《Just a Simple Guy》5 - A burning feeling inside my bones


The pain was just as excruciating as it had always been. If you multiply that pain by tenfold.

Salim’s whole body twitched folding in on itself and expanding outward filling out his look increasing his size to fit the new muscle mass added to body.

Maybe it was due to his newest addition to Unbreakable Will but Salim was unable to find solace from the pain through rest. Twitching and warping he felt every change his body went through and experienced it in full.

Once the changes had gone through Salim was able to push himself up and relax on the strength of his new arms. The feeling of which was very off putting as he didn’t feel the weight of his body.

But that didn't really matter as there was more progressive things to get done.

You have earned the “Boss Killer (++++)” Achievement for slaying a boss class monster hundreds of levels higher than you.

+5 To all stats +Skill: Damage over Time

The boost to all stats was a good little suprise but Damage over Time seemed to be the real prize. It wasn’t a move which slowly damaged a target over time but the longer a fight dragged out the higher Salim’s damage output would increase. This was extremely helpful in the long term and would certainly be a key component in his build.

But that wasn’t all of course not why would it?

You have earned the “Null Creature” Achievement for being blessed by both the god of Purity and Order as well as the god of Corruption and Chaos making either energy null and any skills related to such unusable.

+Null Purity +Null Corruption +Skill: Energy Creation

All of the raw energy of corruption and purity has been transformed into a genderless power within your body. It is up to you to figure out its uses.

Well, that was certainly interesting… Not unexpected really because of the skills and such he received earlier but it was an interesting prospect of how he could harness this “genderless energy.”


But the really cheap part was that he got away with getting ton of stats and looking none the worse for wear. He was not stuck with being corrupted and he didn’t have to be part of the other gods plans as well.

Well… now that he actually thought about it he seriously doubted he escaped anyone's plans. It probably just made him fair game for any higher being to mess with him.

But it fails to apply right here right now so Salim was just going to keep rolling with it. The shock and awe of being in this new place with so many insane things happening hadn't really caught up to him yet. He was completely fine with ignoring it and leaving it in the dust.

So for a while Salim closed his eyes to wait out the magica deprivation and ended up falling into a light sleep.

Nothing happened while he was in his sleep except that he was made aware of his not so unconscious yearning for some food other than shit grass. Wait… Shit grass.

Opening his eyes Salim observed the grass and the proof was in front of him.

Corrupted Sky Grass Lv. 52 Material

Sky grass that has been corrupted due to long term exposure to a cursed being. Slowly dying.

Consumption Gain: +15 HP +25 MP +Null Corruption

He could easily recover from magica deprivation with this!

Closing his eyes Salim grasped some grass from the ground and began shoveling it into his mouth. God, it tasted awful and he really just wanted to puke the stuff out. But he could feel it working, moving through his body and giving him strength.

Moving his body around Salim began to stretch working out all the sores that seemed to cover his entire body.

Trying to distract himself he decided to look over anything he missed.

Name: Salim Douglas

Level: 10

XP: 0%

Class: Available!

Health (Regen): 280 (120)

Magica (Regen): 225 (80)

Stamina (Regen): 320 (120)

Vitality: 40

Strength: 40

Endurance: 40


Agility: 65

Perception: 51

Intelligence: 45

Wisdom: 40

Energy: 690

Stat Points: 0

Those were some beefed up looking stats compared to what he had before. It also seemed that his corruption had changed to energy which made sense but was weird that he got to keep all of it due to how cheaply he obtained the corruption stat.

Hmm… It seemed that he couldn't obtain anymore Xp due to being level ten so he might as well select a class.

The text of the class icon began to glow and seemed to come alive as Salim watched it swirled around him spinning faster and faster until Salim was in a world of light and dark.

Out of this strange black and white world letters clear as day yet not defined in a single color came out of the background.

Choose one for it will decide your fate.

A rather interesting and ominous word choice but not enough to bother him as Salim pressed on.

Mediator, Enduring Soldier, Supreme Assassin, Wizard of Frost, Divine Youth, The in Between, The Undefeatable.

There was quite a lot of options and so many of them seemed interesting but definitely not equal to each other. What did he want to be? While Enduring Soldier and Supreme Assassin seemed cool they definitely did not equal to the others so he eliminated them from the selection.

He never liked being a wizard so he crossed that off. He didn't like the idea of being a god either. As much as it seemed a great way to power it just screamed responsibilities that he did not want to deal with.

Mediator and The in Between seemed to be two different paths of being chosen by the two gods. He didn’t want to cause any more trouble with the gods. At least for now when he was this weak. He had no doubt that they could crush him in seconds if they wished.

So with the selection with Salim chose The Undefeatable.

The Undefeatable

Class Ranking: (++++)

A warrior grown in perilous conflict forged in battle and hardened by the creature he faces. Able to defeat opponents much stronger and skilled than himself through dedication and raw power.

Every 10 levels a skill will be gained.

Class will evolve once more at level 50.

+10 Vitality +5 Strength +5 Endurance +10 Stat Points +Skill: Challenge

Information flew through Salim’s head as a symbol appeared in front of him. It was in the shape of a human face without any features. No nose or ears to speak of.

The symbol pressed down a burrowed into his skin right over his heart making an imprint that looked similar to a birthmark.

The symbol felt familiar… It was him or more like a representation of him. It was his identity he decided on as the black and white world began to tremble.

Cracks began forming around him spreading from the top of his vision and going downward slowly breaking apart the world that had formed around him. Each crack glowed with an indescribably familiar power similar to the mark he had just received.

And then the world burst apart and light filled his vision and destroyed his eyes.

Salim fell to the ground in pain wincing and covering his eyes as they slowly adjusted to the lighting around him. It was the same domed disk with grass everywhere with a green hole smack dab in the middle.

The grass was quickly wilting though… It seemed as though the energy had been taken out of them causing the grass to lose color becoming a dank brown.

It was time to leave this place anyway and the dying grass just reassured him of his thoughts.

Trying to steady himself upright Salim began his slow shuffle to the green hole moving faster the closer he got to it. And with an unceremonious plop Salim lost his footing and fell into the floating green hole.

Why did he always fuck stuff up like this?

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