《Just a Simple Guy》4 - Becoming a live warhead


An immense feeling of power began to fill Salim and an almost purple glow began to shine through his skin.

He could conquer the world! No one would be able to stop him! He would rule sup- Ack!

Blood began to slip out of his mouth as he started choking on the fluid which had filled his mouth.

Well it probably wasn’t a good idea to be bragging and all that when he would probably due to the energy that was making him feel so pompous.

Salim steeled himself and began thinking of something that would help his situation. He couldn't really think due to the blood in his mouth and the whisperings in his ears, however.

He looked at the warning again and had an epiphany. Besides the arrogant tones it splayed out in text form he needed to get rid of this energy or he would be obliterated.

A grin lit up his face and he would have chuckled if he could.

It was simple and surprisingly stupid if this was the solution to such a complicated issue. He didn't really have any other choice though. He didn't have a lot of choice in anything he seemed to do since he came to this place.

With no more time to really think Salim began sprinting towards Balurm who had surprisingly not reacted during this whole ordeal.

Arriving in only a matter of what felt like moments he ignited his hand with Touch of Frost and just straight at Balurm screaming in pain as he felt all of this energy flow through him into a single output.

Slamming into Balurm with the force of what seemed like a thousand suns his fingers punched into the flesh with some new found strength of corruption.

The reaction was immediate. The gleaming hand of bluish purple light pushed through the flesh like it was nothing and began to push the light into Balurm turning the flesh a sickly blue as the status effect began to take a stronger grip on the blob.


Salim grinning like a maniac began to feel weak. The energy was leaving him as he truly was nowhere near strong enough to use the energy.

Thinking quickly with his hand still inside Balurn, Salim began shoveling the grass inside his mouth.

It tasted utterly awful but he could feel the energy growing again so it did work. Unfortunately, though his consciousness was fading and he could tell. He roughly struggled to stay awake but if he was going to pass out he was going to go out with a bang.

Quickly trying to intensify the thought of using the energy in his hand the purplish blue light turned into a bright star shining through the body of Balurn piercing the beast as it let out one final writhing motion of pain.

Salim was falling.

And falling.

And falling some more.

Overall it was a rather boring process of events. He was at least realized that this whole thing was a dream or something he distinctly remembered all that happened before. He was in pain and decided to do something…

Huh, maybe he didn't really know what happened. It didn't really matter at this point in time.

There was a subtle whisper emanating from his surroundings. It spoke to him telling him he could gain immense power if he just accepted the corruption.

Salim never really had this much power as he had before he was taken to the land and he didn’t really need extra power.

The voices seemed to get agitated when he thought that and their incessant whispers began to grow louder and in larger number.

He began to make out something underneath him and as he squinted it began to become more clear way faster than he was comfortable with.

Suddenly a white plateau came out of the darkness underneath him as he slammed into it.

Not feeling the pain associated with hitting a large object at high-velocity Salim got up and looked around observing this strange place of complete white and dark.

Footsteps sounded behind him resounding in this strange open yet cramped space.


Salim whirled around to face the footsteps only to find emptiness. Like there was an absence of everything there. What seemed to be a figure of negatives not light or dark standing there.

It was hard to understand what he was looking at. The creature seemed to be such a contradiction that it could not be fully described in words.

Both Salim and the creature stared at each other for an unknown amount of time.

In this dark void on a white plateau, they stared at each other.





The loud blares of the system screamed over the silence that had rained between the two figures. They both looked between themselves before walking forward meeting in the middle.

With the meeting, they both walked forward into the other one and joined.

Salim’s head was absolutely pounding. It felt as though someone had taken a sledgehammer and straight slammed the handle through his head. Otherwise known as not having a good time.

He had no idea what was happening; he heard the system blaring in his ears and felt things around him.

Wincing and adjusting his eyes to the light Salim slowly cracked his eyes open looking around.

Congratulations! You have just slain Balurm the Greedy cursed king of Abarom!

+Exp! +2000 Gp! +Skill Crystal Rarity (+++++)!

The god of corruption and chaos looks down on you with curiosity giving you a blessing.

+Skill Corrupt Empowerment

The god of purity and order looks down at you with pity and kindness for slaying the beast giving you a blessing.

+Skill Bulwark of Purity

Due to receiving two high-level skills of opposing aura at the same time fusion has occurred.

-Skill Corrupt Empowerment -Skill Bulwark of Purity

+Skill Infused Empowerment +Skill Unbreakable Will

You have gained multiple achievements check them by thinking “Achievements” to receive your reward!

Level up! You have leveled up 9 times!

+90 Stat Points

Xp has been halted until a class is chosen. Gaining Xp is impossible until the class is chosen. To choose class simply go to the status menu and select class.

Salim just sat in bewilderment taking it all in. Too much had happened and his headache was coming back full force.

Choosing to take it in stride Salim looked at the grassy disk he was laying on.

Balurm was gone and in his place a ring of moving colors mainly green that seemed to be calling to him. Unfortunately, Salim was once again paralyzed for the third time in who knows how long.

Wanting to make the best of his situation Salim decided to look at his stat page. He wanted to hold back from going through the achievements just yet.

Name: Salim Douglas

Level: 10

XP: 0%

Class: N/A

Health (Regen): 46/203 (87)

Magica (Regen): 0/100 (50)

Stamina (Regen): 170/280 (105)

Vitality: 29

Strength: 24

Endurance: 35

Agility: 30

Perception: 33

Intelligence: 20

Wisdom: 25

Corruption: 690

Stat Points: 90

His stat total had jumped by a ridiculous amount as well as his corruption levels… That was certainly not good but he should be fine for now? The notifications about the god of purity or whatnot made him feel like he wasn't going to die just yet…

Might as well start dumping points into stats but what did he want to be? Most of the time in games like this he was a stealthy character but that was more because of the lack of options for fast characters.

So he decided he would dump a large amount into agility some in perception and intelligence so he could actually tell what was going on as well as even his other stats up to intervals of five just to keep the other stats from lagging too far behind.

And with the hunger of a man possessed Salim dumped his stat points to become more powerful.

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