《Just a Simple Guy》7 - A burning ring of fire


Well shit, everything is on fire now. What to do? What could he do EVERYTHING IS ON FIRE.

The laser that the moon goblin shot off had caught a large portion of the grasslands on fire causing it to leap over the road and catch the other side on fire which was just fantastic because that's exactly what he needed right then.

Now the magic police force was going to come and lock him up for arson what was he going to do he didn't have a lawyer and Salim was pretty sure the only trial they could give him was with a noose. It was medieval times after all.

Touch of Frost leveled up five times probably from the extended use of it compared to before where it was sort of just in a burst.

But what was he going to do now that the whole world looked like it was going to hell?

Leave. When in trouble leaving the scene and if they talk to you about it make up an alibi. He was not going to be caught dead in the middle of this.

Moving the now rapidly heating up body of the moon goblin Salim began to walk back to the road and keep on moving.

Feeling the heat pressed up against him and the smoke in the air Salim slowed down and began crawling if just to avoid getting lung cancer early in life. Still, it was really hot.

Wait he did have a skill for that! Cold Body which seemed pretty damn useless until now. About time it earned its place in the “useful” skill tier list.

Cranking the skill up he immediately felt relief as a nice cool feeling settled in his chest and spread outward. The drain wasn’t so bad only twenty for a full minute at max efficiency which would go down as he leveled up and if it really got so bad he could start munching on the leaves he collected on his little observation trip.


Once he reached a point where the smoke had thinned out Salim stood to full height before pulling a full-on sprint bursting away from the area.

Run and Hide may have activated from his fear of a powerful figure coming to find out what was going on and spotting him boosting his bailing abilities to ridiculous proportions. A blur flew through the underbrush pushing past any and all things to simply get away from the blaze it left behind.

After a minute of running, Salim had to slow down for fear of upchucking the shit grass he had yet to defecate out of himself.

Pausing to look back at the burning grass behind him the extent of his powers hit him. He was already stronger than a human could ever be. Able to run all out for a full minute going just about a mile in that amount of time he was essentially hitting sixty miles per hour with his sprint. Crazy stuff he never could do normally he was now able to accomplish with a bit of effort. Ehh more than a little bit of effort as he was now bent over feeling like the world had decided to crush his lungs.

Gathering whatever he could into his lungs Salim stood back up to full height looking around at his surroundings.

Taking in more grass and bushes Salim spied a singular tree sitting out in a clearing a ways off the path he had followed. As the moon still shone brightly Salim thought it would be a good place to rest until morning.

The tree was rather thin compared to the trees in the forest he had left and the base seemed to branch off before it touched the ground creating an interesting mesh above the dirt. The branches above where sparse on leaves but still provided a bit of shade for when the day came. Overall Salim would rate this tree seven out of ten for optimal placement and rest spot but a little lacking when it came to leaves.


Lying his head against the base of the tree Salim fit his body into one of the groves of the roots. Drifting off to sleep Salim began thinking about all of the people he was going to meet and talk to once he actually found civilization.

Waking up Salim was met with a rather confusing sight. He couldn’t see anything.

It was more like he had a bag over his head as Salim tried struggling and found ropes tied around his arms and feet. Well, this certainly wasn’t good.

Realizing the sort of situation he was in Salim stopped struggling and began listening for any noise that would pertain to his kidnappers.

Salim could tell he was in a cart yet he heard nothing else but the jostling of the cart as the axels sped over the old earth and the clopping of horse hooves.

Squirming till he felt the corner of a cart Salim bounced into it cracking his head on the wood of the cart. Wincing in pain Salim moved his head once more up to the corner slipping the edge of the sack over the corner of the cart. Salim pulled his head backward in an effort to get the sack to slip off.

He succeeded to some degree getting the sack up over his mouth allowing him to breathe properly without being suffocated by his own breath. Damn, he needed some mints.

Trying again Salim succeeded in getting the bag off his face cutting his face in the process. The gash went from the top of his lip to the bottom of his nose causing blood to fall freely with him being unable to do anything about it.

The blood spilled into his mouth causing him to spit it over the side of the cart. First hands then he would deal with the captors.

The ropes around his other appendages were actually rather thin to be tying someone up with and simply bracing himself between the edge placing his hands on the other side with a simple push he was able to free his hands due to his newfound strength.

Quickly looking around for his captors Salim struggled with the ropes around his feet at the same time but was finding himself unable to find anyone as his eyes scanned the surrounding area.

The single horse pulling the cart seemed to be walking on its own down the road without any instruction. However he had a pressing feeling the person or thing he was looking for was right behind him sort of the same feeling one would get while watching a horror movie.

With a flurry, Salim turned around only to hear rattle and flap of clothes flying through the wind next to his ear. The sound taunted him almost as if it was telling him he was close but not quite.

Now Salim knew something was fucking with him diving right out of his sight right as he tur-

And with a sudden bustle of movements, Salim was met in the face with a wooden staff.

Well, that was certainly going to hurt when he woke up.

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