《LitRPG: The Rising Tale of an Undead Skeleton And His Master》Volume 1 Chapter 11: The Journey Towards A Dungeon


And after the experiment that was reviving the dead livestock poultry chicken into an Undead Skeleton Chicken, and then modifying its own body for some improvement was completed. Jack then immediately heaved a sigh of relief after finally completing his piece of work, as it was a lot of work to artificially make the magic crystal pearl to be used as a nucleus for the Undead Skeleton Chicken's undead core.

The Undead Skeleton Chicken then immediately felt a sudden strong burst of power from withinside its skeletal body, as it instinctively taps within the vast amount of magical power that is being provided from its own undead core.

The Undead Skeleton Chicken then loudly squarks, projecting its own inaudible voice with its own magical power, similar to what Jack did. However, although the Undead Skeleton Chicken did possess some form of intelligence from being revived as an undead and steadily empowered by Jack's own vast source of magical power.

The Undead Skeleton Chicken can not speak or freely converse with the human language, but it can understand a few simple words when speaking to.

Afterwards, the Undead Skeleton Chicken lightly scratches the dinner plate that is located beneath its own chicken feet, with its own razor-sharp talons. Which is capable of lacerating a person's skin and flesh, whilst at the same time, penetrating through a Forest Boar's thick skin.

Without the need for Jack to tell the Undead Skeleton Chicken how to properly utilise its own power. The Undead Skeleton Chicken is instinctively able to tap into the magical power of its own undead core, and access the low tier elemental wind magic spell circle gust that was stored withinside its own subconsciousness.

The Undead Skeleton Chicken then lightly flaps its newly formed bone wings, with artificial realistic bird-like feathers made from mana, which in turn produces a strong enough gust of wind to push its own body off the ground.

The strong gust of wind was being produced when the Undead Skeleton Chicken was flapping its wings to push itself if the ground. It had also flipped the vast majority of the food that is laying upon the dining table and seemingly pushed the dinner plates that still contains untouched food to the floor, thereby dirtying it.

The Undead Skeleton Chicken was able to take flight, as it steadily ascends towards the top of the dining hall room ceiling at a rapid paste. And before it could even touch the ceiling of the dining hall room, it then spreads its own wings outwards to stabilise itself whilst in mid-air.


Alexias de Astrid III then thought so to herself, with a slightly amazed look upon her face. 'A normal Forest Chicken is meant to be captive livestock. They are land creatures. Their wings are made for decoration and are not meant for aviation and flight, but somehow he manages to be able to do it. And the Undead Skeleton Chicken that he created into a flying chicken.'

Whilst, in midair, the Undead Skeleton Chicken is able to freely generate strong gust of winds by simply its just flapping wings, but when it is combined with the tier 1 elemental wind magic spell gust that was taught by Jack himself. The strength of the wind that is being generated from the Undead Skeleton Chicken's wings can blow a full-grown adult size human into the air like it was actually a feather.


With the scuffles of the Undead Skeleton Chicken showcasing its impressive prowess done. Jack and the Undead Skeleton Chicken then immediately leave the dining hall and manor, as they immediately went into the forest that surrounded Astrid III' estate.

Jack then steadily unfurls the old cartography map that is being held in between his hands. It then reveals the entirety of the Astrid III's large estate, and the locations of the seven discovered dungeons within the Astrid III's territory.

Jack then held the old cartography map with one hand, whilst the other hand is placed right below his chin, as he is steadily thinking to himself. 'I should pick a dungeon that is located the nearest towards the manor, whilst at the same time, the dungeon must possess an impressive array of monsters that could steadily provide fresh corpses for me to use on; conducting necromancy practices and building up my undead legion.'

And after some contemplation with himself, Jack then decided upon a dungeon that he wants to go to. He then pointed at a dungeon on the old cartography map, with his skeletal index finger, that is situated about 1 km away from the main manor.

Jack then thought to himself. 'This Goblin Dungeon seems to be the most appropriate since it is not so far away from the main manor. It is easily manoeuvrable on foot, roughly half an hour of walking distance.'

As Jack was slowly trekking through the forest area that had surrounded the Astrid III's territory on foot, steadily making his way towards the Goblin Dungeon like he intended to. His Undead Skeleton Chicken bird who is currently flying in the air, up and above the forest area that had surrounded the Astrid III's territory, had managed to pick up something.


The Undead Skeleton Chicken that was up in the air, was his eyes and ears, as the Undead Skeleton Chicken has a bird's eye view of the entirety of the forest area that surrounds the Astrid III's territory.

Since the Undead Skeleton Chicken is familiar of some sort, it is bounded by a magic contract of a necromancer and its undead summon. So a mental connection is formed when he first created the Undead Skeleton Chicken through this sort of mental connection. Jack could easily see whatever the Undead Skeleton Chicken is currently seeing.

And not so far away from Jack's current location, possibly a couple of meters away. There was a wounded bear cub monster, who unfortunately got caught in an old slightly used and somewhat rusted bear trap.

'Is that a wounded bear cub?' Jack first thought so to himself, upon spotting the wounded bear cub who got caught in a bear trap, the Undead Skeleton Chicken's perspective.

Jack then thought so to himself. 'It would be cool if I could somehow turn the wounded bear cub into an undead summon, but the corpse of a full-grown adult bear is more preferably to be used as a base for an undead. And I am not one that tends to slaughter the younglings of another race for personal gains unless it is under dire situations or I need to quickly build up my undead legion at a rapid paste.'

Without much further thought, Jack then slowly approaches the wounded bear cub in the distance, whilst having the Undead Skeleton Chicken as his eyes up in the sky. And it only took him roughly five minutes or so to arrive at the wounded bear cub's location.

The moment that Jack had appeared within the wounded bear cub's sight. The little wounded bear cub was then immediately scared out of its own right mind, it tried desperately to get away from the looming dark figure that which is Jack, but its front left leg was strongly caught within a bear trap.

And whenever it tried to desperately run away, pulling at its own caught front left leg within the bear trap. The sharp edges of the bear trap would then digged deeper into the wounded bear cup, thereby causing it even more intense agony.

In the wounded bear cub's little beaded black eyes, the figure of Jack's skeletal body strongly resembles the grim reaper of death. The deathly black miasma that is constantly permeating throughout his entire body is a deathly omen. A being that which is called an undead, strongly embodies the element of death, as they are created from the remains of another.

Jack then quietly approaches the now whimpering wounded bear cub that is caught within a bear trap. He then lightly squats his legs down, up to near-eye length with the wounded creature as possible, so that he could see eye to eye with the poor little creature.

Jack then softly places his skeletal right hand over the head of a wounded bear cub, who is cowering in fear, constantly shaking its tiny little body in fright of his mere presence.

He softly patted the head of the wounded little bear cub who is currently trapped within a bear trap, as to eased the tension between the two. He then spoke with his magically projected voice. "Easy there, little fella. I am not going to hurt you. So there is no need for you to be afraid of me."

The injured little bear cub didn't immediately calm down, as it was still afraid of Jack, but after some time. It quickly found out that it was still okay was not harmed by Jack the least bit.

The wounded little bear cub then slowly raises its own head from right underneath Jack's skeletal hand, and curiously look at the face of the one that is currently patting it. Although the whimpering may have stopped, the tears still keep running down the side of the wounded bear cub's little cheeks.

'I wonder what the parents of this bear cub are doing for the poor little thing to unexpectedly run into an unfortunate bear trap.' Jack thought so to himself, whilst unaware of the fact that the wounded bear cub was actually an orphan who had already lost the protection of its parent, after the scuffle with another monster for the territory of the area.

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