《LitRPG: The Rising Tale of an Undead Skeleton And His Master》Volume 1 Chapter 10: Monster Core And Undead Core. What's The Difference?


'Incredible! How could such a strong undead monster be created from the measly remains of a livestock poultry Forest Chicken? It seems almost impossible, but I am currently seeing it happening right in front of me. Right now.' Alexias de Astrid III thought so to herself, as her mouth was left agape, which is so unladylike of a lady of etiquette like herself.

The two maids that are currently standing behind, right beside her, were pleasantly surprised with wide eyes and a shocked expression plastered upon their faces. No different than their master Alexias de Astrid III's current facial expression that she is showcasing. Seeing impressive undead summon that Jack had managed to create, whilst utilizing a simple livestock poultry chicken corpse as the base for the necromancy spell.

It was then that thought suddenly crossed Alexias's mind, as she had remembered something about the necromancy professions. 'The quality of the corpse is important to a necromancer as it strongly determines how powerful the undead summon would eventually come out as an end result.'

Alexias de Astrid III then dives deeper into this thinking process. 'However, at the same time, how strong the necromancer's magical power is can affect the outcome of the undead summon's creation. As a portion of their magical power can be used to strengthen or possibly improved the quality of their undead summon.'

However, things didn't end there, once Jack has completely turned the carcass of the livestock poultry chicken into an Undead Skeleton Chicken. He then went up and above and tried to improve the quality of the Undead Skeleton Chicken.

Jack then completely manifest his magical power outside from his skeleton body, which then completely surprises everyone within the dining hall room.

Alexias de Astrid III was then further perplexed upon what Jack is currently doing. She then thought to herself. 'I wonder what the heck he is doing by releasing such a vast amount of magical power from withinside his so-called skeleton body. Is he planning to cast a magic spell or something?'

It was then that the vast amount of magical power that Jack had instinctively released out from withinside his body, as they then rapidly begun to change direction, all heading straight towards the palm of his right hand. And then an unnaturally large spherical ball, the size of a normal wrecking ball, made out of concentrated mana, then forms on top of the palm of his right hand.


And without a second of thought, Jack then immediately proceeded on towards the next step of his plans. As with precise control over his own mana, he then rapidly began to compress the large spherical ball of concentrated mana down to shape.

The large spherical ball made of concentrated mana was originally roughly over 40 inches in diameter and under Jack's precise control over his magical powers. The size and diameter of the large spherical ball made of concentrated mana then rapidly shrunk down in size, but the volume of magical power withinside the large spherical ball of concentrated mana had never changed.

After the first wave of compression, the large spherical ball of concentrated mana then rapidly shrunk down to under roughly 25 inches in diameter, within a couple of seconds.

Jack then firmly waited for the large spherical ball of concentrated mana to completely stabilised itself, before he then proceeded onto the second wave of mana compression.

The result of the second wave of mana compression was slightly less rewarding than the first, as the large spherical ball of concentrated mana has shrunk down to about 15 inches diameter in total, which was certainly a lot less than the first wave of mana compression.

However, as the large spherical ball of concentrated mana is shrunk down by each wave of mana compression. The large spherical ball of concentrated mana would then decrease in size, as the fluidity of the dense mana withinside the spherical ball began to rapidly change. It would then become a lot wilder and even more difficult to control, so Jack must push his concentration to the limit and steadily retain absolute control of his magical power.

But, since Jack is a creature that is born when an unusual amount of mana is trapped or retained withinside a corpse. The mana would then empowered the corpse, thereby giving it a chance to be revived as an undead monster.

Considering Jack's soul was that of an Undead Skeleton Matriarch. His own will and intent can easily overpowered or dominate the chaotic and uncontrollable side of mana. So that it won't run rampant and be out of control.

Jack then begin the process for the third wave of mana compression, as he compresses the large spherical ball of concentrated mana which was currently 15 inches in diameter down to 10 inches in diameter.

