《LitRPG: The Rising Tale of an Undead Skeleton And His Master》Volume 1 Chapter 13: The 1st Dungeon Floor Goblin Massacre pt.1


So the moment that Jack had step foot into the first dungeon room on the 1st floor of the Goblin Dungeon, all of the surrounding goblins upon the first dungeon room then immediately began to take notice of his presence. They all then stopped whatever they were doing and turned their heads over towards his particular direction.

If Jack were to have actual functional lips and skin for facial expressions; he would undoubted pulls his lips back in to reveal a devilish smile in an absolutely mocking manner, whilst drawing his right hand out to taunt the goblins of the first floor.

"Come here," Jack spoke so arrogantly, whilst looking down on the five goblins that are currently in front of him, and steadily projecting his voice with mana. So that everyone within the room could hear him.

'There are currently five goblins within the first room of the Goblin Dungeon. One goblin is armed with a large enough tree branch. Two goblins are armed with makeshift stone daggers. And the last two goblins are carrying around a bow and quiver. They are quite armed considering that they are just literal goblins. Pea size monsters easily for the killing.' Jack thought so to himself, whilst he is mentally prepared for what he is about to do, as his right hand is currently hovering over the handle of the stone dagger within his right pants pocket.

Upon seeing Jack steadily taunting them by motioning his right hand to 'come over here.' The five goblins within the facility of the dungeon room then immediately became enraged.

The one goblin that is holding a tree branch as a club and utilizing it as a weapon then shouted. "Get him! Kill the Damn Freaking Annoying Skeleton!"

The two goblins are currently armed with a makeshift stone dagger, adhering to the other goblin's precise orders. They both began to steadily charge towards Jack's current location, with their makeshift stone daggers out, in an attempt to stab him with a makeshift stone dagger.

However, Jack was then immediately able to outsmart the pewny size goblins, as his arms are about twice the length of an average goblin. Since his Undead Skeleton body is based upon an average adult male's size, the goblin is only about the size of a preadolescence child. Jack's skeleton body was strengthened to the maxed with his overpowered vast amounts of magical power.


So when the two goblins that are armed with a makeshift stone dagger then near him. Jack's Undead Skeleton body then immediately reacted, as his long outstretched left skeletal hand then reaches outward, and then grabs the throat of a nearby incoming goblin. The pointy tip of his left-hand finger bones then steadily digs deeper into the skin that surrounds the goblin's throat, tightening his grip around the goblin's throat, like a vice grip.

And seconds later, without even showcasing an ounce of emotion or much less care for the repercussions of his actions, Jack then rips out a big portion of the goblin's throat that was caught within his vice-like grip.

At the same time, as the second armed goblin had neared him, near inches away, Jack then immediately draws the stone dagger that he placed within his right pants pocket. In quick succession, the stone dagger within his right skeletal hand then draws an arc within the air, as it then quickly slashes the throat of the second goblin.

And within seconds, Jack has managed to successfully kill two armed goblins, with his own hands. Thereby garnering him enough experience points to level up.

The goblin on the left-hand side of him, quickly bled itself to death, having its entire throat being ripped off by Jack's supernatural strength. Whilst, on the other hand, the goblin on the right had its throat being slit by Jack's stone dagger. So it was slowly being bled to death in the same way as the first goblin that attempted to attack Jack.

[ You have successfully killed an Lv.3 Goblin! 176 experience points have been gained!]

[ Enough experience points have been gathered! You have thereby levelled up and become Level 2! All stats attributes have been increased!]

[You have acquired 3 Unallocated Stats Points!]

[ You have successfully killed an Lv.4 Goblin! 202 experience points have been gained!]

[ Enough experience points have been gathered! You have thereby levelled up and become Level 4! All stats attributes have been increased!]

[You have acquired 6 Unallocated Stats Points!]

Jack quickly skim through the contents of the system notification, as a light smile then appears upon his nonexistent face. Jack then thought to himself, smugly, 'I've managed to gain myself 3 overall levels after just killing two measly little goblins. Not bad if I do say so myself.'


The two goblin archers in the back, who are long-ranged attackers, were quite horrified seeing their comrades being killed right before their very eyes. It all happened within an instance, the moment that they all then decided to attack the lone Undead Skeleton, who unknowingly wandered into the Goblin Dungeon by accident.

The two goblin archers in the back then quickly readied their bows, with a feathered stone-tipped arrow, and steadily aims it towards Jack's particular direction, intending to shoot the feathered stone-tipped arrow at him.

Jack had already anticipated the two goblin archers in the back would have already begun to aim and shoot at him with their bows in retaliation. So he then immediately grabs the deceased goblin with his left skeletal hand, who he tore out its own throat out with his bare skeleton hands. And utilizing it as a meat shield to block the incoming feather stone-tipped arrows that are being fired from the two goblin archer's bows.

The feather stone-tipped arrows fired from a bow by the two goblin archers in the back would undoubtedly hit the deceased goblin's corpse that is being held within Jack's left skeletal hand by the neck.

The sharp tip of the feather stone-tipped arrow had actually punctured through the skin of the deceased goblin meat shield. Having dug a couple of inches deep into the deceased goblin's back and the flesh underneath its skin, but since Jack is an Undead Skeleton. He is naturally somewhat physically resistant to physical types of attacks, such as piercing and slash type physical attacks. So long as the physical damage doesn't far exceeds the durability of his bone cartilage hardness.

'It is better safe to minimise the amount of damage incurred to my weak Undead Skeleton body than rather accumulated a large amount of battle damage as I tried to conquer this dungeon floor.' Jack thought so to himself.

During the time that it took for the two goblin archers in the backline to fire a single feather stone-tipped arrow from their bows. The one goblin that is wielding a tree branch like a club has already arrived right in front of Jack, as it readily swung the large tree branch at Jack's figure.

The large tree branch then struct Jack's right shoulder bone, without causing that much damage, because of Jack's mana strengthening ability which somehow reinforces the exterior defence of Jack's skeletal bone.

However, Jack's clean white long shirt was slightly dirtied by the goblin's wooden club, as it thereby causes his right shoulder to slouch down a bit because of the slight pressure that is applied on top of it.

Without a second of thought, Jack then retaliated, as his right skeletal hand was still holding onto the stone dagger. He then immediately stabs the goblin that struct him with a tree branch in the gut, with his stone dagger. The stabbed goblin then immediately felt a strong excruciating amount of pain arising from its stomach, as it then unconsciously let go of the tree branch that it was held within its own hands.

After disarming the goblin that is wielding the tree branch like a club, Jack's line of sight then shifted from the stabbed goblin towards the two goblin archer's in the backline.

The two goblin archers in the backline were steadily panicking as they then hurriedly try to arm their bow with another feather stone-tipped arrow. 'The two goblin archers are taking their damn time trying to ready themself as they see their comrades being quickly slaughter right before their very eyes.' Jack thought to himself.

It normally takes a couple of seconds for a very experienced archer to quickly arm their bow with a feathered arrow, and then steadily aim their bow, and shoot the feathered arrow. However, the two goblin archers weren't at all experts.

Their hands were constantly shaking, out in fear and fright, which somehow disrupts their aim a bit. It also causes them to take a lot longer to arm their bow with.

Seeing the fearful look within the goblin archer's eyes as they tried their best to fight back against their natural fears of Jack himself. Jack then takes his second stone dagger out from his right pants pocket and then throws the stone dagger at the one goblin archer who is the fastest and is about to shoot the feather stone-tipped arrow.

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