《Just a Simple Guy》6 - Free Faaaaaalling



That certainly looked like ground…

That is probably ground.

Well hurtling at terminal velocity to an inevitable end could certainly be worse right? Salim knew that people have survived falling at speeds like this with a normal human body so he could be alright. Maybe…

Probably not.

Did he have any skills that could help him?

Well not really. Elemental Endurance had levelled up seven times simply because of the sheer cold and whiplash from the wind. It now just kinda felt like a strong gust and a falling sensation in his gut.

Which was cool he guessed but not very helpful in the grand scheme of things when he had a high likelihood of landing and becoming mush on the pavement instantly.

Wait was there even pavement in this world? Maybe like; magical pavement.

From his rather high vantage point Salim looked around at the world below. Forests and grasslands spread out below. He guessed he had landed in a rather temperate region of this world.

It was a beautiful sight Salim would love to stare at for hours. If he wasn’t currently falling like a star to the surface of this new world.

There was one skill that Salim paused at. The new skill Energy Creation. Although a little vague it described itself as being able to manifest itself in any shape or being the user desired.

That's not exactly what Salim would think of when he heard the words “Energy Creation” but he wouldn't be picky right now. Yes time to not die right now.

Prompting the use of the skill with his mind Salim was met with an odd inclination of what he needed to make the skill do.

How would he stop his fall… Parachute. Yes a parachute would be perfect but he didn’t know how to make one. Fuck it.

Salim began imagining a parachute slowing down his fall and as the image spread through his mind a strong tug in the physical world brought Salim back to his senses.


Having closed his eyes to think Salim opened them to see. Nothing. He was just falling slower. This had to be the most handicap skill he had ever used and outright unfair. All he really had to do was imagine himself being stronger and he would be? Fuck him that was broken.

But with the immediate issue dealt with Salim was able to look out upon the land and observe it more in detail.

Crisp looking green trees spread all over the land covering a large portion of his landing area. Grasslands occupied the rest of the territory small shrubs and tall grass covered the land along with. A road! Roads mean civilisation! Haha He's no longer going to be stuck talking to himself anymore!

Despite the inner happiness of Salim it did not assist in his landing. Roughly hitting a branch and collapsing onto the ground getting dirt all in his clothes.

Great now he looked like a ruffian too. Salim’s dreams of talking civilly with another civilised creature where getting quickly dashed.

Gaining a level in Elemental Resistance simply from the landing Salim pushed himself up while brushing his clothes off. What was that resistance to dirt? It didn’t really matter as Salim used the sun to track his way out of the forest and to the road.

It was a rather basic road altogether just a dirt path that was worn enough to be considered a road and not a trail. Not knowing which direction he should really go Salim decided to flip an imaginary coin which told him to go fuck himself because he was indecisive bastard.

Deciding to just take a direction and stick with it Salim did just that. Moving along the dirt road he kicked some rocks in front of him out of boredom. This was going to take a while wasn’t it.


Salim began observing things as he passed them looking at all the shrubs, grasses, and occasional bug. He picked some leaves off of shrubs if they had any health or otherwise regeneration bonuses.

Managing to get his observation up to level seventeen he began to stagnate. There was nothing new as grasslands are generally boring places. It was not the same as trying to identify something that was out of his level so observation stopped growing around the time he had caught sight of a rather pretty looking grasshopper.

Night began to descend on the grassland as Salim looked up for the first time in this no world at the moon. Or more specifically moons.

Two moons rose hovering in the sky offering an ethereal glow to the grasslands pure white shining over dried grass and shrubs. An almost magical feeling encapsulated Salim along with his perspective of this wondrous land. He loved this sort of stuff the most and it had been so long since he had felt this sort of childlike wonder.

A sudden flash in the middle of the grass a couple yards off of the road burst into life and out stepped a strange looking creature.

Goblin Moon Mage Lv. 25

A creature originating from the moon a rare magical phenomenon can sometimes happen where a teleportation spell can be altered by the moons power and they end up on Earn

The identity of this creature answered his coming questions but also gave him more.

The Goblin looked around in what appeared to be surprised screeching and sucking in air. It was a rather odd combination that was probably its language.

Surprised and Confused the goblin mage looked around spotting Salim and screeched at him probably calling him out as the thing that had made this happen.

Salim put his hands up in a surrender gesture trying to show he was just as confused and startled as it was. Not that it really mattered Salim probably looked like an unintelligent monster inhabitant to it.

Still screeching the Goblin began to form red light in its hands and Salim realized it was probably a good idea to get the fuck out of the way.

Moving deftly to the left he began to sprint towards the Goblin. Salim wasn’t sure how well this was going to work out for him he didn’t really have experience fighting things.

Not that it mattered anyway because the Goblin finally released his light causing a large beam of red to streak past him and utterly obliterate the grass behind him setting the other bits on fire.

Now that Salim was up next to the Goblin their height distance was really noticeable but Salim couldn't let himself make a mistake because he was distracted.

Diving in headfirst football style Salim tackled the Goblin to the ground. Both of them breathing heavily the Goblin tried to bite Salim in the hand with its misaligned teeth.

Thinking quickly and doing the one thing that had saved his ass previously he activated Touch of Frost and clamped his hand around the Goblins throat ringing it as his hand froze the small creature to death.

The Goblin tried clawing at Salim’s hand but it was all for naught as Salim picked it up and slammed it back into the ground.

Finally after what felt like a long wait Salim cut off the power flowing to his hand and he relinquished the limp Goblin and tried to assuage his breathing.

Damn that was certainly a trip.

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