The difficulty of the compression would then continued to increase. It is akin to the process of folding a piece of paper several times. With each consecutive fold of the piece of paper, the piece of paper would then become a lot more compressed and hard to manoeuvre over towards the next fold.


So Jack has no other option left but to gradually compress the large spherical ball of concentrated mana, slowly. So that it won't then become too much destabilised and collapses upon itself.

It took Jack almost over half an hour in order to compress the large spherical ball of concentrated mana, which was originally 40 inches or so within diameter, down to the size of a small marble.

It was then that the small marble, which is the compressed large spherical ball of concentrated mana. It then suddenly underwent unbelievable transformations, thereby releasing an intensely bright light from the centre of the small marble.

And just like the process of how a diamond would naturally be formed over time, withinside large volcanoes, under the extreme temperatures of the volcano and the strong heavy pressure from beneath the Earth's crust. Jack has managed to artificially create a high purity mana crystal or mana stone the size of a marble.

[ You have learned the Intermediate Mana Utilisation Skill [Mana Crystalisation] acquired.]

'That's so amazing. To think that he is even capable of artificially creating a mana crystal by hand, which only those of seventh circle magician could do and above.' Alexias de Astrid III thought so to herself, as she is completely in awe of whatever Jack has just created right before her very eyes.

The purity of the magic crystal that is artificially created by Jack himself is slightly higher than those that are naturally formed within the wild and nature itself. This is because the raw mana has completely been refined into magical power by Jack himself. So the quality of the magic crystal is slightly higher than those naturally found within the wild.

And due to the time and duration that it took for a magic crystal to naturally form. Its market prices are worth a couple of hundreds of gold coins.

Magic crystals are a lot different than monster cores and undead cores, which somehow serves a similar purpose of storing the individual monster or undead race's mana over time.

With that said and done, Jack then places the newly formed magic crystal pearl withinside the Undead Skeleton Chicken's body, in between the undead creature's own ribcages. A connection was starting to form between the small magic crystal pearl and the Undead Skeleton Chicken itself.

As deathly black miasma began to pour out from the Undead Skeleton Chicken's bone and then entering into the small magic crystal pearl. The small magic crystal pearl is then being absorbed and merged with one of the backbones of the Undead Skeleton Chicken's spine, thereby promoting the Undead Skeleton Chicken to a tier 2 Undead Skeleton.

[ Your Undead Skeleton Chicken has been directly promoted to a tier 2 Undead Skeleton.]

The difference between a tier 1 Undead Skeleton and a tier 2 Undead Skeleton is whether or not the undead individual possesses an undead core or mana core to be exact.

This serves as a magic catalyst to hold all of their reserved magical power, similar to the magic heart of a magician with numerous drawn magic circles to indicate their level of magic as a mage.

However, this isn't over yet, as then with Jack's advanced mana utilization skill Mana Threads. He then artificially create numerous realistic bird-like feathers that are completely made of mana, which are then attached to the bone wings of the Undead Skeleton Chicken.

And some minor mana threads that act as a pathway to connect the artificially made realistic bird-like feathers to the mana source, which was the newly implanted undead core of the Undead Skeleton Chicken that was readily attached to its backbone of the spine.

Through forming a mental connection with the Undead Skeleton Chicken, Jack was then able to freely enter the subconsciousness of the Undead Skeleton Chicken, as he then left behind a deep imprint upon the undead creature's mind sea.

Jack had drawn the magic circle for a low tier elemental wind magic spell gust withinside the Undead Skeleton Chicken's subconsciousness, which basically teaching the undead creature how to do magic in simpler terms.

[ You have learned the tier 1 elemental wind magic spell [Gust] acquired.]

The Undead Skeleton Chicken is freely able to utilise the wind that is generated off from the tier 1 elemental wind magic spell gust that is embedded withinside its undead core to lift off from the ground. Flying. Whilst, at the same time, gliding against the air currents.

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