《LitRPG: The Rising Tale of an Undead Skeleton And His Master》Volume 1 Chapter 12: Freeing The Wounded Bear Cub


The wounded bear cub is no longer that afraid of him, to a certain extent. Otherwise, if Jack really did have ill intentions towards it. The wounded bear cub would have already been killed by him, being steadily riddled like a porcupine by his powerful magic, without a second of thought.

Despite possessing no ounce of bodily warmth from his cold skeleton body, being an undead monster and all. The wounded bear cub can sense some ounce of the warmth of affection and kindness that no one other than its mother has shown it.

However, its own instinctual beastly instincts greatly differ. It told the wounded bear cub that Jack is a fearsome terrifying existence, that one should not dare get close with, because of the deathly miasma that strongly exudes from his undead skeleton body and such.

Jack then decided to free the wounded bear cub from the rusty old bear trap. He then imbued his skeletal arms with his own magical power, to increase his overall upper body strength, thereby making up for the lack of any muscle and flesh around his skeleton arms.

Without further thought, the tip of Jack's skeletal fingers then digs into the jaws of the bear trap. And with his enhanced body strength, provided by his vast amount of magical power, Jack then steadily plies the rusted old metal bear trap open. Thereby releasing the poor wounded bear cub from the painful torturous experience of the bear trap.


The sound of the jaws to the bear trap steadily unwinding, as the wounded bear cup is thereby freed from the bear trap's grasp. However, the wounded bear cup is still injured, and there is a deep red gash surrounding the area in which the rusty old jaws of the bear trap had penetrated into its flesh.

The wounded bear cup could barely walk, as it is currently standing upon its three other legs, like a whimpering dog with an injured leg. So it has no choice but to raise its injured leg up.

By the power of the light elemental light heal magic spell, the serious injuries that the wounded bear cub had incurred from the bear trap were steadily being healed right before its very eyes. As its front left leg was steadily getting better and recovered to a near-perfect state.


"So let me help you heal the large wound that was caused by the bear trap, little fella," Jack said so, projecting his voice with magic.

Jack then recited the spell incantation for the light healing spell light heal withinside his head. 'Elemental light heed my call and gather before me, heal the target that stands before me. Light heal!'

It was then that the yellowish-white light particles began to gather around within the palm of his right hand.

The yellowish-white light particles then steadily enter into the region of the wounder bear cub's body in which the rusted old metal jaws of the bear trap had pierced into the flesh of its left front leg.

And after the injured front, left leg upon the bear cub was healed, it would immediately walk away from Jack and run back into the forest area. From time to time, it would unconsciously look back towards Jack's figure, before disappearing off into the distance.

Jack was now left all alone to himself, with his flying Undead Skeleton Chicken accompanying him within the sky.

It was then that a curious little thought then pops up inside of his head. 'I wonder how much raw metal that I could obtain and salvage from this rusted old used bear trap.'

With his skeletal index finger, Jack then steadily draws a basic transmutational magic circle on the ground, which took him a couple of minutes to draw.

And once the basic transmutational magic circle is thereby completed, he would then rapidly began to pour his own magical power into the basic transmutational magic circle, and then immediately activated the drawn basic transmutational magic circle on the ground.

The basic transmutational magic circle then immediately lights up, giving out sparks of light blue coloured electricity. As the matter and atoms withinside the rusted old used metal bear trap began to rearrange.

It steadily becomes a puddle of metallic iron first, before the atoms and matter are then rearranged by the basic transmutational circle into something else. And in the end, three solid lumps of 100% purity iron ingots are then found on the ground, on top of the drawn basic transmutational magic circle.

[ You have learned the Alchemy Skill [Basic Transmutation] acquired.]

[ You have learned the Alchemy Skill [Basic Metalurgy] acquired.]


Jack then thought so to himself. 'According to the ingame blacksmith dictionary within Yggdrassil Online. The maximum weight that a normal iron ingot can possess is preset to 2.5 - 3 kg. So there is enough iron within the rusty old metal iron bear trap for there to form three solid iron ingots. I'm guessing that the old rusted iron bear trap must have weighed over 10 kilos.'

After which Jack then immediately picks up the three solid iron ingots and then places all three of them into his storage satchel without a second of thought.

'It is easy to deal with the low levelled goblins, with the current arsenal of magic that I have. However, if a goblin had unexpectedly managed to enter close proximity of myself, then I would need a makeshift close-range weapon for hand to hand close combat.' Jack thought so to himself.

Jack then thought to himself. 'I was planning upon saving the three iron ingots that I was unexpectedly able to salvage from the rusty old used iron bear trap. So this would to so for now.'

He then places his right skeletal hand upon the basic transmutational magic circle, and then rapidly poured his endless amounts of magical power into the basic transmutational circle. By utilising the powers of alchemy, and his own magical power as an alchemical catalyst, Jack then draws out the minerals, rocks, and particles of dirt from the ground.

Similar to the scene in FMA in which Edward Elric would transmute the ground, and utilising the plentiful amounts of rock materials from the stone floor to forge a makeshift stone spear to use for combat.

And instead of a stone dragon spear that Ed had transmuted with alchemy, Jack had successfully formed three solid stone daggers from out of the ground, all clasped in between the gaps of his skeletal fingers.

Jack then thought to himself. 'These makeshift stone daggers would do so for now. They don't really need to be extremely sharp, but all they have to do is to be able to cut and slice through the slight touch skin of a goblin.'

'Since the stone daggers are easily replenishable; transmuting the dirt and ground in which I walk on into stone, and then compress the stone together until it forms the shape of a stone dagger. The blood of the goblins won't be able to dull the stone blade as it is not made of metal, but it tends to chip a lot under a strong enough blunt force.' Jack thought, as he then stores the three stone daggers within the pocket of his tight pants.

It didn't take long for the two Jack and the Undead Skeleton Chicken who is constantly flying in the air to arrive at their designated destination, the Goblin Dungeon. Which is exactly the place that is drawn upon the old cartography map.

Jack then immediately activated his detection ability, which is by sending outwards a strong pulse of magical power from withinside his body. And whenever the strong pulse of magical power would then come into contact with another, it would then produce a reaction similar to a sonar radar.

Only living creatures, beings that are made of mana, and crystalised mana would constantly give off magical power.

[ You have learned the Advance Mana Utilisation Skill [Magic Detection].]

'According to my magic detection skill. There are roughly over a hundred goblins on the first floor of the dungeon. And about 5, 6, 7 goblins within each dungeon room. So they are quite widespread out within the dungeon.' Jack thought so to himself, whilst analysing the entirety of the Goblin Dungeon's first floor.

Although Jack doesn't actually have eyeballs for eyes, he can still see about 180 degrees in front of him, but he can also sometimes detect the presence of another being who is approaching from behind.

Jack then thought so to himself. 'Someone's bat familiar has been following me constantly ever since I've left the manor and came here. It's not that strange for them to be slightly untrustworthy of me since I'm a newcomer, but they are properly trying to keep me under wraps and from escaping since I'm a potentially great asset that which they don't want to lose.'

"Let's go." Jack spoke to the Undead Skeleton Chicken who is currently in midair, as he then enters the first dungeon room of the Goblin dungeon.

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