to Jack. "What? You want to eat a piece of my chicken, but you are an Undead Skeleton. And unlike an Undead Zombie who can actually eat raw flesh for sustenance. You don't actually have any flesh, internal organs, or a digestive system to properly processed food. Do ya?"

Jack then immediately shakes his head and waves his hand around slightly to indicate something. He then magically projected his voice with magic. "I don't actually need the cooked meat of the chicken, but rather the chicken bones to be exact."

"Why do you need the chicken bones to be exact? Are you planning..." Alexias de Astrid III was quite confused upon why Jack then asked to have possession of the chicken bones, until it suddenly clicked withinside her mind, and all things then started to fall into place.

Jack then simply twirls his finger around in the air lightly, as he said with his magically projected voice. "Necromancy. I'm planning on reviving the dead remains of the chicken. Its own chicken bones are whatever is left of it. And then revived it as an Undead Skeleton Chicken."


Alexias de Astrid III then reacted to whatever Jack then said like an excited child. "You are planning to revive the dead chicken, who has most of its own flesh cooked and eaten, as an undead summon. That is quite absurd, but it is quite an entertainment that I would definitely like to see."

And after receiving the approval of Alexias de Astrid III, the head of the manor and this household. Jack then simply walking towards the middle of the dining table, where the plate that contains the partially eaten chicken is located at. He is prepared to perform necromancy upon the cooked chicken, as he then has second thoughts.

Jack then asked Alexias de Astrid III once again, with his magically projected voice. "Are you sure that you don't mind? And once I've performed the necromancy magic and all of the chicken meat that is clung onto the chicken bone would then vanish. I wonder if the other servants would be dissatisfied with having lost a good option for their meal during their break."

Alexias de Astrid III then readily denies this. "I'm sure the other servants wouldn't mind, as they already have a load of options and plentiful selections for their meal. And people could always substitute the unavailable chicken meat with something else, like pork or steak for example."

After Jack had received the confirmation off of Alexias de Astrid III the second time. He then went ahead and then cast the necromancy spell upon the chicken bones, and thereby planning to revive the creature as an Undead race.

Jack then recited the spell incantation for the necromancy spell inside of his head. 'Spirit of the dead, now heed my call and inhabit the corpse that lay out before me. Steadily, rise from the grave, and walk once again. Arise!'

And the moment that Jack had finally finished speaking the incantation for the necromancy spell. Black miasma, which is the aura of death, then rapidly leaves from his body, and slowly enters the carcass of the half-eaten cooked chicken corpse. Since Jack has already preset the setting of the necromancy spell to turn the carved chicken into an Undead Skeleton Chicken in mind, instead of the more half-assed Undead Zombie Chicken option.

The deathly black miasma would then rapidly began to eat away at the remaining cooked chicken meat of the dead cooked chicken, and slowly convert it into excess energy to strengthen the undead skeleton.

Once enough of the deathly black miasma has gathered into the deepest regions of the chicken bones. The chicken bones began to rattle, almost as if it is alive and has a mind of their own. And not shortly afterwards, the Undead Skeleton Chicken then immediately gets up and started walking around mindlessly upon the dinner plate.

[ You have successfully revived a deceased Wild Chicken with your Necromancy Arts. 1 Undead Skeleton Chicken has been added to your Undead Legion.]

[ You have learned the Tier 1 Black Magic Spell [Necromancy Arts] acquired.]

[You have learned a branching skill of the [Necromancy Arts] magic skill [Undead Skeleton Creation Mastery] acquired.]

[You have learned a branching skill of the [Necromancy Arts] magic skill [Undead Zombie Creation Mastery] acquired.]

However, due to the influence of Jack's large mana pool, in which a small portion of his magical power was thereby transferred to a recipient of his Undead Legion. The Undead Skeleton Chicken is then soaked up within Jack's dense magical power, as it then underwent an unbelievable transformation, right before everyone's own eyes.

The bones of the Undead Skeleton Chicken began to crackle underneath the pressure, as it then underwent an unbelievable transformation that had somewhat defied common sense.

The Undead Skeleton Chicken was originally less than a foot length in height, but after having absorbed a small portion of Jack's own magical power. The undead creature then naturally grown to over two feet length in height, which is almost akin to the size of a full-grown eagle in real life, back on Earth.

The originally small claws upon the end of the chicken feet then grew unnaturally longer, having resembled a bird of prey's razor-sharp talons instead of usual untrimmed and unkempt chicken feet.

A pressure of a strong avian hunter then exudes from the Undead Skeleton Chicken's body, which certainly everyone withinside the dining hall completely surprised. Even Jack, the one who actually revived the thing and then turned it into an Undead Skeleton Chicken was also surprised. A glint of smugness could be seen reflecting upon Jack's socketless eyes, which showcased the current emotion that he is going through at this moment in time.

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